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Veterans Day 2023 Vital Statistics, Homelessness, Gun Violence, Drug Overdose and emerging technologies that can improve the quality of life

November 11 of each year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday to honor our Nation's veterans. There are multiple Veterans in public and low cost housing that have overdosed. I have interviewed multiple veterans and gathered information on housing statistics, drug overdose and gun violence and contacted the Texas Committee on Veterans Affairs, Austin Police Department, CDC, NIH NIDA, NIH OBSSR, my city council representative and other authorities to propose innovations as a SBIR to address issues relating to alcohol/poly substance abuse, fatal motor crashes, gun violence, homeless issues as well quality of life in low cost housing. This blog article details statistics as well emerging technologies that address improving and extending lives for citizens and veterans alike. 

The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) data indicates there were 39,508 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2021 in which 42,939 deaths occurred.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety looked at more than 5,000 car accident reports and found that while current self-driving technology could reduce accidents by around 34%, autonomous vehicles still have trouble avoiding, planning, deciding, and execution-related driving errors.

What’s behind America’s unique problem with vehicle crashes?

Brady United indicates from data drawn from the CDC that 42,654 people die from gun violence.

Gun Violence By The Numbers

PEW Research Center has additional break down of the numbers

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

At Least 31% Of Mass Shooters Were Trained To Shoot By The U.S. Military

Review and research on this data by the Veterans Administration and CDC may improve the accuracy as well offer insights on how to mitigate.
Intelligent detection systems that use advanced sensors and artificial intelligence make gun detection less obtrusive, faster and more effective. Such systems can easily distinguish between threats and everyday items like a cellphone, coins or keys. So visitors don't have to empty their pockets.

How Technologies Help Mitigate Gun Violence - Scylla AI

Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) It is a method of conducting analytical research that separates and identifies ionized molecules present in the gas phase based on the mobility of the molecules in a carrier buffer gas. Even though it is used extensively for military or security objectives, such as detecting drugs and explosives, the technology also has many applications in laboratory analysis, including studying small and big biomolecules.

Ion Mobility Spectrometers


Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) provides low ppbv detection limits for gas-phase or aqueous analytes. These instruments rely an electric field to produce ion motion. This electric field is typically 200–600 V/cm with a 15 cm cell, requiring an HV source of 6–10 kV. In this work, we present a low-cost alternative for supplying this high voltage. Inexpensive, commercially available 0–20 kV HV modules are mapped to an analog 0–5 V input signal, controlled using an Arduino microcontroller and digital analog converter. Dual polarities are selectable through a front-panel switch and ramps potentials between settings to avoid damage to attached devices.

A high level summary of vital statistics indicates an estimated 109,680 overdose deaths occurred last year (2022), according to numbers posted by the CDC
The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics and National Safety Council offer additional breakdowns for data analysts.
The number of preventable deaths in the United States increased 11.9% in 2021 to 224,935, an all-time high. A 17.6% increase in drug overdose deaths helped drive this record high
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Communication (301) 458-4800
In 2021, 106,699 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. - CDC

New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages

About 128,000 people die from drugs prescribed to them. This makes prescription drugs a major health risk, ranking 4th with stroke as a leading cause of death.
Experts struggle to treat multi-drug use as opioid users turn to meth and other stimulants 

Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System

WISQARS Explore Fatal and Nonfatal Data

About NCHS

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is the nation’s principal health statistics agency, providing data to identify and address health issues.

Opioid Misuse in Rural America

The U.S. Vital Statistics System: The Role of State and Local Health Departments

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) strives to improve the health, safety, and well-being of all Texans. 
The original city of Romulus was built upon Palatine Hill (Latin: Mons Palatinus). The other hills are the Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine (known respectively in Latin as the Mons Capitolinus, Mons Quirinalis, Mons Viminalis, Mons Esquilinus, Mons Caelius, and Mons Aventinus)
In Roman mythology, Moneta (Latin Monēta) was a title given to two separate goddesses: It was the name of the goddess of memory (identified with the Greek goddess Mnemosyne), and it was an epithet of Juno, called Juno Moneta (Latin Iūno Monēta). The latter's name is the source of numerous words in English and the Romance languages, including “money" and "mint". 

