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Q# FORM Boolean Stone Spaces, Bayesian Neural Networks, A Fairy Tale of F# and Durable Functions exposing F# to C#

Who is the Rejected Stone? | Mark 12:1-11; Psalm 118:22-23, Isaiah 5

Shunyamurti – On Joseph Campbell – The Anti-Hero’s Journey Home From Hell


Saint Hubert's Key

In linear algebra, a Householder transformation (also known as a Householder reflection or elementary reflector) is a linear transformation that describes a reflection about a plane or hyperplane containing the origin

A capstone or keystone is the top element of a stone arch.

Cornerstone = eben pinnah (stone + angle/corner) = akrogoniaios [akron+gonias] (extreme/pinnacle + angle/corner)  or litho goniaios (stone corner)

Capstone/Keystonerosh pinnah  (head of the corner) = kephale gonias (head of the corner)

Householder (Buddhism)

Matthew 21:42

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?

1 Peter 2:6

For in Scripture it says:

“See, I lay a stone in Zion,
    a chosen and precious cornerstone,
and the one who trusts in him
    will never be put to shame.”[a]

Ego death

Jungian psychology

Pride is the overbearing treatment of others as a characteristic in behavior.

Objective: (of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. Subjective most commonly means based on the personal perspective or preferences of a person.

Schema-agnostic vs Schema-based Configurations for Blocking Methods on Homogeneous Data

Hubris is a personality trait that involves excessive pride, confidence, and self-importance.

Hubris: The Dangers of Excessive Pride and Confidence

Political strongman

Parable of the Strong Man 



  • Emotional invalidation is the act of dismissing or rejecting someone's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

  • Gaslighting 

  • “At least it's not…” -or- “It could be worse.” ...

  • “I'm sorry you feel that way.” ...

  • “You shouldn't feel that way.” ...

  • “Don't think about it, just get on with it.” ...

  • “I'm not having this discussion!

  • False equivalence
The effect of shunning can be very dramatic or even devastating on the shunned, as it can damage or destroy the shunned member's closest familial, spousal, social, emotional, and economic bonds. Shunning contains aspects of what is known as relational aggression in psychological literature. 

What is Invalidation? 5 Things You Shouldn’t Say

The second type of speech that the Buddha recommended we avoid because it harms others and harms ourselves is divisive speech. This means using our speech to create disharmony between people who are getting along, or preventing who are not getting along from reconciling.

Recognizing the Effects of a Controlling Relationship 

no taxation, in-corporation

55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits

consumption to overcome alienation - cult of narcissism tactic


A far enemy of loving-kindness is ill will–the opposite of loving-kindness. Similarly, a near enemy of compassion is pity and a far enemy is cruelty.
Commodity fetishism 

Proverbs 22:7

The rich rules over the poor,
and the borrower is slave of the lender.

The Near and Far Enemies of Fierce Compassion

Proverbs 15:1
Verse Concepts

A gentle answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.

“While the far enemy of connection is disconnection, the near enemy of connection is control.” - Brene Brown

Connection (mathematics)

Control theory

Locus of Control refers to an individual's perception about the underlying main causes of events in his/her life. Or, more simply: Do you believe that your destiny is controlled by yourself or by external forces (such as fate, god, or powerful others)?

Locus of control


Prefrontal cortex basal ganglia working memory PBWM

Self-estrangement is the idea conceived by Karl Marx in Marx's theory of alienation and Melvin Seeman in his five logically distinct psychological states that encompasses alienation.[1]


Mark 3 : 20-35

Jesus and Beelzebub

Big Brother to refer to a person, government, or organization when they think it has complete control over people and is always checking what they do.

Near Enemies of Mindfulness

Matthew 18:15-17

“If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.
Hanukkah 2022 began in the evening of
December 18
and ends in the evening of
December 26


What is the etymology of Narcissistic
compared to Narcotic

Same Greek Root word Narkotikon, associated with the Greek word Pharmakeia 

- φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i'-ah; from ; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft.

Marijuana Found at Ancient Temple in Israel

Judahite Shrine of Tel Arad from 8th century B.C.E. has residue of cannabis and of frankincense

Archaeologists Identify Traces of Burnt Cannabis in Ancient Jewish Shrine

New research suggests the mind-altering substance may have been widely used in the ritual practices of the Kingdom of Judah

Cannabis and the Bible

Sidi Heddi (Arabic: سيدي هدي) was a Moroccan marabout and founder of the Heddāwa Islamic order in the 13th century.[1] He has been referred to as the "patron saint of kif (cannabis) smokers."[2]

Benjamin Rush

Extremism in Defense of Liberty

Hobson's choice 

Personalized medicine

Genetic and molecular testing prior authorization/advance notification

Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!

Ketamine for Depression: What to Know 

if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels

CACNA1C single gene test

Some reindeer just go to Portland Oregon

French original:[5]
Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.
Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant
à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve,
c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie.

English translation:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.


Interpret the law in different states of hearts and minds,

Genetic algorithm

Key ceremony

In cryptography, a key ceremony is a ceremony held to generate or use a cryptographic key.[1][2][better source needed]

A public example is the signing of the DNS root zone for DNSSEC.[3]

Market Actor means a person, business, or organization that affects the market availability and implementation of energy efficient technologies, products, practices, and designs, including, but not limited to, design professionals, contractors, retailers, suppliers, manufacturers, associations, and institutions.

IBM HSM key ceremony

Organizing thoughts from claims of disorganized thoughts may be conducted in category theory with the Hirsch Index


The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications, initially used for an individual scientist or scholar.

The index was suggested in 2005 by Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist at UC San Diego, as a tool for determining theoretical physicists' relative quality[4] and is sometimes called the Hirsch index or Hirsch number

As a research knowledge broker, indeed the Hirsch Index is utilized to organize and quantify a body of knowledge and ideas.

Well-behaved statistic

Although the term well-behaved statistic often seems to be used in the scientific literature in somewhat the same way as is well-behaved in mathematics (that is, to mean "non-pathological"[1][2]) it can also be assigned precise mathematical meaning, and in more than one way. In the former case, the meaning of this term will vary from context to context. In the latter case, the mathematical conditions can be used to derive classes of combinations of distributions with statistics which are well-behaved in each sense.

First Definition: The variance of a well-behaved statistical estimator is finite and one condition on its mean is that it is differentiable in the parameter being estimated.[3]

Second Definition: The statistic is monotonic, well-defined, and locally sufficient.

Proofs Involving Sets

165 Mannerisms That Will Bring Your Character to Life

Notes for Mathematical Psychologist student distributions

Linear Algebra/Definition and Examples of Vector Spaces

Guide for Authors

In both pure and applied mathematics (e.g., optimization, numerical integration, mathematical physics), well-behaved also means not violating any assumptions needed to successfully apply whatever analysis is being discussed. The opposite case is usually labeled "pathological"  

Pathological (mathematics)

Model training, tuning

Mathematical model

Training and tuning

Any model which is not pure white-box contains some parameters that can be used to fit the model to the system it is intended to describe. If the modeling is done by an artificial neural network or other machine learning, the optimization of parameters is called training, while the optimization of model hyperparameters is called tuning and often uses cross-validation.[8] In more conventional modeling through explicitly given mathematical functions, parameters are often determined by curve fitting

Mixed Percolation Model

Ergodic Methods in Additive Combinatorics

Thresholds on 3D lattices and 3D continuum space

Doob-Gillespie algorithm

Nanopore sequencing

Northwestern is one of the country's leading private research and teaching universities, located in Evanston, IL


Mathematical Methods in Paper Folding

What Is the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)?

Oh yeah my grandfather worked for them back in the great depression, the CCC. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), established by Congress on March 31, 1933, provided jobs for young, unemployed men during the Great Depression. Over its 9-year lifespan, the CCC employed about 3 million men nationwide.

Blood is thicker than water

blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

Water privatization

Watershed Profile

Learn more about the District 4 watershed and efforts to reduce flooding, erosion and water pollution.

instrumental conditioning

Forming a Corporation

What Is the Theory of the Firm?

Ceremony of the Keys (London)

It means that people who have shed blood together in the battlefield (blood of the covenant) have a stronger bond than familial ties (water of the womb) which is quite the opposite of the latter - more popular saying.
Class conflict (also class warfare and class struggle) is the political tension and economic antagonism that exists in society consequent to socio-economic competition among the social classes.


Ramsey's theorem states that there exists a least positive integer R(r, s) for which every blue-red edge colouring of the complete graph on R(r, s) vertices contains a blue clique on r vertices or a red clique on s vertices. (Here R(r, s) signifies an integer that depends on both r and s.)

Ramsey's theorem

Jasper is a form of the name CasperIt is also the name of a semi-precious stone and one of the Three Magi in the Christian bible.
Often referred to as the "Supreme Nurturer," Jasper is known to sustain and support you during times of stress by bringing serenity and wholeness. Jasper stones are thought to absorb negative energy, providing protection when worn.

Casper (given name)

from Aramaic that means "Treasurer"


Difference Between Jasper and Jade

Polish Space

The Jasper Whisperer

Visual design, creativity, and Black Lives Matter

Using AI to create inclusive images of classic Disney characters

Do you hear the voice of your conscience?

Nobody else can hear it but that voice speaks to us of justice, moral virtue, humility, honesty and sincerity; in short everything that is good. This internal voice that shows us the way and commands us to do what is right is the voice of the conscience.

Blue Chip

Cancer Clusters

Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste, etc. ... In contrast, common plastics, such as fossil-fuel plastics (also called petro-based polymers) are derived from petroleum or natural gas.

Funding Opportunity Announcement:
Integrative Computational Tools for Systems Biology Research

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: DE-FOA-0002878

Total Estimated Funding: $5 million

Deadline for Pre Applications (required):   January 10, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. ET 
Deadline for Applications:            March 28, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET 

Blue-Chip Stock

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and ..., Volume 1248, Issue 3

Guilfoyle on the Biggest Threat to Taiwan Semiconductor

The Waistband and the Wine Jugs (Jeremiah 13) July 18

Even though Jeremiah knows that God's in the right, he says that he personally wants to air some grievances. He asks why the wicked have been doing so well without being punished. He asks God to kill the wicked and relieve the people's suffering.

Jeremiah’s Complaint

Jeremiah . . . Dada Performance Art?

THREATCON CHARLIE: (Threat level high) This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent.


Zhong Kui

For the spam-filtering algorithm, see Chung Kwei (algorithm).

Blue Santa Claus?

A Blue Santa figurine was recently unearthed at an Ohio factory. Apparently they were made by German immigrants in the 1800s, for whom the blue figurines were traditional.
EPA Clemsons Tigers, Purdue Pete, Ohio NASA quantum weirdness for NIH from the violet crown ELF SEED Network for St. Nicholas Knapsack Greedy Algorithm AI ML to intercept St. Peters Jesuit Game Theory to be inclusive for our Department of Labor.

