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Mexican Hat Curve for Hydrogen and Antihydrogen States SBIR Fusor, Fusion Power Deep Learning in the heart of Texas

Mexican Hat Curve for Hydrogen and Antihydrogen States in Natural Atom H

The ole Mexican Hat Curve for Hydrogen and Antihydrogen in Union States from Austin, Texas
The Low Energy Anti-Proton Ring (LEAR) was a particle accelerator at CERN which operated from 1982 until 1996. The ring was designed to decelerate and store antiprotons, to study the properties of antimatter and to create atoms of antihydrogen. Antiprotons for the ring were created by the CERN Proton Synchrotron via the Antiproton Collector and the Antiproton Accumulator. The creation of at least 9 atoms of antihydrogen were confirmed by the PS210 experiment in 1995. In 1996, LEAR was converted into the Low Energy Ion Ring, which has since been used in the lead ion injection process for the Large Hadron Collider.

Low energy antiproton research continues at CERN using the Antiproton Decelerator. It was built as a successor for LEAR and started operation in 2000.

Keep Austin Weird is the slogan adopted by the Austin Independent Business Alliance to promote small businesses in Austin, Texas. It is intended to promote local businesses and is inspired by comments made by Red Wassenich in 2000 while giving a pledge to an Austin radio station.[1] He later began printing bumper stickers and operated the website until his death in 2020 [2] and published Keep Austin Weird: A Guide to the Odd Side of Town.[3]

Power (social and political)


DIY Nuclear Fusion Reactor - Deuterium Fusor


This design came from work by Philo T. Farnsworth in 1964 and Robert L. Hirsch in 1967

Fusion power

Cold Fusion Theory A Brief History of Mine 

by Eugene Mallove in place of Julian Schwinger. Schwinger died in July 1994

Ethics of Slacking in Austin as

Why Is Dan Patrick All in on Repricing Electricity Overcharges?

The Wendelstein 7-X Nuclear Fusion Device Concept Proves Its Efficiency

Southern strategy

An African-American Community in Texas is Victimized by the "War on Drugs"

Maddow connects Cornyn’s blocking of DOJ nom to 1999 wrongful convictions of Black men

'She will win and he will lose. Again,' said Maddow

not know (one) from a hole in the ground - idiom

Theoretical physicist Chiara Marletto: ‘The universal constructor could revolutionise civilisation’

'the best physics arguments are very philosophical'

 - Chiara Maletto

Hole argument

In general relativity, the hole argument is an apparent paradox that much troubled Albert Einstein while developing his famous field equations.

Grrrr, deep mind arguments...
IBM Watson and Amazon AWS are competing along with Google

Natural Language AI

Derive insights from unstructured text using Google machine learning.

with a
Free presentation? Now, you are just asking for a
wow, nerds and geeks! St Francis, help with shepherding good behavior, Amen.

Turn to the hymnal musical philosophy of who has time for all of this?



A Debate Over the Physics of Time

According to our best theories of physics, the universe is a fixed block where time only appears to pass. Yet a number of physicists hope to replace this “block universe” with a physical theory of time.


In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence occurs when an entity is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own, properties or behaviors which emerge only when the parts interact in a wider whole.


oh sure, a Jali crystal habit, do go on... 

Lattice (group)



Centripetal Force

A raga or raag is a melodic framework for improvisation akin to a melodic mode in Indian classical music.

'Raga' energy associated with "Shrati" (what the ear distinguishes) as the result of Tammas (centrifugal force) with Sattva (centripetal force) giving rise to (quantum) gravity (Hindu philophy).

Subhraag Singh

What a


Why is 1.618 the golden ratio?
What is the Golden Ratio? Also known as the Golden Section, Golden Mean, Divine Proportion, or the Greek letter Phi, the Golden Ratio is a special number that approximately equals 1.618. ... From this pattern, the Greeks developed the Golden Ratio to better express the difference between any two numbers in the sequence.

Helicon (physics)

Plasma (physics)

Hydrogen Plasma

Scientists will test the world’s first nuclear fusion reactor this summer

Euler number (physics)

Cavitation number


It looks like a saxophone but plays 512 notes — many you’ve never heard before 

Dynamic tonality

Long ago, in many societies on earth,

Thor's day

Vishnu's/Buddha's/Dattatrey's Day

There are a number of modern names imitating the naming of Thursday after an equivalent of "Jupiter" in local tradition. In most of the languages of India, the word for Thursday is Guruvāravāra meaning day and Guru being the style for Bṛhaspati, guru to the gods and regent of the planet Jupiter.

The virtue of Thursday is temperance and the vice is gluttony

Moderation is key

Austin's official motto is the "Live Music Capital of the World" due to the high volume of venues hosting live music performances in the city, sometimes over 100 on the same night. 

Painter's paradox 

Mechanism of sonoluminescence

Sonofusion, Acoustic Inertial Confinement Fusion

Acoustic Wave Dosimetry Based on Diazotized Luminol Solutions

Gabriel's Horn is not so puzzling

Is Fusion Through Sonoluminescence Possible?

Mario Chapa
March 16, 2015

Bubble fusion

The bubbles produced by ultrasound in water (sonoluminescence) reach extremely high temperatures and pressures for brief periods. Could these conditions initiate or facilitate nuclear fusion, as suggested in the recent movie "Chain Reaction"?

Stable sonoluminescence within a water hammer tube

  • July 2004

Green hydrogen has been in the news often lately. ... Simply put, it is hydrogen fuel that is created using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels

Green Hydrogen: Could It Be Key to a Carbon-Free Economy?

Green hydrogen, which uses renewable energy to produce hydrogen from water, is taking off around the globe. Its boosters say the fuel could play an important role in decarbonizing hard-to-electrify sectors of the economy, such as long-haul trucking, aviation, and heavy manufacturing.

By Jim Robbins November 5, 2020

Texas lawmakers plan slate of bills in response to power outages, but experts skeptical there will be meaningful change

Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday also said he wants lawmakers to prioritize correcting any ERCOT-related billing errors, including inaccurately high electricity charges. That came after the Public Utility Commission said it will not fix ERCOT's $16 billion power billing mistake.

Piñata Effigy Implicit stereotype Iconoclasm Green Bonds for Artificial neural network Machines learning about Environmental Racism as solutions for Texas Disparity

Helter Skelter (Remastered 2009) 

The Department of Defense has ordered the burning of 20m pounds of AFFF – despite risks to human health 

Electricity repricing bill hits wall in House, marking first major schism with Senate this session

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said the House "stood for big business" after Speaker Dade Phelan signaled skepticism about reversing billions of dollars in charges for wholesale electricity during last month’s winter storm.



The words schism and schismatic have found their heaviest usage in the history of Christianity,[citation needed] to denote splits within a church, denomination or religious body. In this context, "schismatic", as a noun, denotes a person who creates or incites schism in a church or a person who is a member of a splinter Church; as an adjective, "schismatic" refers to ideas and activities that are thought to lead to or constitute schism, and ultimately to departure from what the user of the word considers to be the true Christian Church. These words have been used to denote both the phenomenon of Christian group-splintering in general, and certain significant historical splits in particular.

One can make a distinction[5] between heresy and schism. Heresy is rejection of a doctrine that a Church considered to be essential. Schism is a rejection of communion with the authorities of a Church, and not every break of communion is necessarily about doctrine, as is clear from examples such as the Western Schism and the breaking of the communion that existed between Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople and Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens in 2004.[6] However, when for any reason people withdraw from communion, two distinct ecclesiastical entities may result, each of which, or at least some members thereof, may then accuse the other(s) of heresy. 

How to (Finally) Put an End to Pointless Arguments

Replication crisis

In psychology

The empty brain

Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer

Brain wifi

Instead of a code encrypted in the wiring of our neurons, could consciousness reside in the brain’s electromagnetic field?

Why you might want to stop talking about your anxiety and try this instead

well, what's in your heart?

The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition

The war on marijuana was a product of American's growing prejudice towards the influx of Mexican immigrants after the Mexican Revolution.

Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

Symbionese Liberation Army

Daddy's daughter

Patty Hearst

no daddy, no

Spanish–American War

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

The "Southern Strategy" refers primarily to "top down" narratives of the political realignment of the South which suggest that Republican leaders consciously appealed to many white Southerners' racial grievances in order to gain their support.[5]

What caused the Great Schism of 1378?

The Great Schism of 1378–1417 resulted from the removal of the papacy from Italy to France in 1309. Feuds among the Italian cardinals and their allies among the Italian nobility led to Pope Clement V (1305–14) moving the papal residence from Rome to Avignon in southern France.

Great Schism may refer to:

  • East–West Schism, between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, beginning in 1054
  • Western Schism, a split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417





  • Schism, a division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination
  • Shia–Sunni relations, their division traces back to a Sunni–Shia schism

Epipodius is the patron saint of bachelors, victims of betrayal, and victims of torture.

A simple example

Pointless topology

Argument of a function

 A clique (AusE, CanE, UK: /ˈklk/ or US: /ˈklɪk/), in the social sciences, is a group of individuals who interact with one another and share similar interests.[1] Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development regardless of gender, ethnicity or popularity. Although cliques are most commonly studied during adolescence and middle childhood development, they exist in all age groups. They are often bound together by shared social characteristics such as ethnicity and socioeconomic status.[2] Examples of common or stereotypical adolescent cliques include athletes, nerds, and "outsiders".[3]1

coterie, circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, set, group, pack, band, ring, mob, crew, club, society, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, camp, cartel, cabal, junta, caucus, cell, lobby, push, gang, bunch, camarilla
Where in the Bible does it say laughter is the best medicine?