Working Memory and Attention – A Conceptual Analysis and Review

Speaking of Psychology: Why our attention spans are shrinking, with Gloria Mark, PhD

'Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain' from the Wizard of Oz

Multi-Head Attention

A Gentle Guide to the inner workings of Self-Attention, Encoder-Decoder Attention, Attention Score and Masking, in Plain English.

Human intelligence: it’s how your brain is wired rather than size that matters

Psychologists Find Sleep Can Distort Our Memories

Computer memory

Semantic memory

Sensory memory

Eidetic memory

Muscle memory

  • Automaticity – Ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required
  • Aphantasia – Inability to picture something in one's mind
  • Motor learning – Organism's movements that reflect changes in the structure / function of the nervous system
  • Motor coordination – Directed movement of body parts to accomplish an action
  • Muscle – Basic biological tissue present in animals
  • Memory consolidation – Category of memory stabilizing processes
  • Overlearning – Practicing newly acquired skills beyond the point of initial mastery
  • Procedural memory – Unconscious memory used to perform tasks
  • Yips – Condition of sudden skill or control loss in an athlete
  • Mentalism – Performing art in which practitioners appear to demonstrate exceptional mental abilities

Nav1.7 and Nav1.8: Role in the pathophysiology of pain

Gene Therapy Treats Chronic Pain by Dialing Down Sodium

Navigating a new path to Nav1.7 for pain

People addicted to opioids rarely get life-saving medications. That may change. 

Methadone is a basic and lipophilic drug subject to considerable tissue distribution



What You Should Know About Xylazine

Tranq increasingly found in opioid overdose deaths, two CDC reports show

The powerful animal tranquilizer, xylazine, is being detected more often in the illegal drug supply, but it's fentanyl that's killing opioid users, experts warn.

Inhibitors of Nav1.7 for the Treatment of Pain

and for navigating robot operating systems,

How to Set Up the ROS Navigation Stack on a Robot

navigation/Tutorials - ROS Wiki

navigation - ROS Wiki

Procedural memory

Explicit memory

Explicit memory (or declarative memory) is one of the two main types of long-term human memory, the other of which is implicit memory
Involuntary memory, also known as involuntary explicit memory, involuntary conscious memory, involuntary aware memory, madeleine moment, mind pops[1] and most commonly, involuntary autobiographical memory, is a sub-component of memory that occurs when cues encountered in everyday life evoke recollections of the past without conscious effort. Voluntary memory, its opposite, is characterized by a deliberate effort to recall the past.

Encoding (memory)

Memory has the ability to encode, store and recall information. Memories give an organism the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as build relationships. Encoding allows a perceived item of use or interest to be converted into a construct that can be stored within the brain and recalled later from long-term memory.[1] Working memory stores information for immediate use or manipulation, which is aided through hooking onto previously archived items already present in the long-term memory of an individual.[1]

Chunking (computing)

Chunk (information) 

Chunking (psychology)

Character encoding


Echopraxia (also known as echokinesis[1]) is the involuntary repetition or imitation of another person's actions.[1] Similar to echolalia, the involuntary repetition of sounds and language, it is one of the echophenomena ("automatic imitative actions without explicit awareness").[1] It has long been recognized as a core feature of Tourette syndrome,[1] and is considered a complex tic, but it also occurs in autism spectrum disorders,[1][2] schizophrenia and catatonia,[1][3] aphasia, and disorders involving the startle reflex such as latah.[1][4] Echopraxia has also been observed in individuals with epilepsy, dementia and autoimmune disorders;[1] the causes of and the link between echopraxia and these disorders is undetermined.[5]

Think of a nursery with a bunch of babies. One baby starts to cry and then another one and then the whole group. Think of a boring office meeting. One person yawns and then another person yawns and then the whole group of people are  yawning.

See also

Emotional Contagion

Emotional contagion refers to a phenomenon of an automatic adoption of an emotional state of another person.

Collective punishment

Marco Iacoboni, M.D., Ph.D.

The Perplexing Notion of Depression as “Anger Turned Inward”

An attack-self coping response to shame is prominent in depression.

