With the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship, and more than 25 scholarships, grants, and college financial aid programs available, there are options for every New Mexican to pursue higher education without having to worry about the cost of tuition and fees. Explore below to learn more!
Sandia National Laboratories
4100 National Parks Hwy, Carlsbad, NM 88220Why Albuquerque, New Mexico, Is the Most Exotic American Big City
Public-private partnerships, or P3s, are partnerships between governments and the private sector to build public infrastructure like roads, hospitals or schools, or to deliver services. Unlike traditional procurement, the public sector integrates all parts of a P3 project into one contract.
Seed money
Automated sequence design of 2D wireframe DNA origami with honeycomb edges
cadnano simplifies and enhances the process of designing three-dimensional DNA origami nanostructures.
The Beauty and Utility of DNA Origami
Molecular cloning
Docking (molecular)
Protein dynamics
Global flexibility: multiple domains
RNA polymerase
DNA polymerase
National Nanotechnology Initiative
Conductive polymer
Degree of a polynomial
Polymer physics
Degree of Polymerisation
where α is the degree of polymerisation, Qtotal and S are total and instantaneous values of heat generated, respectively.
Modular origami
Map folding
Borromean rings
Lill's method
Envelope (mathematics)
Envelope of a family of curves
Eccentricity (mathematics)
Cardioid of Texas
Quantum stirring, ratchets, and pumping
Time complexity
Quasilinear time
Polylogarithmic time
Oracle machine
NP (complexity)
Polynomial time
Space complexity
Our universe may have a twin that runs backward in time
An anti-universe running backwards in time could explain dark matter and cosmic inflation.
How Did Inflation Happen — and Why Do We Care?
Economic bubble
Conic section
Tangents to Hyperbolas
Planar graph
Planarity criteria
Kuratowski's and Wagner's theorems
Rotation around a fixed axis
5 Stages of A Bubble
Axiomatic foundations of topological spaces
Deductive systems and completeness
Reduction (mathematics)
Primitive part–content factorization
Primitive part and content
Primitive data type
Quantum logic gate
Identity gate
Pauli gates (X,Y,Z)
Boolean operations on polygons
Pondering the Bits That Build Space-Time and Brains
Demonstration of multi-qubit entanglement and algorithms on a
programmable neutral atom quantum computer
Going Beyond Quadratic Polynomials
Quartic function
Quartic equation
Unfolding the Quartic Oscillator
Eric Delabaere and Frede ric Pham
Differential topology
Degrees of freedom (statistics)
Origami and Partial
Differential Equations
Bernard Dacorogna, Paolo Marcellini, and Emanuele Paolini
Surface (mathematics)
Dirichlet problem
What Are Degrees of Freedom?
(or congruence, or congruent transformation)
Beta sheet
What protein structure has pleated sheets?
Constructing Large 2D Lattices Out of DNA-Tiles
Johannes M. Parikka, Karolina Sokołowska, Nemanja Markeševi ́c and J. Jussi Toppari *
Fibrifold a fibroblast with Cure CMD and the reticular fibers!
Positive-strand RNA virus
Understanding enzyme cascades key to understanding metabolism
Degrees of freedom
Dirichlet boundary condition
Riemann sphere
The Riemann Sphere is a fantastic glimpse of where geometry can take you when you escape from the constraints of Euclidean Geometry – the geometry of circles and lines taught at school. Riemann, the German 19th Century mathematician, devised a way of representing every point on a plane as a point on a sphere.Symmetric space
Focus (geometry)
In mathematics, a directrix is a curve associated with a process generating a geometric object, such as:
Critical point (mathematics)
Magnesium ions reversibly bind to DNA double stranded helix in thin films
Solution in radicals
Pythagorean theorem
Quadratic equation
Quartic equation
Ferrari's solution
- Ray (geometry), half of a line proceeding from an initial point
- Ray (graph theory), an infinite sequence of vertices such that each vertex appears at most once in the sequence and each two consecutive vertices in the sequence are the two endpoints of an edge in the graph
- Ray (optics), an idealized narrow beam of light
- Ray (quantum theory), an equivalence class of state-vectors representing the same state
nth root
Vertex (geometry)
Vortex types
Quantum vortex
Huzita–Hatori axioms
Beloch fold
Path (graph theory)
Maze-solving algorithm
Longest path problem
Approximation algorithm
From DNA Tiles to Functional DNA Materials
Nanoplasmonics: past, present, and glimpse into future
Multilayer DNA Origami Packed on Hexagonal and Hybrid Lattices
Yonggang Ke,† Niels V. Voigt,‡ Kurt V. Gothelf,‡ and William M. Shih*,
Distance Learning
The Beauty and Utility of DNA Origami
Pengfei Wang,1,2 Travis A. Meyer,1,2 Victor Pan,1 Palash K. Dutta,1 and Yonggang Ke
Chemical space
Johnson's algorithm
Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a large particle, giving rise to an internal compartment called the phagosome. It is one type of endocytosis. A cell that performs phagocytosis is called a phagocyte.Cloning vector
Vector (molecular biology)
A vector is any vehicle, often a virus or a plasmid that is used to ferry a desired DNA sequence into a host cell as part of a molecular cloning procedure. Depending on the purpose of the cloning procedure, the vector may assist in multiplying, isolating, or expressing the foreign DNA insertNeurotoxin
Zeb Rocklin
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bacterial soundtracks revealed by graphene membrane
Biological objects, units of selection and character decomposition
Magic Methods
Using Magic Methods In Our Class Design
Defining custom magics
Magic (programming)
Introducing IPython
Magik (programming language)
Everything we need to know about magic methods, which are not so magical.
