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Molecular tweezers Electron donor Lone pair Angle changes of some Hairy ball theorem

What is in a title anyway?

Molecular tweezers

Electron donor

Lone pair

Angle changes

Hairy ball theorem

Scaffold (programming)

“Hairy balls” in optics?

Magnetic anisotropy

Magnetic moment

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy

Bohr magneton

neurons that fire together wire together
This principle is known as the Hebbian learning rule (1): i.e., if interconnected neurons become active very close in time during a particular event, their connection strengthens and “a memory” of this event is formed (1). In other words, “neurons wire together, if they fire together” (2)

Who said neurons that fire together wire together?


They write: 'Hebb famously said that “Cells that fire together, wire together” and, more formally, “any two cells or systems of cells that are repeatedly active at the same time will tend to become 'associated,' so that activity in one facilitates activity in the other”.
Christian Keysers1,2 and Valeria Gazzola1,2

Entropic gravity

Hebbian theory

Entropic force

Pulse-position modulation

Molecular recognition

Structural Biochemistry/Water 

Muonium is an exotic atom made up of an antimuon and an electron, which was discovered in 1960 by Vernon W. Hughes [2] and is given the chemical symbol Mu. During the muon's 2.2 µs lifetime, muonium can undergo chemical reactions.[3] Due to the mass difference between the antimuon and the electron, muonium (

) is more similar to atomic hydrogen (

) than positronium (

). Its Bohr radius and ionization energy are within 0.5% of hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium, and thus it can usefully be considered as an exotic light isotope of hydrogen.

Language Is the Scaffold of the Mind

Once we acquire language, we can live without it.

By Anna Ivanova


Gin and Tonic with a twist of Finnegans Wake
Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he hasn't got much of a bark. And sure any he has it's all beside the mark...
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

The Sky's Ancient Eye

July 25, 2016

An international team of researchers have discovered an extremely rare “double source plane” gravitational lensing system, in which two distant galaxies are simultaneously lensed by a foreground galaxy, as part of the on-going Subaru Strategic Survey with Hyper Suprime-Cam. The team dubbed the system ‘Eye of Horus’ as the system resembles this ancient Egyptian symbol.  Such a rare system is a unique probe of the fundamental physics of galaxies as well as cosmology.

New program helps New Mexico small businesses 
bring technology to market

Qualifying companies may receive up to $150,000 in technical assistance from Los Alamos or Sandia national laboratories 
for fostering projects from invention to commercialization 

Strange particle 





Pi day 2021 Pionium recipes from secret chefs...

Pionium, a bound state of two oppositely-charged pions, is interesting for exploring the strong interaction. This should also be true of protonium. The true analogs of positronium in the theory of strong interactions are the quarkonium states: they are mesons made of a heavy quark and antiquark (namely, charmonium and bottomonium). Exploration of these states through non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD) and lattice QCD are increasingly important tests of quantum chromodynamics.

Understanding bound states of hadrons such as pionium and protonium is also important in order to clarify notions related to exotic hadrons such as mesonic molecules and pentaquark states.


CP violation in neutral meson oscillations

Two-cavity klystron

Cavity magnetron

Construction and operation

Electroproduction of kaons on hydrogen and deuterium

Douglas Michael Koltenuk, University of Pennsylvania 

Statistical mechanics

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Computing with Quantum Knots

A machine based on bizarre particles called anyons that represents a calculation as a set of braids in spacetime might be a shortcut to practical quantum computation

By Graham P. Collins 

10-th of March, 2004H.D. Cornean1, A. Jensen2,3, V. Moldoveanu4

Why One Neuroscientist Started Blasting His Core

A new anatomical understanding of how movement controls the body’s stress response system

Onsager reciprocal relations

The fundamental equation 

Orthorhombic crystal system


Crosslinking and the formaldehyde/phenol ratio

Down quark

Linear ion trap

Topological K-theory

Orthogonal group

The spinor norm


Was Moby Dick a real whale?

Although Moby Dick was not a real whale, real-life events inspired the classic novel

Crystal field analysis for 3d4 and 3d6 ions with an orbital singlet ground state at orthorhombic and tetragonal symmetry sites

Transformation of Quark Flavors by the Weak Interaction

Ion exchange

Book of Jonah

Wave vector

The True-Life Horror That Inspired Moby-Dick

The whaler Essex was indeed sunk by a whale—and that’s only the beginning

Neuroevolution of Self-Interpretable Agents


Inattentional blindness is the psychological phenomenon that causes one to miss things in plain sight. It is a consequence of the selective attention in perception that lets us remain focused on important parts of our world without distraction from irrelevant details. Motivated by selective attention, we study the properties of artificial agents that perceive the world through the lens of a self-attention bottleneck.


Onium ion

Hydrogen bonds 

Electronic band structure

Crystalline symmetry and wavevectors

Self-assembled supramolecular nanostructure photosensitizers for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

Oh, Please be, True muonium

Spider fighting or spider derby is a blood sport involving spiders that occurs in different forms in several areas of the world. Among them are the Philippines, Japan, and Singapore. The fights that occur in the Philippines and in Japan are staged between females of various species of web weavers. Female spiders will kill a rival if the loser does not quickly flee or receive the aid of a human handler. The contests that are staged in Singapore are fights between male jumping spiders. The males fight only for dominance, and ordinarily the loser will flee, though sometimes they will lose a leg in the fight.

Gentleman sport?!?!?!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like a Liberty Sandwich with MathPickles please

Photon polarization

The influence of directed hydrogen bonds on the self-assembly of amphiphilic polymers in water

Pi interaction


and like balloon animal clowns juggling with the
A quadrupole or quadrapole is one of a sequence of configurations of things like electric charge or current, or gravitational mass that can exist in ideal form, but it is usually just part of a multipole expansion of a more complex structure reflecting various orders of complexity.  

Quantum Radar Bat Man, with the Texas School of the Blind and Texas School of the Deaf Dare Devil Superhero touchy, creepy and crawly subject that make grown men scream like little girly cult of personality leaders having an operatic Tantrum as if Try Out's for an Aquabats episodic memory of Flipper v. Popeye minor mishaps band celebration with Lucy in Disguise for officers of our United States Navy dance shuffle innovation game theory with officers in our United States Department of Education, honoring Americans with Disabilities Act Liberty Lunch after school special, at

Spider House Ballroom

Address: 2906 Fruth St, Austin, TX 78705

Olfactory Learning

A model used in behavioral neuroscience to study behavioral processes and plasticity, memory, learning and perceptual processes and underlying neural mechanisms such as the cellular changes and modulations in sensory transduction and their evolutionary control. The model uses odorant conditioned stimuli temporally paired with unconditioned stimuli to produce conditioned responses to the odorant. Learned behaviors include conditioned behavioral activation and approach responses to the conditioned stimulus odor. The model is effective in diverse range of laboratory species such as honeybees, worms, flies, rats, and canines. (NCI Thesaurus)

artificial intelligence

New AI Strategy Mimics How Brains Learn to Smell

Machine learning techniques are commonly based on how the visual system processes information. To beat their limitations, scientists are drawing inspiration from the sense of smell.

Seeing smells: imaging olfactory learning in bees

Out of a Magic Math Function, One Solution to Rule Them All

Mathematicians used “magic functions” to prove that two highly symmetric lattices solve a myriad of problems in eight- and 24-dimensional space. 
What is the word, bird?

Teaching & Education

What is tactile learning?

Takes a certain kind of touch

Supramolecular Materials: Self-Organized Nanostructures

Wave–particle duality

Inside the CIA Red Cell

How an experimental unit transformed the intelligence community.

Hydrogen bond


Clown town

Bonding with a pi takes a party sometimes, with hats and you know MoM Method's of Pi day miracle workings. You can even jump out of a cake with

BTX (chemistry)

like Lord of the Ring Theory with


and be a real gas

Low-bias conductance of single benzene molecules contacted by direct Au–C and Pt–C bonds

Guohui Ma1, Xin Shen1,2, Lili Sun1, Ruoxing Zhang1, Peng Wei1, Stefano Sanvito3 and Shimin Hou1

Published 16 November 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd

Applied to liquid environments, this offers interesting prospects of using tunnelling currents as a sensitive tool to study fundamental interfacial processes, to probe chemical reactions at the single-molecule level and to analyse the composition of biopolymers such as DNA, RNA or proteins.

Methoxy group

Sensing magnetism in atomic resolution with just a scanning tunneling microscope

Researchers use single molecule on microscope tip as a sensor to detect magnetic moments with unprecedented spatial resolution

Polyester fibres that injure marine life were found in sea water across region

March 14
Pi Day 2021 in United States

Thin-film composite membrane


  1. View ORCID ProfileTyler E. Culp1,
  2. View ORCID ProfileBiswajit Khara2,
  3. View ORCID ProfileKaitlyn P. Brickey1,
  4. View ORCID ProfileMichael Geitner1,
  5. View ORCID ProfileTawanda J. Zimudzi3,
  6. View ORCID ProfileJeffrey D. Wilbur4,
  7. View ORCID ProfileSteven D. Jons4,
  8. Abhishek Roy5,
  9. Mou Paul6,
  10. View ORCID ProfileBaskar Ganapathysubramanian2,
  11. View ORCID ProfileAndrew L. Zydney1,
  12. View ORCID ProfileManish Kumar7,*,
  13. View ORCID ProfileEnrique D. Gomez1,3,8,*

See all authors and affiliations

Year of the Ox



Simpson's paradox

Implications for decision making

Mu (negative)

Cotton-Eyed Joe

Delta Force

Delta bond

Scalar Slicing for Pi day 2021

A Gentle Introduction to Broadcasting with NumPy Arrays

Broadcasting semantics

Tensors are the core datastructure of TensorFlow.js They are a generalization of vectors and matrices to potentially higher dimensions.

The Subtle Art of the Mathematical Conjecture

It’s an educated guess, not a proof. But a good conjecture will guide math forward, pointing the way into the mathematical unknown. 

Tait's conjecture

Lie algebra

Onsager reciprocal relations

The phenomenological equations



If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
- Songwriters: Christopher A. Stewart / Beyonce Gisselle Knowles
Choreography commitment

Conjectures and Counterexamples

A conjecture is an “educated guess” that is based on examples in a pattern. A counterexample is an example that disproves a conjecture.

Lattice gauge theory

Here is your Austin, Texas Red White and Blue

Ribbon theory

Ribbon theory is a strand of mathematics within topology that has seen particular application as regards DNA.


  • Link is the integer number of turns of the ribbon around its axis;
  • Twist is the rate of rotation of the ribbon around its axis;
  • Writhe is a measure of non-planarity of the ribbon's axis curve.

Work by Gheorghe Călugăreanu, James H. White, and F. Brock Fuller led to the Călugăreanu–White–Fuller theorem that Link = Writhe + Twist.[2][3]

See also


Ribbon (mathematics)

With pony rides?

Ribbon Crystals

Chris Lorenz, Editor

Oh boy
Girly giggles

Slender-ribbon theory

Shills and thrills!
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, politics, sports, confidence games, or other business areas. A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a vested interest through character assassination or other means.

Go Figure with the Three Stooges from the live music capital of the world!

Corticostriatal circuitry

Circuit Mapping by Ultraviolet Uncaging of Glutamate

How to map the brain

As efforts to chart the brain’s neurons gather pace, researchers must find a way to make the accumulating masses of data useful.

Dynamical systems theory

Nonlinear system

UT v A&M with University of Memphis, Serenity Sells City of Austin teaming arrangements

Nondeterministic Turing machine


Nondeterministic programming

QR decomposition

Using Householder reflections


Pearson moments

Starting at
page 8
2.2. The thalamus and the basal ganglia
A Natural History of Skills
see page 10
(all the way to page ten)
Figure 1. Schematic view of the cortico - basal ganglia - thalamus network (CBG) in primates. In black are showed the connections considered in the "classical" model: the BG works a three layers network - with 2 inputs (STN and STR), 2 outputs (GPi/SNr) and 1 intermediary layer (GPe) - encompassed in a broad feedback loop to the cortex through the thalamus. In grey are showed connections that have been evidenced or emphasized in the last decade. GPe: Globus Pallidus pars Externa; GPi: Globus Pallidus pars Interna; SNr: Substantia Nigra pars Reticulata; STN: Subthalamic nucleus; STR: Striatum.
The Twelve Spies (Hebrew: שְׁנֵים עָשָׂר הַמְרַגְּלִים‎), as recorded in the Book of Numbers, were a group of Israelite chieftains, one from each of the Twelve Tribes, who were dispatched by Moses to scout out the Land of Canaan for 40 days[1] as a future home for the Israelite people, during the time when the Israelites were in the wilderness following their Exodus from Ancient Egypt. The account is found in Numbers 13:1–33, and is repeated with some differences in Deuteronomy 1:22–40
Neglect is a form of abuse where the perpetrator, who is responsible for caring for someone who is unable to care for themselves, fails to do so. It can be a result of carelessness, indifference, or unwillingness and abuse.

Collective unconscious

I currently work at DeepMind, leading the London applied research team, where we apply state of the art machine learning to high impact products at Google. I manage a team of 12 research scientists and engineers, whose goal is to improve products by applying cutting edge research and perform research on the challenges preventing us from deploying more ML to products. I manage and mentor my team members, help set the research direction of the larger team, and lead multiple research and product projects. I've worked on areas including recommender systems, industrial controls, maps, and robotics. One public project I have worked on is our ML optimization of cooling efficiency at Google data centers.
Masked singer...