There are compounding factors between abuse of alcohol/narcotics, fatalities from vehicular accidents and gun violence.

Compound is a thesis-driven,
research-centric investment firm

David Hirsch

General Partner

We happen to have a name match, as well in New York, New York,

Charles S. Hirsch Center for Forensic Sciences - OCME

There is a VOCAL chapter in Texas and in New York that I am also contacting to organize upon innovation initiatives.

Sound Localization using Amplitude, Mic Array

Abuse of alcohol and amphetamines or other narcotics can be detected with noise over 70 decibels in open source circuits at low cost.
Code of Federal Regulations

Subpart B—Noise Abatement and Control

§ 51.100 Purpose and authority.

I have been researching ARM Cortex, open source Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Texas Instruments microcontrollers as low cost innovative solutions

Electric Field Vector Formula With R-Hat Vector and Position Vector

 Vector - College Physics

Electronic nose

Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Fundamental Concepts, Instrumentation, Applications, and the Road Ahead

Ion Mobility Spectrometry-Based Trace Explosives Detectors

What is mission-oriented innovation?

The i,j notation (Mechanics)

Unit Vector

Using i, j, k unit vectors to express vectors

Magnitude (mathematics)

Vector space

Vector (mathematics and physics), for a list of various kinds of vectors



Convert phi/theta angles to u/v coordinates

What is TensorFlow? The machine learning library explained

Why TensorFlow

Molecular sensor


Implementation of an Open-Source Multiplexing Ion Gate Control for High Kinetic Energy Ion Mobility Spectrometry (HiKE-IMS)

  • Cameron N. Naylor*
  • Brian H. Clowers
  • Florian Schlottmann
  • Nic Solle
  • , and 
  • Stefan Zimmermann

Ion Mobility Spectrometers

Surveillance Technologies

Real-Time Mobile Detection of Drug Use with Wearable Biosensors: A Pilot Study

SFPD Seizes Unprecedented Amount of Narcotics To Dismantle Tenderloin Drug Markets 23-098

Methamphetamine detection using nanoparticle-based biosensors: A comprehensive review

A brief history of war and drugs: From Vikings to Nazis

Some of the Hamas militants who attacked southern Israel on October 7 were fueled by a synthetic amphetamine called Captagon, which U.S. and Israeli officials believe was used to suppress fear and anxiety during the rampage and stimulate their willingness to attack, kill and, in some cases, torture, civilians.

M-Polynomials and Topological Indices of Dominating David Derived Networks DDDN


There is a strong relationship between the chemical characteristics of chemical compounds and their molecular structures.

Topological index

Interfaces for Computer-Controlled Test Systems

Mathematical modeling and topological graph description of dominating David derived networks based on edge partitions

Chemists make breakthrough in drug discovery chemistry: Two methods to replace carbon with a nitrogen atom in a molecule

On Topological Properties of Dominating David Derived Networks

Using Query Molecules

MolQL (Molecular Query Language) is a declarative language for describing selections/substructures of molecular data.

Molecular graph

Chemical graph generator

SQL Tutorial

Structured Query Language (SQL) 

Language model

A language model is a probabilistic model of a natural language[1] that can generate probabilities of a series of words, based on text corpora in one or multiple languages it was trained on. In 1980, the first significant statistical language model was proposed, and during the decade IBM performed ‘Shannon-style’ experiments, in which potential sources for language modeling improvement were identified by observing and analyzing the performance of human subjects in predicting or correcting text.[2]

Language models are useful for a variety of tasks, including speech recognition[3] (helping prevent predictions of low-probability (e.g. nonsense) sequences), machine translation,[4] natural language generation (generating more human-like text), optical character recognition, handwriting recognition,[5] grammar induction,[6] and information retrieval.[7][8]

Large language models, currently their most advanced form, are a combination of larger datasets (frequently using scraped words from the public internet), feedforward neural networks, and transformers. They have superseded recurrent neural network-based models, which had previously superseded the pure statistical models, such as word n-gram language model.