Proverbs 17:22 tells us, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." We can think of no better embodiment of this saying than when it comes to caregiving

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

The History of Anti-Mexican Violence and Lynching

By Marlon Bishop and Julia Shu

The social aspects of quantum entanglement 

Temperance (virtue)

Temperance in its modern use is defined as moderation or voluntary self-restraint.[1] It is typically described in terms of what an individual voluntarily refrains from doing.[2] This includes restraint from revenge by practicing non-violence and forgiveness, restraint from arrogance by practicing humility and modesty, restraint from excesses such as extravagant luxury or splurging by practicing prudence, and restraint from rage or craving by practicing calmness and self-control.[2]

Temperance has been described as a virtue by religious thinkers, philosophers, and more recently, psychologists, particularly in the positive psychology movement. It has a long history in philosophical and religious thought


In the Christian tradition, temperance is prolific. The Old Testament emphasizes temperance as a core virtue, as evidenced in both Solomon's Book of Proverbs and in the Ten Commandments, with its admonitions against adultery and covetousness. The New Testament does so as well, with forgiveness being central to theology and self-control being one of the Fruits of the Spirit.[4] With regard to Christian theology, the word temperance is used by the King James Version in Galatians 5:23 for the Greek word ἐγκρατεία (enkrateia), which means self-control or discipline (Strong's Concordance, 1466). Thomas Aquinas promoted Plato's original virtues in addition to several others.

Within the Christian church Temperance is a virtue akin to self-control. It is applied to all areas of life. It can especially be viewed in practice among sects like the Amish, Old Order Mennonites, and Conservative Mennonites. In the Christian religion, temperance is a virtue that moderates attraction and desire for pleasure and "provides balance in the use of created goods". St. Thomas calls it a "disposition of the mind which binds the passions".[4] Temperance is believed to combat the sin of gluttony.[citation needed]

Lucy Stone League

I went to college with her great granddaughter. I went with her to AA meetings in downtown Houston, right across the street from Spec's Liquor,  2410 Smith St, Houston, TX 77006. We took a composition class at HCC together. Looking back, this helped me understand Suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise is the right to vote in public, political elections (although the term is sometimes used for any right to vote). I may imagine many women in our United States getting together to address the men who would get drunk and lose their money gambling and spread sexual transmited diseases as the Saloons of the west, and the church was means or platform for congregations of women to address social justice. 

Single nanowire devices for gas and chemical sensing

Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science

Quantum social science

March 28

Palm Sunday 2021

According to Christians, Palm Sunday is a celebration for honoring Jesus Christ's victorious entry into Jerusalem. While this was a joyful, special occasion for his followers, this event took place towards the end of his days on Earth before being crucified.

Palm calculus

Tutorial: Small-N Power Analysis

Gary KingChristopher LucasRichard Nielsen§

Sampling Distribution of the Sample Proportion, p-hat

Nick and Max may understand

Bayesian inference

How to Calculate P-hat

Scientists rise up against statistical significance

Valentin Amrhein, Sander Greenland, Blake McShane and more than 800 signatories call for an end to hyped claims and the dismissal of possibly crucial effects.

Welcome to We All Count!

It’s a project to increase equity in data science. This project has a place for you in it if you want to work towards a world where data science is good, and good for everyone.

U.S. Senate hearing focuses on Texas’ overdue need for grid upgrades after Arctic blast triggered blackouts

‘The weather isn’t what it used to be,’ testifies Pat Wood, former PUC chair, defending ERCOT’s rolling blackouts

U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

Little's law

The Hyperfine Splitting in Hydrogen

Sol–gel process



Hyperfine structure

Physics with antihydrogen

W A Bertsche1,2, E Butler3, M Charlton4 and N Madsen4

NMR spectra of symmetric molecules. I. The spin Hamiltonian for twofold symmetry

Helicity, Chirality, Mass, and the Higgs

This is a thank you for professor Datta, considerations of 'Coding the Matrix' by professor Klein as well revisit to ARM Microcontrollers by professor Valvano
Tesla's Tower at Wardenclyffe

Transmission tower

Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)

What is the highest virtue?
Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthful living.

Spotlight Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton Movie HD

What is the significance of Jacob's Ladder?
The ladder therefore signifies the "bridge" between Heaven and earth, as prayers and sacrifices offered in the Holy Temple soldered a connection between God and the Jewish people. Moreover, the ladder alludes to the giving of the Torah as another connection between heaven and earth

Jacob's Ladder

Genesis 28:12
12 He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

What is virtue and vice According to Aristotle?
Aristotle famously conceives of virtue as a mean between an excess and a lack of the virtuous quality in question (locating fortitude, for instance, between rashness and cowardice); in medieval philosophy, both sorts of moral defects are usually called vices (vitia).

Persona (psychology)

Carl Jung masks
The persona, for Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—"a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual".
What is the difference between a virtue and a vice?
Virtue is defined as: behavior showing high moral standards. Vice on the other hand is referred to as: immoral or wicked behaviour. Typical virtues include courage, temperance, justice, prudence, fortitude, liberality, and truthfulness. ... Typical vices include cowardice, insensibility, injustice, and vanity.
Must do math homework....What is the highest virtue?
Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthful living.

Jacobs Ladder

Ladder Operators

2 Samuel 6:14-22

Why did David dance on his way into Jerusalem?
And he saw it only fit to dance in celebration of the God who had chosen him and his descendants to be a covenant partner forever. Before God, David felt it to be inappropriate to come as the King of Israel - but rather as a common servant and partner with the people of God.

Maxwell's demon

Second laws for an information driven current through a spin valve

Philipp Strasberg, Gernot Schaller, Tobias Brandes, and Christopher Jarzynski
Phys. Rev. E 90, 062107 – Published 1 December 2014

Feller's paradox

An important example of the use of Palm probabilities is Feller's paradox, often associated with the analysis of an M/G/1 queue. This states that the (time-)average time between the previous and next points in a point process is greater than the expected interval between points. The latter is the Palm expectation of the former, conditioning on the event that a point occurs at the time of the observation. This paradox occurs because large intervals are given greater weight in the time average than small intervals.

Creation and annihilation operators

Peeking into a world of spin-3/2 materials

Curvature of Riemannian manifolds

A Coupled Polarization-Matrix Inversion and Iteration Approach for Accelerating the Dipole Convergence in a Polarizable Potential Function

Bond-Dependent Thole Model for Polarizability and Spectroscopy


Angular momentum coupling


Bohr model

Bohr's Hydrogen Atom

Molecular Hamiltonian

The Schrödinger equation of the Coulomb Hamiltonian

spin structure 

 Spin(7) manifold 

Molecular machine

Metric tensor 

Christoffel symbols

List of formulas in Riemannian geometry

A new 'spin' on kagome lattices

History of electromagnetic theory

Electromagnetic Theory covers the basic principles of electromagnetism: experimental basis, electrostatics, magnetic fields of steady currents, motional e.m.f. and electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations, propagation and radiation of electromagnetic waves, electric and magnetic properties of matter.


Garuda (Sanskrit: गरुड Garuḍa; Pāli: गरुळ Garuḷa), also Galon or Nan Belu in Burmese and Karura in Japanese, is a legendary bird or bird-like creature in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain faith.[1][3][4] He is variously the vehicle mount (vahana) of the Hindu god Vishnu, a dharma-protector and Astasena in Buddhism, and the Yaksha of the Jain Tirthankara Shantinatha.[3][4][5] The Brahminy kite is considered as the contemporary representation of Garuda.

Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. It is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology

Biden says he agrees with Obama that filibuster is 'a relic of the Jim Crow era'

My sister Carmen game me a book Book by Max Ernst

A Week of Kindness or the Seven Deadly Elements

Seton and Lorenz were unabashedly anthropomorphic. In other words, they attributed human reactions to animals.


By Boria Sax
page 151

My dad gave me a few Ernest Thompson Seton books, and I am enjoying the literary anthropomorphic writing style.

Of Course I had to tell my friend Carole Zoom....

The word zoomorphism derives from the Greek ζωον (zōon), meaning "animal", and μορφη (morphē), meaning "shape" or "form". It can mean:

  • Art that imagines humans as non-human animals[1]
  • Art that portrays one species of animal like another species of animal
  • Art that creates patterns using animal imagery, or animal style
  • Deities depicted in animal form, such as exist in ancient Egyptian religion[2]
  • Therianthropy: the ability to shapeshift into animal form[3]
  • Attributing animal forms or animal characteristics to other animals, or things other than an animal; similar to but broader than anthropomorphism
  • The tendency of viewing human behaviour in terms of the behaviour of animals, contrary to anthropomorphism, which views animal or non-animal behaviour in human terms
Perl is open-source, object-oriented programming used for building and implementing applications in unix systems, similar to python.
... Though Perl is not easy to learn, it makes text processing simple & short. Whereas Python is easy to learn, and it requires functions for text processing.

Three pearls of number theory

Book by Aleksandr Khinchin

Howdy neighbor, I mentioned an article with Play-doh snake handling to explain Gabriel's horn, which is much, much safer than Snake handling in religion and a consideration for Baptist evangelicals misogyny issues.
From the music capital of the world

SPY Wednesday, 

March 31

The text 'a little bird told me' doesn't appear in any version of the Bible, but the root source of this expression probably is biblical, from Ecclesiastes 10-20 (King James Version):

"Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter."

Various authors over the centuries, including Shakespeare, have made reference to birds, feathered or otherwise, giving messages. The first that comes close to our current version of this phrase is Frederick Marryat, in Peter Simple, 1833:

"A little bird has whispered a secret to me."

a little bird told me

troubles with Twitter


EKK, the
CAT (K) Space

A Lucky number Lasso (statistics) k-medoids Pi backbonding Charmonium Von Neumann paradox

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Tactile sensor

2D group 6 transition metal dichalcogenides toward wearable electronics and optoelectronics

TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning.

We may design for our Military and our Austin Police here in Texas

'Space kits' help Soldiers recognize jamming on comms devices, networks

By Sean Kimmons, Army News ServiceDecember 1, 2017

Wireless sensor network

A Statistical Approach to Detect Jamming Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

Opeyemi Osanaiye,1,* Attahiru S. Alfa,1,2 and Gerhard P. Hancke1

Thank you Austin Texas APD:

A good example of an early quantum sensor is an APD avalanche photodiode as these have been used to detect entangled photons and in fact with additional cooling and sensor improvements can be used where PMTs once ruled the market such as medical imaging.

Quantum radar

Quantum sensor is also a term used in other settings where entangled quantum systems are exploited to make better atomic clocks[6] or more sensitive magnetometers.

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Within You Without You

5 White House staffers lose jobs over drugs, marijuana use

Bhang is a traditional Indian cannabis infused beverage. Primarily associated with the worship of Lord ShivaBhang is now widely used and known as the official drink of Holi festivals and celebrations. Lord Shiva is believed to have used bhang to focus inward and harness divine powers.