Brihaspati as Jupiter is part of the Navagraha in Hindu zodiac system, considered auspicious and benevolent. The word "Thursday" in the Greco-Roman and other Indo-European calendars is also dedicated to planet Jupiter (god of sky and thunder).
Number: Three (3)
Day: Thursday

Triple conjunction

Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister - Saturn (Official Video)

Featured snippet from the web

Shani (Sanskrit: शनि, Śani), or Śanaiśchara, refers to the planet Saturn, and is one of the nine heavenly objects known as Navagraha in Hindu astrology. ... He is the Lord of Karma, justice and Retribution in the Hindu religion and delivers results to all, depending upon their thoughts, speech and deeds (karma).
Planet: Saturn
Number: 8, 17
Color: Black


Narasimha (Sanskrit: नरसिंह, IASTNarasiṃha, ISO: Narasiṁha, lit. man-lion) is a fierce avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy evil and end religious persecution and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma.[1][2]

Narasimha iconography shows him with a human torso and lower body, with a lion face and claws, typically with a demon Hiranyakashipu in his lap whom he is in the process of killing. The demon is the powerful brother of evil Hiranyaksha who had been previously killed by Vishnu, who hated Vishnu for killing his brother.[3] Hiranyakashipu gains special powers by which he could not be killed during the day or night, inside or outside the house, any place in the world i.e. neither in sky nor on land nor in heaven nor in pataala, by any weapon, and by man, god, asura or animal.[4] Endowed with new powers, Hiranyakashipu creates chaos, persecutes all devotees of Vishnu including his own son.[1][4][5] Vishnu understands the demon's power, then creatively adapts into a mixed avatar that is neither man nor animal and kills the demon at the junction of day and night, inside and outside.[1] Narasimha is known primarily as the 'Great Protector' who specifically defends and protects his devotees from evil.[6] The most popular Narasimha mythology is the legend that protects his devotee Prahlada, and creatively destroys Prahlada's demonic father and tyrant Hiranyakashipu.[4][7]

Lion-O is a fictional superhero and the main protagonist of the ThunderCats franchise.[4][5] Lion-O is the leader and the hereditary "Lord of the ThunderCats."[6] Lion-O, is based on the Lion, wields the legendary Sword of Omens,[7] which is able to fire bolts of energy and allows Lion-O to see across great distances with its power of "Sight Beyond Sight", as well as the Claw Shield, a gauntlet that launches grappling lines from its claws.
Thundercats, Ho!
 Mattias Johnsson
Snarf, snarf

St. Honorius

Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn ‘triple conjunction’ this weekend

St. Pega

Cognitive science of religion

Empathy, Morality, Community, Culture—Apes Have It All

Primatologist Frans de Waal takes exception with human exceptionalism.

In mathematics, the pin group is a certain subgroup of the Clifford algebra associated to a quadratic space. It maps 2-to-1 to the orthogonal group, just as the spin group maps 2-to-1 to the special orthogonal group.

In general the map from the Pin group to the orthogonal group is not onto or a universal covering space, but if the quadratic form is definite (and dimension is greater than 2), it is both.

The non-trivial element of the kernel is denoted −1, which should not be confused with the orthogonal transform of reflection through the origin, generally denoted −I.


The Panama Papers: Exposing the Rogue Offshore Finance Industry

A giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records exposes a system that enables crime, corruption and wrongdoing, hidden by secretive offshore companies.

About the Panama Papers

By Frederik Obermaier, Bastian Obermayer, Vanessa Wormer and Wolfgang Jaschensky

Cost of Growing up in Dysfunctional Family

Basem Abbas Al Ubaidi
What is codependent parenting?
A codependent parent is one who has an unhealthy attachment to their child and tries to exert excess control over the child's life because of that attachment.

What's your bag baby?
Guanyin, Guan Yin or Kuan Yin (/ˌɡwɑːnˈjɪn/) is the most commonly used Chinese translation of the bodhisattva known as Avalokiteśvara.[1] Guanyin is the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion. In the East Asian world, Guanyin is the equivalent term for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Guanyin also refers to the bodhisattva as adopted by other Eastern religions.[2] She was first given the appellation of "Goddess of Mercy" or the Mercy Goddess by Jesuit missionaries in China.[3] The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means "[The One Who] Perceives the Sounds of the World."[4] On the 19th day of the 6th lunar month Guan Shi Yin's attainment of Buddhahood is celebrated.[5]
She comes in colors

Generalized Gell-Mann matrices (Hermitian)

(Not to be confused with My Three Sons)
Designing upon a superconductor for banjo opry for Carole Zoom Muscular Dystrophy AI Supercomputer Quantum biology organic nanoelectronic innovation from the heart of Texas via Austin Texas the live music capital of the world to innovate a bitch cake dance off for a cure or The Cure the band, whatever, OMG

Student's t-test

For the price of Tea leaf readings in China for Bitcoin



Pronoia (psychology)

Would you please filter your words and spirits in the letters of the law, thank you...

Filtered algebra

Justice League

Economies of scale

Practice your Scales with a blindfold on ladies...



  • Scale (map), the ratio of the distance on a map to the corresponding actual distance
  • Weighing scale, an instrument used to measure mass
  • Scale (ratio), the ratio of the linear dimension of the model to the same dimension of the original
  • Spatial scale, a classification of sizes
  • Scale ruler, a tool for measuring lengths and transferring measurements at a fixed ratio of length
  • Vernier scale, the scale on calipers




  • Scale (anatomy), a rigid plate which grows out of the skin of various animals
  • Scale (dermatology), a secondary skin lesion in humans that resembles animal scales
  • Scale (insect anatomy), a feature of the wings of moths and butterflies
  • Scale, a type of trichome, any flat epidermal outgrowth in botany
  • Bulb scale, the storage layers of a plant bulb
  • Scale insect, a waxy coated animal that resembles a fish scale

Chemistry and materials science

  • Fouling, sometimes called scale, a buildup of unwanted substances on a submerged surface
  • Mill scale, the flaky surface on hot rolled steel, consisting of iron oxides
  • Scale (chemistry), the range of mass or volume of a chemical reaction or process

Other sciences

Neural networking, mapping

Location–scale family

Playing a LIbra on stage...
Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac) and hey what is this ladywho is blindfolded with the scales about?

Lady Justice Symbol
Meaning of Lady Justice Symbol
Lady Justice, a blindfolded woman carrying a sword and a set of scales, is a common symbol on courthouses in America and inside some court rooms. She symbolizes fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, favor, greed, or prejudice.

Lady Justice

Lizard Lady Justice Reptilian Complex with the primal brain for a Klitzing


Reptation theory

Boolean prime ideal theorem

as a with

Scale parameter

And that Carole Zoom, is how you play banjo opry as a Perez family legacy from the live music capital of the world to innovate a cure for musular dystrophy as pi day 2021 innovation recipe for Ann Kitchen and Allison Alter to consider with Sly Majid from the city of Austin to consider with Dr. Amadio and the University of Texas and A&M as one of those fancy MathPickles to fully digest the molecular Hamiltonians with Supercomputer innovations for emotional agility sort of like a roller coaster ride to Tennesse in interstate teamings for like a US Navy kind of charter for fancy dancing steps kind of orchestration. 

Joel 3

The Nations Judged

Universal House of Justice

Bacha bazi

The Day of the Lord

Blow the [a]trumpet in Zion...

Gabriel's Horn

Gabriel's horn (also called Torricelli's trumpet) is a particular geometric figure that has infinite surface area but finite volume. The name refers to the Christian tradition that identifies the archangel Gabriel as the angel who blows the horn to announce Judgment Day, associating the divine, or infinite, with the finite. The properties of this figure were first studied by Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli in the 17th century. 

Aid chief: US naming Yemen rebels terrorists a famine threat

The U.N. humanitarian chief is urging the United States to reverse its decision to declare Yemen’s Houthi rebels a terrorist group, warning that the designation will likely lead to “a large-scale famine on a scale that we have not seen for nearly 40 years.”

Foreign relations of Yemen

Prime Knot

Schubert (1949) showed that every knot can be uniquely decomposed (up to the order in which the decomposition is performed) as a knot sum of a class of knots known as prime knots, which cannot themselves be further decomposed (Hoste et al. 1998).
Here is a Hirsch proposing to connect the dots with Schubert Calculus

Paul Zinn-Justin: "Schubert calculus and quantum integrability"

Primary Research Area: 


Enumerative geometry

Applications with

Pro-Trump lawmaker’s siblings are demanding he be removed from Congress

‘Five people are dead and Congress has been attacked. Somebody has to pay a penalty for it,’ Mr Gosar’s brother says

Ezekiel 34

The Lord Will Be Israel’s Shepherd

Who is the stone that the builders rejected?
: Psalm 118:22 (21st Century King James) The stone which the builders refused has become the head stone of the corner. : 6 For in Scripture it says: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.
Scripture describes Jesus as the "Chief Cornerstone" of our faith. As the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus ensures the stability of the whole system of our salvation. Jesus was and is the only plan of salvation

Matthew 21:42

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?

The Baháʼí Faith is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity of all people. Established by Baháʼu'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Persia and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception.

The Kitabu'l-Asmáʼ or Book of Divine Names (also known as the Chahar Shaʻn (The [Book of the] Four Grades)) is a book written by the Báb, the founder of Bábi religion, in Arabic during his imprisonment in Máh-Kú and Chihriq in Iran (1847-1850). With a total volume of more than 3,000 pages, it is the largest revealed scripture in religious history. Stephen Lambden describes the Kitabu'l-Asmáʼ as "one of the most theologically weighty or important writings of the Bab".

At least twenty-six manuscripts exist, and much of the text has not yet been located. Some extracts are available in English in the volume Selections from the Writings of the Báb.



Tawhid (Arabic: توحيدtawḥīd, meaning "unification or oneness of God"; also romanized as Tawheed, Touheed, Tauheed or Tevhid) is the indivisible oneness concept of monotheism in Islam. Tawhid is the religion's central and single most important concept, upon which a Muslim's entire religious adherance rests. It unequivocally holds that God is One (Al-ʾAḥad) and Single (Al-Wāḥid ).
Taḥrīf (Arabic: تحريف‎, "distortion, alteration") is an Arabic term used by Muslims for the alterations which Islamic tradition claims Jews and Christians have made to the revealed books, specifically those that make up the Tawrat (or Torah), Zabur (possibly Psalms) and Injil (or Gospel).


In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیةtaqiyyah, literally "fear") is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.

A related term is Kitmān (lit. "action of covering, dissimulation"), which has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.
Kafir (Arabic: كافرkāfir; plural كَافِرُونَ kāfirūna, كفّار kuffār or كَفَرَة kafarah; feminine كافرة kāfirah; feminine plural كافرات kāfirāt or كوافر kawāfir) is an Arabic term meaning "infidel", "rejector", "denier", "disbeliever", "unbeliever", "nonbeliever". The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in God as per Islam (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh) or the tenets of Islam, denying the dominion and authority of God, and is thus often translated as "infidel". The term is used in different ways in the Quran, with the most fundamental sense being "ingratitude" (toward God).


 Twisted Strands


K-P-R is a Semitic root, in Arabic and Hebrew rendered as K-F-R (in Arabic script: ك ف ر; in Hebrew script: כ-פ-ר). The basic meaning of the root is "to cover", but it is used in the sense "to conceal" and hence "to deny", and its notability derives from its use for religious heresy or apostasy (as it were describing the "concealment" of religious truth) in both Islam and Judaism. 

Temple tax

The Temple tax (lit. מחצית השקל the half shekel) was a tax paid by Israelites and Levites which went towards the upkeep of the Jewish Temple, as reported in the New Testament.[1] Traditionally, Kohanim (Jewish priests) were exempt from the ta



: chest Among the items at the auction was an 18th-century oak coffer. especially : strongbox put the money in the coffer
2 : treasury, funds usually used in plural… public coffers running dry in a bleak economy …— Vivienne Walt and Roya Wolversoncorporate coffers
3 : a recessed panel in a vault, ceiling, or soffit ceiling coffers



From Late Middle High German koffer, from Middle Dutch coffer, from Old French cofre
Kaffir (Afrikaans/Arabic: "kaffer", /ˈkæfə/, Sarnami: "kafri") is a racial slur used to refer to Black Africans. In the form of cafri, it evolved during the pre-colonial period as an equivalent of "negro". In Southern Africa, the term was later used to refer to the Bantu peoples. This designation came to be considered a pejorative by the mid-20th century.

Phenomenology (philosophy)

Phenomenology (from Greek phainómenon "that which appears" and lógos "study") is the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness. As a philosophical movement it was founded in the early years of the 20th century by Edmund Husserl and was later expanded upon by a circle of his followers at the universities of Göttingen and Munich in Germany. It then spread to France, the United States, and elsewhere, often in contexts far removed from Husserl's early work.



Nutritional neuroscience


Behavioral neuropharmacology

In Theory

How Feynman Diagrams Revolutionized Physics

In the late 1940s, Richard Feynman invented a visual tool for simplifying particle calculations that forever changed theoretical physics.

Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch 'tarmac meeting' under more FBI scrutiny

Comey facilitated financial BCCI to HSBC under Bush and Clinton. President Carter did not realize what SES and BCCI were doing and perhaps still does not realize damage done.

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Senior Executive Service, Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell), founder of the SES with Nicholas Soames in 1978, is said to have some sort of ties or relationship with Stephen Paddock from reports from her brother, Field McConnell of Abel Danger.

Paddock worked for government contractor Morton-Thiokol from 1985 to 1988

Morton - Thiokol: Getting Off Easy

Other concerns include, Paddock owned a company called Paradise Ranch, a joint venture with the Philippine Children’s Fund of America, a CA charity that “Provides a transitional home for American children we fly from the Philippines“. Baxter Dmitry gum shoe reporting, along with Field McConnel's reports by the crafting of a report of Misconduct directed by the office of Government Ethics. 

Associated with this story, John Podesta, Jeffrey Epstein and the Lolita Express, Sir Clement Freud, Bill Clinton, and Anthony Weiner, from Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) and Stephen Paddock, connecting the sex trafficking via SES, SERCO and reports from Field McConnell of Abel Danger. And then HSBC board director James Comey, with investigations into BCCI and money laundering for Clinton and Bush. Power corrupts and sunset committees and oversight has value as an American convention, to make itself great, by addressing faults and imperfections as well heinous crimes and malfeasance and misprision.

The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior - Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 1 of 2

By the Power of Skull and Bones, Jolly Roger, Octogenarian cake walk Peter Pan!

Barry & the Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History

The Cuba Project: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba 1959-62: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba 1959-1962

In November 1963 Crichton was involved in the arrangements of the visit that President John F. Kennedy made to Dallas. His close friend, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin, and a fellow member of the the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, drove the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade.

Nonlinear Schrödinger equation

As a Schrodinger Cats dance move for muscular dystrophy quantum biological leaps from Frog Texas!

Hamburger button

vegetarian hamburger button considerations too with

Davydov soliton

just add some neuropercolation back at the ranch..

Triple bar

add a few flavor particle of shakes in a soda jerk physics dance
about the (metaphor)

Bohr magneton

Torque Markov Moment Skyrmion (are you sure this is a dance move?)

(MathPickle, 2016)

happy meal

Cantor function

The Cantor Function: Angel or Devil?

The Devil's Staircase & Other Uncountable Problems

Social clubs may be exempt from federal income taxation if they meet the requirements of section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code.

A ( Deep) learning Club, soical perhaps someon has a 501(c)(7) as Austin meetups alread exits...

Deep Learning social club

The Series 7 exam, also known as the General Securities Representative Exam (GSRE), is a test for entry-level registered representatives.

A commodity pool operator is a salesman for a fund that invests in commodities futures. A CPO may work for a hedge fund or investment fund that takes positions in commodities. CPOs must register with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.

consider launch

Technical Assistance & Stakeholder Engagement.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), in coordination with federal partners the U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS), collaborated to provide information and resources for States, local areas, non-profits and other grantees, and other stakeholders to assist with WIOA enactment.