Innovation, Communication and Engineering

Bioplastics sector for Cesar Chavez Agriculture LEAD

Taiwan Holds a Monopoly in the Manufacturing of Semiconductors

TSMC leads the manufacturing of semiconductors in the world, as it dominates 28% of the market, which has made it the eleventh most valuable company in the world
edited by Teen-Hang Meen, Stephen Prior, Artde

Serenity Sells Bioplastic Blue Chip Gulf States Agriculture Union with Disparity Vector solutions sets for the Bible Belt. The term “Bible Belt” is usually used to describe these 10 states: Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and Oklahoma.

On May 20, 2017, U.S. President Trump and Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud signed a series of letters of intent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years.

Now, NIH, we bottleneck for military semiconductors with Taiwan to compete with China?

At costs of cancer clusters in our United States?

We may innovate with Blue Chip Bioplastic Spintronic Semiconductors with SEED in the

Bible Belt

you reap what you sow mean

Charlie Chan

Daffy Duck.
The United Service Organizations Inc. is an American nonprofit-charitable corporation that provides live entertainment, such as comedians, actors and musicians, social facilities, and other programs to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families

Certain Plastic Encapsulated Integrated Circuits - USITC


Stone algebra

A Cornerstone through

Identity, Joseph, and the Hero’s Journey

Happy Birthday month uncle Harry Joseph Hirsch III

Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras

Stone–von Neumann theorem

Abelian group

Type (model theory)

Stone duality

A common LSTM unit is composed of a cell, an input gate, an output gate and a forget gate.  

Stone–Weierstrass theorem

  • Müntz–Szász theorem
  • Bernstein polynomial
  • Runge's phenomenon shows that finding a polynomial P such that f (x) = P(x) for some finely spaced x = xn is a bad way to attempt to find a polynomial approximating f uniformly. A better approach, explained e.g. in (Rudin 1976), p. 160, eq. (51) ff., is to construct polynomials P uniformly approximating f by taking the convolution of f with a family of suitably chosen polynomial kernels.
  • Mergelyan's theorem, concerning polynomial approximations of complex functions.

Stone space

Operator algebra

Operator (mathematics)

What is a Hero's Journey?

Linear operator 

Kernel (algebra)

The Journey of the Antihero in Film: Exploring the Dark Side

A kobold (occasionally cobold) is a mythical sprite. Having spread into Europe with various spellings including "goblin" and "hobgoblin", and later taking root and stemming from Germanic mythology, the concept survived into modern times in German folklore.
COBOL (/ˈkbɒl, -bɔːl/; an acronym for "common business-oriented language") is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use 


HuggingFace DistilBERT

🏎 Smaller, faster, cheaper, lighter: Introducing DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT

Python Guide to HuggingFace DistilBERT – Smaller, Faster & Cheaper Distilled BERT


Atomic orbital

List of quantum chemistry and solid-state physics software

Angular momentum operator

Schwartz space

Quantum statistical mechanics

Quantum engineering

Invariant subspace

The HokieBird is the official mascot of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Ketamine Found to Increase Brain Noise

play hookey

to be away from school without permission

Quantum cognition is an emerging field which applies the mathematical formalism of quantum theory to model cognitive phenomena such as information processing by the human brain, language, decision making, human memory, concepts and conceptual reasoning, human judgment, and perception.[1][2][3][4] The field clearly distinguishes itself from the quantum mind as it is not reliant on the hypothesis that there is something micro-physical quantum mechanical about the brain. Quantum cognition is based on the quantum-like paradigm[5][6] or generalized quantum paradigm[7] or quantum structure paradigm[8] that information processing by complex systems such as the brain, taking into account contextual dependence of information and probabilistic reasoning, can be mathematically described in the framework of quantum information and quantum probability theory.

Quantum cognition uses the mathematical formalism of quantum theory to inspire and formalize models of cognition that aim to be an advance over models based on traditional classical probability theory. The field focuses on modeling phenomena in cognitive science that have resisted traditional techniques or where traditional models seem to have reached a barrier (e.g., human memory),[9] and modeling preferences in decision theory that seem paradoxical from a traditional rational point of view (e.g., preference reversals).[10] Since the use of a quantum-theoretic framework is for modeling purposes, the identification of quantum structures in cognitive phenomena does not presuppose the existence of microscopic quantum processes in the human brain.[11]


National Science Foundation program 22-609

In quantum computing and specifically the quantum circuit model of computation, a quantum logic gate (or simply quantum gate) is a basic quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits. They are the building blocks of quantum circuits, like classical logic gates are for conventional digital circuits.

Unlike many classical logic gates, quantum logic gates are reversible. It is possible to perform classical computing using only reversible gates. For example, the reversible Toffoli gate can implement all Boolean functions, often at the cost of having to use ancilla bits. The Toffoli gate has a direct quantum equivalent, showing that quantum circuits can perform all operations performed by classical circuits.

Von Neumann architecture 

Von Neumann bottleneck

PBIT means, in relation to any Relevant Period, the consolidated operating profit of the Restricted Group from continuing operations but before tax and excluding:

Financial Statements
Devil is in the details

'The work of the devil': crime in a remote religious community

Bolivia sees more unrest following opposition leader’s arrest

Protesters in farming hub of Santa Cruz province block highways amid ongoing calls for release of Luis Fernando Camacho.


Expressing Boolean Logic with Matrices

The basis for quantum computation is not Boolean logic, but quantum logic. To date, there is still no appropriate quantum-logical calculus comparable to the classical calculus based on Boolean algebra.




Z-table (Right of Curve or Left)

GHz Rabi flopping to Rydberg states in hot atomic vapor cells

2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit following the Chinese calendar, which rotates in 60-year cycles based on 12 earthly branches, each represented by an animal year, and five heavenly stems — wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Forget Qubits — Scientists Just Built a Quantum Gate With Qudits

And they could help usher in the era of the quantum computer.

Qudits and High-Dimensional Quantum Computing
Yuchen Wang 1,2
, Zixuan Hu 1, 2
, Barry C. Sanders 3 and Sabre Kais

Google Quantum AI


Generator (mathematics)

Hilbert space

Map (mathematics)

About FRIB

Michigan State University (MSU) operates the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)


Rabbit rabbit rabbit


an invisible rabbit in the
  • 1944 play Harvey by Mary Chase
  • 1950 movie Harvey based on the play


Jade Rabbit

Moon rabbit

Centzon Tōtōchtin

In Mexica mythology, the Centzon Tōtōchtin (Nahuatl pronunciation: [sent͡son toːˈtoːt͡ʃtin] "four-hundred rabbits"; also Centzontōtōchtin) are a group of divine rabbits who meet for frequent drunken parties. They include Tepoztecatl, Texcatzonatl, Colhuatzincatl, Macuiltochtli ("five-rabbit"), and Ometochtli ("two-rabbit"). Their parents are Patecatl and Mayahuel[1] and they may be brothers of Ixtlilton.

Looking at the characteristics of the year more specifically, 2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit following the Chinese calendar, which rotates in 60-year cycles based on 12 earthly branches, each represented by an animal year, and five heavenly stems — wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
Less than 7000? Endangered species in Mexico for Saint Melangell patronage on May 27?

Easter Bunny

Rabbit compatibility: The perfect matches with Rabbit are Sheep, Monkey, Dog, and Pig.


Meats of pigs, boars, and swine are strictly prohibited in Islam, and so are meats of carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, dogs, and cats(1), and birds of prey such as eagles, falcons, ospreys, kites, and vultures

Houri (Heavenly Virgin)

According to the above discussion and arguments, in our opinion rabbits are halal to be eaten and it is not makruh as stated by the jumhur of scholars following clear evidences that state its halal status.



Magi were priests in Zoroastrianism and the earlier religions of the western Iranians

Soma and Haoma : Ayahuasca analogues from the Late Bronze Age

Hubal (Arabic: هُبَل‎) was a god worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia, notably by Quraysh at the Kaaba in Mecca.


Deer Chariot: Rig Veda to Santa Claus

Deer in mythology

Carl Jung says ''Shame is a soul eating emotion"

Ganesha drinking milk miracle

Transactional analysis

The 4 Major Jungian Archetypes

1 Corinthians 15:33

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.

Bernoulli distribution

Philosophy of artificial intelligence

What is the symbolic meaning of throne?
throne, chair of state often set on a dais and surmounted by a canopy, representing the power of the dignitary who sits on it and sometimes conferring that power. ... In the ancient world, especially in the East, thrones almost invariably had symbolic magnificence.Throne is defined as the power of a king, or the chair where royalty sits. An example of a throne is where a queen sits in royal court. noun.

Toilet psychology

"Gold Buggery"

Religious belief

What a shame, man.



local, error-driven and associative, biologically realistic algorithm

Capricorn (astrology)

Sea goat

Musk-headed goat riding a rocket


  • Dagon, Mesopotamian and Canaanite fish-like deity, associated with clouds and fertity
  • Kulullû, a different type of Mesopotamian fish-human hybrid
  • Saptarishi, seven sages of Vedic literature

Scapegoat tree


Advanced Microeconomics: Slutsky Equation, Roy’s Identity and Shephard's Lemma


Blue Ribbon

Blue Grass, Blue Chip Stock kind of recipe


Roy's Identity provides a means of obtaining a demand function from an indirect utility function. Notice that we have the demand function on the left of the equality and we differentiate the indirect utility on the right side with respect to each of its arguments.

Delinquent Parents

Delinquent Parents is a 1938 American crime film directed by Nick Grinde and written by Nicholas T. Barrows and Robert St. Claire. The film stars Doris Weston, Maurice Murphy, Helen MacKellar, Terry Walker, Richard Tucker and Charlotte Treadway. The film was released on July 15, 1938, by Progressive Pictures.
Chicolini : Hey, I got an uncle lives in Taxes. Prosecutor : No, I'm talking about taxes - money, dollars! Chicolini : Dollars! There's-a where my uncle lives!
Overall, in simple words, the Slutsky equation states the total change in demand consists of an income effect and a substitution effect and both effects collectively must equal the total change in demand.

Slutsky equation

What a name!

Nicolas Bourbaki

A capacity curve is a type of graph expressing the relationship between work capacity and income. According to the University of Victoria's website, a capacity curve slopes upward and has an S-shape.

Example of a Manufacturing Capacity Curve

Look how Slutsky handles that curve!

1 Autoencoder Hyperparameters1.1 Dense autoencoders

Youth Homelessness Overview

Policy Brief: Child, Youth, and Family Homelessness in the United States: Undercounted & Misunderstood

Universal resurrection

Attentional bias

Attentional bias refers to how a person's perception is affected by selective factors in their attention.[1] Attentional biases may explain an individual's failure to consider alternative possibilities when occupied with an existing train of thought.[2] For example, cigarette smokers have been shown to possess an attentional bias for smoking-related cues around them, due to their brain's altered reward sensitivity.[3] Attentional bias has also been associated with clinically relevant symptoms such as anxiety and depression.[4]

The Measure Of A Man: His Relationship With Woman

Mother Earth

Chastity purifies and elevates our natural human affections (affections which are often unruly and misdirected because of the damage of original sin) directing them to be in God and for His sake. In its highest practice, it is essentially the virtue of charity.