Data model¶
3.1. Objects, values and types
Dunder or magic methods in Python
Also called Magic Methods, Dunder Methods are necessary to understand Python
Elastic modulus
Laminar organization
Cerebral cortex
Layers of neocortex
Multilayer perceptron
Activation function
Layer (deep learning)
Differences with layers of the neocortex
Abstraction layer
Mathematics of paper folding
The side of a square can be divided at an arbitrary rational fraction in a variety of ways. Haga's theorems say that a particular set of constructions can be used for such divisions. Surprisingly few folds are necessary to generate large odd fractionsScalar field
Philosophy of mathematics
The Application of Origami to the Design of Lamina Emergent Mechanisms (LEMs) with Extensions to Collapsible, Compliant Mechanisms (LEMs) with Extensions to Collapsible, Compliant and Flat-Folding Mechanismsand Flat-Folding Mechanisms
Holly Greenberg
Lamina emergent mechanism (LEM)
Lattice protein
Tethered Membrane Architectures—Design and Applications
P. Di Francesco
E. Guitter,
Polygon triangulation
Rigid transformation
B Corporation (certification)
Rapid prototyping of arbitrary 2D and 3D wireframe DNA origami
How to Fold a Manifold
J. Scott Carter
University of South Alabama
Rigid foldability is NP-hard
Construction of regular polygons
Constructing a regular polygon with n sides is the same as dividing a circle into n equal parts, and this is the same as finding Cos(2π/n) or Sin(2π/n)
Miura fold
Method (computer programming)
Programmable matter
- Acoustic metamaterial
Branch point
- Mechanical metamaterial
- Metamaterial have a negative Poisson Ratio
Poisson boundary
- Parallelogon
Direct-tuning methods for
semiconductor metamaterials
Li Min1,5* , Wenjin Wang1 , Lirong Huang2 ,Yonghong Ling2 , Tongjun Liu2 , Jing Liu3 ,
chaoming Luo3 & QingdongZeng - Scalar field theory
- Vector boson
- Vector-valued function
- Zetix, a type of commercially manufactured auxetic material
Mie Resonance Based All-Dielectric Metamaterials at Optical Frequencies
Parikshit Moitra
Schottky barrier
Link (knot theory)
Napkin folding problem
Regular paperfolding sequence
Diagonal method
Golden ratio
Business plan
Multiresolution Imaging Using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer Identifies Distinct Biodistribution Profiles of Extracellular Vesicles and Exomeres with Redirected Tropism
Dihedral angle
Angle trisection
Algebraic stack
Any-angle path planning
A* search algorithm
Vesicle (biology and chemistry)
Protein tertiary structure
A Peptides Prediction Methodology for Tertiary Structure Based on Simulated Annealing
Juan P. Sánchez-Hernández 1,† , Juan Frausto-Solís 2,*,† , Juan J. González-Barbosa 2 ,
Diego A. Soto-Monterrubio 2, Fanny G. Maldonado-Nava 2 and Guadalupe Castilla-Valdez 2
Using Multifunctional Nanostructures to Remove Pollutants from the Environment
Deep tech
What Is a Business Plan?
Holliday junction
Numerical Simulations of
Directed Self-Assembly in Diblock Copolymer Films using Zone Annealing and Pattern Templating
Joseph D. Hill & Paul C. Millett
Colloidal gold
Gold Nanoparticle
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are small gold particles with a diameter of 1 to 100 nm which, once dispersed in water, are also known as colloidal gold.
Group 11 element
Silver nanoparticle
Synthesis of highly stable silver nanorods and their application as SERS substrates
C.R. Rekha, V.U. Nayar, K.G. Gopchandran*
A micelle or micella is an aggregate of surfactant phospholipid molecules dispersed in a liquid, forming a colloidal suspension.Structural Biochemistry/Lipids/Micelles
Circular dichroism
Optical rotation
Optical Activity
Angle Quintisection
The math and magic of origami | Robert Lang
Origami and Geometric Constructions1
By Robert J. Lang
Global Language: Origami Shape Language (OSL)
Kawasaki's theorem
On the Elementary Single-Fold Operations of Origami:
Reflections and Incidence Constraints on the Plane
Jorge C. Lucero
Big-little-big lemma
On the Mathematics of Flat Origamis
Modelling the folding of paper into three-dimensions using affine transformations
sarah-marie belcastro a, Thomas C. Hull b,∗One-, Two-, and Multi-Fold Origami Axioms
Roger C. Alperin and Robert J. Lang
DNAFET Emboss wordcount Bioinformatics Howler, LuaJIT Project
By David Vincent Bell HirschStretching DNA origami: effect of nicks and Holliday junctions on the axial stiffness
Wei-Hung Jung, Enze Chen, Remi Veneziano, Stavros Gaitanaros, and Yun Chentessellations
Levi H. Dudte1, Etienne Vouga1, Tomohiro Tachi2 and L. Mahadevan1,3,4,
Parameter Specification Variables
Phosphodiester bond
High-energy phosphate
The potential of DNA origami to build multifunctional materials
Protein folding
number theory
New Proof Illuminates the Hidden Structure of Common Equations
Van der Waerden test of maximum clique problem with Waring's conjecture upon Van der Waals force
Saddle point
Computing the Stable Manifold of
a Saddle Slow Manifold
Saeed Farjami 1, Vivien Kirk 1, Hinke M. Osinga 1
- Chow group of a stack
- Cohomology of a stack
- Derived algebraic geometry
- Gerbe
- Hyperbolic link
- Link group
- Quotient stack
- Sheaf on an algebraic stack
- Toric stack
- Unlink
Stack (abstract data type)
Orientation (graph theory)
Stack-oriented programming
Directed graph
Graph (abstract data type)
Graph Style Sheets (GSS)
Poisson's ratio
Graph of a function
Maekawa's theorem
Kawasaki's theorem
Graph (discrete mathematics)
Folding graphs and applications, d’apr`es Stallings
Mladen Bestvina
Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanoparicles, and Nanosheets. How nanostructures are classified?
Carbon nanotube
Poisson point process
Packing dimension
Shor's algorithm
Grover's algorithm
BHT algorithm
Dragon curve
Lattice Mechanics of Origami Tessellations
Arthur A. Evans1, Jesse L. Silverberg2, and Christian D. Santangelo1
Data curation
Scale invariance
Hausdorff dimension
De novo reconstruction of DNA origami structures through atomistic molecular dynamics simulation
Mathematical Methods in Paper Folding
Game theory
gaming, in kids' own words
Spiritual intelligence
Spiritual intelligence is a term used by some philosophers, psychologists, and developmental theorists to indicate spiritual parallels with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient).Clique
Ghosting (behavior)
Name-calling is a form of verbal abuse in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.
As a cognitive bias in propaganda
Name-calling is a cognitive bias and a technique to promote propaganda. Propagandists use the name-calling technique to invoke fear in those exposed to the propaganda, resulting in the formation of a negative opinion about a person, group, or set of beliefs or ideas.[1]
Easter Bunny
Gail DeBlasio
MS, Southern Connecticut State University, 1993
BS, Southern Connecticut State University, 1980
Rave Culture and Religion
Holy Ghost or
Holy Spirit in Christianity
Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings: Phenomenology, Altered States, Individual Differences, and Well-Being
- Adolescent cliques
- Cabal
- Clique in communication groups from Dunbar's number
- Verbal. Verbal group communication involves people in a group speaking with each other discussing a topic or agenda and reaching a conclusion through everyone participating with views and feedback. ...
- Technology driven. ...
- Non Verbal. ...
- in-Person. ...
- Virtual.
The Lasting Legacy Of Redlining
Collective effervescence
a Catalan number triangle fractal
Starting, as with Pascal's Triangle, with a 1, the Catalan (love) Triangle is generated using the rule that each element is equal to the one above (in this picture, above on the right slanting diagonal) plus the one to its left (where 'missing' numbers are zero).
The Catalan number
also gives the number of binary
bracketings of
letters (Catalan's
problem), the solution to the ballot problem,
the number of trivalent planted planar trees
(Dickau; illustrated above), the number of states possible in an
the number of different diagonals possible in a frieze
pattern with
rows, the number of Dyck
paths with
strokes, the number of ways of forming
-fold exponential, the number of rooted
planar binary trees with
internal nodes,
the number of rooted plane bushes with
edges, the number of extended binary trees with
internal nodes, and the number of mountains which
can be drawn with
upstrokes and
downstrokes, the
number of noncrossing handshakes possible across a round table between
pairs of people
(Conway and Guy 1996)! (worth repeating in iteration experiment).