Biden trips three times while boarding Air Force One


Haoma is a divine plant in Zoroastrianism and in later Persian culture and mythology. Haoma has its origins in Indo-Iranian religion and is the cognate of Vedic soma.

Botanic identification

Chillum (pipe)


Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two

“And who is my neighbor?”

Fisher information

"Fishers of men" is a phrase used in the gospels to describe the mandate given by Jesus to his first disciples. Two brother fishermen, Simon called Peter and Andrew, were casting a net into the Sea of Galilee. As he commenced his preaching ministry, Jesus called them to follow him and told them that in doing so they were to become "fishers of men".

This calling of the first Apostles, which eventually become a group of twelve, made the two fishermen early followers of Jesus. There is a parallel account in Mark 1:16-20 and a similar but different story in Luke 5:1-11, the Luke story not including the phrase “Fishers of men” (or similar wording). The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges calls Matthew 4:18 a "condensed parable",[1] drawn out at slightly greater length later in the same gospel.[2]

Shem HaMephorash

19 Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, 20 coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night[a] without one coming near the other all night.

21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

Biblical Commentary

Exodus 14:19-31

The 72 names of God are made by the first letter of verse 19, The three consecutive verses from Exodus 14:19-21 each contain 72 letters, an obviously rare phenomenon. The letters of these three verses can be arranged as 72 triplets of letters. But we are taught in Kabbala that if we reverse the order of the letters in the middle set, the 72 triplets become 72 "names" of G‑d.

72 'Names' of G-d

The 3 verses of 72 letters each refer in sequence to the divine attributes of chesed, gevura, and tiferet.

Cleansing of the Temple

Higher Orders of Infinity

A set is countable if it is finite or if it can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with the set of counting numbers (countable infinite). All infinite sets that can be placed in a one-to- one correspondence with a set of counting numbers have cardinal number aleph-naught or aleph-zero, symbolized ℵ0 

Infinity and its cardinalitiesNo one shall expel us from the Paradise that Cantor has created. David Hilbert


Cardinal resigns amid London property scandal


Charge conjugation for Dirac fields

Proton-exchange membrane

Executive Order 13798

Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty

What is the virtue of truth?

The virtue of Truth, Truthfulness, Veracity, is the practice, the habit of making a right use of speech, by employing language to express the convictions, the beliefs of the mind. ... It has moral character, in this respect, among others: it may be truthful and virtuous, or false and wrong.

Nominal number

Valence (chemistry)

Electrons and valence


  Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

von Neumann cardinal assignment

Saint John Nepomucene Neumann CSsR (German: Johann Nepomuk Neumann, Czech: Jan Nepomucký Neumann; March 28, 1811 – January 5, 1860) was a Catholic priest from Bohemia.

and a quote from Richard Feynman on the mathematician

John von Neumann gave me an interesting idea: that you don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. So I have developed a very powerful sense of social irresponsibility as a result of von Neumann's advice. It's made me a very happy man ever since. But it was von Neumann who put the seed in that grew into my active irresponsibility!

Von Neumann was the first to establish a rigorous mathematical framework for quantum mechanics, known as the Dirac–von Neumann axioms, in his 1932 work Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

2.2.1 Representation of vectors using Python dictionaries


An alternative approach to produce versatile retinal organoids with accelerated ganglion cell development

Justice is Blind, Ambition is Blind, Love is Blind, Rage is Blind, and oi what religious organizations say about masterbation


Corticospinal mirror neurons

Mirror neuron

A New Spin on the Quantum Brain

A new theory explains how fragile quantum states may be able to exist for hours or even days in our warm, wet brain. Experiments should soon test the idea.
the nerve of Las Vegas
Leaving Las Vegas

Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better—to fill emotional needs, rather than your stomach. Unfortunately, emotional eating doesn't fix emotional problems. In fact, it usually makes you feel worse. Afterward, not only does the original emotional issue remain, but you also feel guilty for overeating

Watering the Seeds of Love

#56 Winter/Spring 2011

Growing Mindful Relationships By Jerry Braza

Those Metal Ox in China say it is their year as the year of the (mouse) rat was last year.


Goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati and Parvati are the wives of Lord Vishnu the preserver, Lord Brahma the creator and Lord Mahadeva the destroyer respectively. 

Executive Order 13798

Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty

What is the virtue of truth?
The virtue of Truth, Truthfulness, Veracity, is the practice, the habit of making a right use of speech, by employing language to express the convictions, the beliefs of the mind. ... It has moral character, in this respect, among others: it may be truthful and virtuous, or false and wrong.

Fukujin (福神) deities

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed SB No 1978 on Wednesday. The bill, dubbed the “Save Chick-fil-A Bill,” protects religious freedoms including membership in and support to religious organizations.

Laertes: Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord. "To thine own self be true" is Polonius's last piece of advice to his son Laertes, who is in a hurry to get on the next boat to Paris, where he'll be safe from his father's long-winded speeches [see NEITHER A BORROWER NOR A LENDER BE].

"To thine own self be true," says Polonius in Hamlet. This phrase has become enormously popular, so much so that there are entire Tumblrs of photographs of people bearing "to thine own self be true" tattoos and other paraphernalia.

Aristotle defines moral virtue as a disposition to behave in the right manner and as a mean between extremes of deficiency and excess, which are vices. We learn moral virtue primarily through habit and practice rather than through reasoning and instruction.

SB No 1978


Saraswati (also Sarasvati) is the Hindu goddess of learning, wisdom, music, and aesthetics.

Tridevi, this triad is typically personified by the Hindu goddesses Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati. In Shaktism, these triune goddesses are the manifestations of Mula-Prakriti or Adi Parashakti.

Fukujin (福神) and Parliament-Funkadelic
the Japanese pronunciation of Zhong Kui, a figure in Chinese mythology, traditionally regarded as a vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings

Lord Vigneswara is the God of “obstacles”. Goddess Saraswathi is the provider of Vidya or Practical Knowledge/education. Goddess Lakshmi is the symbol of prosperity or Wealth. One should require all the above to live happily.When you have wealth then only you can access knowledge or education. In the same way if you have education or practical wisdom then only you can wisely spend the money. For receiving all the wealth and knowledge in an uninterrupted manner one should have no hindrance. Only Lord Vigneswara can ensure the stream o f fortunes with out any obstacles in any ones life. So in this present era of uncertainty and lethal competition the significance Lord Vigneswara,Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswathi are paramount.

Chinese year of the Metal Ox

Tango no Sekku” or “Kodomo no Hi”(Children's Day) Cinco de Mayo

Pony Express (roller coaster)

Parenthood - The rollercoaster

America’s Covid Swab Supply Depends on Two Cousins Who Hate Each Other

The pandemic brought the business opportunity of a lifetime to Puritan Medical Products of Guilford, Maine. But even a $250 million infusion from the U.S. government has done little to quell an epic family feud.

In Game Theory a little pony express application may track your stimulus package as an exciting video game.
Family Feud – The WWI Monarchs of England, Germany and Russia Were Cousins. ... In this case, it involved three cousins, the boys who grew up to be Kaiser Wilhelm II, George V, and Czar Nicholas II, and it manifested as World War One. According to the Daily Mail, Wilhelm was the oldest of the three cousins

‘Blowing up the pylon’: the limitations to Lacanism in organization studies, seen from the perspective of Deleuze and Guattari

Last night I had a dream my cat pickles slipped between my mattress and the wall and was clawing his way out as I began to help him. I woke up realising my cat died decades ago. I meditated and considered:

Development of Lacan's thought

Lacan considered the human psyche to be framed within the three orders of The Imaginary, The Symbolic and The Real (RSI).[6]

I thought of MathPickles
and of my cat as

k-nearest neighbors algorithm

‘The ketamine blew my mind’: can psychedelics cure addiction and depression?

There is an expression when this form of therapy, legal in Texas when facilitated by a licensed therapist is abuse as do not get stuck in a K hole.

The Chemical Brothers

Rave clubs and club kids as Goths, a NeoGothic, Furry's, Burning Man, Lollapalooza, this is where parenthood roller coasters are a perception consideration for helicopter parenting and the need for a solid foundation of faith reason and intuition with interpersonal relationships to offer moral and ethical guide posts established in a life span.

It is a good idea for guardians to explain the problems of Molly and Sally as MDA and MDMA go by these names as well as many other street names. If you want weird ideas study

Percolation theory

what the Jihad

Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)

okay, remember that lawsuit for McDonalds because the coffee was too hot?
In 1992, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck bought a cup of takeout coffee at a McDonald's drive-thru in Albuquerque and spilled it on her lap. She sued McDonald's and a jury awarded her nearly $3 million in punitive damages for the burns she suffered. ... The coffee was not just “hot,” but dangerously hot.

Scientists create first complete human embryo model in Petri dish

oKK, perhaps some operator error theatrics with Hey Koolaid!
Perhaps, the underlying considerations here is of the virtue of love and the vice of lust

Biden calls Texas, Mississippi ending mask mandates ‘Neanderthal thinking’

The GEICO Cavemen are trademarked characters of the auto insurance company GEICO, used in a series of television advertisements that aired beginning in 2004. The campaign was created by Joe Lawson and Noel Ritter while working at The Martin Agency.

Geico Cavemen: "The Apology"


The Pylons are small truncated square pyramid-like buildings that litter the landscape of the Land of the Lost. Pylons are often golden, tall and narrow, spaced approximately every quarter mile in a regular pattern. The surface of a Pylon is polished to a mirror-like precision and extremely smooth to the touch.

Human innovate

Transmission tower

Grunt grunt


A Dream Ahead of Its Time 
Live Drone busking music on 6th street for Pecan Festival proposal as Perez Legacy account development from Austin, Texas, thank you kindly sir Ringo Star and sir Paul McCartney for orchestration development considerations

The Beatles: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr pay tribute to their mothers with touching photos

Power Outage

A semi-conductor shortage could sneakily change everything about our lives

Heart of Pi day 2021Green Economy for St. Patrick's day.
Would you like another slice?