What is Mercury in Retrograde, and Why Do We Blame Things On It?


In Catholic theology, Limbo (Latin limbus, edge or boundary, referring to the edge of Hell) is the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned. Medieval theologians of Western Europe described the underworld ("hell", "hades", "infernum") as divided into three distinct parts: Hell of the Damned,[2] Limbo of the Fathers or Patriarchs, and Limbo of the Infants. The Limbo of the Fathers is an official doctrine of the Catholic Church, but the Limbo of the Infants is not.

Death and Loss in Police Work

St. Michael is the patron saint of Law Enforcement such as Police Officers, Sheriff's Department, Corrections, FBI, CIA, ATF, Secret Service, Public Safety, District Attorney, Customs Officer, Homeland Security, US Marshals and other agencies.

Blue Ribbon Recipe

Jesus is describing a woman who is making enough bread to feed scores of people. The kingdom of heaven is also like this woman whose leavening of flour blesses many, many people. After this parable, Matthew comments that Jesus spoke all these things to the crowds of people by means of parables.

The Math That Tells Cells What They Are

During development, cells seem to decode their fate through optimal information processing, which could hint at a more general principle of life.

There was a group of Aggie science students that wanted to take a trip to the sun, but some UT students said that was impossible and that they would burn up along the way before they reached the sun.

The Aggies replied, “We’re going to travel at night!”

Foreign key

Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken and written -- referred to as natural language. It is a component of artificial intelligence (AI). NLP has existed for more than 50 years and has roots in the field of linguistics. 

Spiritual intelligence

A knowledge value chain is a sequence of intellectual tasks by which knowledge workers build their employer's unique competitive advantage [1] and/or social and environmental benefit. As an example, the components of a research and development project form a knowledge value chain.

Productivity improvements in a knowledge value chain may come from knowledge integration in its original sense of data systems consolidation. Improvements also flow from the knowledge integration that occurs when knowledge management techniques are applied to the continuous improvement of a business process or processes.[2]

The term first started coming into common use around 1999, appearing in management-related talks and papers.[3][4][5] It was registered as a trademark in 2004 by TW Powell Co., a Manhattan company.[6][7]

Knowledge value chain processes

  • Knowledge acquisition
  • Knowledge storage
  • Knowledge dissemination
  • Knowledge application


Killing on stage means that you are closely approaching, meeting or exceeding an average of 18 seconds of laughter each performing minute .
More simply, the flow generates a symmetry, in the sense that moving each point of an object the same distance in the direction of the Killing vector will not distort distances on the object.
To bomb as a comedian means that your jokes don't go over with the crowd and get no laughs.
Carl Jung mask
The persona, for Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—"a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual."
What are Carl Jung's 12 archetypes?
Twelve archetypes have been proposed for use with branding: Sage, Innocent, Explorer, Ruler, Creator, Caregiver, Magician, Hero, Outlaw, Lover, Jester, and Regular Person.
Jungian archetypes are defined as universal, primal symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious, as proposed by Carl Jung.
fear and desire are two sides of the same coin

Shadow (psychology)

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men..." - John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton

Enneagram of Personality 

Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.

  • Carl Jung, The Psychology of the Unconscious (1943).
knowledge value chain is a sequence of intellectual tasks
Lambda Calculus as a Workflow Model
Peter M. Kelly, Paul D. Coddington, and Andrew L. Wendelborn
School of Computer Science
The three tasks; Task 1; Task 2; Task 3. Test Yourself #5. The final proof. Overview. Lambda calculus is a model of computation, invented by Church
In moral philosophy, deontological ethics or deontology (from Greek: δέον, 'obligation, duty' + λόγος, 'study') is the normative ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action.[1] It is sometimes described as duty-, obligation-, or rule-based ethics.[2][3] Deontological ethics is commonly contrasted to consequentialism,[4] virtue ethics, and pragmatic ethics. In this terminology, action is more important than the consequences.

A conservative Catholic media organization, The Pillar, has published several reports claiming the use of dating apps at several churches and the Vatican.

“Contractarianism” names both a political theory of the legitimacy of political authority and a moral theory about the origin or legitimate content of moral norms.

Topic model

Topic models for context information

Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: What’s the Difference?

A Beginner’s Guide to Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)

Nash embedding theorems

Lexical analysis


Comparison of parser generators



Inherited Learning? It Happens, but How Is Uncertain

Studies suggest that epigenetics allows some learned adaptive responses to be passed down to new generations. The question is how.

George Siopsis Professor Director, Governor's School for the Sciences and Engineering
401 Nielsen Physics Building
1408 Circle Drive
Knoxville TN 37996-1200
Phone: 865-974-7846
The Weinberg Theory Group is located on The University of Texas at Austin Campus in Robert Lee Moore Hall (known as "RLM"). A seventeen story 1970s monolith, RLM is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Speedway and Dean Keeton (a.k.a. 26th) Street 

Daemon (computing)

In the Grip of the Daimon

Counting Dyck Paths
A Dyck path of length2nis a diagonal lattice path from (0,0) to (2n,0), consisting ofnup-steps (along thevector (1,1)) andndown-steps (along the vector (1,1)), such that the path never goes below thex-axis.We can denote a Dyck path by a wordw1. . . w2nconsisting ofneach of the lettersDandU. The condition“the path never goes below thex-axis” is equivalent to “every initial subwordw1. . . wkcontains at least asmanyU’s asD’s.”

Devil’s Staircase

Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm

Correlation dimension

Lyapunov exponent

US scientists achieve ‘holy grail’ net gain nuclear fusion reaction: report

Nuclear fusion could be key tool to stave off climate crisis

Christmas cookie

Progress Chef (formerly Chef)[4] is a configuration management tool written in Ruby and Erlang. It uses a pure-Ruby, domain-specific language (DSL) for writing system configuration "recipes". Chef is used to streamline the task of configuring and maintaining a company's servers, and can integrate with cloud-based platforms such as Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, OpenStack, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Rackspace to automatically provision and configure new machines. Chef contains solutions for both small and large scale systems.

Chef - Overview

Get Ready for the Tennessee State Fair Baking Contests

Big prizes and bragging rights go to the state's best bakers

30 Best Winter Pies 


Dr Vincent Knight

"Nashville pie cooking contest"
Kantian ethics refers to a deontological ethical theory developed by German philosopher Immanuel Kant that is based on the notion that: "It is impossible to think of anything at all in the world, or indeed even beyond it, that could be considered good without limitation except a good will." The theory was developed as a result of Enlightenment rationalism, stating that an action can only be good if its maxim—the principle behind it—is duty to the moral law, and arises from a sense of duty in the actor.

In sociology and social psychology, an in-group is a social group to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. By contrast, an out-group is a social group with which an individual does not identify. People may for example identify with their peer group, family, community, sports team, political party, gender, religion, or nation. It has been found that the psychological membership of social groups and categories is associated with a wide variety of phenomena.

The terminology was made popular by Henri Tajfel and colleagues during his work in formulating social identity theory. The significance of in-group and out-group categorization was identified using a method called the minimal group paradigm. Tajfel and colleagues found that people can form self-preferencing in-groups within a matter of minutes and that such groups can form even on the basis of completely arbitrary and invented discriminatory characteristics, such as preferences for certain paintings.

Deforestation, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation

Representation theory

Reverse mathematics

ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω.
Ageōmétrētos mēdeìs eisítō.
"Let no one untrained in geometry enter."
Motto over the entrance to Plato's Academy (quoted in Elias' commentary on Aristotle's Categories: Eliae in Porphyrii Isagogen et Aristotelis categorias commentaria, CAG XVIII.1, Berlin 1900, p. 118.13–19).[1]

Axiomatic system

Games People Play

the ways in which people behave in order to get an advantage: Not telling the whole truth is one of the games that people play.

Ramsey Games, Markov games, Bayesian games

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch
Palm Probabilities and Rate Conservation Laws
Feller's paradox
This states that the (time-)average time between the previous and next points in a point process is greater than the expected interval between points. The latter is the Palm expectation of the former, conditioning on the event that a point occurs at the time of the observation

Little Quantum Drummer boy

NIST Team Directs and Measures Quantum Drum Duet

Ballot measure, proposed legislation in the United States
Bar (Music), a time segment in musical notation
Measure theory is the study of measures. It generalizes the intuitive notions of length, area, and volume. The earliest and most important examples are Jordan measure and Lebesgue measure, but other examples are Borel measure, probability measure, complex measure, and Haar measure.

ISO/IEC 80000

à la mode
(in fashion)

Back in the USA, Brittney Griner, with Harlem Globetrotters,
Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation for Point Processes with Spatial Homogeneity: A Spatial Analysis of NBA Shot Locations
Fan Yin, Microsoft Jieying Jiao
Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut
Guanyu Hu
Department of Statistics, University of Missouri
and Jun Yan
Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut

Point Process Estimation with dirichletprocess 


Kurtis Blow - Basketball (Official Video

Back in the USA, Brittney Griner (Harlem Globetrotters drafted WNBA rookie Brittney Griner),

How to implement Word2Vec using numpy and python


also referred to as kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), sometimes described as the "sixth sense"

How to implement Word2Vec using numpy and python


also referred to as kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), sometimes described as the "sixth sense"

Dr. Matt Bowers is a faculty member in the Sport Management program within the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. He earned his doctoral degree in Sport Management from the University of Texas at Austin in 2011. Prior to coming to UT-Austin, he graduated with a B.S. and an M.S. in Sport Management from the University of Florida in 2005/2007, where he also worked with the Gators football and women's basketball programs. Foregoing a career coaching collegiate basketball, he instead pursued studying the systems we use to develop athletes, with an emphasis on understanding how to re-imagine the youth sports experience.

Polygram (geometry)

Drag equation

The Drag is a nickname for a portion of Guadalupe Street that runs along the western edge of the University of Texas campus in Austin, Texas. The Drag began as a strip of shops which provided vital resources to UT students. Bookstores, restaurants, and clothing stores fulfilled student needs.

The Drag Force Equation

Pressure, in physics, is defined as force per unit area: P = F/A. Using "D" to represent drag force specifically, this equation can be rearranged to D = CPA, where C is a constant of proportionality that varies from object to object. The pressure on an object moving through a fluid can be expressed as (1/2) ρv2, where ρ (the Greek letter rho) is the density of the fluid and v is the object's velocity.

Therefore, D = (1/2)(C)(ρ)(v2)(A).

Note several consequences of this equation: The drag force rises in direct proportion to density and surface area, and it rises with the square of the velocity. If you are running at 10 miles per hour, you experience four times the aerodynamic drag as you do at 5 miles per hour, with all else held constant.