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were. - Richard Bach
by Ramon Cerda, Director of Engineering, Crystek Corporation
If you judge someone, you have no time to love them. - Mother Teresa
Eightfold Way
The twelvefold way
Designing a Quadrupole ion trap in a Sextupole magnet using the Twelvefold way of combinatorics with the Eightfold way of Physics
or enneagonEnneagram (geometry)
In geometry, an enneagram is a nine-pointed plane figure. It is sometimes called a nonagram, nonangle, or enneagon.[1]
The word 'enneagram' combines the numeral prefix ennea- with the Greek suffix -gram. The gram suffix derives from γραμμῆς (grammēs) meaning a line.
Enneagram of Personality
Causal adequacy principle
Synchronicity (book)
How Children Develop Identity
Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development
Supporting Individual and Community Identity Development in Infant-Toddler Classrooms
Anneliese W. Johnson and Samantha Peterson, The Ohio State University
Totem and Taboo
The Psychology of the Mask and The Real You
Creativity and the Big Two model of personality: plasticity and stability
Jacob B. Hirsh,1 Colin G. DeYoung,2 and
Jordan B. Peterson1
1University of Toronto
2University of Minnesota
The Number Nine (9) and the Baha’i Faith
Director circle
(from Greek nomos νόμος, "law" and grammē γραμμή, "line")Nine-point conic
Nine-point circle
Nine significant points
Picard horn
Polyester resin
Membrane protein
Prime editing
Marinos Spiliopoulos1
1Biology Professor
June 9, 2020
As we know, numbers are involved in the phenomena of life and beyond, in various ways...
The book of Numbers to the Sri Yantra power of a Mayan Mersenne
By David Vincent Bell HrischHorn clause
Pierpont prime
Explicit construction
Non-prime fields
Fermat's little theorem
Projective plane
Complex plane
Galois group
- Field (mathematics), the theory of the algebraic concept of field
- Field theory (physics), a physical theory which employs fields in the physical sense, consisting of three types:
- Classical field theory, the theory and dynamics of classical fields
- Quantum field theory, the theory of quantum mechanical fields
- Statistical field theory, the theory of critical phase transitions
- Grand unified theory
Social science
- Field theory (psychology), a psychological theory which examines patterns of interaction between the individual and his or her environment
- Field theory (sociology), a sociological theory concerning the relationship between social actors and local social orders
Duality (mathematics)
In signal processing, white noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density.[1] The term is used, with this or similar meanings, in many scientific and technical disciplines, including physics, acoustical engineering, telecommunications, and statistical forecasting. White noise refers to a statistical model for signals and signal sources, rather than to any specific signal. White noise draws its name from white light,[2] although light that appears white generally does not have a flat power spectral density over the visible band.
In discrete time, white noise is a discrete signal whose samples are regarded as a sequence of serially uncorrelated random variables with zero mean and finite variance; a single realization of white noise is a random shock. Depending on the context, one may also require that the samples be independent and have identical probability distribution (in other words independent and identically distributed random variables are the simplest representation of white noise).[3] In particular, if each sample has a normal distribution with zero mean, the signal is said to be additive white Gaussian noise.[4]
The samples of a white noise signal may be sequential in time, or arranged along one or more spatial dimensions. In digital image processing, the pixels of a white noise image are typically arranged in a rectangular grid, and are assumed to be independent random variables with uniform probability distribution over some interval. The concept can be defined also for signals spread over more complicated domains, such as a sphere or a torus.
Point reflection
Arithmetic zeta function
Primality test
Wilson's theorem
Theorems of Fermat, Euler, and Wilson
Quantum field theory
Operator field theory
BY TIMOTHY Y. CHOW AND C. KENNETH FANTopological Galois theory
In mathematics, topological Galois theory is a mathematical theory which originated from a topological proof of Abel's impossibility theorem found by V. I. Arnold and concerns the applications of some topological concepts to some problems in the field of Galois theory. It connects many ideas from algebra to ideas in topology. As described in Khovanskii's book: "According to this theory, the way the Riemann surface of an analytic function covers the plane of complex numbers can obstruct the representability of this function by explicit formulas. The strongest known results on the unexpressibility of functions by explicit formulas have been obtained in this way."Riemann surface
Chirality and stereoisomers
Hypercube internetwork topology
E-Cube Routing
Molecular geometry
Molecular machine
Machine learning
Here are the math textbooks Florida rejected for having unwanted topics
The state has released titles but no examples of the offending material.The state rejected dozens of math textbooks. The New York Times reviewed 21 of them to figure out why.
List of countries by alcohol consumption per capita
The ten states with the highest alcohol consumption per capita (in gallons) are:
- New Hampshire (4.67 gallons)
- Delaware (3.52 gallons) where people file for incorporation
- Nevada (3.42 gallons) another popular state for filing articles of incorporation
- North Dakota (3.16 gallons)
- Montana (3.1 gallons)
- Vermont (3.06 gallons)
- Idaho (2.94 gallons)
- Wisconsin (2.93 gallons)
- Colorado (2.88 gallons)
- South Dakota (2.87 gallons)
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives is a 2008 popular science book by American physicist and author Leonard Mlodinow, which became a New York Times bestseller and a New York Times notable book
The Drunkard's Walk discusses the role of randomness in everyday events, and the cognitive biases that lead people to misinterpret random events and stochastic processes. The title refers to a certain type of random walk, a mathematical process in which one or more variables change value under a series of random steps. Mlodinow discusses the contributions of mathematical heavyweights Jacob Bernoulli, Pierre-Simon Laplace, and Blaise Pascal, and introduces basic statistical concepts such as regression toward the mean and the law of large numbers, while discussing the role of probability in examples from wine ratings and school grades to political polls
In 2008 the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSICOP) awarded Mlodinow the Robert P. Balles Prize for Critical Thinking for the book.
Random walk
Brownian motion
Computational gene
Deterministic Chaos
6.N. Period-Doubling Scaling and the Feigenbaum Constant
The Feigenbaum Alpha Constant
Hypercube Interconnection
The quickest way to get started with the GraphQL API is to use PDC GraphQL Explorer.
All cancers begin when one or more genes in a cell mutate.
Landmark DNA study finds 58 new mutations that cause cancer
Massive DNA study of human cancers offers new clues about their causes
UK scientists analyzed the complete genetic makeup of 12,000 tumors from NHS patients.Mystery of why humans die around 80 may finally be solved
Scientists have been studying the ageing processes of mammals, from humans to mice and giraffes
Skin cells made 30 years younger with new 'rejuvenation' technique
Telomerase reverse transcriptase
The TERT gene provides instructions for making one component of an enzyme called telomerase.
Telomere Diseases
Telomere-driven diseases and telomere-targeting therapies
The Drosophila telomere-capping protein Verrocchio binds single-stranded DNA and protects telomeres from DNA damage response
Transmembrane Peptides as Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions: An Efficient Strategy to Target Cancer Cells?