Semantic parsing

Semantic parsing is the task of converting a natural language utterance to a logical form: a machine-understandable representation of its meaning.[1] Semantic parsing can thus be understood as extracting the precise meaning of an utterance. Applications of semantic parsing include machine translation,[2] question answering,[1][3] ontology induction,[4] automated reasoning,[5] and code generation.[6][7] The phrase was first used in the 1970s by Yorick Wilks as the basis for machine translation programs working with only semantic representations.[8] Semantic parsing is one of the important tasks in computational linguistics and natural language processing.

Natural Language to SQL using ChatGPT

How to model a natural language interface for relational databases

SQL-PaLM: Improved Large Language Model Adaptation for Text-to-SQL

An end-to-end tutorial of training a machine learning model to translate from natural language questions/instructions to SQL queries using Tensorflow.

xDBTagger: Explainable Natural Language Interface to Databases Using Keyword Mappings and Schema Graph

Schema and Data Modeling

Graph schemas as abstractions for transfer learning, inference, and planning

GraphQL Course for Beginners

Meet snnTorch: An Open-Source Python Package for Performing Gradient-based Learning with Spiking Neural Networks

Vector Databases: Where Geometry Meets Machine Learning

A professor of semantic data processing channels Harry Potter to explain the role of advanced vector databases for better AI/ML performance.

openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files


Inclusion–exclusion principle

Inclusion Exclusion principle and programming applications

Rules of Inference and Logic Proofs

Vacuous truth


Its name stands for graph visualization and its purpose is to create interactive 2D and 3D plots of graphs and networks

Simplified molecular-input line-entry system

Proof of concept (PoC)

A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Proof of Concept

PoC: AI that builds it’s own source code



What Is Proof of Concept (POC)? Examples for Business, Software & More

Free Proof-of-Concept Templates

POC vs. POV: What’s the Difference?

POC and POV, Proof Of Value, are vital for the success of new business offerings. Learn the key differences between POC vs. POV so you know when to use each. 

Problem shaping

Prototype vs MVP vs Proof of Concept— Differences and Similarities

Decision boundary


Decision Boundary for a Series of Machine Learning Models

Logistic Regression and Decision Boundary 

LIME - Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

Local Surrogate (LIME)

Local surrogate models are interpretable models that are used to explain individual predictions of black box machine learning models. Local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME)

Minimum viable product (MVP)

Text2SQL — Part 4: State-Of-The-Art Models

sys.query_context_settings (Transact-SQL)


  • SQLova is a neural semantic parser translating natural language utterance to SQL query. The name is originated from the name of our department: Search & QLova (Search & Clova).
Large law firms are using a tool made by OpenAI to research and write legal documents. What could go wrong?

Structure prediction and materials design with generative neural networks

The Molecular Query Language (MQL) was designed to allow more complex, problem-specific search methods in chemoinformatics. In contrast to the widely used SMARTS queries, MQL provides for the specification of spatial and physicochemical properties of atoms and bonds. Additionally, it can easily be extended to handle non-atom-based graphs, also known as "reduced feature" graphs. The query language is based on an extended Backus–Naur form (EBNF) using JavaCC.

Programmable matter

(Redirected from Claytronics)

Molecular machine

MEMS is the technology of microscopic devices incorporating both electronic and moving parts. MEMS are made up of components between 1 and 100 micrometres in size, and MEMS devices generally range in size from 20 micrometres to a millimetre, although components arranged in arrays can be more than 1000 mm².

According to HUD Handbook 4350.3, former drug users protected by the FHA ban on disability discrimination include an individual who (i) has successfully completed a supervised drug rehabilitation program or has otherwise been successfully rehabilitated and is no longer engaging in illegal drug use; (ii) is currently ..



Office of Translational Initiatives and Program Innovations (OTIPI)

Drug users are not a protected class under either federal or state fair housing laws. Drug abuse may result in criminal activity, violence, and property destruction. However, drug and alcohol dependency are also considered diseases and may be considered “disabilities” under fair housing laws. While all properties should have anti-drug policies, it is important that those policies be developed and administered in a way that does not violate fair housing law.

Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs

Homeland Security Startup Studio


Urban noise pollution is worst in poor and minority neighborhoods and segregated cities

Neighborhood Context and Substance Use Disorders

Healthcare Disparities

Poverty, homelessness, and social stigma make addiction more deadly

George Johnson and David Jones

IRS Complaint Process For Tax Exempt Organizations

The IRS takes all complaints seriously and scrutinizes all referrals
Mail to IRS EO Classification, Mail Code 4910DAL, 1100 Commerce St., Dallas, TX 75242-1198 Fax to 214-413-5415

Exempt Organizations Audit Process - Charities ...

Foundation Communities Inc

  • Austin, TX
  • Tax-exempt since May 1990
  • EIN: 74-2563260 
SVP, Products and Corporate Development

The Real-Time Watch Center unit powers the Texas Fusion Center.  The Watch is a 24/7 unit that works with federal, state, regional, and local law enforcement and serves as the state repository for homeland security information and incident reporting. It provides real-time intelligence support to law enforcement and public safety authorities, and consolidates information and data on suspicious activities and threats from all jurisdictions and disciplines as well as the public. During emergencies or periods of increased threat, the Watch may ramp up to receive and process additional information.

Multisensor of thermal and Visual Images to Detect Concealed Weapon Using Harmony Search Image Fusion Approach

The Grant for Technology Opportunities Program (GTOPs) is a grant administered by the Community Technology division directed at improving the community's ability to fully participate in the digital society. GTOPs provides four award pathways for local Austin nonprofit groups to apply for funding or devices. 
It found that 5.6 percent of those Veterans had been discharged for misconduct, usually drug or alcohol abuse—but that those patients accounted for 28.1 percent of those who became homeless within a year of their discharge.
Twenty-one Percent of Veterans in Substance Abuse Treatment Were Homeless- Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) discusses homelessness among military veterans who were admitted to substance abuse treatment during 2011, by age group. Publication Date: May 19, 2014 Data Source:

Millions of U.S. drug users now are addicted to several substances, not just opioids like fentanyl and heroin. The shift is making treatment far more difficult.

How to split main dataset into train, dev, test as DatasetDict

How to split the Dataset With scikit-learn’s train_test_split() Function

Cross-validation: evaluating estimator performance

Snapshot: U.S. – Israeli Robot Accessory Arm Provides Enhanced Capabilities and Precise Manipulation

Dogo is a military robot developed by the Israeli defense technology company, General Robotics. Designed to be used in urban combat situations, Dogo is a highly capable robot that can be used to support infantry units in a variety of roles, including reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition.

San Francisco considers allowing law enforcement robots to use lethal force

The Foster-Miller TALON is a remotely operated vehicle, and it is a small, tracked military robot designed for missions ranging from reconnaissance to combat. It is made by the American robotics company QinetiQ-NA, a subsidiary of QinetiQ.

Arduino is an Italian open-source hardware and software company, project, and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices.

In this project, I create a sound location finder. This circuit can be used as the basic building block to a robot that reacts to sound.

My Weekend Project: Sound Location Finder

In this video, I create a sound location finder using two microphone sensors in conjunction with an Arduino Uno. When the sound location finder circuit detects a sound from one microphone sensor and not the other, the Arduino request a stepper motor to turn the sound detection board in the direction of the sound. If the sound is detected in both microphones or no sound is detected, the circuit does nothing and waits to detect new sound. Schematics and code available for free at: If you have questions, please visit .
Chronic health effects and injury associated with environmental noise pollution
Rick Neitzel, PhD, CIH, FAIHA
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
University of Michigan
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The primary distinctions between IEC 61672 Class 1 and Class 2 sound level meters are in their frequency range, linear operating range, and temperature operating range. Class 1 meters offer a broader frequency range, extending from 16 Hz to 16 kHz, compared to Class 2 meters, which cover 20 Hz to 8 kHz.