Meet the Makech, the Bedazzled Beetles Worn as Living Jewelry

The unusual bugs from the Yucatán have a backstory as colorful as their rhinestone-studded rumps


Aniconism in the Bahá’í Faith refers to the practice of not displaying, and avoiding depictions of Bahá’u’lláh and other Manifestations of God outside of an appropriately reverent setting. The existence of such depictions are not considered offensive to Bahá’ís. With respect to the photographs of Bahá’u’lláh, Shoghi Effendi stated that believers should view these images only when they can be treated with the utmost respect and not let them be exposed to the public, even in their private homes.[1]

Shoghi Effendi has also written in the Directives from the Guardian regarding the portrait of the Báb:

The portrait of the Báb should be regarded as an inestimable privilege and blessing to behold, as past generations were denied a glimpse of the Face of the Manifestation, once He had passed on.
— Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian[2]

Two pictures of Bahá’u’lláh and a portrait of the Báb are on display at the World Centre in the International Archives building, where the Bahá’ís view it as part of their pilgrimage.

Worry doll

Maha Kala Bhairava Trishula aim is to destroys wrath, greed and lust





Lacanianism is the study of, and development of, the ideas and theories of the dissident French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Beginning as a commentary on the writings of Freud, Lacanianism developed into a new psychoanalytic theory of humankind,[1] and spawned a worldwide movement of its own.

Development of Lacan's thought

Lacan considered the human psyche to be framed within the three orders of The Imaginary, The Symbolic and The Real (RSI).[6]
Carl Jung masks

The persona, for Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—"a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual".
Long ago, the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung contended that “what you resist not only persists, but will grow in size. '' When we feel pain, emotional or otherwise, our instinct is to resist it.

Well, isn't that a

Strange Attractors


Matthew 6:6

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy
closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray
to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father
which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Thanks for the Banjo Carole Zoom

Four Reasons to Meet with God in Secret

Jesus turned round to the woman and said "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace." (see Luke 8:43-48) (Christ healing the bleeding woman). In Mark's and Luke's version, a messenger arrived with the news that Jairus' daughter had died, and he was advised not to trouble Jesus any further.
Rationalism holds that truth should be determined by reason and factual analysis, rather than faith, dogma, tradition or religious teaching. Fideism holds that faith is necessary, and that beliefs may be held without any evidence or reason and even in conflict with evidence and reason.

Howdy mayor of the music capital of the world in the state named after the native word for 'friends' and for fancy graduate networking on American Pi day 2021 declarations for reparations of slavery and civil sins of savage native dances that got uncivil like with warfare, may we dance like the Tandava in a metphysical, spiritual state as 


Addressing cults of personality troubles with evangelical capital sins with
Name-calling is a form of verbal abuse in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group

Is it a crime to call someone names?

Did you know it is illegal to call people names? That is right it is illegal to insult someone. In the law, insulting someone is called slander if it was said and libel if it was done in writing. If you say or write something that is false and it ruins a persons reputation you could find yourself in a legal battle. 
More on this artilce below...












Financial abuse involves controlling a victim's ability to acquire, use, and maintain financial resources.

Financial abuse involves controlling a victim's ability to acquire, use, and maintain financial resources. 

What is the youngest kid to graduate college?
Michael Kearney
Age at Graduation: 10

Michael Kearney holds the Guinness World Book Record for being the youngest college graduate ever. He was born in Honolulu, HI, and homeschooled by his mother.


Economic abuse

It is related to, or also known as, financial abuse, which is the illegal or unauthorized use of a person’s property, money, pension book or other valuables (including changing the person's will to name the abuser as heir), often fraudulently obtaining power of attorney, followed by deprivation of money or other property, or by eviction from own home. 


Bezalel is said to have been only thirteen years of age when he accomplished his great work (Sanhedrin 69b); he owed his wisdom to the merits of pious parents; his grandfather being Hur and his great-grandmother Miriam, he was thus a grandnephew of Moses (Exodus R. 48:3, 4).

Ageism, also spelled agism, is stereotyping and/or discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. This may be casual or systematic. The term was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler to describe discrimination against seniors, and patterned on sexism and racism.
You like uh the Pi 2021?
You think uh St. Patrick may enjoy it?

(in Graduate Networking Green Economic Game theory for a piece of the American Pi, Amen)
Executive Order 13798

Executive Order 13798

Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed SB No 1978

Analyses - Wahhabism | PBS - Saudi Time Bomb? | FRONTLINE | PBS

wahhabism For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Critics say that Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Wahhabism's explosive growth began in the 1970s when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools (madrassas) and mosques from Islamabad to Culver City, California

US-Saudi Arabia seal weapons deal worth nearly $110 billion immediately, $350 billion over 10 years

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Trump's first major budget proposal on Tuesday will include massive cuts to Medicaid and call for changes to anti-poverty programs that would give states new power to limit a range of benefits.

Now what will the Afghan Taliban do with those Billions in weapons deal, being influenced from Wahhabism [a radical form of Islam] practiced only in Saudi Arabia and by the Afghan Taliban...

US War In Afghanistan Is Fueling Global Heroin Epidemic & Enabling The Drug Trade

The CIA continues trafficking drugs from Afghanistan

5 Elite Families Who Made Their Fortunes in the Opium Trade

There's dirty money buried in the basement of some of America's wealthiest and most powerful families

US War In Afghanistan Is Fueling Global Heroin Epidemic & Enabling The Drug Trade


How The Rockefellers Looted Iran

and since the Nixon administration is being brought up as a measure recently,

The Nixon Administration And The Great Heroin Coup

The great heroin coup

Book by Henrik Krüger

I want to thank my political representatives for recognizing concerns with administrative decisions of our United States Department of Defense with billions of dollars in weapons contracts with Wahhabism [a radical form of Islam] only practiced in Saudi Arabia and by the Afghan Taliban, as well our occupation in Afghanistan, with all that opium/heroin supplied for the world.


The CIA Drug ConnectionIs as Old as the Agency

Overwhelming Evidence That the CIA is Smuggling Drugs for Decades

How Opium is Keeping US in Afghanistan: CIA’s Shady History of Drug Trafficking

and of course

The Kazakhstan Connection:  Trump, Bayrock And Plenty Of Questions

zielverkoopers in Antidiscrimination Law

Fox v. Rothschild 21 Century banking

Zoroastrian Jamsetjee JeeJeebhoy and the opium Astor Sassoons Cohong Kibbutz

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Colonia (film)

Operation Charly (Spanish: Operación Charly), was allegedly the code-name given to a program undertaken by the military establishment in Argentina with the objective of providing military and counterinsurgency assistance to right-wing dictatorships in Central America to murder left-wing activists. The operation was either headed by the Argentine military with the agreement of the United States Department of Defense, or was led by the US and used the Argentinians as a proxy. Few of the Junta members are currently in prison for convicted for crimes against humanity.[1]

"Founded by the Pinochet regime in November 1975, Operation Condor was the codename for a ... Stefano Delle Chiaie and Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie (see also Operation Charly).

Nazis Trained and Supported Chile's Operation Condor Activities

Declassified documents reveal U.S.-backed Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet used Nazi training and support for Operation Condor activities

Nazis, Operation Condor, and Bush's Privatization Plan

by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Published Tue, Apr 12 2016

Panama Papers, House of Saud, Iran Contra:

The King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, has been implicated in the Panama Papers scandal along with many other powerful figures across the globe.

According to the leaked papers, King Salman used an offshore British Virgin Island company to take out mortgages on his luxury London homes. In total, the mortgages added up to the sum of $34 million.

The Covert Roots of the Panama Papers

Panama has long been a haven for money launderers—including the CIA.

How it translates to now:
Baha'i National CenterMarch 11, 2021

By Will Fitzgibbon and Nicolas Richter


How Shiva was transformed from a meat-loving deity to a vegetarian god

And why banning the sale of meat along the Kanwariya route is specially ironic.

Jul 29, 2017

Feelings one may channel from perception of (math) problems as anxiety, stress, depression, into solutions as ah-ha moments of humor and fun from problem solving are suggested as an art. If an ill humor may trick a good temper, then a good humor may treat an ill temper.


Palliative care

Don't have a cow man - Bart Simpson


How to Change Your Mindset to See Problems as Opportunities

Dwelling on problems causes stress and hampers productivity. What if you could train your brain to see problems as opportunities? Here's how!

The World’s Cheapest Hospital Has to Get Even Cheaper

Cancer surgery for $700, a heart bypass for $2,000. Pretty good, but under India’s new health-care system, it’s not good enough.

By Vijay Govindarajan and Ravi Ramamurti July 10, 2018

Sustainable Austin Blog

Generation Net-Zero

Ogallala Aquifer

Aether Creates the World's First Carbon-Negative Diamonds Made From Air. As the most sustainable fine jewelry brand in the world, Aether uses proprietary technology to transform harmful air pollution into the world's rarest diamonds.

Example, Kings Ranch Tower sucks up cow farts, turns it into clean energy gold with some fancy molecular geometry designiner chains with a fun and entertaining nanocar race from Circuits of America.
October 2, 2017
Land and Water savings from US Treasury bank notes made from Hemp may finance the Heifer Freedom Gas Towers at Kings Ranch to give Desert Ranch a run for the money with Nebraska and the Ogallala aquifer waste stream EPA accountability plan to address long term costs of Cancer Alley with remediation field theory of Industrial Agriculural Building innovations addressing air, water and land waste streams.

Innovations at the Hospitals for Net Zero energy manufacturing on site and all weather conditions for clean running water and innovations in design buildings meanwhile back at King's Ranch.


Deep Learning Graduate Networking iCORE Draft email for project narrative development considerations by All Fools day 2021

Hospitals in Austin are running out of water



Also Known as the Mormon Ranch. Deseret Ranches is what we long time Floridians call the Mormon Ranch. At about 295,000 acres, it is one of the largest cow-calf cattle ranches in the United States. It is 10 times larger than Walt Disney World and has been in Central Florida a lot longer.

Moon made of Government Green Cheese for Cow Quantum Jumping Milky Way contests for Moon Pies in the Chinese year of the Metal Ox

Notice Aleph number is mentioned from the page for Lacanian considerations.