SSI say hi to SII

About The Social Innovation Initiative

The Social Innovation Initiative (SII) acts as UT-Austin’s hub on campus for innovation in social and environmental impact.

Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey

Voice Dialogue: A Tool for Transformation

Book by Hal Stone and Sidra Winkelman

And again from the school of mathematics to the school of psychology,
What is William Bridges’ Transition Model?

“Not in his goals but in his transitions man is great.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Change and Transition are different.

Argument (complex analysis) What is argument of Z?

An argument of the complex number z = x + iy, denoted arg(z), is defined in two equivalent ways: Geometrically, in the complex plane, as the angle φ from the positive real axis to the vector representing z. The numeric value is given by the angle in radians and is positive if measured counterclockwise.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Most often, the unqualified term Fourier transform refers to the transform of functions of a continuous real argument, and it produces a continuous function of frequency, known as a frequency distribution. One function is transformed into another, and the operation is reversible.

In mathematics, Fourier analysis is the study of the way general functions may be represented or approximated by sums of simpler trigonometric functions. Fourier analysis grew from the study of Fourier series, and is named after Joseph Fourier, who showed that representing a function as a sum of trigonometric functions greatly simplifies the study of heat transfer.

Stolper H-O model Trade Theory

 By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Thermodynamic equilibrium

Henry (unit)

What a great name for child... Henry... it is not a bad name. My buddy Rob Heidrick named his child Henry.

Joseph Henry and Haji Muhammad Khan lived at the same time in the 1800's

Newton (unit)

Henry Newton Columb Weber as the start of a really long list of names for a child may spark interests here an there however, throwing in names like Haji or Khan may garner some "Oh My God" remarks. Perhaps it may double as a secret recipe. Was it an elastic organic resistor recipe for Pi day in some kind of quanutm chemistry delivered as a Gregoiran chant and or family opry songcraft?


Would it inspire with Omega rotational angular Graphene bonding recipes for Pi day as for physicists and electrical engineers? You know morals and ethics go a long way with elastic resistor cradle to grave manufacturing considerations with organic materials to "comb a hairy doughnut flat" and that seems like an O' Henry Newton Weber kind of banjo song Carole Zoom, so thanks for the banjo.

Henry Newton Weber, can't you comb a hairy doughnut flat....

That there is the start of a banjo picking opry, just add a verse...

Matthew 21:42

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?

Orders of magnitude (magnetic field)

Matthew 16:13-20

Peter’s Declaration about Jesus

13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”[a]

14 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”

15 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”

16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah,[b] the Son of the living God.”

17 Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John,[c] because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. 18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’),[d] and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell[e] will not conquer it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid[f] on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit[g] on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

20 Then he sternly warned the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Now let's be in Zen about this


Dance off with the Dervishes...

Young Turk Revolution

Hey, how's bout some economic innovations theories too
Benjamin BruderResearch & DevelopmentLyxor Asset Management, Parisbenjamin.bruder@lyxor.comTung-Lam DaoResearch & DevelopmentLyxor Asset Management, Paristung-lam.dao@lyxor.comJean-Charles RichardResearch & DevelopmentLyxor Asset Management, Parisjean-charles.richard@lyxor.comThierry RoncalliResearch & DevelopmentLyxor Asset Management, Paristhierry.roncalli@lyxor.comDecember 2011

Washoe (chimpanzee)

Francis Xavier

Xavier: Renegade Angel

9"Signs from Godrilla"Vernon Chatman, John Lee & Marco BertoldoJanuary 6, 2008109
After a gorilla becomes a religious sensation, Xavier follows his mind's heart and finds himself in trouble. (Guests: Junior Brown, Will Oldham)

Studies show 1 brain hack can stop addiction cold

Why curiosity may be the antidote to addiction.

Take one part physics
and a twist of Silicene, which can also form nanoribbons
Two parts Economics theories

Speak some Greek to a formula figurer outer as a figure skater in banjo opry as to apply fancy spin ice skating calculi

Tesla (unit)

take stock in the
Conductor in Electric Field
Torment that conductor with low brow opera in a
with that hairy donut and or hairy balls interpretive dance number theory for

Grapheme–color synesthesia

Further research



time with
Yuanbo Zhang

live music capital of the wold kind of hollar with
St. Dymphna is the patron saint of mental illness and anxiety.
Word to your motherboard!

I love you Austin, Texas and thank you for the opera tune with me! 




I Ching & Insights into

By Katya Walter

This same metaphor is also echoed from the scientist's side: "β sheets do not show a stiff repetitious regularity but flow in graceful, twisting curves, and even the α-helix is regular more in the manner of a flower stem, whose branching nodes show the influence of environment, developmental history, and the evolution of each part to match its own idiosyncratic function."[12]
The β-sheet (also β-pleated sheet) is a common motif of regular secondary structure in proteins. Beta sheets consist of beta strands (also β-strand) connected laterally by at least two or three backbone hydrogen bonds, forming a generally twisted, pleated sheet. A β-strand is a stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long with backbone in an extended conformation. The supramolecular association of β-sheets has been implicated in formation of the protein aggregates and fibrils observed in many human diseases, notably the amyloidoses such as Alzheimer's disease.

This same metaphor is also echoed from the scientist's side: "β sheets do not show a stiff repetitious regularity but flow in graceful, twisting curves, and even the α-helix is regular more in the manner of a flower stem, whose branching nodes show the influence of environment, developmental history, and the evolution of each part to match its own idiosyncratic function."[12]
The β-sheet (also β-pleated sheet) is a common motif of regular secondary structure in proteins. Beta sheets consist of beta strands (also β-strand) connected laterally by at least two or three backbone hydrogen bonds, forming a generally twisted, pleated sheet. A β-strand is a stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long with backbone in an extended conformation. The supramolecular association of β-sheets has been implicated in formation of the protein aggregates and fibrils observed in many human diseases, notably the amyloidoses such as Alzheimer's disease.

Two-dimensional materials

Not everyone wants to be the Twisted Sister masked singer Fox from the live music capital of the world as to explain quantum biology as a song and dance and that's okay.
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Dance with all you may

Twist (mathematics)

Doing the twist as a dance to German Lied Techno Pop as Twistronics schematics and SPROCKETS PARTY SNL facsimile


Lied Pappy!
Lied (/ld, lt/, plural Lieder /ˈldər/;[1][2][3] German pronunciation: [liːt], plural [ˈliːdɐ], German for "song") is a term in the German vernacular to describe setting poetry to classical music to create a piece of polyphonic music.[4] The term is used for songs from the late fourteenth or early fifteenth centuries or even to refer to Minnesang from as early as the 12th and 13th centuries.[5] It later came especially to refer to settings of Romantic poetry during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and into the early twentieth century. Examples include settings by Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Gustav Mahler or Richard Strauss. Among English speakers, however, "lied" is often used interchangeably with "art song" to encompass works that the tradition has inspired in other languages. The poems that have been made into lieder often center on pastoral themes or themes of romantic love.[6]

Lied Mama!

Now, let me compose a German Opera as a Lie Algebra for you...


Typically, Lieder are arranged for a single singer and piano, Lieder with orchestral accompaniment being a later development. Some of the most famous examples of Lieder are Franz Schubert's Der Tod und das Mädchen ("Death and the Maiden"), Gretchen am Spinnrade, and Der Doppelgänger. Sometimes, lieder are composed in a song cycle (German Liederzyklus or Liederkreis), a series of songs (generally three or more) tied by a single narrative or theme, such as Schubert's Die schöne Müllerin and Winterreise, or Robert Schumann's Frauen-Liebe und Leben and Dichterliebe. Schubert and Schumann are most closely associated with this genre, mainly developed in the Romantic era.[7][8]

Lied brothers and sister!

(tantrum, digression, comedy roast)

Is this one of those life lessons tests?

Will I be graded?

Graded algebra


Arduino to Digital Audio Workstation


This lab covers the process of taking MIDI messages sent from the Arduino and creating sound with them via a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) such as Ableton LIVE, Logic or Garageband.


Digital audio workstation

Who is ready to innovate?

Taking the guesswork out of twistronics

New model explores the design space of twisted 2D materials

Are you ready to play game theory and innovate?
Enjoy your 'ah-hah' magnetic moments with those
phonons traveling opposite direction to electrons with the delivery of convection heat

O-ring theory of economic development

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones

"Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones" is a proverb used in several European countries pertaining to hypocrisy. It means that "One who is vulnerable to criticism regarding a certain issue should not criticize others about the same issue."

The Mote and the Beam

The Mote and the Beam is a parable of Jesus given in the Sermon on the Mount[1] in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 1 to 5. The discourse is fairly brief, and begins by warning his followers of the dangers of judging others, stating that they too would be judged by the same standard. The Sermon on the Plain has a similar passage in Luke 6:37–42.[2]

Euler–Bernoulli beam theory

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, ForMemRS[1] (German: [maks ˈplaŋk] (About this soundlisten);[2] English: /ˈplæŋk/;[3] 23 April 1858 – 4 October 1947) was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.[4]

Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame as a physicist rests primarily on his role as the originator of quantum theory,[5] which revolutionized human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. In 1948, the German scientific institution Kaiser Wilhelm Society (of which Planck was twice president) was renamed Max Planck Society (MPS). The MPS now includes 83 institutions representing a wide range of scientific directions.

Matthew 7:3-5

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Walk the Talk Teenage Mutant Nija turtles and Pirates of Caribbean in me eye patch 'o
Ay Mate, Octogenarian Jolly Roger False Flag Bonesmen song for Skull Yale Bonesman George Bush for the Burning Bush of the Bible with Moses dance off, on the Masked Singer with King David jigs on Fox, for a charter of liberty, justice and freedom for all!

Woe to unjust judges and to those who issue unfair laws, says the Lord, so that there is no justice for the poor, the widows, and orphans. Yes, it is true that they even rob the widows and fatherless children.

Denial Is the Heartbeat of America

When have Americans been willing to admit who we are?

“This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic—not our democratic republic,” Republican former President George W. Bush

Operation Condor, Bush, Mena Arkansas and Panama Papers for St. Martin sake, not the offshore financing fantasy island, George W. Bush  

Gen Salvador Cienfuegos was arrested last October for allegedly shielding a conspiracy to smuggle drugs into the US

23 Corrupt judges accept secret bribes, and then justice is not done.
24 An intelligent person aims at wise action, but a fool starts off in many directions.
25 Foolish children bring grief to their fathers and bitter regrets to their mothers.
26 It is not right to make an innocent person pay a fine; justice is perverted when good people are punished.
27 Those who are sure of themselves do not talk all the time. People who stay calm have real insight.
28 After all, even fools may be thought wise and intelligent if they stay quiet and keep their mouths shut.

noun: lied; plural noun: lieder
  1. a type of German song, especially of the romantic period, typically for solo voice with piano accompaniment.
I love you mom and dad, family and friends

Eagle's minimal essential medium


Luciferin (from the Latin lucifer, "light-bringer") is a generic term for the light-emitting compound found in organisms that generate bioluminescence. 



Transfection is the process of deliberately introducing naked or purified nucleic acids into eukaryotic cells.[1][2] It may also refer to other methods and cell types, although other terms are often preferred: "transformation" is typically used to describe non-viral DNA transfer in bacteria and non-animal eukaryotic cells, including plant cells. In animal cells, transfection is the preferred term as transformation is also used to refer to progression to a cancerous state (carcinogenesis) in these cells. Transduction is often used to describe virus-mediated gene transfer into eukaryotic cells.[2][3]

The word transfection is a portmanteau of trans- and infection. Genetic material (such as supercoiled plasmid DNA or siRNA constructs), or even proteins such as antibodies, may be transfected.

Transfection of animal cells typically involves opening transient pores or "holes" in the cell membrane to allow the uptake of material. Transfection can be carried out using calcium phosphate (i.e. tricalcium phosphate), by electroporation, by cell squeezing or by mixing a cationic lipid with the material to produce liposomes that fuse with the cell membrane and deposit their cargo inside.

Transfection can result in unexpected morphologies and abnormalities in target cells.

Chameleon particle

Cameleon (protein)

Cameleon (programming language)

Polyglot (computing) 

Algebraic number field

Algebraicity and ring of integers



Statics is the branch of mechanics that is concerned with the analysis of loads (force and torque, or "moment") acting on physical systems that do not experience an acceleration (a=0), but rather, are in static equilibrium with their environment.

Applications of Newton's second law to a system design

Informal derivation of the Cramér–Rao bound

Single-parameter Bernoulli experiment 

Minimum Fisher information

Degrees of freedom (statistics)

Close-packing of equal spheres

Spin states (d electrons)

Perovskite (structure)

Atomic packing factor

Armadillos (meaning "little armored ones" in Spanish)


Experiments have also been done using combinations of graphene layers with other materials that form heterostructures in the form of atomically thin sheets that are held together by the weak Van der Waals force.[15] For example, a study published in Science in July 2019 found that with the addition of a boron nitride lattice between two graphene sheets, unique orbital ferromagnetic effects were produced at a 1.17° angle, which could be used to implement memory in quantum computers.[16] Further spectroscopic studies of twisted bilayer graphene revealed strong electron-electron correlations at the magic angle.[17]

Electron Puddling

Between 2-D layers for bismuth selenide and a dichalcogenide, researchers at the Northeastern University in Boston, discovered that at a specific degrees of twist a new lattice layer, consisting of only pure electrons, would develop between the two 2-D elemental layers.[18] The quantum and physical effects of the alignment between the two layers appears to create "puddle" regions which trap electrons into a stable lattice. Because this stable lattice consists only of electrons, it is the first non-atomic lattice observed and suggests new opportunities to confine, control, measure, and transport electrons.

Do not fall into an electron puddle of having a tantrum fit all bugging out error 303

Strontium titanate

Plane wave

by Andrew Ranicki
General Contact Information:
Austin Gem and Mineral Society
6719 Burnet Lane
Austin, TX 78757
Phone: (512) 458-9546
AGMS E-Mail Address:

A New Kind of Soft Battery, Inspired by the Electric Eel

The animals inspired the design of the very first battery. Two centuries later, they're at it again.
Ed Yong
December 13, 2017

Organic Materials Database

Why Don’t We Forget How to Ride a Bike?

The way memories are anchored in the brain plays a role, neuropsychologist Boris Suchan explains

Bike - Syd Barrett-Pink Floyd 

Alternative periodic tables

Curled ribbon periodic table (J. F. Hyde)
This 'ribbon' periodic table reminded me of 1926

Walter Russell's Periodic Chart of The Elements 1

consider along with aspects of


With innovations...
With Spintronics innovations, you know for innovations with a

Scalar boson

A scalar boson is a boson whose spin equals zero. Boson means that it has an integer-valued spin; the scalar fixes this value to 0.