Sound level meter

Z-Weighting – (Z-frequency-weighting). Z-weighted is the flat frequency response of 8Hz to 20kHz (+/- 1.5dB), this is the actual noise that is made with no weighting at all for the human ear (Z for zero). Often used in octave band analysis and for determining environmental noise
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that noise exposure levels should not exceed 70 dB over a 24-hour period, and 85 dB over a 1-hour period to avoid
Conflicts between neighboring residents have occurred frequently, and some of them resulted in crimes such as arson, violence, and even murder. The governments of several countries created a legal standard related to inter-floor noise to provide a quantitative definition of it. The legal standard specifies different threshold levels of inter-floor noise according to their type and occurrence time [,]. - National Institute of Health

Smart Glasses Make Human Echolocation Possible

Assistive tech innovators bring “acoustic touch” within reach 

Technical Note
Inter-Floor Noise Monitoring System forMulti-Dwelling Houses Using Smartphones

Three key takeaways (from Andrew Ng) on the challenges and solutions for the deployment of machine learning projects in the real world

Impulse sound tracker

DIY Sound Localization Sensor

Between Machine Learning PoC and Production

Tracking Changes

Git Memo

Remote tracking branches

Tracking or not tracking

With hands-on case study walkthroughs

Dimensionality reduction by PCA and k-means clustering to visualize patterns in data from diet, physical examinations, and hospital laboratory reports.

How to Combine PCA and K-means Clustering in Python? 

PCA and Clustering

Using and coding a Microphone Sound Sensor with Arduino

Using HUD’s New Guidance about Fair Housing to Keep Victims Safe Nuisance Abatement and Crime-Free Housing
Ordinances: The Impact on Families that
Experience Domestic Violence
October 20, 2016
Sec. 42.07. HARASSMENT. (a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another 

Harassment is defined in Penal Code Section 42.07 and covers a wide variety of actions that are committed with the “intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another.

Noise pollution and violent crime

Hypothesis Testing

Beginning in the early 2000s, the term gang stalking became popularized to describe a different experience of repeated harassment which instead comes from multiple people who organize around a shared purpose, with no one person solely responsible

How criminals are defined--from accomplices to aiders and abettors to conspirators--depends on their participation in the crime

In psychology, manipulation is defined as subterfuge designed to influence or control another, usually in a manner which facilitates one's personal aims. The methods used distort or orient the interlocutor's perception of reality, in particular through seduction, suggestion, persuasion and non-voluntary or consensual submission.[1][2].
Collective behavior takes many forms but generally violates societal norms.[7][8]

Mobbing, as a sociological term, means bullying of an individual by a group, in any context, such as a family, peer group, school, workplace, neighborhood, community, or online.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.
The prisoner's dilemma is a game theory thought experiment that involves two rational agents, each of whom can cooperate for mutual benefit or betray their partner ("defect") for individual reward. Mind games (also power games or head games) are actions performed for reasons of psychological one-upmanship, often employing passive–aggressive behavior to specifically demoralize or dis-empower the thinking subject, making the aggressor look superior.


Hawthorne effect - Catalog of Bias

Would your behaviors change if you were being observed?
The Hawthorne effect occurs when a participant's behavior changes as a result of being observed, rather than as a result of an intervention. In other words, when groups or individuals realize they are being observed, they may change their behavior

Addiction Denial: Symptoms, Behaviors & How To Help

The 5 stages of grief include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Dr. Kübler-Ross 

Five Stages Of Grief - Understanding the Kubler-Ross Model

The Denial Stage of Grief: Characteristics and Coping

How the Illusion of Being Observed Can Make You a Better Person

Even a poster with eyes on it changes how people behave

Covenant of "Quiet Enjoyment" This covenant prevents a landlord from disturbing their tenants. It also makes the landlord responsible for other tenants who create disturbances. It does not make a landlord responsible for disturbances by strangers or people who do not also rent from them.
What is aiding and abetting in Texas criminal law?
A person assisting someone to commit, escape from or conceal a criminal act may be charged with committing that criminal act. The punishment you receive for assisting can be the same as the punishment imposed upon the person who actually committed the crime.

Social workers regularly advocate for their clients on an individual basis.
It is vitally important to establish referral sources with trusted professional colleagues, consultants, and attorneys.