Telomere Dysfunction Increases Mutation Rate and Genomic Instability
DNA Repair at Telomeres: Keeping the Ends Intact
Protein crystallization
Heptad repeat
Self-assembling peptide
A Chemist Shines Light on a Surprising Prime Number Pattern
Particle system
X-ray crystallography
Pump-probe microscopy
Space group
Style guide
PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code
- Style sheet (desktop publishing), a feature of desktop publishing programs.
- Style sheet language, a computer language that describes the presentation of structured documents
- Style sheet (web development), W3C standards for web page style sheets such as
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
Group theory
Self-activated adhesion receptor proteins visualized
Time-resolved spectroscopy
Molecular symmetry
Symmetry operation
Scott A Speakman, Ph.D.
Center for Materials Science and Engineering at MIT
cctbx - Computational Crystallography Toolbox
reciprocalspaceship (biotools:reciprocalspaceship)
Hekstra Lab
Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Reciprocal Spaceship takes off
GEMMI - library for structural biology
Reciprocalspaceship: A Python Library for Crystallographic Data Analysis
Tools for exploring reciprocal space.
Hekstra-Lab / reciprocalspaceship
Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, is management jargon first created in the 1970s that refers to the mechanism through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to become effective organizational members and insiders.Onboarding
Ultrafast laser spectroscopy
Bragg's law
Miller index
Intro to data structures
Python Package Index
Cheese Shop
Term indexing
In computer science, a term index is a data structure to facilitate fast lookup of terms and clauses in a logic program, deductive database, or automated theorem prover.PyCon Israel 2022
Profiling (computer programming)
6 stellar libraries for profiling Python code
Get deep insight into where your Python app is slow with these profiling utilities.
Data profiling
Continuous Profiling in Python
Conway and
Aperiodic Tilings
How to use Flame Graph?
Call Tree view - instrumentation data
Call Tree view - sampling data
Call Tree view - .NET memory instrumentation data
Maxwell's demon
Second laws for an information driven current through a spin valve
Philipp Strasberg, Gernot Schaller, Tobias Brandes, and Christopher Jarzynski
Visualizing spin angular momentum in water waves
Nested pie charts
Nested sampling algorithm
Dense set
Fréchet space
Embedding HIViews in Qt/Mac Applications
k-nearest neighbors algorithm
Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
Introduction to k-Nearest Neighbors: A powerful Machine Learning Algorithm (with implementation in Python & R)
- Closest pair of points problem
- Nearest centroid classifier
- Neighbourhood – Open set containing a given point
- Region (mathematics)
Closed set
Tychonoff space
Microscale thermophoresis
Molecular machine
A new 'spin' on kagome lattices
Category theory
- Banach space – Normed vector space that is complete
- Barreled space
- Countably quasi-barrelled space
- Complete metric space – Metric geometry
- Complete topological vector space – A TVS where points that get progressively closer to each other will always converge to a point
- DF-space
- Hilbert space – Generalization of Euclidean space allowing infinite dimensions
- K-space (functional analysis)
- LB-space
- LF-space
- Metrizable topological vector space – A topological vector space whose topology can be defined by a metric
- Nuclear space – A generalization of finite dimensional Euclidean spaces different from Hilbert spaces
- Projective tensor product
Model theory and the cardinal numbers
and 
Model Spaces
Manifolds and Model Spaces
Single-layer materials
Incidence structure
Molecular-beam epitaxy
A Novel Approach to the Spherical Codes Problem
Simanta Gautam and Dmitry Vaintrob
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Spherical code
Quantum dot (QD)
Protein profiling as a diagnostic tool in clinical chemistry: a review
Proteomic profiling dataset of
chemical perturbations in multiple biological backgrounds
Profiling with Python tools
/ agent-benchmarks
Poor Man's Sampling Profiler
Combining Kubernetes, Pyroscope, and Github Actions for the Civo Hackathon
Using V8’s sample-based profiler
profile - Profile CPU usage by sampling stack traces.
Uses Linux eBPF/bcc.
Stack trace
MIDAS: A Modular DNA Assembly System for Synthetic Biology
- Craig J. van Dolleweerd* ,
- Sarah A. Kessans ,
- Kyle C. Van de Bittner ,
- Leyla Y. Bustamante ,
- Rudranuj Bundela ,
- Barry Scott ,
- Matthew J. Nicholson , and
- Emily J. Parker
Guide RNA
Quantum error correction
MSPypeline: a python package for streamlined data analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
Heisenberg picture
Uncertainty principle
Understanding NODES profiles
Topological Phenomena Found at High Frequencies for 5G Communications and Quantum Information Processing
Easy profiling for Node.js Applications
CL task
Dirac membrane
Charge conjugation for Dirac fields
Valence and conduction bands
Proton-exchange membrane
Valence (chemistry)
Electrons and valence
Ion-exchange resin
London dispersion force
Guide RNA in Prokaryotes
CRISPR In Prokaryotes
If I only had a
/ pyroscope
pip (package manager)
Installing Packages
Installing Python Modules
— Logging facility for Python
3.3 Experimental Approaches to Diffusion Phenomena
3.3.1 Determination of
Diffusion Profiles
Schrödinger picture
Printed circuit board (PCB)
Design for manufacturability (DfM)
Interaction picture
Topological space
- Characterizations of the category of topological spaces
- Complete Heyting algebra – The system of all open sets of a given topological space ordered by inclusion is a complete Heyting algebra. Complete H8rs of Algebra!
- Compact space – Type of mathematical space
- Convergence space – Generalization of the notion of convergence that is found in general topology
- Hausdorff space – Type of topological space (mathematics)
- Hilbert space – Generalization of Euclidean space allowing infinite dimensions
- Hemicontinuity
- Linear subspace – In mathematics, vector subspace
- Quasitopological space
- Relatively compact subspace
- Space (mathematics) – Mathematical set with some added structure
Topological sorting
Topological quantum computer
Trihexagonal tiling
BioPyC, an Open-Source Python Toolbox for Offline Electroencephalographic and Physiological Signals Classification
The Reference Model: An Initial Use Case for COVID-19
Reference Model
The SIR Model of Disease Spread
Charlotte Alger, Kaitlin Todd
Conference of the Birds invisible dance of CRISPR-Cas9 Closing in on a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Python-Based TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks
Pymote: High Level Python Library for Event-Based Simulation and Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms
Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network
Machine-learning-based diagnostics of EEG pathology
Model Integration in Computational Biology: The Role of Reproducibility, Credibility and Utility
Flexible Informatics for Linking Experimental Data to Mathematical Models via DataRail
Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data
Scraping Essential Tools: 10 Best Web Scraping APIs
Using an API for Web Scraping: A List of the Best Advantages
L'Hôpital's rule
Feigenbaum constants
Cantor set
Feigenbaum function
Smith–Volterra–Cantor set (SVC)
Malthusian growth model
Barycentric coordinate system
Triangulation (topology)
Filters in topology
Classifying families by their kernels
Nesting (computing)
D (programming language)
5 Languages That Could Change the Way You See the World
Linguistic relativity
Polyglot (computing)
Dyck language
Diagnostic Profiles: A Standard Setting Method for Use With a Cognitive Diagnostic Model
ITP Code
Ultrafilters, topology and compactness
Monitoring filters
User space and kernel space
Tools for Authors: What is the h index?