Aleph number


Dynamic epistemic logic 

Spin-3/2 superconductor is a first, say physicists

16 Apr 2018 Hamish Johnston

adjective, slang Very drunk. Although the etymology of "crunk" is debated, it may be a portmanteau of "crazy" and "drunk." Do you remember last night at all? You were really krunk.
Shama Sharma and Vishwamittar

Devil Staircase as The Cantor function, a singular function in mathematics
1761761761761682010-05-13 00:43:32 / rev b667c9e4c1f1+8.3Random walks

Valleytronics in 2D materials

Cantor ternary function, the Lebesgue function,[1] Lebesgue's singular function, the Cantor–Vitali function, the Devil's staircase,[2] the Cantor staircase function,[3] and the Cantor–Lebesgue function.[4]

1OctavioCasta~nos ,JorgeG.Hirschy
andPeterO.Hess InstitutodeCienciasNucleares,UNAM;A.Postal70-543,04510yDepartamentodeF sica,CINVESTAV;A.Postal14-740,07000M exico,D.F.
JorgeG.Hirsch, Ja ja ja ja!
Careful with that tone

The school superintendent said the 16-year-old student displayed "a serious lack of judgment"

Name-calling is a form of verbal abuse in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

TRUMP: Ted Cruz has 'a mental problem'

One of the biggest red flags of an unhealthy or abusive relationship is name calling. It's considered abusive behavior because it labels one partner as something negative -- you're dumb, ugly, stupid, fat, unlovable-- without acknowledging or considering their feelings.

Twitter sues Texas attorney general and says he launched probe in retaliation for taking down Trump’s account

‘Twitter seeks to stop AG Paxton from unlawfully abusing his authority as the highest law-enforcement officer of the State of Texas’

Operation Condor, Operation 40, and a Nazi named Klaus Barbie who was sent to South America to work with cocaine cowboys including during the 1970's and 1980's
While working at United Recovery Systems, a debt collection agency, I dated an African American named Demetra Comeaux and we lived at 7979 Westheimer. There were Japanese women who were with a group of African Americans and these women told me they were under the protection of these African Americans as they were escaping from oclochary, mob boss rules from Japan. It would take me another decade to process the costs of criminal behavior when it becomes more organized into Mob rule or ochlocracy .
Mena Arkansa Iran Contra drop point from CIA Barbie was covered by Dixie Mafia cover as Bill Clinton Governor and Hillary Clinton with her Rose Law Firm, money and legal trails American Made, and pining Freeway Ricky Ross as part of a Crack Team operation from senior George Bush's dirty CIA deeds planted with Operation Condor, American Made Operation 40 legacy of Mob rule.
Dixie Mafia driver gets out of jail card provided from Clinton Rose Law firm, the Arkansa Governor Bill Clinton's wife.

we may connect the dots

Exposing the Legacy of Operation Condor

and propose solutions

Focus Colombian fashion industry, Indian envoy to exporters

And wear your heart of Texas on integrity and charecter who represents your interest in good faith as a collective convention of citizens in declerations of liberty from autocrats with private lobby interests that cripple their ability to represent their constituents in good faith.

Gov. Greg Abbott Tried to Come to the Defense of Racist Texas Judges But it’s Ended Up Backfiring on Twitter

TEXAS Gov. Gregg Abbott is trying to condone his non-lawyer Judge Oakley comments and play down the racism and sexism that’s rife in his State of Texas governmental departments. If the CEO of a Fortune 100 said that, he’d be sacked. 

Under the imminent lawless action test, speech is not protected by the First Amendment if the speaker intends to incite a violation of the law that is both imminent and likely.
Arkansas Connections

The media tried to turn the Clinton story
into Camelot II.
Just the truth would have made life easier
for all of us.
And a much better tale as well.

By Sam Smith

Social entropy is a sociological theory that evaluates social behaviours using a method based on the second law of thermodynamics.[1] The equivalent of entropy in a social system is considered to be wealth or residence location.[2] The theory was introduced by Kenneth D. Bailey (sociologist) in 1990.[3]

The warmer it gets, the more we use air conditioning. The more we use air conditioning, the warmer it gets. Is there any way out of this trap? By Stephen Buranyi

Philosophy of science

Justifying science


The Hedgehog and the Fox


Science as knowledge acquisition

LEAP in Health IT Frequently Asked Questions

Fearful Symmetry (book)

Plasma propulsion engine

Nano-particle field extraction thruster

Hall-effect thruster

Cylindrical Hall thrusters

Issus (genus)

Issus is a genus of planthoppers belonging to the family Issidae of infraorder Fulgoromorpha of suborder Auchenorrhyncha of order Hemiptera. Like most members of the order Hemiptera (popularly known as the "bug" or "true bugs" order) they live on phloem sap that they extract with their piercing, sucking mouth parts.

Planthoppers are the only animals known to possess a gear mechanism,[1] and Issus coleoptratus is the first type of planthopper to have the mechanism formally described.[2][3][4] The mesh sector gears do not transform velocity or torque, and they do not convey much of the power; they only synchronize the jumping motion of the hind legs, preventing yaw rotation.

Software bug

quantum leap microgear

Functioning 'mechanical gears' seen in nature for first time

Molecular Machine Makers Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Will a Nobel Prize for molecular machines open up funding for molecular nanotechnology?

By Dexter Johnson

This Insect Has The Only Mechanical Gears Ever Found in Nature

The small hopping insect Issus coleoptratus uses toothed gears on its joints to precisely synchronize the kicks of its hind legs as it jumps forward

Nanotechnology is the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale (1-100 nanometers), and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties (physical, chemical, biological) at that length scale. For comparison, 10 nanometers is 1000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. A scientific and technical revolution has just begun based upon the ability to systematically organize and manipulate matter at nanoscale. Payoff is anticipated within the next 10-15 years.

Tiny molecular gears to grind...

Mimicking the way the Sun produces energy by Understanding the fabric of protein crystals, SBIR Arizona - Texas Contractor Team Arrangements

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch 

Tony Low,*,†and F. GuineaNetwork for Computational Nanoelectronics, Hall for Discovery Learning Research, Purdue University,West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1791 andInstituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Sor Juana Ine ́s de laCruz 3, E28049 Madrid, Spain

RemarksconcerningtheexplicitconstructionofSPIN MATRICES FOR ARBITRARY SPINNicholasWheeler,ReedCollegePhysicsDepartmentAugust2000

Like, OMG!

See all authors and affiliations

What's the really physical meaning of spin 3/2 (for fermions) or 0,2 (for Bosons)?

We know quarks and leptons (including electrons and neutrinos), which make up what is classically known as matter, are all fermions with spin-1/2. The common idea that "matter takes up space" actually comes from the Pauli exclusion principle acting on these particles to prevent the fermions that make up matter from being in the same quantum state. It is also this pressure which prevents stars collapsing inwardly, and which, when it finally gives way under immense gravitational pressure in a dying massive star, triggers inward collapse and the dramatic explosion into a supernova.
Furthermore, elementary particles which are thought of as carrying forces are all bosons with spin-1. They include the photon which carries the electromagnetic force, the gluon (strong force), and the W and Z bosons (weak force).
But elementary fermions with other spins (3/2, 5/2 etc.) are not known to exist, until now and elementary bosons with other spins (0, 2, 3 etc.) were not historically known to exist, although they have received considerable theoretical treatment and are well established within their respective mainstream theories. In particular theoreticians have proposed the graviton (predicted to exist by some quantum gravity theories) with spin 2, and the Higgs boson (explaining electroweak symmetry breaking) with spin 0.
A&M Marching Band practice notes for drunkard walks temptations downspin

"View Coulomb blockades as a bottom up version of the Mott Transistor..."
Thanks professor Datta!


Kondo Peak...Fock Space Picture

Coulomb blockade

Do you own or rent your net zero Condo apartment called a Kondo (Peak)?
<like a Kondo in Pikes Peak Colorado for example>

Kondo effect

wow, what a Quantum Superposition!

Quantum superposition

Analogy with probability

Statistical mechanics

Statistical equilibrium occurs if, for each state in the ensemble, the ensemble also contains all of its future and past states with probabilities equal to the probability of being in that state. The study of equilibrium ensembles of isolated systems is the focus of statistical thermodynamics.

Negative differential resistance

Quantum entanglement

Two-State System

A guy goes to a psychiatrist. "Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam; then I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?"

The doctor replies: "It's very simple. You're two tents."

( too tense! )

Thanks Uncle Roy



Schottky diode

Upanayana (Sanskrit: उपनयन upanayana-) Janai or janeau or poita or Yagnopavita (Sanskrit: जनै, जनेऊ) is one of the traditional saṃskāras (rites of passage) that marked the acceptance of a student by a guru (teacher or tutor) and an individual's entrance to a school in Hinduism. The tradition is widely discussed in ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism and varies regionally.[2] The sacred thread (yagyopavita or janeu) is received by the boy during this ceremony, that he continues wearing from left shoulder to the right crossing the chest thereafter. Generally this ceremony should be done before the age of 16.


Upanayana (Sanskrit: उपनयन) literally means "the act of leading to or enlightment or near the eye (or eyesight / vision/ Third eye/ Pineal gland)".[7] It is an important and widely discussed samskara in ancient Sanskrit texts.[2] The rite of passage symbolizes the leading or drawing towards the self of a child, in a school, by a teacher.[7] It is a ceremony in which a guru (teacher) accepts and draws a child towards knowledge and initiates the second birth that is of the young mind and spirit.[2]

Upanayana is the rite of passage for the start of formal education of writing, numbers, reading, Vedangas, arts and other skills.[8] The Upanayana rite of passage was also important to the teacher, as the student would therefrom begin to live in the gurukul (school).[2]

Upanayana is an elaborate ceremony, that includes rituals involving the family, the child and the teacher. A boy receives during this ceremony a sacred thread called Yajñopaveetam that he wears. The Yajñopavita ceremony announce that the child had entered into formal education.[9][10] In the modern era, the Upanayana rite of passage is open to anyone at any age.[1]

The education of a student was not limited to ritual and philosophical speculations found in the Vedas and the Upanishads. They extended to many arts and crafts, which had their own, similar rites of passages.[11] Aitareya Brahmana, Agamas and Puranas literature of Hinduism describe these as Śilpa Śastras. They extend to all practical aspects of culture, such as the sculptor, the potter, the perfumer, the wheelwright, the painter, the weaver, the architect, the dancer, and the musician. Ancient Indian texts assert that the number of the arts is unlimited, but each deploy elements of 64 ‘‘kala’’ (कला, techniques) and 32 ‘‘vidyas’’ (विद्या, fields of knowledge).[11] The training of these began from childhood and included studies about dharma, culture, reading, writing, mathematics, geometry, colors, tools, as well as traditions (trade secrets). The rites of passage during apprentice education varied in the respective guilds.[4][12]