There are three types of advocacy - self-advocacy, individual advocacy and systems advocacy

In psychotherapy and mental health, enabling has a positive sense of empowering individuals, or a negative sense of encouraging dysfunctional behavior
Negligence (Lat. negligentia)[1] is a failure to exercise appropriate and/or ethical ruled care expected to be exercised amongst specified circumstances.[2] The area of tort law known as negligence involves harm caused by failing to act as a form of carelessness possibly with extenuating circumstances. The core concept of negligence is that people should exercise reasonable care in their actions, by taking account of the potential harm that they might foreseeably cause to other people or property. 

Ombudsman orders UK housing association Clarion to apologise to family in ‘deeply distressing’ case

Veterans are at higher risk for suicide. Psychologists are helping them tackle their unique struggles

Team cohesion, support, and shared healthy norms can provide protection against suicidal risk factors for members of the armed forces

Two men shot dead by neighbor over noisy argument in Brooklyn apartment building 

Burden of proof (law)

Proof by contradiction

Bayesian inference

A proof by contradiction appeals to the idea that every statement is either true or false, and not both. Suppose we want to prove a statement P. In this method of proof we assume the negation ¬P and then proceed by our usual rules of good reasoning to derive an absurdity (a statement of the form Q ∧ (¬Q)).

Bayesian Inference

On p-Values and Bayes Factors

Particularly in the work of Fisher, a testing procedure can be thought of as a type of proof by contradiction. An investigator states a hypothesis and then gathers data in an attempt to find evidence against it. This type of reasoning has been around for centuries.

Historical Hypothesis Testing

What is William Bridges’ Transition Model?

“Not in his goals but in his transitions man is great.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Zero-knowledge proof

In cryptography, a zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true, while avoiding conveying to the verifier any information beyond the mere fact of the statement's truth.[1] The intuition underlying zero-knowledge proofs is that it is trivial to prove the possession of certain information by simply revealing it; the challenge is to prove this possession without revealing the information, or any aspect of it whatsoever.

Reasonable doubt

Beyond (a) reasonable doubt is a legal standard of proof required to validate a criminal conviction in most adversarial legal systems.

Decision intelligence

Knowledge worker


Veterans Day — not “Veteran's Day” or “Veterans' Day” — is observed annually on Nov. 11, regardless of which day of the week it falls on.
Honoring evidence provided by US Veteran Bob Hewett and in assisting US Veteran Tim Pastewski at Capital Stuios.

Argument map

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

Care of Katherine Bisson, Foundation Communities, Foundation models are a form of generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) for consulting Shandeli Markley property manager of Capital Studios.

Rhetorical Argument

An introduction to the types of rhetorical arguments and related concepts.

Oregon’s first-in-the-nation drug decriminalization law is facing pushback amid the fentanyl crisis

Tactical Advanced Computer (TAC)

Offering greater Tactical Data Link (TDL) operational effectiveness without increasing size, weight, or power demands.

Joint Battle Command–Platform (JBC-P)

Gangs and Counter-gangs 

Major Frank Kitson

Asymmetric warfare

Theory of Asymmetric Information Definition & Challenges


Several compilations of transfer learning and domain adaptation algorithms have been implemented:

  • ADAPT[29] (Python)
  • TLlib [30] (Python)
  • Domain-Adaptation-Toolbox [31] (Matlab)
tactile learning, Tactile Processing Unit, GPU Graphics Processing Unit, CPU

See also

Tensor Processing Unit

Honeypot (computing)

What is a honeypot?

Kilroy was here

Eugene the Jeep

In the August 9, 1936, strip, headlined "Wha's a Jeep?" [sic] Popeye asks Professor Brainstine what exactly a Jeep is. He gets the following response:

A Jeep is an animal living in a three dimensional world—in this case our world—but really belonging to a fourth dimensional world. Here's what happened. A number of Jeep life cells were somehow forced through the dimensional barrier into our world. They combined at a favorable time with free life cells of the African Hooey Hound. The electrical vibrations of the Hooey Hound cell and the foreign cell were the same. They were kindred cells. In fact, all things are, to some extent, relative, whether they be of this or some other world, now you see. The extremely favorable conditions of germination in Africa caused a fusion of these life cells. So the uniting of kindred cells caused a transmutation. The result, a mysterious strange animal.