Drag Force on a Falling Object

One of the equations of motion for an object in free fall from classical mechanics is v = v0 + at. In it, v = velocity at time t, v0 is initial velocity (usually zero), a is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2 on Earth), and t is elapsed time in seconds. It is plain at a glance that an object dropped from a great height would fall at ever-increasing speed if this equation were strictly true, but it is not because it neglects drag force.

When the sum of the forces acting on an object is zero, it is no longer accelerating, although it may be moving at a high, constant speed. Thus, a skydiver attains her terminal velocity when drag force equals the force of gravity. She can manipulate this through her body posture, which affects A in the drag equation. Terminal velocity is around 120 miles per hour.

What is X bar in central limit theorem?
Central limit theorem. The mean of a sample (x-bar [an overscored lowercase x]) is a random variable, the value of x-bar will depend on which individuals are in the sample. ... The law of large numbers says that x-bar will be close to µ for large n (n is the size of the sample).

A linear span is a linear space
Then, is the set of all vectors that can be represented as a linear combination Take two vectors and belonging to . Then, there exist coefficients and such that The span is a linear space if and only if for any two coefficients and the linear combination also belongs to.
What is P in the drag equation?
The Drag Force Equation
Pressure, in physics, is defined as force per unit area: P = F/A. Using "D" to represent drag force specifically, this equation can be rearranged to D = CPA, where C is a constant of proportionality that varies from object to object.

Is P hat the same as X bar?
The standard deviation of p-hat is denoted as sigma-p-hat (a lower case sigma with p-hat as a subscript (this is the same as sigma-x-bar).
The x-bar is the symbol (or expression) used to represent the sample mean, a statistic, and that mean is used to estimate the true population parameter, mu.

Descriptive Statistics: Definition, Overview, Types, Example


Intelligent agent

Classes of intelligent agents

Russel and Norvig's classification

Convergence to the limit

Assumptions Behind the Central Limit Theorem
It needs to be sampled at random. The samples should be unrelated to one another. One sample should not impact the others. When taking samples without replacement, the sample size should not exceed 10% of the population

Settle Z-Score?

Sārasatva (ಸಾರಸತ್ವ):—

1) [noun] the quality such as extraordinary strength, mettle or fortitude.

2) [noun] a man having any of these qualities.


List of knowledge deities

The Meaning of the Sacred White Buffalo


Pistol-whipping or buffaloing is the act of using a handgun as a blunt weapon, wielding it as an improvised club.[1] Such a practice dates to the time of muzzle loaders, which were brandished in such fashion in close-quarters combat once the weapon's single projectile had been expended.

Buffalo & Bison Symbolism and Meaning

  The vehicle or Vahana of Yama is a black He buffalo. Symbolically, the animal suggests the arrival of death senselessly. There is a belief in some cultures that He Buffalo is one of the most senseless animals.
Totem and Taboo: Resemblances Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics, or Totem and Taboo: Some Points of Agreement between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics

Use of Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Medicine, Forensic Anthropology and Clinical Anatomy

Hirschi's social control theory suggests that delinquent adolescents fail to develop societal bonds consisting of (1) attachment to parents, peers, and school; (2) occupational and educational commitment; (3) academic involvement; and (4) belief in social rules and convention.

NumPy: the absolute basics for beginners

Trace (linear algebra)

Science & Engineering Hall
Suite 2885
800 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052

NumPy API on TensorFlow

Scalar curvature


Data Preparation

Up to 8000 times faster than standard functions

The Easiest Way to Use NumPy: import numpy as np

Python | Word Embedding using Word2Vec

jsMath was a JavaScript library for displaying mathematics in browsers in a cross-platform way. jsMath is free software released under the Apache License. jsMath was succeeded by MathJax
The Prototype JavaScript Framework is a JavaScript framework created by Sam Stephenson in February 2005 as part of the foundation for Ajax support in Ruby on Rails. It is implemented as a single file of JavaScript code, usually named prototype.js.


noun: prototype; plural noun: prototypes
  1. a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.

On Bayesian Methods for Spatial Point Processes

bayes4psy—An Open Source R Package for Bayesian Statistics in Psychology

An end-to-end deep learning geospatial segmentation project using Pytorch and TorchGeo packages

The New Business Model

Investing in the Green Space


What Are Asset Classes? More Than Just Stocks and Bonds

Complementary assets

Originally published in the April 2007 issue

For flying reindeer sake,

Liquid Capital

Water privatization

P3 Ethical and Moral considerations to address the Coca Cola and other bottle water industries for Austin Water and Austin Energy to consider with CDC

Forming a Corporation

Safety and health in agriculture

International Labour Office  Geneva

Molecular Modelling Toolkit MMTK


Mercer to study green investments for hedge fund giant

Leading hedge fund GLG Partners has asked consulting group Mercer to conduct a study into how the perceived need to tackle climate change and other environmental issues is impacting mainstream investing.

Doing business as Serenity Sells I am pitching to the city of Austin Texas a public private charter, Green Hedges for solution sets for the Texas disparity study, addressing zero waste by 2040 in mission statements as a Green Economy Hedge Fund charter:

and register

Further Costs of Corporate Charter set up

Secretary of State

1019 Brazos St, Austin, TX 78701

The exam costs $130. Anyone who wants to sell commodity futures contracts must generally pass the Series 3 exam.

Series 3 – National Commodities Futures Exam

Does Series 3 expire?
Once you take and pass the Series 3 exam and/or Series 34, you have two years from the date you passed the exam to register. The exam will not expire unless you have a break in registration as an AP, floor broker or FCM, IB, CPO, CTA or LTM that is a Member of NFA for more than two years.

Becoming a Commodity Pool Operator – Registration Requirements
  1. You must first obtain secure access to NFA's Online Registration System via a designated Security Manager. ...
  2. Complete the online Form 7R. ...
  3. Submit application fee of $200. ...
  4. Complete the Annual Questionnaire.
  5. Pay the non-refundable membership dues.
 AI CPO, FX Triangular Arbitrage Hedge Fund research:

We may employ minorities with a social justice mission in our charter to serve our great state of Texas.

Having a firm of employees excited about the social justice their firm they work for will drive the business.

NScluster: An R Package for Maximum Palm Likelihood Estimation for Cluster Point Process Models Using OpenMP

Neyman-Scott processes (NSPs) are point process models that generate clusters of points in time or space. They are natural models for a wide range of phenomena, ranging from neural spike trains to document streams.

A Bayesian Method for Time Series Data Analysis and Forecasting in Python

Back during the 1849 California Gold Rush, few prospectors struck it rich. Most of the people who made money back then were those who “sold shovels” (and jeans, tents, pickaxes and other supplies and services) to the prospectors who lived hard lives panning for gold.

Point process

Three point line, four point line, five point line...

Stanley–Reisner ring

Computational Algebraic Geometry FINAL FINAL (NO, REALLY!) DRAFT
Hal Schenck
Mathematics Department
Texas A&M University

Algebraic closure

Algebra Suicide - Let's Transact

XML Schema Based AOP with Spring

Spring Configuration

XML Schema-based configuration

Step-by-step Data Science use case: Telco customer churn prediction based on gradient boosting classification model and SMOTE oversampling

Know your SMOTE ways to oversampled your data 

How To Build An Achievable Product Roadmap?

Texas Mining and Reclamation Association
2802 Flintrock Trace
Suite 230
Austin, TX 78738

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) involves investing in companies that promote ethical and socially conscious themes including environmental sustainability, social justice, and corporate ethics, and fight against gender and sexual discrimination.

Economic inequality

As an Agent of Change:

Zero Waste by 2040

My SBIR blog articles address hardware and software quantum physics project narratives.

The Austin Electrical Training Alliance (AustinETA) is a non-profit organization that provides the training required to receive certification as a Journeyman Inside Wireman (JIW) Electrician

For example:

Magnetic space group, Graphene reinforced CSA Cement, minimum-cost flow problem (MCFP)

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch


Mexican Hat Curve for Hydrogen and Antihydrogen States SBIR Fusor, Fusion Power Deep Learning in the heart of Texas

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Consider the Brick and Mortar costs of Retail business with our 'Snowpocalepse from 2021' here in Texas retrospect of my article:
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Innovation trends online

Reinforcement Learning for Markovian Bandits: Is Posterior Sampling more Scalable than Optimism?

Flow (mathematics)

Stochastic block model

Why the Laws of Physics Are Inevitable

Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry


Relativistic quantum mechanics

In mathematics, a Loeb space is a type of measure space introduced by Loeb (1975) using nonstandard analysis.

Enumerative geometry

In mathematics, enumerative geometry is the branch of algebraic geometry concerned with counting numbers of solutions to geometric questions, mainly by means of intersection theory.

Schubert calculus

Enumerative geometry saw spectacular development towards the end of the nineteenth century, at the hands of Hermann Schubert.[1] He introduced for the purpose the Schubert calculus, which has proved of fundamental geometrical and topological value in broader areas. The specific needs of enumerative geometry were not addressed until some further attention was paid to them in the 1960s and 1970s (as pointed out for example by Steven Kleiman). Intersection numbers had been rigorously defined (by André Weil as part of his foundational programme 1942–6, and again subsequently), but this did not exhaust the proper domain of enumerative questions.

Binary and plane trees

m-ary tree

In graph theory, an m-ary tree (also known as n-ary, k-ary or k-way tree) is a rooted tree in which each node has no more than m children. A binary tree is the special case where m = 2, and a ternary tree is another case with m = 3 that limits its children to three. 
Richard P. Stanley
Let's review,

Bootstrap percolation

Schubert calculus

Graph theory

In mathematics, graph theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects. A graph in this context is made up of vertices (also called nodes or points) which are connected by edges (also called links or lines).

Mathematical object

In the usual language of mathematics, an object is anything that has been (or could be) formally defined, and with which one may do deductive reasoning and mathematical proofs. Typically, a mathematical object can be a value that can be assigned to a variable, and therefore can be involved in formulas.

In computer science, an object can be a variable, a data structure, a function, or a method. As regions of memory, they contain value and are referenced by identifiers.

The objects introduced by Schubert are the Schubert cells, which are locally closed sets in a Grassmannian defined by conditions of incidence of a linear subspace in projective space with a given flag. For details see Schubert variety.

The intersection theory of these cells, which can be seen as the product structure in the cohomology ring of the Grassmannian of associated cohomology classes, in principle allows the prediction of the cases where intersections of cells results in a finite set of points, which are potentially concrete answers to enumerative questions. A supporting theoretical result is that the Schubert cells (or rather, their classes) span the whole cohomology ring.

In detailed calculations the combinatorial aspects enter as soon as the cells have to be indexed. Lifted from the Grassmannian, which is a homogeneous space, to the general linear group that acts on it, similar questions are involved in the Bruhat decomposition and classification of parabolic subgroups (by block matrix).