A sādhaka or sādhak or sādhaj (Sanskrit: साधक), in Indian religions and traditions, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Yoga, is someone who follows a particular sādhanā, or a way of life designed to realize the goal of one's ultimate ideal, whether it is merging with one's eternal source, brahman, or realization of one's personal deity. The word is related to the Sanskrit sādhu, which is derived from the verb root sādh-, 'to accomplish'. As long as one has yet to reach the goal, they are a sādhaka or sādhak, while one who has reached the goal is called a siddha.[1] In modern usage, sadhaka is often applied as a generic term for any religious practitioner. In medieval India, it was more narrowly used as a technical term for one who had gone through a specific initiation.[2]

Hindu, Jain, Tantric, Yogic and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions use the term sadhaka or sādhak for spiritual initiates and/or aspirants.[1][2][3]

Four Noble Truths

Buddhist paths to liberation

Yantra (यन्त्र) (Sanskrit) (literally "machine, contraption"[1])
St. Hubert’s Key is a sacramental in the form of a metal nail, cross, or cone.[1] It was used in Europe until the early 20th century as a traditional cure for rabies and was named for St. Hubert, the patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers

Data type

In computer science and computer programming, a data type or simply type is an attribute of data which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. Most programming languages support common data types of real, integer and boolean. A data type constrains the values that an expression, such as a variable or a function, might take. This data type defines the operations that can be done on the data, the meaning of the data, and the way values of that type can be stored. A type of value from which an expression may take its value.
A property, in some object-oriented programming languages, is a special sort of class member, intermediate in functionality between a field (or data member) and a method.
A method in object-oriented programming (OOP) is a procedure associated with a message and an object.

What are the four main oops concepts?

OOPs, concepts in Java are the main ideas behind Java's Object Oriented Programming. They are an abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

From my SBIR article:

Scalar (physics)

What is smectic phase?

physics. Alternative Title: neat phase. Liquid crystal arrangements. In nematic arrangements the crystals are randomly positioned with all their long axes pointing in essentially the same direction, given by a vector known as the director.

What you are looking at
A plasma display panel is a type of flat panel display that uses small cells containing plasma: ionized gas that responds to electric fields

Silicon dioxide


In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. This unit can then be used in programs wherever that particular task should be performed.

Subprograms may be defined within programs, or separately in libraries that can be used by many programs. In different programming languages, a subroutine may be called a procedure, a function, a routine, a method, or a subprogram. The generic term callable unit is sometimes used.

A mathematical proof is an argument which convinces other people that something is true. Math isn't a court of law, so a “preponderance of the evidence” or “beyond any reasonable doubt” isn't good enough.

This concept of a mathematical argument via functional programming is how one may develop a logic engine:
PERL has many $self argument capabilities... word to my father and nephew, business partner John.
I have a niece who's middle name is Pearl who I want to give a shout out to about taking ownership of property rights.

Remember kids, for open source sake (some make comparisons of communism with open source software)

A software patent is a property right that protects computer programs or any performance of a computer from computer programs. A software patent is considered a type of utility patent with no true legal definition. Software patents are a topic of controversy both in the United states and around the world.

Revolution OS

Lazy Susan

Let us blame the Slacker culture and Alice's Restaraunt... at the end of the uiverse...

Effective mobility enhancement of amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors by holographically generated periodic conductor


Polaritons are hybrid particles made up of a photon strongly coupled to an electric dipole. Examples of such a dipole include an electron–hole pair in a semiconductor, which forms an exciton polariton, and the oscillating electrons at the surface of a metal, which creates a surface-plasmon polariton.

Dynamic tailoring of an optical skyrmion lattice in surface plasmon polaritons

Chunyan Bai, Jian Chen, Yuxing Zhang, Dawei Zhang, and Qiwen Zhan

Easter Basket of Goods Department of Energy manufacturing innovations as

Department of Energy Selects 15 Projects to Advance Critical Material Innovations

January 20, 2021

I said, "Yo Soy Tejano", thank you kindly.

Mar. 27, 2020

Skyrmions seen in a kagome lattice

Magnetic vortices have been made and seen in a crystal with a special structure

Pauling's rules

Molecular Hamiltonian

Coulomb Hamiltonian

Coulomb's law

Coulomb potential

                                               Quantum field theory

Hamiltonian for a two electron system


Quantum dot

Electrochemical assembly

Molecular-beam epitaxy

Stranski–Krastanov growth

Molecular tweezers Electron donor Lone pair Angle changes of some Hairy ball theorem

Intersystem crossing

Singlet and triplet states

Mimicking the way the Sun produces energy by Understanding the fabric of protein crystals, SBIR Arizona - Texas Contractor Team Arrangements

Singlet state

Mathematical representations

Triplet state

Two spin-1/2 particles

Electron configuration

Ionization of the transition metals

Quantum chromodynamics

Happy birthday 2021 St. Patrick American Pi for Python programers with moral and ethical occupation at Shell Electron corporation problems!

Drude model 

Electron configuration
Ionization of the transition metals

Electron shell


Coulomb blockade 

Are you feeling negative about your occupation at Shell, Mrs. Electron?
At Kagome Lattice, we know an electron Shell occupation needs breathing room.
A Lucky number Lasso (statistics) k-medoids Pi backbonding Charmonium Von Neumann paradox
Serenity Sells Small Business Innovation Research:

‘Twistronics’ tunes 2D material properties

Alapa, Ālāpa

Chad has a poor human rights record, with frequent abuses such as arbitrary imprisonment, extrajudicial killings, and limits on civil liberties by both security forces and armed militias.

Texas Saddle Point Rodeo kagome spin lattice innovations for third graders in Chad sold separately.

Mountain pass theorem 


We put the Yeehaw back into quantum biological projects!
Pseudomagnetic fields for sound at the nanoscale are described as intersecting webs of "corner-sharing triangles" and are prized for the unique behavior of the traversing electrons, fertile ground for the study of quantum electronic states described as frustrated, correlated and topological. 

Kagome lattices

December 7, 2018

A new 'spin' on kagome lattices


Boston College

Dr. Robert Kozma

Neuroperculation is a family of stochastic models based on the mathematical theory of probabilistic on lattices and random graphs and motivated by structural and dynamical properties of .

 cellular automata 


Gutzwiller wave function


The First Grader

Many-Body Perturbation Theory

Very simply put, many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) is a way to account for electron correlation by treating it as a perturbation to the Hartree-Fock wave function. It is a rather straightforward application of simple perturbation theory. Usually, one computes corrections to the energy using second-order perturbation theory, which is abbreviated MBPT(2). This is usually also called second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, or MP2. For some problems, MP2 is more reliable than DFT. It is virtually always an improvement on Hartree-Fock.

In principle, one could go up to higher orders of perturbation theory (MP3, MP4, etc), but the computer programs become too hard to write, and the results (perhaps surprisingly) don't necessarily get any better.

Chemistry 4681 Module: Electronic Structure of Small Molecules Background Handout

C. David Sherrill

 Lieb's square ice constant 

is an emerging method of producing controlled nuclear fusion Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion 


The is a hypothetical that couples to matter more weakly than gravity, postulated as a candidate.

Chameleon particle

scalar particle 

dark energy
One particular form of skyrmions is , found in magnetic materials that exhibit spiral magnetism due to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, double-exchange mechanism or competing .
magnetic skyrmions

Heisenberg exchange interactions
Magnetic skyrmion

In physics, magnetic skyrmions are quasiparticles which have been predicted theoretically and observed experimentally in condensed matter systems. Skyrmions, named after British physicist Tony Hilton Royle Skyrme, can be formed in magnetic materials in their 'bulk' such as in MnSi, or in magnetic thin films


Surfacants are compounds that lower the surface tension (or interfacial tension) between two liquids, between a gas and a liquid, or between a liquid and a solid. 

Frequency selective surface

Comment on "Z2 spin liquid phase on the kagome lattice: a new saddle point", by Tao Li

Gravitational field

Trihexagonal tiling

The term was coined by Japanese physicist Kôdi Husimi, and first appeared in a 1951 paper by his assistant Ichirō Shōji. The kagome lattice in this sense consists of the vertices and edges of the trihexagonal tiling.

kagome lattice...

 mathematical lattice

A related three dimensional structure is formed by the vertices and edges of the quarter cubic honeycomb, filling space by regular tetrahedra and truncated tetrahedra. It is represented by the vertices and edges of the quarter cubic honeycomb, filling space by regular tetrahedra and truncated tetrahedra. It contains four sets of parallel planes of points and lines, each plane being a two dimensional kagome lattice. The trihexagonal prismatic honeycomb represents its edges and vertices.

The spin arrangement of the magnetic ions in CoVO rests in a kagome lattice which exhibits fascinating magnetic behavior at low temperatures.

Method of moments (MoM) solution

Quantum magnets realized on Kagome lattices have been discovered to exhibit many unexpected electronic and magnetic phenomena.

Heisenberg model (quantum)

Exchange interaction




crystal structure

geometrically frustrated magnetism 

The term is much in use nowadays in the scientific literature, especially by theorists studying the magnetic properties of a theoretical kagome lattice. 

Skyrmion phase and competing magnetic orders on a breathing kagomé lattice


Realization of ground-state artificial skyrmion lattices at room temperature

Sphere packing

In geometry, is a dense arrangement of congruent spheres in an infinite, regular arrangement (or ). 

Close-packing of equal spheres

Unitary matrix

Hermitian Matrix

Unitary Matrices and Hermitian Matrices



Vortex ring 

mathematical physics


In  and , the Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2   which are  and 

Symmetry and Particle Physics

Lattice (group)

Symmetries and the Quark Model

The Gell-Mann matrices, developed by , are a set of eight   3×3  used in the study of the  in .