Mutual exclusivity
Event calculus
- Abuse
- Collective effervescence
- Crowd psychology
- Disorderly conduct Palms on North Lamar
- Breach of the peace Palm Sunday April 10, 2022
- Juvenile delinquency
APD Incident Reports Database
Open Records Request
The Public Information Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, provides public access to government records.
Requesting public information is simple. Here's what you need to know to make a successful Public Information Act (PIA) request.
Pharisee and the Publican
Holy Week in the Philippines
Cleansing of the Temple
Palm Sunday and Palm Oil
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels. Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week.Slavery in the Palm Oil Industry
By Cassidy SlaterIndonesia's palm oil export ban leaves global buyers with no plan B
Malaysia urges countries to prioritise food over fuel as Indonesia bans palm exports
A Swiss Army formula of Palm calculus
- Boolean model (probability theory)
- Continuum percolation theory
- Compound Poisson process
- Cox process
- Point process
- Stochastic geometry
- Stochastic geometry models of wireless networks
Markov chain
- Markovian arrival processes
Holy Monday
Cursing the fig tree
Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday)
Cleansing of the Temple
Church encoding in Python with Machine Learning Applications In Emergency Management as Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Link Between Illicit Opium Production and Security in Afghanistan
In Aztec mythology, the Centzon Tōtōchtin (Nahuatl pronunciation: [sent͡son toːˈtoːt͡ʃtin] "four-hundred rabbits"; also Centzontōtōchtin) are a group of divine rabbits who meet for frequent drunken parties. They include Tepoztecatl, Texcatzonatl, Colhuatzincatl, Macuiltochtli ("five-rabbit"), and Ometochtli ("two-rabbit"). Their parents are Patecatl and Mayahuel[1] and they may be brothers of Ixtlilton.
Amoxaltepetl by Christian Aboytes, Mexico, 2006
with Global consideartions as: Shukra (Sanskrit: शुक्र, IAST: Śukra) is a Sanskrit word that means "clear" or "bright". It also has other meanings, such as the name of an ancient lineage of sages who counselled Asuras in Vedic history.[3] In medieval mythology and Hindu astrology, the term refers to the planet Venus, one of the Navagrahas.[4] Celestial mechanics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the motions of objects in outer space.
What's up Doc? - Bugs Bunny
In Aztec mythology, the Centzon Tōtōchtin (Nahuatl pronunciation: [sent͡son toːˈtoːt͡ʃtin] "four-hundred rabbits"; also Centzontōtōchtin) are a group of divine rabbits who meet for frequent drunken parties. They include Tepoztecatl, Texcatzonatl, Colhuatzincatl, Macuiltochtli ("five-rabbit"), and Ometochtli ("two-rabbit"). Their parents are Patecatl and Mayahuel[1] and they may be brothers of Ixtlilton.
Moon rabbit
What are the main colours of Holi festival?Holi
The Cow Jumped Over the Moon...
The Moon is made of green cheese
Riḍván (Arabic: رضوان Riḍwán; Persian transliteration: Rezván, Persian pronunciation: [ɾezvɒːn]) is a twelve-day festival in the Baháʼí Faith, commemorating Baháʼu'lláh's declaration that he was a Manifestation of God.[1] In the Baháʼí calendar, it begins at sunset on the 13th of Jalál, which translates to the 20th or 21st of April, depending on the date of the March equinox (exactly one month on the Gregorian calendar after the equinox).[2] On the first, ninth and twelfth days of Ridván, work and school should be suspendedVaisakhi
The Golem and Passover
By Nissim Katz
Most people have heard about the famous golem that was created by
Rabbi Yehudah Leib Loewe, known by the acrostic of his name, the MaHaral
of Prague who lived almost three hundred years ago. What most people do
not know is the connection of the famed Golem with Passover.
Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus
Sexagram or Hexagram
Ostara and the Hare: Not Ancient, but Not As Modern As Some Skeptics Think
The Quantum Workings of the Rotating 64-Grid Genetic Code
Going through a
Phases of Gauge Theories
Haag's theorem
Phase-space formulation
Nanofabrication Process
Nanofabrication involves the manufacture of nanostructures, that is, products with none, one, or two dimension in the nanometer range, and most commonly used as basic units in the manufacture of microelectronic, semiconductors, optics, etcQuantum Math Basics
Quantum annealing
Quantum cohomology
A tutorial on Quantum Cohomology
Alexander Givental
The Heisenberg Picture *
Positive disintegration
String (computer science)
String datatypes
Bosonic string theory
In particle physics, a gauge boson is a force carrier, a bosonic particle that carries any of the fundamental interactions of nature, commonly called forces.
Quasicrystals—The impact of N.G. de Bruijn
Author Helen Au-Yang, Jacques H.H.PerkMacramé
Counting-out game
Braid group
Braid Word
Biaxial Braid
biaxial braids consist of two sets of yarns, and triaxial braids include a third set of axial yarns.
Braided vector space
- Artin–Tits group Art in Tits group? How exciton!
Bra–ket notation
- Braided monoidal category
- Braided vector space
- Braided Hopf algebra
- Change ringing software – how software uses braid theory to model bell-ringing patterns
Groupoid and Groupies
- Non-commutative cryptography
- Orbiton
- Oscillator strength
- Plasmon
- Polariton superfluid
Schwinger limit
Tits group
Multitape Turing machine
F. Blanchet-Sadri1 Deepak Bal2 Gautam Sisodia3
Magma (computer algebra system)
- Natural language processing, a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with automated interpretation and generation of human language
- Natural-language programming, an ontology-assisted way of programming in terms of natural language sentences
- Nonlinear programming, a process of solving optimisation problems where constraints are nonlinear
Finite element method
The structure of finite element methods
Galerkin method
Object (computer science)
Welcome to Pyteomics tutorial!
What is Pyteomics?
Proteomics Data Analysis with Python - Final Project Angela Riveroll
PaDuA: A Python Library for High-Throughput (Phospho)proteomics Data Analysis
Proteomic Data Analysis (PaDuA)
Inspecting the quality of isobaric labeling proteomics results in a Jupyter notebook
/ padua
Statistics and Machine Learning Methods
for Proteogenomic Data Analysis
D. R. Mani
/ PythonProteomics
padua 0.1.16
A Python interface for Proteomic Data Analysis, working with MaxQuant & Perseus outputs
Proteomic Data Analysis, with Python. Based on the Pandas, numpy, scipy and matplotlib libraries.
AlphaPept, a modern and open framework for MS-based proteomics
DNA Origami Mask for Sub-Ten-Nanometer Lithography
The Gravity-Defying Ups and Downs of Extreme Pogo
A merry band of pogo tricksters are proving that their burgeoning sport is anything but child’s play
In the modeling of physics, a toy model is a deliberately simplistic model with many details removed so that it can be used to explain a mechanism concisely. It is also useful in a description of the fuller modelQuantum gravity
How the Bits of Quantum Gravity Can Buzz
Siphonaptera (poem)
Quantum jump
Color charge
Color charge is a property of quarks and gluons that is related to the particles' strong interactions in the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
The "color charge" of quarks and gluons is completely unrelated to the everyday meaning of color. The term color and the labels red, green, and blue became popular simply because of the loose analogy to the primary colors. Richard Feynman referred to his colleagues as "idiot physicists" for choosing the confusing name.