The name scalar boson arises from quantum field theory. It refers to the particular transformation properties under Lorentz transformation.


See also


A zoonosis is an infectious disease caused by a pathogen that has jumped from a non-human animal (usually a vertebrate) to a human.
A capsid is the protein shell of a virus, enclosing genetic material. It consists of several oligomeric structural subunits made of protein called protomers. The observable 3-dimensional morphological subunits, which may or may not correspond to individual proteins, are called capsomeres

Capsids are broadly classified according to their structure. The majority of viruses have capsids with either helical or icosahedral[2][3] structure. Some viruses, such as bacteriophages, have developed more complicated structures due to constraints of elasticity and electrostatics.[4] The icosahedral shape, which has 20 equilateral triangular faces, approximates a sphere, while the helical shape resembles the shape of a spring, taking the space of a cylinder but not being a cylinder itself.[5] The capsid faces may consist of one or more proteins. For example, the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid has faces consisting of three proteins named VP1–3.
Some viruses are enveloped, meaning that the capsid is coated with a lipid membrane known as the viral envelope. The envelope is acquired by the capsid from an intracellular membrane in the virus' host; examples include the inner nuclear membrane, the Golgi membrane, and the cell's outer membrane.[7]
Once the virus has infected a cell and begins replicating itself, new capsid subunits are synthesized using the protein biosynthesis mechanism of the cell. In some viruses, including those with helical capsids and especially those with RNA genomes, the capsid proteins co-assemble with their genomes. In other viruses, especially more complex viruses with double-stranded DNA genomes, the capsid proteins assemble into empty precursor procapsids that includes a specialized portal structure at one vertex. Through this portal, viral DNA is translocated into the capsid.[8]
Structural analyses of major capsid protein (MCP) architectures have been used to categorise viruses into lineages. For example, the bacteriophage PRD1, the algal virus Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus (PBCV-1), mimivirus and the mammalian adenovirus have been placed in the same lineage, whereas tailed, double-stranded DNA bacteriophages (Caudovirales) and herpesvirus belong to a second lineage. 
An anyon is a generalization of fermion and boson in two-dimensional systems like sheets of graphene that obeys braid statistics.

The axion (/ˈæksiɒn/) is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter.

Now, set your oven to the preon position, like with nuclear physics:


In particle physics, preons are point particles, conceived of as sub-components of quarks, and leptons. The word was coined by Jogesh Pati and Abdus Salam, in 1974.

Baryon acoustic oscillations

I want to take a tone of gratitude for my mom here with the Perez opry, composing songcraft for Baryon and the boys operatic ochestraion with weaving a web of deception...
See also: List of baryons

Ordinary baryons (composite fermions) contain three valence quarks or three valence antiquarks each.

  • Nucleons are the fermionic constituents of normal atomic nuclei:
    • Protons, composed of two up and one down quark (uud)
    • Neutrons, composed of two down and one up quark (ddu)
  • Hyperons, such as the Λ, Σ, Ξ, and Ω particles, which contain one or more strange quarks, are short-lived and heavier than nucleons. Although not normally present in atomic nuclei, they can appear in short-lived hypernuclei.
  • A number of charmed and bottom baryons have also been observed.
  • Pentaquarks consist of four valence quarks and one valence antiquark.
  • Other exotic baryons may also exist.

Phonons are vibrational modes in a crystal lattice.

A magnon is a quasiparticle, a collective excitation of the electrons' spin structure in a crystal lattice. In the equivalent wave picture of quantum mechanics, a magnon can be viewed as a quantized spin wave. Magnons carry a fixed amount of energy and lattice momentum, and are spin-1, indicating they obey boson behavior.

In physics, a magnetic photon is a hypothetical particle. It is a mixture of even and odd C-parity states and, unlike the normal photon, does not couple to leptons. It is predicted by certain extensions of electromagnetism to include magnetic monopoles. There is no experimental evidence for the existence of this particle, and several versions[1] have been ruled out by negative experiments.[2]

The magnetic photon was predicted in 1966 by Nobel laureate Abdus Salam.[3]

The skyrmion, a topological solution of the pion field, used to model the low-energy properties of the nucleon, such as the axial vector current coupling and the mass.

  • A plekton is a theoretical kind of particle discussed as a generalization of the braid statistics of the anyon to dimension > 2.

  • A WIMP (weakly interacting massive particle) is any one of a number of particles that might explain dark matter (such as the neutralino or the axion).
  • will gladly pay on Tuesday, for a Hamburger today
  • A GIMP (gravitationally interacting massive particle) is a particle which provides an alternative explanation of dark matter, instead of the aforementioned WIMP.

  • The pomeron, used to explain the elastic scattering of hadrons and the location of Regge poles in Regge theory.

Theory of magnon-skyrmion scattering in chiral magnets

Junichi Iwasaki, Aron J. Beekman, and Naoto Nagaosa
Phys. Rev. B 89, 064412 – Published 14 February 2014
Indictment of the Lord

The Speech of Holofernes

Luciferin (from the Latin lucifer, "light-bringer") is a generic term for the light-emitting compound found in organisms that generate bioluminescence. 
A spin ice is a magnetic substance that does not have a single minimal-energy state. It has magnetic moments (i.e. "spin") as elementary degrees of freedom which are subject to frustrated interactions.

Integrated circuit design


an early quantum sensor is an APD avalanche photodiode

"Plank" is the term often given to the components of the political platform – the opinions and viewpoints about individual topics, as held by a party, person, or organization.

The phrase "Armor of God" is derived from Ephesians 6:11: "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

MIA node in a sensor network

Austin Blind Bat Luck swing and or pitch:

As per the information you conveyed, I am contacting the USPS, Agapi Doulaveris media and congressional inquires with the USPS and the USPS hotline. I am also contacting Michael Clinkscales student counsel and social worker with TSBVI and Gloria Bennett with the Texas School of the Blind, where I have volunteered, to inquire about policy and direction with labor pool development opportunities offered for students of the Texas school of the blind concerning USPS policy:

(God Does not Play Dice)

Participating in games for money or other personal property, the operation of gambling devices, the conduct of a lottery or pool, or the selling or purchasing of lottery tickets is prohibited on postal premises. This does not apply to state lottery tickets at vending facilities operated by licensed blind persons where such lotteries are authorized by state law.

Direction from the USPS as well as Texas school of the blind for business and labor pool development is requested for retail sells of the Texas lottery. As a NAICS 541712 business, Serenity Sells seeks to serve the community with business developments that may serve the USPS, Texas school of the blind and the Texas lottery. I would like the Texas lottery commissions to consider a 'blind luck' public relations campaign or marketing campaign for this project.  Developing a sells workforce from a laptop computer kiosk for mobility products coupled with sells of lottery tickets at the post office may serve with business development of Serenity Sells.

Information from the USPS of how to obtain a license for blind persons to vend Texas state lottery tickets is being requested. Information for direction with this business/labor pool development is being requested from the Texas school of the blind as well to coordinate. Thank you again Angelica Tagle for your telephone call and email concerning state policy of the Texas lottery with this business/labor pool development research and development inquiry.

Dear Mr. Hirsch:

Thank you for taking my call today. We appreciate your interest in becoming a Lottery retailer. As we discussed, the Texas Lottery Commission does not have any prohibitions related to selling tickets on federally owned property or commercial venues. I’ve listed below the links to the application on our web site and the statute where you can find info on eligibility for a license.  It is the responsibility of the retailer to have a location through which he can operate his business so he would need to contact USPS officials to pursue access to one of their locations.  Also, as I mentioned the business must offer other goods and services to the public in order to be licensed.  The location cannot be used exclusively to sell lottery tickets. If you have any questions, please call Retailer Customer Service at 1-800-375-6886.

subject:Re: USPS lotto retail sells by licensed blind persons with the Texas Lottery Commission
A tunnel diode or Esaki diode is a type of semiconductor diode that has effectively "negative resistance" due to the quantum mechanical effect called tunneling. ... In 1973, Esaki received the Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Brian Josephson, for discovering the electron tunneling effect used in these diodes

Resonant-tunneling diode (RTD)


PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) is a mitochondrial serine/threonine-protein kinase encoded by the PINK1 gene.

Neurological Health

Does Parkinson’s Begin in the Gut?

A growing body of evidence links the neurodegenerative disease to the gastrointestinal tract, opening new possibilities for treatment

Parkin (ligase)

 Parkin- and PINK1-dependent mitophagy in neurons: will the real pathway please stand up?

I am wondering...
The OTC Pink, now branded as the Pink Open Market, is the lowest and most speculative tier of the three marketplaces for the trading of over-the-counter (OTC) stocks. All three tiers are provided and operated by the OTC Markets Group.
I am trying to connect the quantum dots for quantum biology innovations with nanoelectronic research and this leads to...
The evaluation of the safety of nanomaterials will likely require a multi-disciplinary approach between toxicologists and experts in materials science, chemistry, physics, biotechnology, engineering, and/or other appropriate disciplines. Identifying precisely what qualifies as a nanoscale material is difficult and currently a subject of substantial discussion in the scientific, regulatory, and standards-setting communities
For the Love of Drude Theory, must I teach myself medical school materiel as well Law school and express this as some sort of German Lied?!?!?

Cell Science at a Glance
Seok Min Jin, Richard J. Youle
Journal of Cell Science 2012 125: 795-799; doi: 10.1242/jcs.093849

Pink noise or 1f noise is a signal or process with a frequency spectrum such that the power spectral density (power per frequency interval) is inversely proportional to the frequency of the signal. In pink noise, each octave interval (halving or doubling in frequency) carries an equal amount of noise energy.

Pink noise is one of the most common signals in biological systems.[1]

The name arises from the pink appearance of visible light with this power spectrum.[2] This is in contrast with white noise which has equal intensity per frequency interval.

IT appears Heart of Texas mission charters to cure Muscular Dystrophy may be arranged innovating upon this.

Basking in the Colors of Noise

When you’re feeling sleepless or stressed, the healing sounds of noises, like pink and white, can evoke ease and wellness.

Extracellular Collagen VI Has Prosurvival and Autophagy Instructive Properties in Mouse Fibroblasts

Precise Mapping of Single Neurons by Calibrated 3DReconstruction of Brain Slices Reveals Topographic Projection in Mouse Visual Cortex
Jun Ho Song, Woochul Choi,You-Hyang Song, Jae-Hyun Kim,Daun Jeong, Seung-Hee Lee,Se-Bum Paik 
In Brief 
Song et al. develop software forautomated and calibrated single-neuronmapping (AMaSiNe) into the standardized3D Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas,which enables precise comparison ofmultiple brain data on a standard brainatlas and reveals spatial organization ofneural projections to the primary visualarea.
Has anyone asked an Ox how the Ox may feel about this in 2021? How about a committee of Ten Bulls asking the Rats for a February Chinese New Year celebration?

Are Elephants Really Afraid of Mice?


By Karen Benson, certified Texas Master Naturalist

Some Iconography considerations concerning Ratcatchers who abduct children of the Pied Piper of Hameln and the Karni Mata Temple in 2020 Year of the Rat:

The Pied Piper of Hameln

and related legends from other towns

Ratcatchers Who Abduct Children

According to Jainism every act by which a person directly or indirectly supports killing or injury is violence (himsa), which creates harmful karma. The aim of ahimsa is to prevent the accumulation of such karma. … Jains believe that all animals, plants, and human beings contain living souls

2020 Year of the (Lab) Rat

Karni Mata Temple (Hindi: करणी माता मंदिर) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Karni Mata at Deshnoke, 30 km from Bikaner, in Rajasthan, India. It is also known as the Temple of Rats. The temple is famous for the approximately 25,000 black rats that live, and are revered, in the temple. These holy rats are called kabbas, and many people travel great distances to pay their respects. The temple draws visitors from across the country for blessings, as well as curious tourists from around the world.

Reidemeister move
In the mathematical area of knot theory, a Reidemeister move is any of three local moves on a link diagram.

A magic polygon also called a perimeter magic polygon is a polygon with an integers on its sides that all add up to a magic sum. It is where positive integers (from 1 to N) on a k-sided polygon add up to a constant, or magic sum. Magic polygons are the generalization of other magic shapes[5] such as magic triangles.

more from my article

Come Clean Monday, Spinon Dynamic Programming Scheduling (computing) for Easter Monday as Quantum biology with Chargon Word and Actor Model within Roosevelt Corollary and Latin America with Roosevelt's quarantine speech

As well a SBIR may Onboard NIH with a Pink noise proposal venue IPO launch with innovations as

How to Play Stocks in the Pink Market

Use the Force Luke 11:11
My name is David Vincent Bell Hirsch

I am on a mission to cure muscular dystrophy and I am trying to figure out how to apply a Bell Test with quantum dots in a sensor node innovation

Bell's theorem

Bell's theorem proves that quantum physics is incompatible with local hidden-variable theories. It was introduced by physicist John Stewart Bell in a 1964 paper titled "On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox", referring to a 1935 thought experiment that Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen used to argue that quantum physics is an "incomplete" theory.[1][2] By 1935, it was already recognized that the predictions of quantum physics are probabilistic. Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen presented a scenario that, in their view, indicated that quantum particles, like electrons and photons, must carry physical properties or attributes not included in quantum theory, and the uncertainties in quantum theory's predictions were due to ignorance of these properties, later termed "hidden variables". Their scenario involves a pair of widely separated physical objects, prepared in such a way that the quantum state of the pair is entangled.

Lessons for a Young Scientist

A masterclass on what science needs now.

Spin torque based random access memory

Seams logical as a pattern...
corresponding author

Have you checked with the Mendicant orders of Meatheads, as the Meat Puppets or perhaps Steven Terner Mnuchin?

with a grin,


Primary Human Fibroblasts in Culture Switch to a Myofibroblast-Like Phenotype Independently of TGF Beta

Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and muscle materials to consider with quantum biology research 
Pietro GambardellaDepartment of Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Actin’s role in muscle contraction

Thanks for the Actin lesson mom!

Extracellular matrix

Cell adhesion proteins

Going to save some Meat heads live music for the Meat Puppets from the music capital of the world in Austin, Texas with


After Medical School live music special for questions to connect the dots
From your webinar, I am including this follow up from development with molecular Hamiltonain computed as quantum dots 
In one tasty Mathpickle
Sensor node innovations
Dr. Kory Hallet,

My focus upon your webinar has been for quantum biological molecular Hamiltonian
charter as ADA Texas Able WIOA model curing muscular dystrophy

Square lattice Ising model Lambda Ising Model

Ice Castles

Spin ice


UT Deep Learning IC2

Gabriel's Horn

Perez Orchestra legacy account cloud computing snowflake funds

National Cancer Institute SBIR and STTR Programs

All general/media inquiries:

9609 Medical Center Drive 
Bethesda, MD 20892-9706 (Postal Address)
Rockville, MD 20850 (Physical Address)
Phone: 240-276-5300
2021 Pi day innovation of Bitch Cakes! (from the live music capital of the world mask singer consdieration)
Dance with all you got for you the Cure to Muscular dystrophy proposal as a

Corrupted Signal

  • Wiener

  • 1. a frankfurter or similar sausage.
  • 2.
    a penis.
Put on your Wiener filter... talk about a corrupted Signal!