Putting Schubert's system on a rigorous footing is Hilbert's fifteenth problem.

Graph coloring


Gaussian blur

This is what being near sighted is like mathematically speaking 

Normal distribution

Deviance (statistics)

In statistics, deviance is a goodness-of-fit statistic for a statistical model; it is often used for statistical hypothesis testing. It is a generalization of the idea of using the sum of squares of residuals (RSS) in ordinary least squares to cases where model-fitting is achieved by maximum likelihood. 


Asymptotic analysis

Analysis of variance


In 1937, the Chevrolet Motor Company donated a wolverine (as well as the cage to keep it in) to the University of Michigan. A contest was held to name the new mascot and "Intrepidus" was the winning entry.


FilterPy is a Python library that implements a number of Bayesian filters, most notably Kalman filters. I am writing it in conjunction with my book Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python [1], a free book written using Ipython Notebook, hosted on github, and readable via nbviewer.


I am able to teach myself as an autodidact and need academic path direction to earn credibility as well be of service in health strategic partnerships networking. I would very much like professors to educate me with my knowledge gaps and am interested in being a teacher assistant as well act as a principal investigator as a SBIR.

Graph Theory

Simulate Markov Chain in Excel & Python, using probability theories. Which way is easier and why?

Separable permutation 

Percolation theory

Matthew 10:30-31 In-Context
30 God even knows how many hairs are on your head. 31 So don't be afraid. You are worth much more than many sparrows.

For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? 

PIN analysis

Pick 4's 10,000 permutations have 5,040 Singles, 4,320 Doubles, 360 Triples, 270 Double-Doubles, and 10 Quadruples. There are 24 combinations for each Single and 12 combinations for each Double. 'Box'ing the Singles yields only 210 combinations.  'Box'ing the Doubles yields 360 combinations. The 24 Straight formats for Singles and the 12 Straight formats for Doubles appear in the charts. 

Cycles and fixed points

the state of being completely unable to think clearly or behave in a controlled way, especially because of mental illness: She had a history of mental derangement. He returned from the war in a state of furious derangement

The Billy Goat Trail, one of the busiest and most difficult trails in the D.C. area, contains three different sections that total eight miles

The highest rate of misdiagnosis was observed for schizoaffective disorder (75%), followed by depressive disorder (54.72%), schizophrenia (23.71%), and bipolar disorder (17.78%).). The detection rates were highest for schizophrenia, followed by bipolar, depressive, and schizoaffective disorders

Cannabis Laws in France Have Disproportionately Affected Muslims

Mexicans and Muslims in cycles of migration?

Approximately one in every three immigrants in the United States is from Mexico. The five largest foreign-born groups in the United States, including those from Mexico, the Philippines, India, China, and Vietnam, account for 44 percent of the total immigrant population.

Goat Canyon (Carrizo Gorge)

US border authorities encountered more than 2 million migrants, some of whom repeatedly tried to cross the border, in fiscal year 2022, according to newly released US Customs and Border Protection data.


In combinatorial mathematics, a derangement is a permutation of the elements of a set, such that no element appears in its original position. In other words, a derangement is a permutation that has no fixed points.

The number of derangements of a set of size n is known as the subfactorial of n or the n-th derangement number or n-th de Montmort number. Notations for subfactorials in common use include !n, Dn, dn, or n¡.


Using Excel formulas it is possible to build up all the k-element ordered sequences, combinations and permutations of n-element sets for both with or without repetition cases.

Finite set

Enumerative (basic) combinatorics deals with choosing, grouping and sorting elements of a set according to a rule, so to count and list for example sequences, combinations, permutations and derangements

Element (mathematics)

K-sorted sequence

Permutation, Combination and Derangement: Formula, Examples

Family of sets

Not to be confused with Indexed family.  

Rencontre is French for encounter



Overview of PivotTables and PivotCharts

GAMMA.DIST function

NORMDIST function

BINOMDIST function

Superfactorial: Definition (Sloane, Pickover’s)

In mathematics, a Clifford algebra is an algebra generated by a vector space with a quadratic form, and is a unital associative algebra. As K-algebras, they generalize the real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions and several other hypercomplex number systems

Complete topological vector space

The notion of "points that get progressively closer" is made rigorous by Cauchy nets or Cauchy filters, which are generalizations of Cauchy sequences, while "point towards which they all get closer" means that this Cauchy net or filter converges to
Compressible Topological Vector Spaces

Database Schema in SQL Server

SQL Large Business, Excel Small Business
Proceedings of the EuSpRIG 2017 Conference “Spreadsheet Risk Management” ISBN : 978-1-905404-54-4
Copyright © 2017, EuSpRIG European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group ( & the Author(s)


Create a database schema

Difference between Primary Key and Foreign Key

Join (SQL)

SQL | Join (Inner, Left, Right and Full Joins)

Union (set theory)

Set operations (SQL)

An Introductory SQL Tutorial: How to Write Simple Queries



SQL AND, OR and NOT Operators


Structured Spreadsheet Modelling and Implementation with Multiple Dimensions - Part 1: Modelling

Gaussian Copula and VaR

Binomial distributions | Probabilities of probabilities, part 1

The medical test paradox, and redesigning Bayes' rule

Abstract. We give a proof of a result of D. Peterson’s identifying the quan-
tum cohomology ring of a Grassmannian with the reduced coordinate ring of a
certain subvariety of GLn. The totally positive part of this subvariety is then
constructed and we give closed formulas for the values of the Schubert basis
elements on the totally positive points.


Jane Frances de Chantal

Jane Frances de Chantal is invoked as the patron of forgotten people

Order theory


List of cohomology theories

Heli (biblical figure)

Heli (Greek: Ἠλὶ, Hēlì, Eli in the New American Standard Bible) is an individual mentioned in the Gospel of Luke as the grandfather of Jesus. In Luke's genealogy of Jesus, Heli is listed as the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and the son of Matthat (Greek: μαθθατ).

Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, of Heli, of Matthat, of Levi (...)[1]

Heli is not mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the only other canonical gospel to include a genealogy; that genealogy instead identifies "Jacob" as Joseph's putative father.


Consider the author being inspired by the Biblical character while creating the Moby-Dick character, see Captain Ahab.

There is a curse of Ahab and a curse of Jezebel associated with the curse of Jericho.

Mahalia Jackson - Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho

Physics of Finance
Kirill Ilinski

Killed process

In probability theory — specifically, in stochastic analysis — a killed process is a stochastic process that is forced to assume an undefined or "killed" state at some (possibly random) time.

Marginal distribution

Hardware random number generator HRNG

Pseudorandom number generator PRNG

Fluctuation theorem


Random number generation

Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)


random — Generate pseudo-random numbers

Gauge fixing

An Unusally Clean Proof: Dyson Brownian Motion via Conditioning on Non-intersection

Transport theory may refer to:

God even knows how many hairs are on your head.

Fiber bundle

Do bald folks have a propensity to brush this off?

Connection (vector bundle)

In mathematics, and especially differential geometry and gauge theory, a connection on a fiber bundle is a device that defines a notion of parallel transport on the bundle; that is, a way to "connect" or identify fibers over nearby points.

Data Structures

The basic Python data structures in Python include list, set, tuples, and dictionary. Each of the data structures is unique in its own way. Data structures are “containers” that organize and group data according to type. The data structures differ based on mutability and order.

Pato Lucas

Duck Soup (1933 film)


Reparenting is a form of psychotherapy in which the therapist actively assumes the role of a new or surrogate parental figure for the client, in order to treat psychological disturbances caused by defective, even abusive, parenting. The underlying assumption is that all mental illness results principally from such parenting, even including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

How new managers can bring teams together effectively

Surprise: Pushing back on structure can work well in the short term.

Maturity Levels

Areas of Maturity

Often when you hear parents talking about maturity, you hear them refer to their children as being either immature or mature.

Molasses Cookie Comparison

Delinquent Parents

Delinquent Parents is a 1938 American crime film directed by Nick Grinde and written by Nicholas T. Barrows and Robert St. Claire. The film stars Doris Weston, Maurice Murphy, Helen MacKellar, Terry Walker, Richard Tucker and Charlotte Treadway. The film was released on July 15, 1938, by Progressive Pictures.

On Arrested Development, Disability Is a Joke

But that hasn’t always been a bad thing.

Serenity Sells Bioplastic Blue Chip Gulf States Agriculture Union with Disparity Vector solutions sets for the Bible Belt. The term “Bible Belt” is usually used to describe these 10 states: Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and Oklahoma.

Water, energy and food security nexus

The Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform

Environmental Rules for Car Washes


Surfactants are chemical compounds that decrease the surface tension between two liquids, between a gas and a liquid, or interfacial tension between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants may act as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents, or dispersants.

Toy model

Energy Service Companies

Energy service companies (ESCOs) develop, design, build, and arrange financing for projects that save energy, reduce energy costs, and decrease operations and maintenance costs at their customers' facilities.

Clever device efficiently splits hydrogen and lithium out of seawater

LOI, Laughing Ontological Intelligence?

List of United States military schools and academies

  • University of North Georgia.
  • Norwich University.
  • Texas A&M University.
  • The Citadel.
  • Virginia Military Institute.
  • Virginia Tech

Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 13 Playing with Pyroelectricity Fermi Surface Lattice dynamics doping  nanopore semiconductors

David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Keyword Extraction — A Benchmark of 7 Algorithms in Python


A Short Guide to Hard Problems

Python for Finance – Algorithmic Trading Tutorial for Beginners

Python Dictionary

BlackRock — the world’s largest asset manager — says central banks are 'deliberately' causing recessions, warns of a downturn unlike any other. 3 shockproof assets to consider

Bond Market vs. Stock Market: What's the Difference?

  • A stock market is a place where investors go to trade equity securities (e.g., shares) issued by corporations.
  • The bond market is where investors go to buy and sell debt securities issued by corporations or governments.

The Bond and Foreign Exchange Markets

Understanding Interest Rates, Inflation, and Bonds

Hedging in the Forex Market: Definition and Strategies

Basics of Algorithmic Trading: Concepts and Examples

Interest Rate Risk Between Long-Term and Short-Term Bonds

Algorithmic Trading Using Python #11 - Forex Trading

Bayesian ML: From recession forecasts to dynamic pairs trading

Bayesian inference

Bayesian programming

Naive Bayes classifier

Noisy, Parallel, Multi-Objective BO in BoTorch with qEHVI, qNEHVI, and qNParEGO¶

Forex Algorithmic Trading: Understanding the Basics

Efficient Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search with Ax

High-frequency trading

Pairs trade

Name–value pair

key–value pair 

Complex event processing

Statistical Arbitrage by Pair Trading using Clustering and Machine Learning

Algorithmic trading based on Technical Analysis in Python

KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> Struct

The Bond Market and Currency Prices

Revisiting the relationship between spot and futures markets: evidence from commodity markets and NARDL framework


Package ‘ardl.nardl’
December 9, 2022
Type Package
Title Linear and Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models:
General-to-Specific Approach

Key-Value Pairs Explained

FX trade execution: complex and highly fragmented 

Spot Price: Definition, Spot Prices vs. Futures Prices, Examples

Benchmark tipping in the money and bond markets

Bond Spreads: A Leading Indicator For Forex

How are trade and environmental sustainability compatible?