Colors of noise
Rarefaction is the reduction of an item's density, the opposite of compression.[1] Like compression, which can travel in waves (sound waves, for instance), rarefaction waves also exist in nature. A common rarefaction wave is the area of low relative pressure following a shock wave
Flavour (particle physics)
Special unitary group SU(n)
Spin group
Projective unitary group PU(n)
Pin group
Q factor
Planck constant
Nanopore sequencing
Publications: CBES: Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science
Financial Forecasting in the Budget Preparation Process
Smectic Liquid Crystal Phases
Check out these 43 pitch decks fintechs disrupting trading, investing, and banking used to raise millions in funding
Distance from Ohio to New Mexico is 1,479.1 mi
Effort aims to have farmers adopt conservation practices
Mimicking the way the Sun produces energy by Understanding the fabric of protein crystals, SBIR Arizona - Texas Contractor Team Arrangements
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The Geometry of Dialogue, Conversation Design and rule of three with Design-Oriented Programming for Open problems
By David Vincent Bell HirschShock Treatment (Rocky Horror Equal; FULL MOVIE)
psychedelic drugs are touted as effective treatments for drug and
alcohol abuse. But psilocybin combined with therapy is emerging as the
most effective.
Psilocybin Therapy Changes Brain Wiring in Depressed People, Study Finds
In clinical trials, people taking psilocybin showed changes in brain patterns associated with depression
Psilocybin Could be a Therapeutic Breakthrough For Addiction
How our brain and personality provide protection against emotional distress
Drude model
goblin (n.)
Krishna successfully defeated himA Strange Genetic Link Between Humans And Sea Anemones Was Just Confirmed
Wrapper function
a mischievous person, a rap sheet artist
Brigadier general (United States)
Why So Many Women in Middle Age Are on Antidepressants
Scientists are gaining a better understanding of women’s midlife depression
: coolly and patronizingly haughty reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile.
The Vagus Nerve at the Interface of the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
Bruno Bonaz,1,2,* Thomas Bazin,3,4 and Sonia Pellissier5Austin Ketamine Specialists
Kids in the Hall Brain Candy
An Overview of Ketamine Infusions
Definition of turnip ghostBritish. : a jack-o'-lantern made from a turnip rind broadly : bugaboo.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
Best of serenity now
Times infinity
Business Model Canvas
Value-focused enterprise model
Mexican Hat Curve for Hydrogen and Antihydrogen States SBIR Fusor, Fusion Power Deep Learning in the heart of Texas
Essential Options Trading Guide
Systematic Inequality
How America's Structural Racism Helped Create the Black-White Wealth Gap
Backbiting or tale-bearing
Political Colors of noise charge within Just War Theory upon Texas Independence Day
By David Vincent Bell HirschGlue code Gluon library True environment variables for GLOW Genomics
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch (H-Index in healthy scholastic GEM competition)Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
PO Box 208114, 266 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520-8114
United States
MassChallenge HealthTech
Convertible bond (note)
Computer vision
Cognitive computer
Thin films of lithium niobate: potential applications, synthesis methods, structure and properties
University of Central Florida
TMAC’s mission is to accelerate the profitable growth and competitiveness of manufacturers in Texas.
Photoelectric effect
Photon-Electron Interaction
Microstructure and domain engineering of lithium niobate crystal films for integrated photonic applications
Top 10 Angel Investors in Austin, TX
Letter of intent
Recent advances in development of magnetic garnet thin films for applications in spintronics and photonics
Net D
Manufacturing production scheduling for free market environmentalism as an isoprofit line in a production possibilities curve
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch8(a) Business Development program
Types of 7(a) loans
8(a) 7(j) SBIR ESCO, Austin Energy audits alphabet soup
New Technology Offers Thin-Film Integration Compatible with Silicon Photonics Foundry Production
Technology #33647Calculate your startup costs
How much money will it take to start your small business? Calculate the startup costs for your small business so you can request funding, attract investors, and estimate when you’ll turn a profit.
Why America’s New Apartment Buildings All Look the Same
What Is a Feasibility Study?
Key particle weighs in a bit heavy, confounding physicists
W and Z bosons
The Surprisingly Bulky Particle That Might…Break Physics?
What is the W boson, why is it such a big deal, and what happens next?
Why Scientists Are Worried About the W Boson: 'Something Is Amiss'
And that something could totally change one of the universe's most fundamental frameworks.
A decade of science and trillions of collisions show the W boson is more massive than expected – a physicist on the team explains what it means for the Standard Model
Thermophotovoltaic cell converts 40 percent of heat energy to electricity
That makes it more efficient than many steam engines.Bonded thin film lithium niobate modulator on a silicon photonics platform exceeding 100 GHz 3-dB electrical modulation bandwidth
Peter O. Weigel, Jie Zhao, Kelvin Fang, Hasan Al-Rubaye, Douglas Trotter, Dana Hood, John Mudrick, Christina Dallo, Andrew T. Pomerene, Andrew L. Starbuck, Christopher T. DeRose, Anthony L. Lentine, Gabriel Rebeiz, and Shayan Mookherjea
Select Energy Efficient Lighting Step 10
Strategic Lighting
Zero Energy Buildings Basics
Zero energy buildings produce at least as much energy as they consume on an annual basis. They do this by incorporating state-of-the-art energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
NREL offers numerous procurement opportunities to help commercialize renewable energy technologies and supply the laboratory with essential products and services.
NREL acquires a variety of products and services, all of which helps federally funded research and technologies reach the marketplace. The following types of goods or services are typically procured:
- Laboratory supplies/office supplies
- Scientific equipment and periodicals
- Computers/information technology
- Research and development services
- Technical support
- Construction
- Facilities management.
Net Zero Energy Buildings
Austin Core Research Center (CRC)
Contact Information:
Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Physical Address:
10100 Burnet Road J. J. Pickle Research Campus Building 131 Austin, Texas 78758
Mailing Address:
Box X, University Station Austin, Texas 78713
(512) 471-0402
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
What Is the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)?
1%/10 Net 30
If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance.
What Is a Risk Profile?
(Molecular Hedgehog lattice innovations)504 loans
Long-term, fixed rate financing of up to $5 million for major fixed assets.
The Hedgehog Co-Receptor BOC Differentially Regulates SHH Signaling During Craniofacial Development
A grimace is a facial expression that usually suggests disgust or pain, but sometimes comic exaggeration. Picture someone wrinkling his nose, squeezing his eyes shut, and twisting his mouth and you'll have a pretty solid mental image of a grimace.
On old Olympus's towering top a Finn and German viewed some hops
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, to touch and feel very good velvet. Such heaven!