The Wiener filter

Happy Birthday January daughters of the Texas revolution as well sons of Men under one God with liberty and the pursuit of justice for all
Do not let the Political Spin get you to dizzy in 2021
Deep Learning in the Heart of mission charter to cure musculal dystrophy
Katya Walter says DNA and the I Ching use binary/digital units & analog ... that make up the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, and also the 64 DNA swatches

So the Lizard Ladies Jung Mask with a blindfold represents the Astrological symbol Libra and the dance number as RNA Quantum spin flip Biology RNA software DNA nanoelctronic stem cell therapy to address Carole Zoom's trouble as

So the live music capital of the world choreography dance Perez Legacy orchestra account considerations of

adreno chips, and Arduino hardware innovation design with

Autophagosome-Lysosome Fusion

Author links open overlay panelPéterLőrincz12
"Fusion" is applied in many schools of higher education as a term for Physics, for Psychology, for Biology and has a different meaning for each specific field of study.

I am researching stem cell therapy and tissue engineering with quantum biology in research articles for UT IC2 Deep Learning projects.

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch
Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX 35th)
Staff Members:
Energy LA: Sarah Laven
Environment LA: Sarah Laven

August 19, 2019

Wired for sound: A third wave emerges in integrated circuits

by University of Sydney

Brillouin Scattering

Brillouin scattering, named after Léon Brillouin, refers to the interaction of light with the material waves in a medium.

What's for lunch, Raman? Didn't that Burgers Vector fill you up?

Raman scattering

Raman spectroscopy

Colors of noise

Jazz Hands Holli Kristine for bitch cake dance offs with the masked singer as a lizard king representing the Carl Jung aspect of Reptilian Brain for quantum biological spin flip RNA - DNA Protein programming allotransplantation therapy to cure Carole Zoom's muscular dystrophy and with the lizard lady masks by the masked singer and bitch cakes dance off fundraiser actually being a secret recipe from Katya Walter with understanding of I Ching and DNA for molecular Hamiltonaian quantum biological innovations in nanoelctronic organic field transistors

Brownian noise

A Gray code is essentially a Hamiltonian walk ona n-dimensional cube with edge length of one. The vertices of the cube are represented by vectors whose values are binary. The Hamilton walk visits each vertex exactly once.
I am reading from page 116 (really starts at 110) of 

Physico-Chemical Control of Cell Function

edited by Cesare Gargioli, Giancarlo Forte, Alberto Rainer
and researching


Overall, our findings suggest that stem cell therapy can potentially provide a new avenue for the treatment of COL6 CMD and other muscular disorders and injuries.

Meditations on First Philosophy

Quantum Biology Spintronic consideration of 

Membrane potential

Membrane potential (also transmembrane potential or membrane voltage) is the difference in electric potential between the interior and the exterior of a biological cell. For the exterior of the cell, typical values of membrane potential, normally given in units of millivolts and denoted as mV, range from –40 mV to –80 mV.
Landauer's principle explained
Landauer's principle can be understood to be a simple logical consequence of the second law of thermodynamics—which states that the entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease—together with the definition of thermodynamic temperature.

Model theory

Maxwell's demon

It turns out, if we build a finite-sized demon, that the demon himself gets so warm that he cannot see very well after a while 

- Richard Phillips Feynman

Transmembrane channels

Feynman's lectures

Ratchet and pawl

Experimental realization of Feynman's ratchet

Brownian ratchet

The three collagen VI genes and α chains

α chainsSize (kDa)Corresponding

Spin chemistry

Radical-pair mechanism

Maxwell's demon through the looking glass

 Z. K. Silagadze

Collagen Type VI-Related Disorders

Anne Katrin Lampe, MD, Kevin M Flanigan, MD, Katharine Mary Bushby, MD, MBCHB FRCP, and Debbie Hicks, PhD.

Ventral tegmental area

Metal–semiconductor junction

So as a tissue engineering innovation approach with Deep Learning with UT IC2, I am considering Spintronics with Quantum Biology research.
There are ethical and medical lobby considerations here to consider with legal concerns of inhibiting innovation for example with pharmaceutical lobby, that is an established medical entity may monopolize and impede the development and innovation for superior medical technologies to be implemented.

Manufacturing healthy human muscle tissue as a medical art may consider semiconductor manufacturing innovations with allotransplantation.


Magnesium plays an important role in a large number of cellular processes by acting as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions and transmembrane ion movements.

Spin Injection into Silicon

Keep bleaching autocrats first with Colonel Mustard gas in Cluedo Game Theory

Certain pharmaceuticals may cause permanent uncontrollable muscle movements, twitching or bizarre repetitive movements. Pharmaceuticals that have side effects that include symptoms of a disease are a serious ethical and moral consideration of bad faith being practiced in a capitalistic society where Adam Smith's invisible hand may cause iatrogenesis like Presidents proposing bleach injections? Sure it is a shower in Auswitz... just for Jewish folks. PSA ODE to Carnige Steelers and all Hell's worth of Rockeffelers Oil Oligarchy for
The Icarus Project was a media and activist endeavor broadly aligned to the anti-psychiatry movement and recovery approach, arguing that mental illness should be understood as an issue of social justice and that a person's mental state can improve through greater social support and collective liberation

My name is David Vincent Bell Hirsch and I am on a mission to cure the type of muscular dystrophy that Carole Zoom has and I propose an Austin Deep Learning journal charter for such an enterprise to champion a remedy. I am following up contacting NASA:

NASA Molecular Electrostatic Potentials and Electrochemical cells with considerations modeling Drosophila sticks-and-stones (sns) locus, focus UNC-45 chaperone and Myoblast fusion confusion with Kernel-based DataFusion for Machine Learning on Human Machine Interface innovations

What would you do for a MathPickle?

Austin Texas is the live music capital of the world...

Colors of noise

In audio engineering, electronics, physics, and many other fields, the color of noise refers to the power spectrum of a noise signal (a signal produced by a stochastic process). Different colors of noise have significantly different properties: for example, as audio signals they will sound different to human ears, and as images they will have a visibly different texture. Therefore, each application typically requires noise of a specific color. This sense of 'color' for noise signals is similar to the concept of timbre in music (which is also called "tone color"[citation needed]); however the latter is almost always used for sound, and may consider very detailed features of the spectrum.

The practice of naming kinds of noise after colors started with white noise, a signal whose spectrum has equal power within any equal interval of frequencies. That name was given by analogy with white light, which was (incorrectly) assumed to have such a flat power spectrum over the visible range.[citation needed] Other color names, such as pink, red, and blue were then given to noise with other spectral profiles, often (but not always) in reference to the color of light with similar spectra. Some of those names have standard definitions in certain disciplines, while others are very informal and poorly defined. Many of these definitions assume a signal with components at all frequencies, with a power spectral density per unit of bandwidth proportional to 1/f β and hence they are examples of power-law noise. For instance, the spectral density of white noise is flat (β = 0), while flicker or pink noise has β = 1, and Brownian noise has β = 2.

Oil-rich Iraq, its economy hobbled by neglect and corruption, has devalued its currency and had its imported electricity cut off for nonpayment.

Creepy creepy, crawly crawly, creepy creepy, crawly crawly

Borris on a Martian Ziggy Spider Walk... kind of a drunkard walk, random, mathematically speaking like with color of noise, less color of law creepy subject for educators making power spectrum lesson plans for noise signals of a  Student's t-distribution

Spider Walk

(MathPickle, 2016)

Educators: Explore probability by randomly wandering around a spider web. At each intersection randomly choose a neighbour that has not been visited. What is your probability of success?

Mathematicians: What fractions are possible? What web (a planar graph) gives the highest probability of success if success is not guaranteed?

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Thin-film composite membrane


Phono input



I blame Heavy Metal as a music Genre mom... thanks for those Guitar lessons and practicing the scales with Piano too.

Topological transitions among skyrmion- and hedgehog-lattice states in cubic chiral magnets

Davydov soliton

Sonic the Hedgehog, Phonon Hedgehog-Lattice state Ring Theory

Nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Game Theory

Inaugural-DissertationzurErlangung des Doktorgradesder Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultätder Universität zu Kölnvorgelegt vonJohannes Waizner

Spin wave

Ring theory, Hedgehog Lattice... I know mom, video games and Sega station and all in the

I have reached out to Qatar and India as well Mexico as to develop international charters to be of service.

Besides Juarez Mexico, as this article I mention suggests to serve children of God here, I also have recently (past five to ten years) been developing government contracting inside sells and innovations relations with:

Tamer Ahmed Trading Agency 
Al Matar Commercial Center-Airport Road 
# 104, First floor, P.O Box: 5283 
Doha - Qatar

Concerning Nation Building, I have contacted the  Council on American–Islamic Relations multiple times concerning the TX Disparity Study steering committee and intergovernmental operability with legal channel development of the minority merchant mechanism of Hawala.

Council on American–Islamic Relations

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

The Green’s function of a Holstein polaron

Mona Berciu, University of British Columbia

Lepton number


 dancing, for


                    lessons, with

Landau quantization

Fröhlich is a German language surname meaning cheerful (Polaron dancing numbers)

A unified theory for charge-carrier transport in organic crystals

Yuan-Chung Cheng and Robert J. Silbey

Department of Chemistry and Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Received 7 December 2007; accepted 12 February 2008; published online 20 March 2008


List of things named after Erwin Schrödinger

A jali or jaali, (jālī, meaning "net") is the term for a perforated stone or latticed screen, usually with an ornamental pattern constructed through the use of calligraphy and geometry. This form of architectural decoration is common in Indo-Islamic architecture and more generally in Islamic architecture.[1]

The jali helps in lowering the temperature by compressing the air through the holes. Also when the air passes through these openings, its velocity increases giving profound diffusion.[clarification needed] It has been observed that humid areas like Kerala and Konkan have larger holes with overall lower opacity than compared with the dry climate regions of Gujarat and Rajasthan.[2]

With compactness of the residential areas in the modern India, jalis became less frequent for privacy and security matters.[3]

 See also

Ballistic conduction

Brother is your Phonon?

Throw Down Your Heart

Bela Fleck - Throw Down Your Heart (2008) - Full Movie

considering heated conversations

Jali Green Hydrogen Giant reflection of the 2014 Gaza War as the Hero of Haarlem Texas City Dike professional Triangle musician for a live orchestration and opera

NRDC angle and considerations on this matter with ethical lobby foresight
for Turkey the county, and the Bird and for every dog having their day,

As the 25th anniversary celebrations build for the groundbreaking album, Robin Denselow recalls the huge controversy it caused

Paul Simon's Monologue Worries - SNL

Thank you Paul Simon for World Toilet Day blessings for those on the throne, hear from the heart of live music on earth. And direction concerning Being a Jali ol' Griot soliciting Nacatamal for Kwanza ADA 30th WIOA, perhaps in international talking Turkey about toilets for everyone. These types of talks take grace and your sagacity is sought Paul Simon. Thank you for all of your humanitarian efforts in all of your expressions to enrich our world and grace with temperment of tender issues as systemic racism as per disparity studies as to guide forward with solutions that are collectively unconcious from sectors of our society. 

Gravity Energy Storage Will Show Its Potential in 2021

Gravitricity and Energy Vault are pioneering a radical new alternative to batteries for grid storage

TPOCTotal Payment Obligation to the Claimant (legal)
TPOCTemporary Private Operator Certificate (Canada)
TPOCTechnical Proof of Concept
TPOCTechnical/Training Point Of Contact
TPOCTechnical Point of Contact   

Virginia Department of Accounts

...Form of Fancy Smarty Accounting Pants with deep pockets...
Albert was beatified in 1622. He was canonized and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church on December 16, 1931, by Pope Pius XI and the patron saint of natural scientists in 1941. St. Albert's feast day is November 15.

Thanks Saint Lucy

Using AI in the fight against river blindness

More than 21 million people in Africa are infected with the nematode Onchocerca volvulus, the cause of river blindness. Around one in ten of those affected goes blind. Parasitologists at the University Hospital Bonn are looking for new, more effective weapons against the insidious parasite.

by Holger Lange and Cris Luengo, Flagship Biosciences Inc

Random walk

Three blind mice (in the year of the rat)
In mathematics, a random walk is a (MIT) mathematical object, known as a stochastic or random process, that describes a path that consists of a succession of random steps on some mathematical space such as the integers.

Gematria (/ɡəˈmeɪtriə/; Hebrew: גמטריא‎ or Gimatria גימטריה‎, plural גמטראות‎ or גמטריאות‎, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used.

Eye of a needle

l Hanisim — Pronounced ahl hah-nee-SEEM. Literally “on the miracles,” the prayer added to the Amidah prayer and Birkat Hamazon (blessing said after meals) during .

Buffon's needle problem

In mathematics, Buffon's needle problem is a question first posed in the 18th century by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon:[1]

Suppose we have a floor made of parallel strips of wood, each the same width, and we drop a needle onto the floor. What is the probability that the needle will lie across a line between two strips?

Must-Know Hanukkah Words and Phrases

Key vocabulary for the Jewish Festival of Lights.


Maccabees — Pronounced MACK-uh-bees. The family of religious zealots who triumphed over the Syrian Greeks and liberated the Temple.

from this weirdo slackers research blog

So Computer path
Sharia literally means "the clear, well-trodden path to water". Sharia law acts as a code for living that all Muslims should adhere to, including prayers, fasting and donations to the poor. It aims to help Muslims understand how they should lead every aspect of their lives according to God's wishes.

What is Sharia and how is it applied?

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side

Boogie Woogie Woogie Woogie
Wonder twin powers...
Form of Green Hydrogen

The Hype and Hope of Sahara Desert Green Hydrogen

Past supergrid plans have failed. Can a transcontinental hydrogen pipeline connect the energy futures of Europe and Africa? 

At its most basic level, the word Sharia meant “path” or a “path to water,” and carried the meaning that there existed a path of right conduct that was pleasing to God.

Some minorities and women have found success in Real Estate, Insurance or selling Securities as Stocks, Bonds and Commodities, with a license to be a broker. In a similar entrepreneurial spirit, the restaurant business is extremely risky with one in five enterprises failing in the first year as per decades running rule of thumb. If you are in a potion to hitch a ride with a charter enterprise, a path to water, Sharia, as well fiscal liquidity is in the spirit of a Jali as well in the story telling nature of how and where to hunt and a variety of recipes as poems that are sung too. A Jali also has verses for wedding anniversaries and offers counseling and spiritual consulting with a song and dance that leads to good food to digest along with the lessons of the Jali whom may play the Kora to an audience who is charmed and as a business plan tactic to occupy a food establishment in the live music capital of the world. Some folks play a harp and sing a Psalm in a...