/ FXBot

A fully automated Forex trading bot utilizing the OANDA API.  

Forex bot & backtest system with Python #75 - Live bot - Trading bot 

Equilibria and algorithms

positive-sum game, in game theory, a term that refers to situations in which the total of gains and losses is greater than zero. A positive sum occurs when resources are somehow increased and an approach is formulated in which the desires and needs of all concerned are satisfied.

Zero-sum game

The term negative-sum game describes situations in which the total of gains and losses is less than zero, and the only way for one party to maintain the status quo is to take something from another party.

Nash Equilibrium: How It Works in Game Theory, Examples, Plus Prisoner's Dilemma

Connections between Learning, Game Theory, and

A guide to Brownian motion and related
stochastic processes

Class D supermartingales


Python Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Types

Tuple types (C# reference)

Python Tuples

In this article I present and share the solution for a number of basic algorithms that recurrently appear in MAANG interviews.

Set (abstract data type)

cmath — Mathematical functions for complex numbers

Swift - Dictionaries

Python Dictionary

Understanding the concepts of Dictionaries and Sets In Python with codes and examples

Statement vs Expression – What's the Difference in Programming?

In business, a change agent is an individual who promotes and supports a new way of doing something within the company, whether it's the use of a new process, the adoption of a new management structure or the transformation of an old business model to a new one. 

SQL Top Practices: 10 Tips Developers Should Know for a Recession-Proof Career

What Is the Entity Theory?

A tiny Wisconsin town tried to stop pollution from factory farms. Then it got sued.

The Inventor of the Snap Pea Has a Farm (and Story) You Wouldn’t Believe

US set to announce major fusion energy breakthrough: report

US scientists achieve ‘holy grail’ net gain nuclear fusion reaction: report

Reed–Muller expansion

(Davio expansion)

Reed–Muller code

Folded Reed–Solomon code

Hamming code

Turbo code

Turbo equalizer 

Atmospheric radiative transfer codes

Coding theory

Girdler sulfide process

Modeling of Heat Transfer in Rooms in the Modelica "Buildings" Library

Indexing vectors and arrays in Python

How to create a vector in Python using NumPy

ISO 31-11

mathematical signs and symbols for use in physical sciences and technology

List of countries by oil production

Rich young Americans have lost confidence in the stock market — and are betting on these 3 assets instead for long-term tailwinds

Indian airlines go with quirky grooming rules to match global peers

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Linguistic determinism

Language Processing and Python

The empty brain

Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer

Not cheating on the Turing Test: towards grounded language learning in Artificial Intelligence

Linguistic Relativity- The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Exploring some of the most common functions and techniques we can use to develop basic NLP pipelines.

Top 10 NLTK Alternatives & Competitors

Lexical analysis


A lexical token or simply token is a string with an assigned and thus identified meaning. It is structured as a pair consisting of a token name and an optional token value. The token name is a category of lexical unit.[2] Common token names are

  • identifier: names the programmer chooses;
  • keyword: names already in the programming language;
  • separator (also known as punctuators): punctuation characters and paired-delimiters;
  • operator: symbols that operate on arguments and produce results;
  • literal: numeric, logical, textual, reference literals;
  • comment: line, block (Depends on the compiler if compiler implements comments as tokens otherwise it will be stripped).

How to implement Word2Vec using numpy and python


also referred to as kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), sometimes described as the "sixth sense"

Polygram (geometry)

Feature Engineering with NLTK for NLP and Python

Library for fast text representation and classification.

NLTK Feature Extraction and Sentiment analysis

Tokenizing text, a large corpus and sentences of different language.

nltk.stem.porter module

Differences Between Porter and Lancaster Stemming Algorithms

Preprocessing data¶

Dimensionless quantity (dl, in lower case), the 'per unit' system of measurement

Python Sequence Types

A stroll outside the decimal system

What is List Slicing in Python?

/ pycodestyle

Automatically review the readability and quality of your Python scripts based on PEP-8 style conventions

Nuitka is a Python compiler written in Python. It's fully compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. You feed it your Python app, it does a lot of clever things, and spits out an executable or extension module.

A guide for beginners, by a beginner

Python – Negative index of Element in List

Python Lists and List Manipulation

Anaconda Python AI & ML Innovation with Python in the Data Cloud

Snowpark Developer Guide for Python

Tool recommendations

If you’re familiar with Python packaging and installation, and just want to know what tools are currently recommended, then here it is.

PSF Infrastructure Overview

The PSF runs a wide variety of infrastructure services to support its mission from the PyCon site to the CPython Mercurial server. The goal of this page is to enumerate all these services, where they run, and who the main contact points are.

The Infrastructure Team

Introduction to Python SQL Libraries

sqlite3 — DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases

Oracle Managing Software With Yum

Hierarchical Clustering in Data Mining

Ontological Boundaries Between Humans and Computers and the Implications for Human-Machine

GaTO: An Ontological Model to Apply Gamification in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection

Why Do You Get Sick in the Winter? New Science Points Up Your Nose

Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting with 🤗 Transformers

Encoding quantum bits in bound electronic states of a graphene nanotorus

explore a Wordpress PHP BACKDOOR webshell 

Naive Bayes classifier

Affine space

Barycentric coordinates

Barycentric coordinate system

Learn about Support Vector Machines (SVM), from intuition to implementation

One-vs-Rest and One-vs-One for Multi-Class Classification

Computing a matrix needed to evaluate binary classification

Taking the Confusion Out of Confusion Matrices

Precision and recall


Rand index

Sensitivity and specificity

Sensitivity and Specificity analysis is used to assess the performance of a test.

Sensitivity Analysis (“What-if”)

Sensitivity analysis is an assessment of the sensitivity of a mathematical model to its modeling assumptions. In statistics, it is often used to determine how sensitive inferences made using a particular model are to the parameters of that model.

Precision, Recall, Sensitivity and Specificity

Duty, Dharma, rituals as passages of yoga, personal behavior as a code of ethics (virtues, honor) include mindfulness. Petitioning a discovery for Native Americans as a pitch for environmental justice innovations takes global outreach.

Native American Business Development Institute
1849 C Street, N.W., Room 4152
Washington, DC 20240

How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A ... - Page 169 › books
Willo Pequegnat, ‎Ellen Stover, ‎Cheryl Anne Boyce · 2010

University of Arizona | The University of Arizona

Sirius, also called Alpha Canis Majoris or the Dog Star, brightest star in the night sky, with apparent visual magnitude −1.46. It is a binary star in the constellation Canis Major. The bright component of the binary is a blue-white star 25.4 times as luminous as the Sun.
Roch is the patron saint of dogs because a dog would lick his sores and bring him bread when he was suffering from the plague. Dogs have been known as “man's best friend” for centuries, and even many saints were aided by dogs when they were in need.

Romulus and Remus

Cain and Abel were the first sons of Adam and Eve in the Bible.  

Understanding Sigmoid, Logistic, Softmax Functions, and Cross-Entropy Loss (Log Loss) in Classification Problems

Build Command-Line Interfaces With Python's argparse

Epic Cosmic Blast Is Unlike Anything Astronomers Have Seen Before

A long gamma ray burst, one of the most powerful phenomena known, was traced back to a rare kilonova, leaving astrophysicists baffled. 

Asymmetry Detected in the Distribution of Galaxies

Asymmetric information theory suggests that sellers may possess more information than buyers, skewing the price of goods sold. The theory argues that low-quality and high-quality products can command the same price, given a lack of information on the buyer's side.

Theory of Asymmetric Information

Cant (language)

A cant is the jargon or language of a group, often employed to exclude or mislead people outside the group.[1] It may also be called a cryptolect, argot, pseudo-language, anti-language or secret language. Each term differs slightly in meaning; their use is inconsistent.

Social Disparity refers to disparities in other aspects of society such as the justice system, education, academe, business institutions, as well as politics

Parity (physics)

Parity (physics), a symmetry property of physical quantities or processes under spatial inversion

Disparity = asymmetry

1 : lack or absence of symmetry: as. a : lack of proportion between the parts of a thing especially : want of bilateral symmetry asymmetry in the development of the two sides of the brain. b : lack of coordination of two parts acting in connection with one another asymmetry of convergence of the eyes.

Symmetry (physics)

A placement exam or placement test is a test designed to evaluate a person's preexisting knowledge of a subject and thus determine the level most suitable for the person to begin coursework on that subject.

In many countries, including the United States, it is not unusual for students to take a placement exam in a subject such as mathematics upon entering middle or high school to determine what level of classes they should take. Typically, students are then placed on a tracking system determined by the class they are approved to enter—for example, if a student takes music theory to students whose knowledge in that area is more advanced than what a typical entering freshman's would be in those subjects. Scores on such exams as the Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, SAT Subject Tests, and British Advanced Level exams can also serve as placement tests for students in certain subjects, where a high score would enable them to get into a more advanced class than what a freshman would normally take.

A Machine Learning framework for Algorithmic trading on Energy markets

New breakthroughs in AI make the headlines everyday. Far from the buzz of customer-facing businesses, the wide adoption and powerful applications of Machine Learning in Finance are less well known. In fact, there are few domains with as much historical, clean and structured data as the financial industry — making it one of those predestined use cases where ‘learning machines’ made an early mark with tremendous success that still continues.

Proximal gradient methods for learning

Machine-Learning media bias
Samantha D’Alonzo1, Max Tegmark

Hierarchy of death is a phrase used by journalists, social scientists, and academics to describe disproportionate amounts of media attention paid to various incidents of death around the world.[1]

Media bias

The "Death Cross" pattern is one of the most effective technical instruments in identifying a major trend reversal in any stock/index. Simply put, it explains how the negative convergence of moving averages impacts the upward trend and pushes prices into a bearish phase.

Death Cross

Luke 14:33 Jesus says, "So therefore, whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my dis- ciple" (RSV)

Golden Cross vs. Death Cross: What's the Difference?

Buy the rumor, sell the news

The Dow industrials are on the verge of a ‘golden cross,’ even as BlackRock predicts recession like no other


In particle physics, preons are point particles, conceived of as sub-components of quarks and leptons. The word was coined by Jogesh Pati and Abdus Salam, in 1974.

By Bartlomiej Blaszczyszyn

An anti-clique, also called an independent set, is a subgraph in which every two nodes are not connected by an edge. Show that every graph with n nodes contains either a clique or an anti-clique with at least log₂ n nodes.