Palm duality random spider walk in the valley of stability

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch
New analysis of 2D perovskites could shape the future of solar cells and LEDs 

Vector soliton
Apple patent application describes a simple way to boost battery life 

Faster-Than-Light Travel Is Possible Within Einstein's Physics, Astrophysicist Shows 
Quantum vacuum thruster

Ethiopia’s leader faces intense pressure to end Tigray war 

California attorney general cuts off researchers’ access to gun violence data

Xavier Becerra’s justice department has denied access to data used to evaluate firearms laws and policies

Mexico approves landmark medical cannabis bill in hopes of combatting powerful drug cartels

Law could make the country the world's largest market for marijuana

Texas Attorney General sues Austin officials over not lifting mask mandate
Barbaric Thinking

Alcubierre drive
St. Patrick's
Snakes and Ladders
Python Programing language

Georgetown Law Professor Fired For ‘Abhorrent’ Comments About Black Students


In rabbinical literature
Bezalel is said to have been only thirteen years of age when he accomplished his great work ( 69b); he owed his wisdom to the merits of pious parents; his grandfather being Hur and his ...

great-grandmother Miriam, he was thus a grandnephew of Moses (Exodus R. 48:3, 4)

1 Peter 5 : 3
not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.3

The tight binding Hamiltonian

Keepers of the Lost Ark?

Christians in Ethiopia have long claimed to have the ark of the covenant. Our reporter investigated


The Self-Consistent Field (SCF) Method
Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion
According to Ethiopian tradition, the Ark of the Covenant is preserved in the ancient holy city of Aksum. For centuries, the great relic was kept in the Church of Mary of Zion, where the emperor Iyasu is recorded as having seen it and spoken to it in 1691. Now it is kept in the Chapel of the Tablet, which was built beside the church during the reign of the last emperor Haile Selassie. The relic is entrusted to a single guardian, who burns incense before it and recites the Biblical Book of Psalms. No one else can approach it, including the high priest of Aksum. The guardian is not only a monk, but a virgin as well, and he serves the Ark until he appoints a successor as his own death approaches.
Is the Ark of the Covenant at Aksum?

Tight-binding models and density-functional theory

Remembering the Perez Orchestra
"", literally "Outburst Against Uzzah",Perez-Uzzah[37]
Luke 22 : 26
But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.26 


Ark of the Covenant

In the days of King David

In the Biblical narrative, at the beginning of his reign over the , King removed the Ark from amid great rejoicing. On the way to , , one of the drivers of the cart that carried the Ark, put out his hand to steady the Ark, and was struck dead by God for touching it. The place was subsequently named "", literally "Outburst Against Uzzah", as a result. David, in fear, carried the Ark aside into the house of the , instead of carrying it on to Zion, and it stayed there for three months.

United Monarchy








On hearing that God had blessed Obed-edom because of the presence of the Ark in his house, David had the Ark brought to Zion by the Levites, while he himself, "girded with a linen ... danced before the Lord with all his might" and in the sight of all the public gathered in Jerusalem, a performance which caused him to be scornfully rebuked by his first wife, Saul's daughter . In Zion, David put the Ark in the tent he had prepared for it, offered sacrifices, distributed food, and blessed the people and his own household. David used the tent as a personal place of prayer.



The Levites were appointed to minister before the Ark. David's plan of building a temple for the Ark was stopped on the advice of the . The Ark was with the army during the siege of ; and when David fled from Jerusalem at the time of 's conspiracy, the Ark was carried along with him until he ordered the priest to return it to Jerusalem.

ATK-SemiEmpirical (ATK-SE) can model the electronic properties of molecules, crystals and devices using both self-consistent and non-self-consistent tight-binding models. In this chapter the implemented tight-binding models based on the Slater-Koster model and the extended Hückel model are presented.
In Solomon's Temple

According to the Biblical narrative, when was dismissed from the priesthood by King for having taken part in 's against David, his life was spared because he had formerly borne the Ark. Solomon worshipped before the Ark after his dream in which God promised him wisdom.





During the construction of , a special inner room, named (Eng. ), was prepared to receive and house the Ark; and when the Temple was dedicated, the Ark—containing the original of the —was placed therein. 

When the priests emerged from the holy place after placing the Ark there, the Temple was filled with a cloud, "for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord".

Solomon's Temple

Kodesh Hakodashim

Holy of Holies


Ten Commandments

When Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter, he caused her to dwell in a house outside , as Zion was consecrated because it contained the Ark. King Josiah also had the Ark returned to the Temple, from which it appears to have been removed by one of his predecessors (cf. 2 Chron. 33-34 and 2 Kings 21-23).


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

The Self-Consistent Field Approximation (Hartree-Fock Method)
How to Krunk like a Tandava innovating dances as if King David and Lord Shiva with Bodhisatva Amithaba at a Dance Party USA

Poisson's equation
No, I am not related to Crazy Legs Hirsch or the famous mathematician Moe Hirsch

Self-consistent field theory

Ethics, Virtues, and Values: Knowing What Matters Most

Berkeley Lab Develops Award-Winning Cold Plasma Source

How to Receive Future News Releases By Paul Preuss, August 4,
Plasma Basics
Gas Plasma

Gas plasmas are ionized gases formed by liberating electrons from gas molecules and atoms using external energy sources such as lasers or high electrical voltages.

IBM Austin Research Laboratory: 11501 Burnet Rd 6th floor building 904, Austin, TX 78758 

J. J. Pickle Research Campus
The Fire cat 

Book by Esther Averill
Thanks mom
CAT(K) space

The is an idiomatic expression which refers to the major of something. The phrase derives from the plot of a number of fables ascribed to Aesop and is used here as their generic title. lion's shareshare


chemical bond 


electron density 



pi bond

Small cyclic molecules
Thanks PAW Hirsch
Plasma arc welding (PAW)
Molecular Knots


The first synthetic molecular trefoil knot was prepared in the late 1980s. However, it is only in the last few years that more complex small‐molecule knot topologies have been realized through chemical synthesis. The steric restrictions imposed on molecular strands by knotting can impart significant physical and chemical properties, including chirality, strong and selective ion binding, and catalytic activity. As the number and complexity of accessible molecular knot topologies increases, it will become increasingly useful for chemists to adopt the knot terminology employed by other disciplines. Here we give an overview of synthetic strategies towards molecular knots and outline the principles of knot, braid, and tangle theory appropriate to chemistry and molecular structure.

The correlation theory of the chemical bond

Introduction to Plasma Physics 

A 1-hour taste* of key concepts & results for astrophysics graduate students"
What is Plasma?


Many-Body Perturbation Theory

Many-Body Perturbation Theory
Non Equilibrium Green's Functions for Dummies: Introduction to the One Particle NEGF equations




Ionized Gases
Non-iterative algorithm for constructing self-energy matrix associated with open boundary conditions in 1-D systems.
D. Areshkin and C. White
Tight binding

In quantum field theory and statistical mechanics one encounters the concept of the self-energy of a particle. But self-energy is not a fraction of the energy associated with a single particle but a function of momentum describing the off-shell dispersion of the associated wave functions in interactions.

The self-energy governs the form of the kinetic energy term in a single-particle equation, and describes kinetic corrections to the Schroedinger or Pauli equation for nonrelativistic particles, and to the Klein-Gordon equation, the Dirac equation, or the Maxwell equations. for relativistic scalar, spinor, and vector particles. (The correction to the interaction term is goverend by form factors; see the FAQ entry ''Are electrons pointlike/structureless?''.)

The ''self'' is a misnomer, due only to historical reasons. Instead, the self-energy is created by the cooperative effects of the environment of a particle.

In statistical mechanics, another term for the self-energy is ''memory function''. These terms are used synonymously, and describe (together with form factor corrections, if they exist) the memory a particle has of its multiparticle origin, when a multiparticle system is (approximately) separated into a single particle and an effective field representing the remainder of the universe.

Radio frequency expanding plasmas at low,intermediate, and atmospheric pressure and*their applications 

Gheorghe Dinescuand Eusebiu R. Ionita

Molecular Hamiltonian
Fermi level

Molecular geometry
Fermi Level
Molecular machine

Fermi liquid theory
Molecular Rotors as Switches
Mei XueKang L. Wang
The Tight Binding Method
Piece of American pi


In , a is an or () that binds to a central atom to form a . The bonding with the metal generally involves formal donation of one or more of the ligand's . The nature of metal–ligand bonding can range from to . Furthermore, the metal–ligand can range from one to three. Ligands are viewed as , although rare cases are known to involve "ligands".

coordination chemistry




 functional group


coordination complexel



 bond order

 Lewis bases Lewis acidic

Metals and metalloids are bound to ligands in virtually all circumstances, although gaseous "naked" metal ions can be generated in a high vacuum. Ligands in a complex dictate the of the central atom, including ligand substitution rates, the reactivity of the ligands themselves, and . Ligand selection is a critical consideration in many practical areas, including and , , and .



bioinorganic chemistry

medicinal chemistry

                 homogeneous catalysis 

environmental chemistry

Ligands are classified in many ways, including: charge, size (bulk), the identity of the coordinating atom(s), and the number of electrons donated to the metal ( or ). The size of a ligand is indicated by its .



 cone angle
Classification of ligands as L and X
Ligand (biochemistry)
Lattice path
Shortest Paths in Directed Planar Graphs with Negative Lengths:a Linear-SpaceO(nlog2n)-Time Algorithm
PHILIP N. KLEIN and SHAY MOZESBrown UniversityandOREN WEIMANNMassachusetts Institute of Technolog
Renormalization of myoglobin–ligand binding energetics by quantum many-body effects

A “Sliding Scale Rule” for Selectivity between NO, CO and O by Heme Protein Sensors

Quantum.Ligand.Dock: protein–ligand docking with quantum entanglement refinement on a GPU systemAlexander A. Kantardjiev*

US Air Force is guarding against electromagnetic pulse attacks. Should we worry?
You may Krunk if you want to

List of stuffed dishes
African Tamale byte on p v. n smemiconductors
Organic field-effect transistor


Tissue engineering: strategies, stem cells and scaffolds

Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering (TE) is a rapidly evolving discipline that seeks to repair, replace or regenerate tissues or organs by translating fundamental knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology into practical and effective materials, or devices and clinical strategies.


In Hindu mythology, the animal is depicted as accompanying several gods, like Shiva, who rides on his bull Nandi, or Krishna, the cowherd god.