Scholz Garten


I would like the Texas Disparity Study here in Austin Texas to consider this solution for the people, by the people and of the people.



Jonny Quest

Gaza–Israel conflict

2014 Gaza War

Ottó Bláthy

Texas City Dike

Fishing pier in Texas City, Texas
The Texas City Dike is a levee located in Texas City, Texas, United States that projects nearly 5 miles south-east into the mouth of Galveston Bay. It is flanked by the north-eastern tip of Galveston Island and the south-western tip of the Bolivar Peninsula

Well, there is Rumor's Bar and Grill near Landry's Seafood in Galveston Texas and a Rainbow Shops right there in Texas City. For Nessy, the Loch Ness monster sake!

The story, read aloud in a schoolroom in England, is about a Dutch boy who saves his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike. The boy stays there all night, in spite of the cold, until the villagers find him and repair the dike. In the book, the boy and the story are called simply "The Hero of Haarlem".

Wow, Popeye, can you believe that story about that Dutch boy? Is this some sort of metaphor? Will Wimpy pay up on his hamburger moment problem with a MathPickle?

The Sea Farming Sisters in Recovery

How one enterprising Mainer is harvesting a new cash crop — and building a powerful support network for women who need it most.

Scottish fishermen 'sailing to Denmark to land catch'

Groundskeeper Willie

of the sea playing in Game of Thrones Theory with our US Coast Guard and Texas Parks and Wildlife Zoologist rescue team team

Hungry Hungry Hippos

Fish Sticks South Park comic reference with Game On like Donkey Kong with


Country in Europe

The Low-Key Brilliance of the Hungarian Snacking Tray

This is abundant, crowd-pleasing party food without fuss or formalit

You know with the Turkey trading triangle going gobble gobble gobble with those munchies in a

Triangular trade

The triangle is an idiophone type of musical instrument in the percussion family. It is a bar of metal, usually steel but sometimes other metals such as beryllium copper, bent into a triangle shape. The instrument is usually held by a loop of some form of thread or wire at the top curve.

hmmm, something is fishy, Cartman, with Captain Nemo's slippery fish...

Government must 'get a grip' of what is now a full-blown crisis in the fishing industry, say fishermen

Ministers need to urgently address problems facing fishing exports to Europe, the body representing Scottish seafood processors has said

Wiggle that worm in a dance to catch the bigger fish Neptune daughter in a catfishing ballet with a live music extravaganza from the music capital of the world by occupying a justified city of Austin, Texas budget including career funding for musicians as with

Triangle (musical instrument)

ding a ling

Colombia's rapidly breeding 'cocaine hippos' must be stopped, scientists say

Pablo Escobar's hippos are out of control and their voracious breeding must be curbed, according to experts

Some folks do not care for Joel Osteen, televangelical and then there are those that may find him entertaining and then devout followers as well some cult of personality types of folks. Perhaps there are even some folks that like the night life and like to boogie woogie in Gay nightlife... and then perhaps some of these sorts of sinners who want to be saved kind of figurers with or without codependency and addiction issues, may go so I'm sorry for sins from Monday through Saturday and then say I'm Sorry on Sunday kind of behavior. Perhaps They may consider what a Reptilian complex or a Triune brain to consider with our three brains kind of talks with angels on one shoulder and demons and the other and mixed in with some neurologists and psychologists all disco boogie woogie woogie with their songs and dance numbers for developing a conscience.

Universal House of Justice

Bacha bazi

The Day of the Lord

Blow the [a]trumpet in Zion...

Gabriel's Horn

Gabriel's horn (also called Torricelli's trumpet) is a particular geometric figure that has infinite surface area but finite volume. The name refers to the Christian tradition that identifies the archangel Gabriel as the angel who blows the horn to announce Judgment Day, associating the divine, or infinite, with the finite. The properties of this figure were first studied by Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli in the 17th century.

Toot Toot goes Popey with Navy Seal Team Six and our US Coast Guard

Soul Coughing- St Louise is Listening

Today, there are over 20,000 Daughters of Charity, and they continue to help people in need. Louise is the patron saint of sick people, widows and orphans, and in 1960, Pope John XXIII proclaimed her the Patroness of Social Workers.
May 9
Louise de Marillac was beatified by Pope Benedict XV in 1920 and, on March 11, 1934, she was canonized by Pope Pius XI. Her feast day is May 9 (changed from March 15 in 2016). Her remains are enshrined in the chapel of the motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity at 140 rue du Bac, Paris.


Forced convection

Convective heat transfer

Charge transport mechanisms

Thermal Conductivity of selected Materials and Gases

Thermal conductivity of some selected gases, insulation products, aluminum, asphalt, brass, copper, steel and other common materials

Conduction Heat Transfer

Effects of Disorder on Thermoelectric Properties of Semiconducting Polymers

Raseong Kim,a Supriyo Datta, and Mark S. LundstromNetwork for Computational Nanotechnology, Discovery Park, Purdue University

Thermoelectric properties of a system with Delta function like transmission coefficient T(E). (a) Delta transmission coefficient with the width of σ and mean of E0 and a = 0 and b = 1 and corresponding (b) conductance (G/G0), (c) electronic thermal conductance (κe), (d) Seebeck coefficient (S), (e) logarithm of electronic ZT (log10(ZTe)) and (f) total ZT (with phononic and electronic contribution) as a function of σ and E0 in the room temperature. E0 represents the position of the peak in the transmission function relative to the Fermi energy EF = 0.

Climate Secrets of Sea Spray and Clouds Revealed

Experiments have begun to show how tiny airborne particles affect the global climate

Austin Texas Game Theory
EE 381V Game Theory
Instructor: Prof. Evdokia Nikolova

Iọkwe love Hello or Goodbye

Marshall Islands stick chart

It sounds like Yah-Kway to me.
Eṃṃan mour? good/life How are you?

Thank you and you’re welcome

Koṃṃool you-thanked Thank you
Koṃṃooltata you-thanked-est Thank you very much
Kōn jouj about/kindness You’re welcome
Jouj kindness You’re welcome

How Sticks and Shell Charts Became a Sophisticated System for Navigation

Sailors navigating with sextant, compass and maps found in the Marshall Islands that curved sticks and cowry shells were far more sophisticated

In the 1890's Germans occupied the Marshall Islands. They wanted to know how this technology worked. They asked an ancestor of Andrew Korab to navigate their German naval vessel to the Marshall Islands, from the coast of California in the 1890s and Andrew Korab's ancestor showed them how with a stick chart and this really blew away the Germans minds and even the British had no idea how to utilize this nautical technology.

Andrew Korab has explained some of the customs of his people and of his upset that his uncle did not teach him personally how to use a stick and shell chart. This makes me sad too. I have suggested to Andrew Korab that an ancestor may show up in his dreams and explain what he may need to know. This is from experience and from books by Katya Walter, who has helped me understand more about how to understand dreams.

Andrew Korab, I have attached the photographs of us here at the Palms on North Lamar to this email as attachments.

I explain much more about Andrew Korab in this article and about the Marshall Islands:
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

I read from my Bible my Grandmother Gutierrez today from John 14, 15 and 16. I understood the words to say if you are under an influence of hate and are abusive then you have not known God and not known Christ.  When people get passionate, they actually get heated up.

Also from the Bible I read Matthew 15:19, 20, For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slanderEphesians 4:31, NIV: "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice." 

 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

Some folks are hot headed... Ay, caramba... the passion

Thermal energy (heating up) and kinetic energy are the same thing. When molecules vibrate, they're bumping into each other—transferring kinetic energy to other molecules, which sometimes radiate this energy as heat (on a larger scale). Note, too, that their vibrations are an expression of kinetic energy
The Farmer and the Del


Atom vibrations

String theory on a banjo:
Koṃṃooltata Andrew Korab, thank you for teaching me so much and for you, John and Maggie Hartman, I would like to introduce you to my family and some game theory with innovating nanoelectronics.

I imagine a simple roof type device that may utilize photons from the sun as well piezo and spintronic innovations engineering whith phonons as a net zero building... a house that manufactures its own energy.

Peltier Effect

Converting waste heat into electricity is a thermoelectric figure of merit.

Thermoelectric generator

This is how we refrigerate, our current technology and how we may innovate.

ʿAbd al-Jabbar ibn Ahmad ibn ʿAbd al-Jabbar al-Hamadani al-Asadabadi, Abu ʿl-Hasan (935 – 1025) was a Mu'tazilite theologian, a follower of the Shafi‘i school.[1] Abd al-Jabbar means "servant of the powerful.  

Algebra (from Arabic: الجبرal-jabr, meaning "reunion of broken parts"[1] and "bonesetting"[2]) is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis.

About this sound9 ٱلْجَبَّارُ \ الجبّار






The Omnipotent/ Supreme Power/ Possessor of Having All Power/ Strong 59:23 D

Thermoelectric effect

Air conditioning systems are the ones that account for almost 20% of the electricity that is used in Texas.

Thermoelectric cooling

Innovations in refrigeration may be manufactured for building materials for Net Zero buildings.

A closer look at residential energy consumption

Marilyn Monroe business briefs
Phonons dominate thermal conductivity.
Think about it as a carpenter electrical engineer physicist innovating building materials.
applied critical thinking

Heat moves naturally by any of three means.
The processes are known as conduction, convection and radiation.
Convection Heat travels in the opposite direction as electrons in a random or drunkard walk through a material channel source to the drain.

Optoelectronics is the study and application of electronic devices that use light. Such devices include those that emit light (LEDs and light bulbs), channel light (fiber optic cables), detect light (photodiodes and photoresistors), or are controlled by light (optoisolators and phototransistors).


Materials science

Pyrophotonics Lasers


It is conventional to refer to the majority spin as "spin up" while the minority spin is "spin down."

Because most transport properties depend on the density of states near the Fermi level, the spin asymmetry in the density of states allows ferromagnets to generate, manipulate, and detect spin.


Niobium, also known as columbium, is a chemical element with the symbol Nb (formerly Cb) and atomic number 41. Niobium is a light grey, crystalline, and ductile transition metal. Pure niobium has a Mohs hardness rating similar to that of pure titanium, and it has similar ductility to iron.

As professor Datta mentions, this is a totally different device from the FET, a p-n junction:

A p–n junction is a boundary or interface between two types of semiconductor materials, p-type and n-type, inside a single crystal of semiconductor

Carrier generation and recombination

Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD or TMDC) monolayers are atomically thin semiconductors of the type MX2, with M a transition metal atom (Mo, W, etc.) and X a chalcogen atom (S, Se, or Te). One layer of M atoms is sandwiched between two layers of X atoms. They are part of the large family of so-called 2D materials, named so to emphasize their extraordinary thinness. For example, a MoS2 monolayer is only 6.5 Å thick. The key feature of these materials is the interaction of large atoms in the 2D structure as compared with first-row transition metal dichalcogenides, e.g., WTe2 exhibits anomalous giant magnetoresistance and superconductivity.[1]

Matter wave

de Broglie relations

According to wave-particle duality, the De Broglie wavelength is a wavelength manifested in all the objects in quantum mechanics which determines the probability density of finding the object at a given point of the configuration space. The de Broglie wavelength of a particle is inversely proportional to its momentum.
Crystallography and Chemistry of Perovskites Mats Johnsson a and Peter Lemmens b
Sherry H.F. YanDepartment of MathematicsZhejiang Normal UniversityJinhua 321004, P.R. China
Emeric Deutsch*

Corrupted Signal

  • Wiener

  • 1. a frankfurter or similar sausage.
  • 2.
    a penis.

The Wiener filter

Happy Birthday, insert philosophical condom discussion, to you

Entropy (information theory)

Generalized Wiener filter

jingle 'I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener, that's truly what I want to be”
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey is a 2020 American Christmas musical fantasy

Shannon–Hartley theorem

Hamiltonian path problem

Tree (data structure)

Chemical equilibrium

Chemical vapor infiltration

SiC–SiC matrix composite

SiC 'em 


Ribbon theory

Time crystals enter the real world of condensed matter

Ribbon (mathematics)

Conductivity (electrolytic)



Crystal growth

Fermi's golden rule

Bloch's theorem

In condensed matter physics, Bloch's theorem states that solutions to the Schrödinger equation in a periodic potential take the form of a plane wave modulated by a periodic function.
Krishanu Roychowdhury,1, 2D. Zeb Rocklin,1, 3and Michael J. Lawler1, 2,
Sheri YinJune 3, 2009

List of diplomatic missions in Taiwan

Most of the world's tin is produced from placer deposits; at least one-half comes from Southeast Asia.

The Tin Mines of Bangka Island

The Indonesian islands of Bangka and Belitung produce over 90 percent of the country's tin. President Joko Widodo has vowed to end illegal mining operations that put the lives of men and children in danger. Here's a closer look at the tin mines of Bangka Island. Photographs by Dimas Ardian for Bloomberg August 25, 2015, 

1890 cartoon portraying President Benjamin Harrison as a knight in tin armor

Jupiter and Tin

A main use of the Jupiter-metal tin is still in the preserving of foodstuffs. Traditionally Jupiter was the preserver, and a well-placed Jupiter in the chart is alleged to preserve youth. Ale used to be drunk from pewter mugs, a tin-based alloy. Theatres simulate the sound of thunder by shaking a sheet of tinfoil, which produces a roar like distant thunder (Jupiter-Zeus was the god of thunder, and astrologers associate Jupiter aspects with rain and thundery weather conditions).

The Periodic Table by Primo Levi (1975) the Italian novelist and industrial chemist, was a book that sketched out the essential being of various elements, in stories. Its chapter on tin alludes to 'the generous good nature of tin, Jove's metal,' and an expansive, jovial character appears: 'Emilio's father was a majestic, benign old man with a white mustache and a thunderous voice', and 'Emilio's father looked so respectable and authoritative...'

Tin metal seems only able to give us a poor expression of its Jupiter-nature. … the latter is however quite well-expressed by the planet in the sky: Jupiter’s rich, ‘psychedelic’ colouring derived from continuous lightning-flashes in its atmosphere, and it throws huge storms which reverberate around the solar system. Perhaps we should be content with that, and maybe in the future other relevant tin-properties will emerge.