- O: olfactory nerve (CN I)
- O: optic nerve (CN II)
- O: oculomotor nerve (CN III)
- T: trochlear nerve (CN IV)
- T: trigeminal nerve(CN V)
- A: abducens nerve (CN VI)
- F: facial nerve (CN VII)
- A: auditory (or vestibulocochlear) nerve (CN VIII)
- G: glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- V: vagus nerve (CN X)
- S: spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
H: hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
White paper
In business-to-business marketing
Prime Rate
Bleed through, in the red or in the blackCreating a Compelling Business Case
27 Loan Terminologies You Must Know
How to Successfully Establish a Board of Advisers and Directors
Entrepreneurs need to create an advisory board early for maximum value and risk reduction.
Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)
collateral damage in number of zeros past the one.How the prime rate works and how it affects you
The prime rate affects the interest you receive on financial products. Here’s a breakdown of the current prime rate and how it’s determined by credit lenders.
To build an effective board, review your corporation's rules and procedures, and create a recruitment strategy.
Business valuation
What Is a Business Valuation?
IPOs for Beginners
Back-of-the-envelope calculation
Horizontal Integration vs. Vertical Integration: What's the Difference?
Backlog vs Pipeline - What's the difference?
What Is Financial Modeling?
What Is a Back-Of-The-Envelope Calculation?
Fermi's legacy
Nuclear medicine
Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 13 Playing with Pyroelectricity Fermi Surface lattice dynamics doping nanopore semiconductors
Density of States,
Fermi Energy and Energy
In U.S. Federal government contracting, IDIQ is an abbreviation of the term indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity. This is a type of contract that provides for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services during a fixed period of time. The legal origin of IDIQ contracts is the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) section 16.504(a) (48 CFR 16.504). IDIQs are also sometimes called "Task Orders" or "Delivery Order Contracts." IDIQ contracts are a subtype of Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC), which is a "vehicle that has been awarded to one or more vendors to facilitate the delivery of supply and service orders."
Describing the forecasting models in Power View
In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and (more often) continuous delivery or (less often) continuous deployment (CD)6 Types of Financial Forecasting Models (Plus Its Importance)
A step-by-step guide on how to build a DCF model (discounted cash flow) to calculate NPV, IRR, Payback Period, and Multiple Invested Capital (MOIC) using Python.
leonarduschen / pyfinmod
Welcome to Nick DeRobertis’ Financial Modeling Course!
AI Financial Modeling Machine Learning Board Circuit of DirectorsSELECTING DIRECTORS USING MACHINE LEARNING
Isil Erel
Léa H. Stern
Chenhao Tan
Michael S. Weisbach
Working Paper 24435
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
AI & Machine Learning
How to quickly solve machine learning forecasting problems using Pandas and BigQuery
Using an ARIMA model in BigQuery ML to do demand forecasting
About this codelab
Introduction to Vertex A
Variance (accounting)
Digitization of traditional QBRs
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Net present value (NPW)
Links between the strategy map and strategy development
Map–territory relation
Strategy map
Process calculus (or process algebras)
Tensor calculus
Situation calculus
Third-generation balanced scorecard
Performance management
How performance management can fail
Organization development (OD)
Indirect Cost: Definition and Example
Industrial and organizational psychology (I-O psychology)
Input/output (I/O)
Business support system (BSS)
System administrator
What Is Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)?
Service-level agreement (SLA)
Project management systems
moving project management from an operational to a strategic discipline
5 Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Project Management
Software development process
How Can MLOps help you productionize your ML projects? And Why do you need to start adopting MLOps ASAP?
ML Ops on Google Cloud | Demo
Continuous integration (CI)
Costs and benefits
Export data to Excel
Import Data from a PDF to Excel
non-labour income
Quick Reference
Income from any source other than the supply of labour. Non-labour income includes capital gains, dividends, interest, transfer payments, gifts, and prizes.
The Importance of Non-labor Income: An Analysis of Socioeconomic Performance in Western Counties by Type of Non-labor Income
Hopf fibration Chaos Theory Total Order Free Action
By David V. B. Hirsch
Reducing Barriers: Technical Assistance Workshop | Gov Con 101
Reducing Barriers: Technical Assistance Workshop | Gov Con 101 - Presentation
Middle-market company
Understanding the Five Cs of Credit
Financial Reporting& Analysis
Using Financial Accounting InformationU.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation
U.S. Return of Partnership Income
29th Annual Forum on Franchising
Cash Flow-to-Debt Ratio
Essential Options Trading Guide
Financial Projections Template
The Components of Working Capital Management
Privately made firearm
(also ghost gun or homemade firearm)Guns versus butter model
Investment Firms Aren’t Buying All the Houses. But They Are Buying the Most Important Ones.
It probably won’t look like this for long.
Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll Never Guess.
BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, combined own The New York Times and other legacy media, along with Big Pharma.
The Art of War
The 13 chapters
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Corporate governance of information technology
Police Are Making A Scanner To Detect Concealed Weapons 80 Feet Away (video)
A Dataset and System for Real-Time Gun Detection in Surveillance Video Using Deep LearningDelong Qi1, Weijun Tan1,2, Zhifu Liu1, Qi Yao1, and Jingfeng Liu
The Money issue
Money can buy influence over nearly anything in the world — including in the world of ideas.
Can cancer blood tests live up to promise of saving lives?
Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users
The startup promises a fairly-distributed, cryptocurrency-based universal basic income. So far all it's done is build a biometric database from the bodies of the poor.
Zechariah 3
Clean Garments for the High Priest
See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on
that one stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,’ says the LORD
Almighty, ‘and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day Seamless Garment Technology, Application and Benefits
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pentagonal prism
t = 2 cos(2π/7)
Computational origami construction of a regular heptagon with automated proof of its correctness
2Cos(2π/7) , 2Sin(2π/7)
The Seamless Garment is the Catholic position
Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, 1933-1936 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
#6073-9508 * = Summary of Text
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation.
Socioeconomic status
Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group.
It is often measured as a combination of education, income and
occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities
in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and
Human smuggling, forced labor among allegations in south Georgia federal indictment
Newly unsealed indictment targets 24 defendants for human trafficking
What Happens After Prisoners Learn to Code?
Slack, one of Silicon Valley’s more diverse companies, has hired three formerly incarcerated coders.
A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.
The City That Never Sleeps (nickname)
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Chronobiology is the study of circadian rhythms.2 Esdras Chapter 7
More Coffee said the CPA/Attorney departments from EngineeringPercolation (cognitive psychology)
Charles S. Hirsch Center for Forensic Sciences
The Charles S. Hirsch Center for Forensic Sciences opened in February 2007 at 421 East 26th Street (east of First Avenue) in Manhattan. The building is named after Dr. Charles S. Hirsch, who served as Chief Medical Examiner of New York City from 1989 to 2013, and championed the development and application of DNA in forensic science.
The Hirsch Center houses OCME's Forensic Biology Department, which runs the largest public DNA crime laboratory in North America. The building also houses other state-of-the-art laboratories, evidence facilities, and administrative offices.
What’s new in Hyperledger Fabric v2.x
Hyperledger FabricOffices in London, Paris P3, H-Index, Rhodes Scholar Feeder pipeline pitched UT McCombs IC2 Technology Incubator
Public Information Act Requests
Cooperative Contracts
Improve your technology while saving time and money
What Is Hyperledger Fabric?