Creation and annihilation operators


Dance Party USA

How India's sacred cows are creating havoc on the streets

The cow is a holy animal for Hindus, with religious zealots ready to take on anyone harming the divine creature. But the growing number of stray cows is proving to be a bane for both Indians and their bovine gods.

Hindu scriptures provide diverse accounts of the birth of Kamadhenu. While some narrate that she emerged from , others describe her as the daughter of the creator god , and as the wife of the sage .

the churning of the cosmic ocean 



"Meanwhile back at the ranch" is the title of a children's book by Trinka Hakes Noble

 China’s appetite for meat fades as vegan revolution takes hold

Concerns over carbon emissions and food crises are fuelling a move away from meat consumption as a symbol of wealth

Skunk Works Aircraft manufacturer Tiny, Sensitive Magnetic-Field Detectors
Arrays of cheap magnetic sensors could detect improvised explosive devices.
by Katherine Bourzac

Pepe Le Pew Not Slated for Future Warner Bros. Television Projects All Innovations
Colorimetric Sensor Arrays for the Detection and Identification of Chemical Weapons and Explosives

Sensor-Based System Detects Hidden Bombs and Weapons

A remote-controllable system can detect hidden explosives and weapons.

Jack Browne
Mar 08, 2017
The hidden detectors looking for guns and knivesTechnology of Business reporterBy Michael Dempsey
12 June 2020

A.I. security cameras are the latest high-tech attempt to combat mass shooters
Bernhard Warner

The ADE 651 is a fake produced by the British company Advanced Tactical Security & Communications Ltd (ATSC). Its manufacturer claimed it could detect bombs, guns, ammunition, and more from kilometers away. However, it was a scam, and the device was little more than a . The device was sold for up to 60,000 each, despite costing almost nothing. It was widely used in the Middle East, and may have led to numerous deadly bombings in Iraq due to its inability to detect explosives. Its inventor, James McCormick, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2013 for fraud. ADE 651bomb detector 

dowsing rod

Detect concealed weapons in real-time
May 1, 2005
The nuke detectives

Clandestine weapons: New ways to detect covert nuclear weapons are being developed, which could help inspectors monitor Iran’s nuclear deal

The Las Vegas Resort Using Microwaves to Keep Guns Out of its Casino
The technology uses a discreet microwave radar system to scan people for guns, knives, and bombs—without forcing them to walk through metal detectors.

Sanders' campaign chief aiming to push Biden leftward

Bug-out bag
A bug-out bag or is a portable kit that normally contains the items one would require to survive for 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster, although some kits are designed to last longer periodsBOB

When science gets ugly – the story of Philipp Lenard and Albert Einstein


Nev. Democratic Party in upheaval after progressive takeover 


The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe Christian Allegory

             Thematic analysis

Lion's shareThe lion's share is an idiomatic expression which now refers to the major share of something.



US prosecutors allege Honduras president helped move drugs 


Clown car
Texas Rodeo, ye haw
What is Independent Socialism?
Etiquite lessons in Tiwan suggestions for Popey at our US Department of Navy

Prince Charles’s ex-butler sparks backlash in Asia for telling world not to eat rice with hands

Grant Harrold accused of mocking Asian cultures after he demands people use knife and fork or chopsticks only

ByNicola Smith

Insects in the family are commonly called (or "typical click beetles" to distinguish them from the related families Cerophytidae and Eucnemidae). Other names include , , or . This family was defined by William Elford Leach (1790–1836) in 1815.
Elateridaeclick beetleselaterssnapping beetlesspring beetles, skipjacks
The are a large superfamily of beetles. It contains the familiar click beetles, fireflies, and soldier beetles and their relatives.

When I was a child, my grandparents had a toy at their house that was a spring and a suction cup and it would mimic a flip bug as they called them. Another name is a snapping bettle, spring bettle or skipjacks. These were early memories of delight at my grandfather Harry Hirsch's home.

How fireflies glow – and what signals they’re sending
(from the Latin , "light-bringer") is a generic term for the light-emitting compound found in organisms that generate bioluminescence.luciferin

Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry

Triangular Ramsey Numbers
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the idea of triangular Ram-sey numbers and provide values as well as upper and lower bounds forthem. To do this, the combinatorial game Mines is introduced; after somenecessary theorems about triangular sets are proved.
Combinatorial Game Theory
Clique (graph theory)
Graph coloring

Color charge

ColorCoupling constant and charge
Color (law)

Redlining is the systematic denial of various services or goods by federal government agencies, local governments, or the private sector either directly or through the selective raising of prices. 


Academic disciplinePedagogy, most commonly understood as the approach to teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and is influenced by, the social, political and psychological development of learners
Social pedagogy


In the Baháʼí Faith
Main article:
Aniconism in the Baháʼí Faith

For the followers of the , the photographs and depictions of the and , who are considered , are considered very precious. They are viewed and handled with reverence and respect, and their existence itself is not considered offensive. However, , the Guardian of the Baháʼí Faith, stated that believers should only view the images when they can be treated with the utmost respect, and not let them be exposed to the public or displayed in their private homes:

Baháʼí FaithBábBahá'u'lláhManifestations of GodShoghi Effendi
"There is no objection that the believers look at the picture of Bahá'u'lláh, but they should do so with the utmost reverence, and should also not allow that it be exposed openly to the public, even in their private homes."
(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, December 6, 1939, republished in , p. 540)
Lights of Guidance

Shoghi Effendi has also written in the regarding the portrait of the :

Directives from the GuardianBáb
"The portrait of the Báb should be regarded as an inestimable privilege and blessing to behold, as past generations were denied a glimpse of the Face of the Manifestation, once He had passed on."
(Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 43)

Two pictures of Bahá'u'lláh and a portrait of the Báb are on display at the in the building, where the Baháʼís view it as part of an organized .

Baháʼí World CentreInternational ArchivesBaháʼí pilgrimage

Creation and annihilation operators

Aniconism in Islam

Executive Order 13798

 Executive Order 13798
of May 4, 2017
Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty

Triangulation (psychology)

Triangular trade


Shocking how innovations may change the world overnight.

Yama is the Hindu god of death, king of ancestors, and final judge on the destination of souls. He is also known as the 'Restrainer', Pretaraja or 'King of Ghosts', Dharmaraja or 'King of Justice', and as Daksinasapati is considered the regent of the South Quarter.Yama
Some folks, including children may wonder about folks gathering in a church and kneeling and singing and meditating under a crucifix with an image of a human dying on this crucifix and a ceremony of eating his body and drinking his blood.

Yama Yamarāja 

Deva (Hinduism)



Rigvedic Hindu deities

Kalasha People 

Nuristani  Province

ancient Hinduism



Jonny Quest

 Gaza–Israel conflict2014 Gaza War 

Texas City Dike

 Ottó Bláthy

How do like them quantum biology analyte apple innovations with spintronics?
In , a of an is another graph () that represents the structure of in . Clique graphs were discussed at least as early as 1968, and a characterization of clique graphs was given in 1971.

Collective narcissism 


graph theory 

clique graph

 undirected graph 



Andrew Korab, a twin and descendant of the King Kibuke of the Marshall Islands who was overcome by the Japanese, then the Germans and the United States for

Pacific Proving Grounds
I researched the depth of destruction caused to our world
Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll
My neighbor Kevin drank himself to death and some of the Hispanic neighbors helped this and another dead soldier with their words and actions. The African Americans have brought amphetamines to the 'white lady' and hooked the  'white girls' on bugar sugar in a similar act of minority retaliation upon next generation games people play.
How the U.S. betrayed the Marshall Islands, kindling the next nuclear disaster
I have talked to scientests who work at our US National Labratories to research how to solve difficult problems that classes of our society are in deep denail over. I have contaced John Cornyn, Ted Cruz and Lloyd Doggett about my borther Andrew, who when he was eleven years old would see rainbows in the sky and snow from our US Atomic explositions with the occupation of his people's island.
8(a) 7(j) SBIR ESCO, Austin Energy audits alphabet soup

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Covalent networking the six flavors of quarks in the spirit of the French flag of Texas as a commodity fetish

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

TX HB 2 TX SB 2 Householder (Buddhism) transformation, 2019 Samsara Session in Tejas with Holotropic Breathwork™

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch
Magnetic space group, Graphene reinforced CSA Cement, minimum-cost flow problem (MCFP)
DBA Serenity Sells Pi day with St. Patrick's Day March 17 Green Plasma Energy Economies
What would 
Tesla (unit)

Nikola Tesla
Wardenclyffe Tower
— —Tower of Dreams





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  Serenity inside Sells ventures, lease options and charters from Texas By David Vincent Bell Hirsch Frank Zappa - Valley Girl Valleytronics (from valley and electronics) is an experimental area in semiconductors that exploits local minima ("valleys") in the electronic band structure . Certain semiconductors have multiple "valleys" in the electronic band structure of the first Brillouin zone , and are known as multivalley semiconductors. [1] [2] Valleytronics is the technology of control over the valley degree of freedom, a local maximum/minimum on the valence / conduction band , of such multivalley semiconductors. The term was coined in analogy to spintronics . While in spintronics the internal degree of freedom of spin is harnessed to store, manipulate and read out bits of information, the proposal for valleytronics is to perform similar tasks using the multiple extrema of the band structure, so that the information of 0s and 1s would be stored as diff...

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Who is the Rejected Stone? | Mark 12:1-11; Psalm 118:22-23, Isaiah 5 Shunyamurti – On Joseph Campbell – The Anti-Hero’s Journey Home From Hell Kenosis Saint Hubert's Key Household: "Head" in 1 Peter 2:6-8 (Three Stones) In linear algebra, a Householder transformation (also known as a Householder reflection or elementary reflector) is a linear transformation that describes a reflection about a plane or hyperplane containing the origin .  Gnosis and kenosis TX HB 2 TX SB 2 Householder (Buddhism) transformation, 2019 Samsara Session in Tejas with Holotropic Breathwork™ By David Vincent Bell Hirsch A capstone or keystone is the top element of a stone arch. Cornerstone = eben pinnah (stone + angle/corner) = akrogoniaios [ akron + gonias ] (extreme/pinnacle + angle/corner)  or litho goniaios (stone corner) Capstone/Keystone =  rosh pinnah   (head of the corner) = kephale gonias (head of the corner) Householder (Buddhism) 1 Peter 2:7-8 Commentary ...