The last Cornish tin mine closed in 1988, but of late steps have been taken to reopen a one, and it looks as if the oldest Cornish industry is now being resurrected. The Roman deity Jupiter was associated with both the Etruscan sky-god Tinia as well as the Greek Zeus. The supreme Etruscan sky-god “was known variously as Tin, Tini tinia or tinis. This supreme sky-god was depicted with lightning-bolts, a spear and a sceptre. Basically he as the complete prototype for Jupiter” (web comment). The Etruscans lived on the Italian peninsula from the eighth to the first century, B.C. There were early trade-routes to Cornwall from the Mediterranean to obtain Cornish tin It’s been argued that  ‘Jupiter rules tin, and our tin came from the Anglo-Saxon tin... These and similar words must have travelled along the great trade routes' (R.H.Oliver, Phenomena 1978 2:5:26). 
Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, has been used to make sculptural objects as early as the seventh millennium BC. Pewter was introduced into Britain by the Romans in the 3rd century AD, being made from Cornish tin and Welsh lead. Pewter tableware was once commonplace, but gave way in time to porcelain and other materials; is now becoming popular again for decorative materials, but without lead (antimony is used instead). The worshipful company of Pewterers launched a Millenium pewter collection, extolling its traditional virtues – solidarity, lustre, practicality of use and handling, no tarnishing – which do sound quite Jovial. Tin wine-capsules, wrapped around the necks of wine-bottles, now account for some 4,000 tons per annum of tin production, a growing market, and this seems Jovial enough. The Oscar-award trophies are made from tin, coated with gold.  Use of tin solder is growing in electronics, especially computer hardware, and modern laptop liquid crystal screens have a tin-oxide film for their panels. 

No Matter How You Spin It: Long-Term Information Storage Technique Makes Spintronics More Feasible

Projecting the spin of an electron onto an atomic nucleus allows for much longer storage and recall of spin-encoded information

Trihexagonal tiling

Kagome lattice

the games (that) people play

the ways in which people behave in order to get an advantage

What kind of Game is thai Memristor?


Tunnel magnetoresistance

Spin–orbit interaction

Spin magnetic moment of the electron

Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers. It has applications in all fields of social science, as well as in logic, systems science and computer science

Spin valve

Spin-torque measured up

Evgeny Y. Tsymbal University of Nebraska at Lincoln, O. N. Mryasov Seagate Research, Pittsburgh, PA Patrick R. LeClair Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Spin the Klein Bottle


Piezo-phototronic effect and its applications in flexible optoelectronic and energy technologies

  1. View ORCID ProfilePhoebe Tengdin1,*,
  2. View ORCID ProfileChristian Gentry1,
  3. View ORCID ProfileAdam Blonsky1,
  4. Dmitriy Zusin1,
  5. View ORCID ProfileMichael Gerrity1,
  6. View ORCID ProfileLukas Hellbrück2,
  7. View ORCID ProfileMoritz Hofherr2,
  8. Justin Shaw3,
  9. Yaroslav Kvashnin4,
  10. Erna K. Delczeg-Czirjak4,
  11. View ORCID ProfileMonika Arora3,
  12. Hans Nembach1,3,
  13. View ORCID ProfileTom J. Silva3,
  14. View ORCID ProfileStefan Mathias5,
  15. View ORCID ProfileMartin Aeschlimann2,
  16. View ORCID ProfileHenry C. Kapteyn1,
  17. View ORCID ProfileDanny Thonig4,6,
  18. View ORCID ProfileKonstantinos Koumpouras7,
  19. Olle Eriksson4,6 and
  20. Margaret M. Murnane1

See all authors and affiliations

Heusler compound

Thermoelectric effect

Seebeck effect

Seebeck coefficient

Kirchhoff's circuit laws


Modelling real circuits with lumped elements

Hey Memristor, would you like to play a game theory for pi day 2021? 


Hannah and her sisters or cousins or something

Barbaria (East Africa)

Like a Saturday morning
cool... very, very cool

Magnetically-Driven Quantum Heat Engines: The Quasi-Static Limit of Their Efficiency

Physics Institute, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago 7820436, Chile
Research Center for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials CIEN-UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago 7820436, Chile
Instituto de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Av. Brasil 2950, Valparaíso 2340025, Chile
Physics Department, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Av. España 1680, Valparaíso 2390123, Chile
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

alt-J - 3WW (Official Video)

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch


Andalusian horse

Dancing Horses in Jerez: Visit to the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art

The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art is an institution in Jerez de la Frontera.

Daniel ArovasDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of California, San Diego

Chern class

faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen 
Bachelor thesis Mathematics and Physics Juli 2012 Student: S. Bielleman Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Vegter Supervisor: Dr. D. Roest  
What war was over oil?
World War II
A recent visit to the city of Baku in Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea called to mind that a century ago, the Caspian region held half the world oil supplies. Half a century ago, the battle of Stalingrad, one of the bloodiest of World War II, was fought in large part over who controlled those vast oil supplies.

How has oil affected conflicts in the Middle East?
The oil crisis

Oil became a weapon in the international struggle against Israel and its allies. Production was cut and embargo measures imposed on those countries deemed to be unfriendly, countries which directly depended on outside sources for almost two thirds of their imports.

Relations with the Middle East and the oil crises

Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights


The Sandbox Bully

Book by Leonidas Tarca

The Sandbox Bully is one of three books used as part of the STOP IT Campaign against school bullying. STOP IT encourages students to combat school bullying through four simple steps: (1) stand up, (2) speak up, (3) inform and (4) document.
The Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was a British company founded in 1908 following the discovery of a large oil field in Masjed Soleiman, Iran. The British government purchased 51% of the company in 1914,[1] gaining a controlling number of shares, effectively nationalizing the company. It was the first company to extract petroleum from Iran. In 1935 APOC was renamed the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) when Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asked foreign countries to refer to Persia by its endonym Iran.
The Abadan Crisis (Persian: بحران نفتی ایرانBohrân Nafti Irân, "Iran Oil Crisis") occurred from 1951 to 1954, after Iran nationalised the Iranian assets of the BP controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) and expelled Western companies from oil refineries in the city of Abadan (see Abadan Refinery).

Mohammad Mosaddegh

Nationalization of the Iranian oil industry

Nicanor (Seleucid general)

Nicanor (/nˈknər/; Greek: Nικάνωρ Nīkā́nōr; died 161 BC) was a Syrian-Seleucid General under the kings Antiochus Epiphanes and Demetrius Soter.

Artists have been composing music and other art to express a book from the Bible

The Maccabees

Rock band

Bacchides, and they said, “They don't know what truth or justice means. They gave their solemn word and then broke it!” ... 1 Maccabees 7:18

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Antiochus IV Epiphanes (/ænˈt.əkəs ɛˈpɪfənz, ˌæntiˈɒkəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀντίοχος ὁ Ἐπιφανής, Antíochos ho Epiphanḗs, "God Manifest";[1] c. 215 BC – November/December 164 BC)[2] was a Hellenistic king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC.[3][4][5] He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. His original name was Mithradates (alternative form Mithridates); he assumed the name Antiochus after he ascended the throne.[6] Notable events during the reign of Antiochus IV include his near-conquest of Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees.

Antiochus is notable as the first successful usurper in the history of the Seleucid realm. After his own death, power struggles between competing lines of the ruling dynasty heavily contributed to the collapse of the empire.

Antiochus' often eccentric behaviour and capricious actions during his interactions with common people such as appearing in the public bath houses and applying for municipal offices led some of his contemporaries to call him Epimanes ("The Mad One"), a word play on his title Epiphanes.[1][7]


An epiphany is an experience of a sudden and striking realization.

Persian daric

The Persian daric was a gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos, represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire.[1]

Drachma coin depicting Demetrius I

The Temple of Juno Moneta was an ancient Roman temple that stood on the Arx or the citadel on the Capitoline Hill overlooking the Roman Forum.

World News
November 21, 20071:29 PMUpdated 13 years ago

Mafia ordered "God's banker" murder: Italy court

James Reynolds Bath (born August 18, 1936) is a Texas businessman who has business interests in aircraft sales and leasing and real estate. He is best known for his business relationships with Saudi businessmen Salem bin Laden and Khalid bin Mahfouz.


Bath was born in 1936 in Natchitoches, Louisiana. In 1965, he moved to Houston, where he became an aircraft broker.[1]

In 1975, Bath met Salem bin Laden when bin Laden was interested in purchasing a used aircraft.[2] Salem bin Laden was the son of Mohammed bin Laden, founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, one of the largest construction companies in the world.[3] Through this acquaintance, Bath eventually became bin Laden's business representative in the United States, representing him in a number of business deals, including real estate, aircraft services, and banking. Through bin Laden, Bath also met Khalid bin Mahfouz, the son of Salem Bin Mahfouz, founder of National Commercial Bank, now the largest bank in Saudi Arabia, and for a time represented him as well.[2]

Bath and George W. Bush

Bath was also an acquaintance of former president George W. Bush, whom he met when both men were serving in the Texas Air National Guard in the early 1970s.[4] After Bush started his first business, Arbusto Energy, Bath invested $50,000 in the firm.[5] A former business partner of Bath, Charles White, who was involved in a number of suits against Bath, claimed in a 2003 interview with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that the investment in fact came from bin Mahfouz and bin Laden, and amounted to over a million dollars.[6] Both Bush and Bath have denied this, and according to journalist Craig Unger, who examined the relationship between the Bushes and Saudi financiers in his 2004 book House of Bush, House of Saud there is no evidence to support it.[7]

Operation Earnest Will (24 July 1987 – 26 September 1988) was the American military protection of Kuwaiti-owned tankers from Iranian attacks in 1987 and 1988, three years into the Tanker War phase of the Iran–Iraq War. It was the largest naval convoy operation since World War II.

Why did the United States go to war in Iraq in 2003?

A look at the rationales for going to war in Iraq, from WMD and terrorism to democracy in the Middle East. Americans were told by President Bush and his administration that the U.S. was going to war with Iraq because of the imminent threat of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and ties to terrorism.

Arbusto Energy was an oil and gas exploration firm started in 1977 by former US President George W. Bush. In 1984, the company merged with Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. In 1986, a rapid fall in oil prices made investment in oil exploration unattractive, and put the company in financial difficulties. Spectrum 7 began looking for partners or purchasers, and in September of that year it was acquired by Harken Energy through a stock swap, with Bush joining the Harken board of directors.

From 1981-1986 the chief financial officer of Arbusto Energy was Mike Conaway. Conaway currently is the U.S. Representative for Texas's 11th congressional district. Notice Texas 11th congressional district, March 4, 1883 – January 3, 2005 was a Democratic Party, until CFO of Arbustor Energy, Mike Conaway a Republican business associate of George Bush, was ushered into a Republican Party run, Texas's 11th congressional district for the first time in the history of the district.

How may this be significant for election rigging v. oil rigging?

Arbusto and James Bath
A Mysterious Mover of Money and Planes
By Jonathan Beaty

One of the early investors in Arbusto was Houston businessman James R. Bath. Bath and Bush became acquainted when both men were serving as reserve pilots in the Texas Air Guard in the early 1970s, and according to journalist Craig Unger, Bath invested $50,000 in Arbusto.

At the time of the investment, Bath was a representative for Saudi businessman Salem bin Laden, the oldest son of Mohammed bin Laden, founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, the largest old construction company in Saudi Arabia. Bath's business partner Charles White later became involved in a legal dispute with Bath, during which he claimed that Bath had actually invested in the company on behalf of bin Laden and other Saudi businessmen. Both Bath and Bush have denied this, and according to journalist Craig Unger, who examined the relationship between the Bushes and Saudi financiers in his 2004 book House of Bush, House of Saud, and journalist Steve Coll, whose book The Bin Ladens examines the family's history, there is no evidence to support the claim.

more information from the research article:

Solar v Coal, Montreux Convention, Crude Tanker War trader with Bridges transition Smale's solutions

By David Hirsch


Controlled gate to construct the Bell state

Burning oil releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the warming of our planet. In 2013, petroleum accounted for 41 percent of the U.S.'s carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.

Battery electric vehicle

Biden pitches Green New Deal-like $2 trillion environmental plan

This Is Water by David Foster Wallace Full Speech

Sales increase 43% globally in 2020 as plunging battery costs mean the cars will soon be the cheapest vehicles to buy

Standard enthalpy of formation

Heat of combustion

Nidal Hasan

Nidal Malik Hasan (born September 8, 1970) is a former American Army Major convicted of killing 13 people and injuring more than 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009.[3] Hasan was a United States Army Medical Corps psychiatrist
Sometimes, it is difficult leaving your parents home... especially as a skateboarding slacker in his thirties in Austi in Texas... a state of military psychatric tantrums and the US convention of flying your airplane into a government building as an expression of infinatil rage:
Pay my taxes, the pilot ranted... with everyone knwoing good and well Senator Nelson W. Aldrich orchestrated the Mandrake Mechanism in 1910 in a secret meeting on Jekyll Island Georgia and of Senator Joe Robonson incredible HOLC red linning minorities from owning homes in our US.

2010 Austin suicide attack

M18 HELLCAT, Dodge!

CC, for "CopyCat" or "Carbon Copy"[1] (December 22, 2001 – March 3, 2020), was a brown tabby and white domestic shorthair and the first cloned pet.[2] She was cloned by scientists at Texas A&M University in conjunction with Genetic Savings & Clone Inc. CC's surrogate mother was a tabby, but her genetic donor, Rainbow, was a calico domestic shorthair. The difference in hair coloration between CC and Rainbow is due to X-inactivation and epigenetic re-programming, which normally occurs in a fertilized embryo before implantation.[3][citation needed][4]

In September 2006, CC gave birth to four kittens. The litter was fathered naturally by another lab cat named Smokey. It included two males named Tim and Zip and one female named Tess. Another kitten (a female) was stillborn. This incident was the first time a cloned pet gave birth. Throughout her life, CC appeared to be free of the cloning-related health problems that have arisen in some other animal clones. "CC has always been a perfectly normal cat and her kittens are just that way, too," says Shirley Kraemer, CC's owner. "We’ve been monitoring their health and all of them are fine, just like CC has been for the past five years."[5]

In 2004, Genetic Savings and Clone produced the first commercially cloned pet, a Maine Coon cat named "Little Nicky" who was cloned from a 17 year old deceased pet cat.[6]

On March 3, 2020, CC died at 18 in College Station, Texas.

G.I. Joe

Film series
G.I. Joe is a military science fiction action film series, based on Hasbro's G.I. Joe toy, comic and media franchises. Development for the first film began in 2003, but when the United States launched the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, Hasbro suggested adapting the Transformers instead.


Product line
Bratz is an American product line of fashion dolls and merchandise manufactured by MGA Entertainment and created by Carter Bryant.

Strings attached

Four teenagers arrested over ‘live-streamed’ murder of 15-year-old girl in Walmart

‘There appeared to be no remorse,’ says Calcasieu Parish sheriff Tony Mancus

Algebraic operation

Surgery theory

Now, let's see some teenage girls perform some life saving heart surgery or neurosurgery at Walmart and then live stream it to Facebook and then have state to state competition, you know with Ohio versus Alabama for example.