Inter-cultural Dialogue
The Evens - Cut From The Cloth
Courts of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit
Types of Blockchain: Public, Private, or Something in Between
Orthogonal matrix
Texas SoS Selecting a Business Structure
Doctor of Philosophy
The Perez Family Orchestra:
Three Generations of Family Music 1893-1950s
By Marguerite Gutierrez Hirsch
Mirroring and the development of action understanding
How to leverage unsupervised learning in your supervised learning problems
Dynamic random-access memory
How to Break Web Software: Functional and Security Testing of Web ...
SQL injection
Kernel DMA Protection (Memory Access Protection) for OEMs
Major cryptography blunder in Java enables “psychic paper” forgeries
A failure to sanity check signatures for division-by-zero flaws makes forgeries easy.
Elliptic-curve cryptography
Verify SSL/TLS Certificate Signature
Security Assertion Markup Language
An enhanced EAB algorithm to reduce RACH congestion due to IoT traffic in LTE-A networks
A technical introduction to Citrix Cloud Federated Authentication Service
Citrix just released Cloud-Enabled
Federated Authentication Service (FAS) in Tech Preview. Jo Harder delves
into federation to help you determine if and how this new feature may
benefit you.
KMeans Clustering for Classification
The Ballroom @ spiderhouse
2906 Fruth St, Austin, TX 78705David Hirsch DBA Serenity Sells
Maslow's hammer (or gavel), Oligopoly golden hammer Law of One Price: Center for Advanced Small Modular and Micro Nuclear Reactors (CASMR)
MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion
New experiments with helium-3 in a magnetic confinement tokamak have produced exciting results for the future of fusion energy, including a tenfold increase in ion energy.
A Farnsworth–Hirsch fusor is the most common type of fusor.
Law of One Price
President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Lower Prices and Address Lack of Supply Around the World
Biden to allow more ethanol in effort to ease gas prices — here’s what you need to know
Last Updated: April 12, 2022Why This Energy Crisis Is Different
Energy in WTO law and policy
Law of the instrument
Permissioned blockchain frameworks in the industry: A comparison
Julien Polge∗, Jérémy Robert, Yves Le TraonHow to determine if an angle of a triangle is acute or obtuse?
How do cloud providers adopt blockchain — AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM and Oracle perspective?
Employer’s Quarterly Wage Report Filing Options
Schedule K-1
Operating agreement
An operating agreement is a key document used by limited liability companies (LLCs) to outline the business' financial and functional decisions including rules, regulations and provisions. The purpose of the document is to govern the internal operations of the business in a way that suits the specific needs of the business owners, called "members". Once the document is signed by the members of the limited liability company, it acts as an official contract binding them to its terms. An operating agreement is mandatory as per laws in only 5 states: California, Delaware, Maine, Missouri, and New York. LLCs operating without an operating agreement are governed by the state's default rules contained in the relevant statute and developed through state court decisions. An operating agreement is similar in function to corporate by-laws, or analogous to a partnership agreement in multi-member LLCs. In single-member LLC, an operating agreement is a declaration of the structure that the member has chosen for the company and sometimes used to prove in court that the LLC structure is separate from that of the individual owner and thus necessary so that the owner has documentation to prove that he or she is indeed separate from the entity itself.[1]
Most states do not require operating agreements. However, an operating agreement is highly recommended for multi-member LLCs because it structures an LLC's finances and organization, and provides rules and regulations for smooth operation. The operating agreement usually includes percentage of interests, allocation of profits and losses, member's rights and responsibilities and other provisions.
(Forms 205/206)
Cost Control, Monitoring and Accounting
12.1 The Cost Control Problem
Schedule K-1
(Form 1065)
Learn the difference between the two different management structures for LLCs.
Surviving M&A
What Happens to Employees After an Acquisition?
The Corporate Merger: What to Know About When Companies Come Together
SEC Filings: Forms You Need To Know
Top 4 Artificial Intelligence (AI) ETFs in 2022
There are several options for investors looking to diversify in AI.
Public Information and Owner Information Reports
How Important is Employee Onboarding?
Triangular trade
McCombs takes a global role in research and development of groundbreaking new crypto-technology
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
Who had the DLT on Rye?Governor Abbott Appoints Four to Work Group on Blockchain Matters
Mozilla Says No to Bitcoin (BTC) in Favor of Proof-of-Stake Cryptos
Public, Private, Permissioned Blockchains Compared
How to Use an Arbitrage Strategy in Forex Trading?
Smart contract
McCombs takes a global role in research and development of groundbreaking new crypto-technology
Convertible arbitrage
PnL Explained
Fixed income arbitrage
Lp space
Money is about to enter a new era of competition
Digital technology is poised to change our relationship with money and, for some countries, the ability to manage their economies.
Indian Oil removes Russian Urals from latest tender, sources say
India's Tata Steel to stop doing business with Russia
Advanced Strategies & Instruments
How Do You Trade the Weather?
Commodity market modeling and physical trading strategies
Per Einar S. Ellefsen
Commodity Futures
Price Prediction,
an Artificial Intelligence Approach
Ernest A. Foster
The Applicability of Self-Play Algorithms to Trading and Forecasting Financial Markets
Provable Self-Play Algorithms for Competitive Reinforcement Learning
Yu Bai, Chi Jin
New breakthroughs in AI make the headlines everyday. Far from the buzz of customer-facing businesses, the wide adoption and powerful applications of Machine Learning in Finance are less well known. In fact, there are few domains with as much historical, clean and structured data as the financial industry — making it one of those predestined use cases where ‘learning machines’ made an early mark with tremendous success that still continues.
Individual Development and Excutive Development Plan Resources
Learning and Development
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Documented planning for an employee’s education, training, and experience needs. It should specify developmental needs as well as those required in support of the career field position. Developing the plan is a joint effort of the employee, supervisor, and possibly other knowledgeable persons in the training and/or acquisition fields.
- 12-01-21
- world changing ideas
The first passenger flight powered by 100% sustainable fuel just took off
United just ran a test flight with a fuel made from fats, cooking oils, and grease that results in 80% fewer emissions than regular jet fuel. Now it’s up to the government to allow it on commercial flights.
Developing Cohesive, Domestic Rare Earth Element (REE) Technologies
Program aims to fortify supply chain by utilizing bioengineering approaches to facilitate REE separation and purification
ITV RFP - Phase 2 Dec 2021
This updated Request for Proposals (RFP) application form is for for Phase II of the Industrial Technology Validation Pilot.
Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
DATA Act Pilot: Simplicity is Key
Too Long: Didn't ReadDeliverables-Based IT Services (DBITS)
Notice regarding process for new DBITS Contract Awards
Procurement Professional's Guide to DIR
Procurement and Contract Management Handbook
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy
Data Collection and Analysis
Measurement and Verification Activities Required in the Energy Savings Performance Contract Process
Greenhouse Gas Permitting
SBTi Criteria and Recommendations
MA Decarbonization Roadmap
Pathways to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050
Air Quality Research and Contract Reports: Emissions Inventory (biogenic, non/off-road mobile, area, and point sources)
Sources of Air Emissions
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