Felix Sater

Felix Henry Sater /ˈstər/ (born Felix Mikhailovich Sheferovsky; Russian: Фе́ликс Миха́йлович Шеферовский; March 2, 1966) is a Russian-American mobster, convicted felon, real estate developer and former managing director of Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate conglomerate based out of New York City. He has been an advisor to corporations such as The Trump Organization, and the Mirax Group.  
The Enabling Act allowed the Reich government to issue laws without the consent of Germany's parliament, laying the foundation for the complete Nazification of German society.

In psychotherapy and mental health, enabling has a positive sense of empowering individuals, or a negative sense of encouraging dysfunctional behavior

Trump’s ties to the Russian mafia go back 3 decades

Journalist Craig Unger talks Russia, Trump, and “one of the greatest intelligence operations in history.”

Behind real estate’s tangled mob ties

A recent mafia-related construction scheme and a murky web of subcontractors has menaced major NYC developers and their glitzy condo projects 

Trump Has Mocked the U.S. Military His Whole Life

The Nation: THE MAFIA Big, Bad and Booming

What’s one popular way for criminals to launder money? Real estate.

Trump insulted vets in private, former Chief of Staff Kelly confirms

The businessman at the center of the Texas AG scandal is a millennial real estate developer from Austin

Trump’s Russian Laundromat

How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.

After winning impeachment fight, Paxton still faces felony fraud case and an FBI investigation

The Mob Is Making a Comeback in Construction as Demand for New Housing Grows in NYC

A string of new prosecutions highlight how organized crime is targeting the nonunion builders of tens of millions of dollars in projects.

Netflix's Fear City Hints at Trump's Mob Connections. The Real Story Goes Even Deeper.

For years, the president did business in industries with strong mafia ties

Otto, Prince of Bismarck, Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg (German: Otto, Fürst von Bismarck, Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen, Herzog zu Lauenburg, pronounced [ˈɔtoː fɔn ˈbɪsmaʁk] ; 1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), born Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, was a Prussian and later German statesman and diplomat.

Die Entlassung

Contact Austin Studios 

Gabriel Over the White House is a 1933 American pre-Code political fantasy film starring Walter Huston as a genial but politically corrupt U.S. President
Gödel's Loophole is an "inner contradiction" in the Constitution of the United States which Austrian-American logician, mathematician, and analytic philosopher Kurt Gödel postulated in 1947. The loophole would permit the American democracy to be legally turned into a dictatorship.

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
in the
Graduate Division
of the
University of California, Berkeley

The economics of extortion: Theory and the case of the Sicilian Mafia

Secret mob history of Ray’s Pizza

Donald Trump's Mafia Connections: Decades Later, Is He Still Linked to the Mob?


The section west of the Torzhok gas hub includes about 402 kilometres (250 mi) in Russia, 575 kilometres (357 mi) in Belarus and 683 kilometres (424 mi) in Poland.[4] It is fed from the north-east by the Bovanenkovo–Ukhta,[2] Ukhta–Torzhok[3] and SRTO–Torzhok[5] sections, which are all considered to be part of the Yamal–Europe pipeline. The German gas system is connected to the Yamal–Europe pipeline through the JAGAL pipeline.[1] The Bovanenkovo–Ukhta section involved a 72 kilometres (45 mi) undersea pipeline under Baydaratskaya Bay in the southern Kara Sea.[22]

The western section of the pipeline was initially supplied by the slowly depleting gas fields in the Nadym Pur Taz District[23] of the Tyumen Oblast and not from the Yamal project.[24] The SRTO–Torzhok branch section starts at Novy Urengoy, near the developing Urengoyskoye gas field[25] within the Urengoy gas field complex.[5] As of 2020, the Yamal gas fields produce over 20% of Russia's gas, which is expected to increase to 40% by 2030.

Captains Courageous (1937 film)

Oil campaign of World War II

We may address social justice on the city, state and federal level with a commission to investigate housing for veterans as well address issues for energy efficient buildings with our Department of Energy and clean energy manufacturing for our Department of Transportation.

In tears, ex-Trump exec testifies he gave up company job because he was tired of legal woes

Former Trump Organization controller breaks down in tears at trial

by Miranda Nazzaro - 11/22/23


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