Independent set (graph theory)

Clique (graph theory)

A clique in G is a subgraph in which every two nodes are connected by an edge


A clique (AusE, CanE, UK: /ˈklk/ or US: /ˈklɪk/), in the social sciences, is a group of individuals who interact with one another and share similar interests.[1] Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development regardless of gender, ethnicity, or popularity. Although cliques are most commonly studied during adolescence and middle childhood development, they exist in all age groups. They are often bound together by shared social characteristics such as ethnicity and socioeconomic status.[2] Examples of common or stereotypical adolescent cliques include athletes, nerds, and "outsiders".[3]

Typically, people in a clique will not have a completely open friend group and can, therefore, "ban" members if they do something considered unacceptable, such as talking to someone disliked. Some cliques tend to isolate themselves as a group and view themselves as superior to others, which can be demonstrated through bullying and other antisocial behaviors.

Methods and Behavior

The behavior of an object is defined by its methods, which are the functions and subroutines defined within the object class. Without class methods, a class would simply be a structure.

An anti-clique, also called an independent set, is a subgraph in which every two nodes are not connected by an edge. Show that every graph with n nodes contains either a clique or an anti-clique with at least log₂ n nodes.

Applications of Ramsey’s Theorem to Decision Tree Complexity

Cliques in Graph

GAN (General Advisary Network), Nash Equilibrium, Game of Chicken, Barnstorming
  • An independent set of edges is a set of edges of which no two have a vertex in common. It is usually called a matching.
  • A vertex coloring is a partition of the vertex set into independent sets.

Quantum field theory

Creating a Cross Indicator to Help Detecting Multiple Moving Average Crosses 

1. History of Algebraic Topology; Homotopy Equivalence - Pierre Albin

SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many more.

Genus (mathematics)

Genus g surface


An introduction to cobordism 

Sage             k-Schur Functions

An Introduction to Homology 

Fundamental group

Dirac hole theory


stratified space 

A Method for Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning

Thom–Mather stratified space

Stratified space

Introduction to Hedging Agricultural Commodities With Futures

Helmholtz machine

Torsion (algebra)

Knot cobordisms, bridge index, and torsion in Floer homology

Torsion Algebraic cycles and complex cobordism

Möbius strip

Polyhedral surfaces and flat foldings 

Erlangen program

Quantum weirdness arises when a quantum system is enlarged to a macroscopic scale and then measured in a way that would violate the indeterminacy principle if all the measurements were fruitful.

Heisenberg picture

The Bugaloos

The Bugaloos is an American children's television series, produced by brothers Sid and Marty Krofft, that aired on NBC on Saturday mornings from 1970 to 1972.[1] Reruns of the show aired in daily syndication from 1978 to 1985 as part of the "Krofft Superstars" package with six other Krofft series. The show features a musical group composed of four British teenagers in insect-themed outfits, constantly beset by the evil machinations of the talent-challenged Benita Bizarre, played by comedian Martha Raye.[2]

Exploration of the relationship between gut microbiota and fecal microRNAs in patients with major depressive disorder

Szemerédi's theorem

Endre Szemerédi

Szemerédi regularity lemma


From Systems in Motion, Infinite Patterns Appear

Mathematicians are finding inevitable structures in sufficiently large sets of integers.

Fermat's Last Theorem

Connection with elliptic curves

Taxicab geometry

Taxicab number

A proof of Erd ̋os’s B + B + t conjecture


Furstenberg’s theorem states that if the closed group G(ν) generated by the support of ν is noncompact and strongly irreducible in Rd then the largest Lyapunov exponent of the cocycle A is strictly positive.

On Furstenberg's intersection conjecture, self-similar measures, and the Lq norms of convolutions

Modularity theorem

Furstenberg boundary

Hillel Furstenberg

Square-difference-free set

Ergodic Methods in Additive Combinatorics

Ergodic Ramsey theory

Ergodic Theory and Applications to
Combinatorial Problems

Beal conjecture


OpenAI's new ChatGPT bot: 10 dangerous things it's capable of

  / gpt-2-grpc-server

Graph neural network

Why You Should Use Bayesian Neural Network

Texas A&M

Bayesian search: A simple rule to find stuff you’ve lost

An extremally disconnected space that is also compact and Hausdorff is sometimes called a Stonean space. This is not the same as a Stone space, which is a totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space. Every Stonean space is a Stone space, but not vice versa. In the duality between Stone spaces and Boolean algebras, the Stonean spaces correspond to the complete Boolean algebras.

Robust Graph Neural Networks

"Boolean" may refer to:

Totally disconnected space

Trivial classes in C++

A Complex NLP Model Explained Quickly to Non-Practitioners

Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1331–1339
Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. c©2019 Association for Computational Linguistics
Graph Neural Networks with Generated Parameters for Relation Extraction


Why Don't Large Things Behave Like Quantum Particles? #shorts

Quantum acoustics

In physics, quantum acoustics is the study of sound under conditions such that quantum mechanical effects are relevant. For most applications, classical mechanics are sufficient to accurately describe the physics of sound. However very high frequency sounds, or sounds made at very low temperatures may be subject to quantum effects.

Quantum acoustics [1] can also refer to attempts within the scientific community to couple superconducting qubits to acoustic waves.[2] One particularly successful method involves coupling a superconducting qubit with a Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Resonator and placing these components on different substrates to achieve a higher signal to noise ratio as well as controlling the coupling strength of the components. This allows quantum experiments to verify that the phonons within the SAW Resonator are in quantum fock states by using Quantum tomography.[3] Similar attempts have been made by using bulk acoustic resonators.[4] One consequence of these developments is that it is possible to explore the properties of atoms with a much larger size than found conventionally by modelling them using a superconducting qubit coupled with a SAW Resonator.[5]

You (Probably) Don’t Need For-Loops

instead, try

Built-in Functions

The Python interpreter has a number of functions and types built into it that are always available. They are listed here in alphabetical order.

Using the Python zip() Function for Parallel Iteration

Simple techniques for avoiding basic looping, and creating faster algorithms

An interpreter that computes a math formula (string) into a numeric result. 

GRAPH Fraud detector GNN graph neural networks (GNNs). Deep Graph Library (DGL) Relational Graph Convolutional Networks (R-GCNs).

Just Jump: Dynamic Neighborhood Aggregation in Graph Neural Networks

Graph Clustering with Graph Neural Networks

Whittle likelihood

In statistics, Whittle likelihood is an approximation to the likelihood function of a stationary Gaussian time series. It is named after the mathematician and statistician Peter Whittle, who introduced it in his PhD thesis in 1951.[1] It is commonly used in time series analysis and signal processing for parameter estimation and signal detection.


Wave vector

Graph Neural Networks

Graph Neural Networks Tutorial

Static Graphs ( static_graph )

Dynamic and static charts and the language of overviews

Dynamic vs Static Computational Graphs – PyTorch and TensorFlow

Intelligent agent

Classes of intelligent agents

Russel and Norvig's classification

Not to be confused with Family of sets.

Clique game


Behavior tree (artificial intelligence, robotics and control)

Mathematical state space definition

Strategy (game theory)

m-ary tree

In graph theory, an m-ary tree (also known as n-ary, k-ary or k-way tree) is a rooted tree in which each node has no more than m children. A binary tree is the special case where m = 2, and a ternary tree is another case with m = 3 that limits its children to three. 
Richard P. Stanley

Functor category

Heuristic (computer science)

Stochastic optimization

Behavior selection algorithm

Knowledge graph embedding

Understanding Graph Convolutional Networks for Node Classification

Graph Convolutional Networks —Deep Learning on Graphs

Confidence-based Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning

Isaiah 22:22

“Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder,
When he opens no one will shut,
When he shuts no one will open.

Matthew 16:19
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

To the Church in Philadelphia

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

McLoving Algebra? or Heyting it?

Heyting algebra

Heyting is such a strong word...
(also known as pseudo-Boolean algebra[1])

A Christian Approach to Anti-Heroes

Anti-heroes are the new heroes. 

When Disney remade its animated classics into live-action films, half its efforts focused on villains rather than princesses, including films like Maleficent (2014), Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019), and Cruella (2021). 

List of Hilbert systems

Paraconsistent logic § Included — a list of axiom schemas for a paraconsistent logic of the Hilbert style

Alexandrov topology

25 Bible Verses About Keys (ESV)

The term pissed off is commonly used to unambiguously give the meaning angry.

UK Drunk, US Angry
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch 

Public or private library?

About QPython

Welcome to qPython’s documentation!

Crucial Computer Program for Particle Physics at Risk of Obsolescence

Maintenance of the software that’s used for the hardest physics calculations rests almost entirely with a retiree. The situation reveals the problematic incentive structure of academia.

Form (programming)

HTML form

How Quantum Levitation Works

Quantum Levitation Can Make Objects Float and Fly

Peirce's criterion

A Fairy Tale of F# and Durable Functions


Music Score
score, notation, in manuscript or printed form, of a musical work, probably so called from the vertical scoring lines that connect successive related staves. A score may contain the single part for a solo work or the many parts that make up an orchestral or ensemble composition

In Blade Runner 2049, about one hour and forty five minutes into the film, when K (Joe) finds the piano in the abandoned casino right before meeting Deckard, he plays the exact same E key that he noticed to be depressed in Sapper Morton’s farmhouse (earlier in the film), which caused him to find the photo of the secret Replicant child hidden inside.

Live Music capital of the world,

In system administration, orchestration is the automated configuration, coordination, and management of computer systems and software.[1]

A number of tools exist for automation of server configuration and management, including Ansible, Puppet, Salt, Terraform,[2] and AWS CloudFormation.[3]

Tackling the complexity of managing long running processes with functional programming

APD investigating homicide on North Lamar

8600 N Lamar
The Palms on North Lamar
First homicide in Austin, Texas for 2023

Planning on pursuing the Forensic Science Certificate at UT? 

Death and Loss in Police Work

St. Michael is the patron saint of Law Enforcement such as Police Officers, Sheriff's Department, Corrections, FBI, CIA, ATF, Secret Service, Public Safety, District Attorney, Customs Officer, Homeland Security, US Marshals and other agencies.

PALADIN : The World's Most Popular Linux Forensic Suite

Xplico is an open-source forensic analysis app. It supports HTTP( Hypertext Transfer Protocol), IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), and more.


  • You can get your output data in the SQLite database or MySQL database.
  • This tool gives you real time collaboration.
  • No size limit on data entry or the number of files.
  • You can easily create any kind of dispatcher to organize the extracted data in a useful way.
  • It is one of the best open source forensic tools that support both IPv4 and IPv6.
  • You can perform reserve DNS lookup from DNS packages having input files.
  • Xplico provides PIPI (Port Independent Protocol Identification) feature to support digital forensic.


F# for Web Development

F# and Excel

Excel-DNA is an independent project to integrate .NET into Excel. With Excel-DNA you can make native (.xll) add-ins for Excel using C#, Visual Basic.NET or F#, providing high-performance user-defined functions (UDFs), custom ribbon interfaces and more. Your entire add-in can be packed into a single .xll file requiring no installation or registration:

NPOI is .NET version of POI Java project at POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files.