Andrew Ranicki
Maybe Dr. Leah Backhus could help teenage girls at Walmart to consider becoming heart surgeons with their friends as an opportunity cost to horrific crimes.
Deep in the heart of Texas.

What does a ton of meth look like? DEA makes ‘staggering’ drug bust in Denton County

ead more here:

12-year-old, teens accused in beating of Arlington officer ordered to remain in custody

Read more here:

The Simpsons meme originated from season ten episode "Lisa Gets An "A," where Superintendent Gary Chalmers accompanies Principal Skinner and Lisa into a computer lab, where Ralph Wiggum greets him with a cheerful "Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!" Chalmers' nonplussed response sums up what's great about
Ask your parents about ageism, in a gentle manner

Manhunt for 70-year-old accused of killing two duck hunters

Tennessee authorities warn public that David Vowell is armed and dangerous

Duck Hunt

Chief Wiggum

Maximilian I of Mexico

Operation Condor

Operation Condor, which took place in the context of the Cold War, had the tacit approval and material support of the United States.[clarification needed] In 1968, U.S. General Robert W. Porter stated that "in order to facilitate the coordinated employment of internal security forces within and among Latin American countries, we are ... endeavoring to foster inter-service and regional cooperation by assisting in the organization of integrated command and control centers; the establishment of common operating procedures; and the conduct of joint and combined training exercises."[16] Condor was part of this effort.[17]

According to American historian J. Patrice McSherry, based on formerly secret CIA documents from 1976, in the 1960s and early 1970s plans were developed among international security officials at the US Army School of the Americas and the Conference of American Armies to deal with perceived threats in South America from political dissidents. A declassified CIA document dated 23 June 1976, explains that "in early 1974, security officials from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia met in Buenos Aires to prepare coordinated actions against subversive targets."

Instead of putting the SS monster on trial, the US recruited him as a spy – a move which backfired when he joined forces with South American drug lords

This happening in the 1970's and up until the early 1980's with Mena Arkansas CIA drug running operations with the Clintons as Freeway Ricky Ross delivers and all the president's men of Ronald Reagan's Iran Contra Arms for drugs legacy giving Bush's War in the Middle East a Hollywood selling

‘American Made’ sheds light on shady Arkansas airfield deals

The Drug Connection

Barbie attained Bolivian citizenship under his assumed name in 1957 and once again benefitted from America’s rabid anti-communist stance. The United States was worried about the rise of communism in South America, so its government was happy to finance secret deals and covert operations to support right-leaning governments in the region. The growing cocaine industry played a pivotal role, and once again, Barbie assisted the Americans in their operations.

Barbie quickly made friends with high ranking members of the Bolivian army...

Armour of God II: Operation Condor (Chinese: 飛鷹計劃; also known as Operation Condor in the United States and as Superfly in the Philippines) is a 1991 Hong Kong action-comedy film written and directed by Jackie Chan, who also starred in the film. It is the sequel to 1986's Armour of God.

The Panama Papers: Exposing the Rogue Offshore Finance Industry

A giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records exposes a system that enables crime, corruption and wrongdoing, hidden by secretive offshore companies.

By SCOTT SMITHSeptember 14, 2020

About the Panama Papers

By Frederik Obermaier, Bastian Obermayer, Vanessa Wormer and Wolfgang Jaschensky

Copycat crime

Enron scandal

9/11 conspiracy theories

In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

By George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, July 30, 1999 

By John Dunbar

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president

The Holocaust and the Bush family fortune

By Bill Van Auken
5 December 2018

Mr. President, we would like a Word Golf with you...

The commander-in-chief is a toxic leader

Royal Cousins at War

Obama and Bush - cousins? 

Queen's 13th Cousin

By Steve Lohr, Special To the New York Times
  • July 5, 1988 

Five of a Kind Trumps a Royal Flush

The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. 

Trump Said He Could Kill Someone On 5th Ave. But How About 50,000 Across America?

Condoleezza Rice served as United States Secretary of State under George W. Bush. She was preceded by Colin Powell and followed by Hillary Clinton. As secretary of state she traveled widely and initiated many diplomatic efforts on behalf of the Bush administration. 

2012 Benghazi attack

Claim: "Repeated requests for additional security in Benghazi were routinely denied" by Hillary "Clinton’s State Department."
Claimed by: Paul Ryan


Gowdy: Clinton, State Department stonewalled Benghazi panel

Democrats say the committee conducted a two-year witch-hunt, but Republicans call Clinton's lack of cooperation 'shameful.'


House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton

By David M. Herszenhorn
  • June 28, 2016 

What You Need to Know About Trump’s $8 Billion Saudi Arms Deal 

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’

By Isabel Vincent
April 26, 2015
King Seleucus to audit the Treasury...

Seleucus I Nicator

Daniel R. Schwartz

2 Maccabees 4 

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

HOLC is often cited as the originator of mortgage Redlining 

The Homeowners Refinancing Act (also known as the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933 and the Home Owners' Loan Corporation Act) was an Act of Congress of the United States passed as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal during the Great Depression to help those in danger of losing their homes. The act, which went into effect on June 13, 1933, provided mortgage assistance to homeowners or would-be homeowners by providing them money or refinancing mortgages.

Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Joe Robinson of Arkansas, it also created the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC), building on Herbert Hoover's Federal Loan Bank Board. The Corporation lent low-interest money to families in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure. By the mid-1930s, the HOLC had refinanced nearly 20% of urban homes in the country
In the United States, redlining is the systematic denial of various services by federal government agencies, local governments as well as the private sector either directly or through the selective raising of prices. 

In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation's banking system.

Nelson Aldrich, the senator, and three bankers he picked --Harry Davidson, Paul Warburg, Frank Vanderlip -- and economist Piatt Andrew (then at the Treasury) Source is Roger Lowenstein's new very readable book, "America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve."

Pharisee and the Publican 

What families own the Federal Reserve Bank?





Six hundred billion dollars approximately equals the budget for the United States Department of Defense for an entire year — enough to pay, feed, and house over 1,000,000 active duty service personnel and 800,000 reservists, operate close to 1,000 military bases, pay 750,000 civilian personnel, and fund all military equipment purchases.

That $600 billion also equals the combined wealth now hoarded by just five American families — specifically, the Walton, Bezos, Koch, Gates, and Mars clans.


Liquid capital or fluid capital is the part of a firm's assets that it holds as money. It includes cash balances, bank deposits, and money market investments. Since these assets provide little or no income to the firm, it will ordinarily seek to invest them in activities that offer a higher return on investment, apply them to outstanding debts, or distribute them to the firm's owners.

Capital (It Fails Us Now) 


“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
 – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815

How do like them quantum biology analyte apple innovations with spintronics?

Collective narcissism

In graph theory, a clique graph of an undirected graph G is another graph K(G) that represents the structure of cliques in G. Clique graphs were discussed at least as early as 1968,[1] and a characterization of clique graphs was given in 1971.[2]

Austin Gunman Fired 100 Rounds, Tried to Burn Mexican Consulate

Shooter identified as Larry Steven McQuilliams.


A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another, or multiple circuits.

Shocking how innovations may change the world overnight.

Yama is the Hindu god of death, king of ancestors, and final judge on the destination of souls. He is also known as the 'Restrainer', Pretaraja or 'King of Ghosts', Dharmaraja or 'King of Justice', and as Daksinasapati is considered the regent of the South Quarter.

Some folks, including children may wonder about folks gathering in a church and kneeling and singing and meditating under a crucifix with an image of a human dying on this crucifix and a ceremony of eating his body and drinking his blood.

Yama or Yamarāja is a Hindu and Buddhist deity of death, dharma, the south direction, and the underworld,[1] belonging to an early stratum of Rigvedic Hindu deities. In Sanskrit, his name can be interpreted to mean "twin".[2] He is also an important deity worshipped in Kalasha and now extinct Nuristani religions, indicating his prominence in ancient Hinduism.

Decades-Old Graph Problem Yields to Amateur Mathematician

By making the first progress on the “chromatic number of the plane” problem in over 60 years, an anti-aging pundit has achieved mathematical immortality.

The Flaming Lips-Free Radicals 

Fossil fuels and climate change: the facts

In denial of killing for oil for over a hundred years as a social convention and metric of economics in our U.S. relationship with global warming

Fossil Fuels: The Dirty Facts

Mining, drilling, and burning dirty energy are harming the environment and our health. Here’s everything you need to know about fossil fuels, and why we need to embrace a clean energy future.
Dec 4, 2020 — Approximately 63 percent of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas. 
Senator Ted Cruz Missles for Oil, NRA buys Cruz, Clinton Weapons of Mass Destruction for Oil, Clinton on flight to Lolita Island with Epstein 
Energy & Science

Global Ice Melt Matches Worst-Case Climate Scenario, Study Says

The first global ice-loss survey using satellite data showed ice is disappearing faster in Antarctica and Greenland

Iran: Biden won’t have infinite time to rejoin nuclear deal

Life of Pi (film)

Radha (Sanskrit: राधा, IAST: Rādhā), also called Radhika, is a Hindu goddess and a consort of the god Krishna. She is worshipped as the goddess of love, tenderness, compassion and devotion. She is described as the chief of gopis (milkmaids). During Krishna's youth, she appears as his lover and companion, though he is not married to her.[3][4][5] In contrast, some traditions accord Radha the status of the primary consort and wife of Krishna.[5][6] Radha, as a supreme goddess in these traditions, is considered as the eternal female counterpart and the internal potency (hladini shakti) of Krishna, who resides with him in their abode Goloka.

Gopi (गोपी) is a Sanskrit word originating from the word Gopala referring to a person in charge of a herd of cows. In Hinduism especially, the name Gopika (feminine form of Gopi) is used more commonly to refer to the group of cowherding girls famous within Vaishnavism for their unconditional devotion (Bhakti) to Krishna as described in the Bhagavata Purana and other Puranic literature. Of this group, one gopika known as Radha (or Radhika) holds a place of particularly high reverence and importance in a number of religious traditions, especially within Gaudiya Vaishnavism.[1] In Gaudiya Vaishnavism, there are 108 gopikas of Vrindavan. Although Radha and the other gopis are referred to as "cowherd girls," according to the esoteric theology of Vaishnavism they are the eternal consorts of Krishna, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As such, they are the internal potency, or antaranga shakti, and expansions of the internal potency of the Supreme Godhead.

Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan and General Ulysses S. Grant both referred to habitually referred to Maximilian as “the Imperial buccaneer”.

Kali (demon) 

 BBQ Meathead, said the vegetarian, don't have a cow man said Bart Simpson

Burgers vector

Seriously, no pi, until you finish what is on your plate
pion (or a pi meson, denoted with the Greek letter pi:


Irish India Exchage considerations with those Pungi's
Driving those Python programers on the Internet super information Highway
A contemporary of St. Patrick (who likely baptized her mother), Brigid was named after a Celtic goddess.  Her story is fascinating, as she was born of a slave woman (who was a Christian) and the woman’s master.  She was incredibly beautiful, so much so that her father set up an arranged marriage for her and a bard.  She refused, having vowed her virginity to Christ, so she prayed to be made physically unattractive (which was granted) until she made her permanent vows.  St. Brigid notably founded two monasteries, one in Kildare that was deliberately built above a shrine to the Celtic goddess of her namesake.  In this way, she continued St. Patrick’s mission of baptizing pagan icons.  St. Brigid is the patron of newborns, cattle, dairymaids, and midwives.  Her feast day is February 1.


National Get Up Day on February 1 offers an opportunity to share inspiring stories of perseverance; it's a reminder to pick ourselves up
AHHH, snakes on national serpent day! Texas Parks and Wildlife PSA 44
GET UP! Also, instead of fear, some desire as taught from Wall Street wolves to Mexican Wolves with Red Ridding Hood in New Mexico nuclear laboratory secret recipes:

Baked Alaska, also known as omelette norvégienne, omelette surprise, or omelette sibérienne depending on the country, is a dessert consisting of ice cream and cake topped with browned meringue. The dish is made of ice cream placed in a pie dish, lined with slices of sponge cake or Christmas pudding, and topped with meringue. The entire dessert is then placed in an extremely hot oven for a brief time, long enough to firm and caramelize the meringue but not long enough to begin melting the ice cream.[1]

National Freedom Day

Freedom never tasted so good as on national Baked Alaska day, and with the global warming gas in the political footballs these days!

National Freedom Day is a United States observance on February 1 honoring the signing by Abraham Lincoln of a joint House and Senate resolution that later became the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. President Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865, although it was not ratified by the states until later.


Major Richard Robert Wright Sr., a former slave, believed that there should be a day when freedom for all Americans is celebrated. Wright invited national and local leaders to meet in Philadelphia to formulate plans to set aside February 1 each year to memorialize the signing of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by President Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865, which freed all U.S. slaves.[1] One year after Wright's death in 1947, both houses of the U.S. Congress passed a bill to make February 1 National Freedom Day. The holiday proclamation was signed into law on June 30, 1948, by President Harry Truman. It was the forerunner to Black History Day and later Black History Month, officially recognized in 1976, though begun by Carter G. Woodson in 1926.[2][3]

National Freedom Day's federal authorization is cited at Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute as 36 U.S.C. § 124:

The President may issue each year a proclamation designating February 1 as National Freedom Day to commemorate the signing by Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865, of the joint resolution adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives that proposed the 13th amendment to the Constitution.

On this day many towns have festivals, while other citizens reflect on the freedoms that the United States honors and to appreciate the goodwill of the United States. Wreath-laying at the Liberty Bell has also been a tradition to mark National Freedom Day for many years. Symbols of the day may include a theme about freedom for all Americans.[4]

What day is National Texas day?
February 1st
According to the National Day Calendar website, it designated February 1st as 'National Texas Day' back in 2017.

On February 1st, National Serpent Day gives snakes and serpents alike their slithering due. Across religions and cultures, the serpent has been used as a symbol of evil, medicine, fertility and much more.

Snakes and ladders

much saffer than

Snake handling in religion

how about Python programing language?

February 2: Groundhog Day, National Hedgehog Day, National Tater Tot Day, National Ukulele Day
Hedgehog has a sonic moment or moment at Sonic Burger Vector, Hamburger Moment Problem with that Groundhog

Topological transitions among skyrmion- and hedgehog-lattice states in cubic chiral magnets

Progressives push Biden for recurring stimulus checks

Biden To Revoke Trump Abortion Policy, Expand Obamacare With New Executive Orders

You can do it Joe, we believe in you.

The Texas Legislature meets for up to 140 days in every odd-numbered year. The governor can convene lawmakers for 30-day “special sessions” if they're needed between regular sessions, but even that doesn't guarantee legislative action.


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