NPOI manipulates the Open Office XML format directly so does not require having Excel installed and do not use Interop. You can read, create, and edit Excel documents using this approach.

There are also some F# versions of Excel functions, useful when migrating code:


Analyze Data in Excel

Distinct points

Factorial moment measures are used when points are not allowed to repeat, hence points are distinct.

Functions of points and the point process

For general point processes, Campbell's theorem is only for sums of functions of a single point of the point process. To calculate the sum of a function of a single point as well as the entire point process, then generalized Campbell's theorems are required using the Palm distribution of the point process, which is based on the branch of probability known as Palm theory or Palm calculus.


Bayes theorem, the geometry of changing beliefs

d-ary heap

K-ary Heap

Rand index

The Rand index[1] or Rand measure (named after William M. Rand) in statistics, and in particular in data clustering, is a measure of the similarity between two data clusterings. A form of the Rand index may be defined that is adjusted for the chance grouping of elements, this is the adjusted Rand index. From a mathematical standpoint, Rand index is related to the accuracy, but is applicable even when class labels are not used.

BinaryClassificationMetrics.F1Score Property

Apache Arrow DataFusion SQL Query Engine
Burning Man is an event focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance held annually in the western United States

Foreign relations of the Marshall Islands

Qudit versions of the qubit “pi-over-eight” gate

A piece of the American Pi day 2023?

Handicraft vendors block roads to Mexico’s Chichen Itza ruin

The Quantum Law Project

Legal Dimensions of Quantum Computing


Bayesian Analysis as a Framework for (Legal) Thinking

At present, this program is open to patients with the following conditions listed in Texas Occupations Code Section 169.003:
  • epilepsy.
  • a seizure disorder.
  • multiple sclerosis.
  • spasticity.
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • autism.
  • cancer.
  • post-traumatic stress disorder.

Texas's Compassionate-Use Program

The Durruti Column (Spanish: Columna Durruti), with about 6,000 people, was the largest anarchist column (or military unit) formed during the Spanish Civil War.[1]
QBism—an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on subjective Bayesian probability

Dimensionless quantity

Forget Qubits — Scientists Just Built a Quantum Gate With Qudits

And they could help usher in the era of the quantum computer.

Qudits and High-Dimensional Quantum Computing
Yuchen Wang 1,2
, Zixuan Hu 1, 2
, Barry C. Sanders 3 and Sabre Kais

Machine Learning with F#

Tutorial: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Categorical Variables

From EDA, Exploratory Data Analysis to
EDA, Economic Development Administration (minority, women)

Store and retrieve data by using F#

Analyzing and visualizing data with F#

Troubleshooting Type Providers

Skewed Left Distributions



Pearson moments

Interquartile Range | Understand, Calculate & Visualize IQR

Statistical mechanics



How to Develop LSTM Models for Time Series Forecasting

To understand LSTM architecture, code a forward pass with just NumPy

LSTM with a forget gate

How did you get in your Functor? Some kind of Class Struggle?


Daemon (computing)

Tableau Software

Choices besides Power BI
A Free Product?
Not paid for? Immoral fiber of timeshares?
Who's idea was this... someone who went to University for free from Europe?

Category theory

In the category of sets, injections, surjections, and bijections correspond precisely to monomorphisms, epimorphisms, and isomorphisms, respectively

Gauss–Markov process

Other unbiased statistics

Quantile Module

Signal Processing

Quickstart: Using Statistical Packages

Descriptive Statistics

A descriptive statistic (in the count noun sense) is a summary statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes features from a collection of information,[1] while descriptive statistics (in the mass noun sense) is the process of using and analysing those statistics. Descriptive statistic is distinguished from inferential statistics (or inductive statistics) by its aim to summarize a sample, rather than use the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent.[2] This generally means that descriptive statistics, unlike inferential statistics, is not developed on the basis of probability theory, and are frequently nonparametric statistics.


What is PowerShell?

PowerShell Documentation

Become Machine Learning, Data Science & Business Analytics Expert

load() function

What is PowerShell?

json — JSON encoder and decoder

5. The import system

json.load() in Python

F# Sequences

Library for the FSharp friendly usage of the ML.NET project. For documentation visit:

ASP.NET Web Apps

Dark's new backend will be in F#

Compiler Directives

Pre-built binaries for FSharp #354

What I wish I knew when learning F#

A curated list of awesome F# frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

Compiler Startup Performance

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management

Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud

Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators

Powering the Blue Economy


One of the primary uses of HDPE is as a liner at the base of landfills, where its chemical resistance is put to use. HDPE applications also include pond linings and water containment projects. HDPE is a field assembled lining material that cannot be practically fabricated in the shop.
HDPE geomembrane liner is the preferred product for lining projects. HDPE liner is resistant to many different solvents and are the most widely used geomembrane liner in the world. Although HDPE geomembrane is less flexible than LLDPE, it provides higher specific strength and can withstand higher temperatures.
Tuning the performance of polypyrrole-based solvent-resistantcomposite nanofiltration membranes by optimizing polymerizationconditions and incorporating graphene oxide
Lu Shao a,n, Xiquan Cheng a
, Zhenxing Wang a
, Jun Ma a , Zhanhu Guo b
a State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment (SKLUWRE), School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Harbin Institute
of Technology, Harbin 150001, PR China
b Integrated Composites Laboratory (ICL), Dan F. Smith Department of Chemical Engineering Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA

Membranes Separation

Membrane separation process is a process where a membrane is used to separate the components in a solution by rejecting unwanted substances and allowing the others to pass through the membrane.

Design Standards No. 13
Embankment Dams

Chapter 20: Geomembranes


Nanofiltration (NF) is a membrane liquid-separation technology sharing many characteristics with reverse osmosis (RO). Unlike RO, which has high rejection of virtually all dissolved solutes, NF provides high rejection of multivalent ions, such as calcium, and low rejection of monovalent ions, such as chloride.


Filter (mathematics)

Filters in model theory

Filtration (probability theory)

Theory of the spin-filtering effect in
insulator/superconductor junctions

Net (mathematics)




Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension (or interfacial tension) between two liquids, between a gas and a liquid, or between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants may act as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents, or dispersants.

Bonding with boronLong ago, a global search for borane superfuels led fortuitously to the discovery of carboranes. Ken Wade recalls his own undistinguished part in the space race, and notes how carboranes revitalized boron hydride chemistry and modified our ideas of chemical bonding.

FY23 P1R2 Topics are generated by the following DOE Offices

FY 2023 Research Opportunities in High Energy Physics

Thank you uncle Roy, cousin Ray and aunt Mary as well William Kilgore from our Department of Energy and John Forner from TACC.
A cloud engineer is an IT professional responsible for any technological duties associated with cloud computing, including design, planning, management, maintenance and support. Cloud engineer is a general term encompassing a few different roles, including: cloud architect. cloud software engineer.


Looking for Neutrinos, Nature’s Ghost Particles

To study some of the most elusive particles, physicists have built detectors in abandoned mines, tunnels and Antarctic ice

Ann Finkbeine


Laser light can not only trigger lightning but redirect it, causing it to strike in the same place over and... Laser light can not only trigger lightning but redirect it, causing it to strike in the same place over and over, according to new research. This means lasers could serve as lightning rods.

Lasers Can Be Used to Steer Lightning In Mid-Strike

Laser light can not only trigger lightning but redirect it, causing it to strike in the same place over and...

Harvesting lightning energy

The Physics of Ghost imaging

Magnetic flux quantum

Plasma--The Fourth State of Matter
It turns to water, the liquid state, when heated and if heated further, the water turns to steam, the gaseous state

Plasma--The Fourth State of Matter

End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock

Classification of daily electric load profiles of non-residential buildings

The New Business Model

Investing in the Green Space

Green Concrete Manufacturers/Producers may be incorporated in a CPO LLC

Green concrete manufacturers

Top Sustainable concrete Companies

  • Arup. Private Company. Founded 1946. ...
  • Notpla (fka Skipping Rocks Lab) Private Company. Founded 2014. ...
  • CenBio. Research Institute. Founded 1950. ...
  • CarbonCure Technologies. Private Company. ...
  • Building Research Establishment Limited. n/a. ...
  • Solidia Technologies. Private Company. ...
  • MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub. n/a. ...
  • TNO. Research Institute.

Commodity Pool Operation

I am proposing developing labor pools as a money manager of Green Economy Hedge Fund, Green Hedges to address:

A Commodity Pool Operation may serve Manufacturers and Producers of Goods as well be a source for labor pool development:

Multi-Step LSTM Time Series Forecasting Models for Power Usage

BTO Releases BENEFIT 2022/23 Funding Opportunity for Innovations that Electrify, Optimize, and Decarbonize Building Operations

Today at the White House Electrification Summit, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Office (BTO) announced its Buildings Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) – 2022/23 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). This FOA will invest up to $45 million across five topic areas to research and develop high-impact, cost-effective technologies and building retrofit practices that will reduce carbon emissions, improve flexibility and resilience, and lower energy costs. With this FOA, BTO will spur innovations in air conditioning, space heating, water heating; thermal and battery storage; plug loads and lighting; and the building envelope that have significant potential for equitable carbon savings, through building electrification, energy efficiency, and demand flexibility with utmost affordability at its core.

To read more about this FOA and apply, read this article.

Marilynn Miller

Socially responsible investing (SRI), social investment, sustainable socially conscious, "green" or ethical investing, is any investment strategy which seeks to consider both financial return and social/environmental good to bring about social change regarded as positive by proponents.[1]:4 Socially responsible investments often constitute a small percentage of total funds invested by corporations and are riddled with obstacles.[1]:4

Serenity Sells solutions sets for the Texas Disparity in Austin Texas addressing Environmental Racism.

Joshua Valadez: Business Solutions Analyst, I am requesting networking with Office of Council Member Alison Alter, City of Austin and


Texas Mining and Reclamation Association
2802 Flintrock Trace
Suite 230
Austin, TX 78738

DOT Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

Today at the White House Electrification Summit, DOE announced its American-Made Equitable and Affordable Solutions to Electrification Prize (EAS-E Prize), which is offering $2.4 million in cash prizes and technical assistance vouchers to innovators who can help simplify the electrification processes for contractors and implementers. The prize aims to make the process faster and more affordable for homeowners across diverse communities and all housing types.

“Electrification is essential to eliminate carbon emissions from buildings, and we want to support an ecosystem of products and approaches that work for every homeowner who’s ready to make the switch,” said Alejandro Moreno, Acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Whole-home electrification upgrades need to be easy and affordable solutions that make sense for any housing type, and the EAS-E Prize will help us identify, support, and accelerate comprehensive technology solutions like these that make sense for the grid and your wallet.”

To read more about this American-Made prize, read EERE's Progress Alert.

End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S.Building Stock

Smart Home design utilizes thermoelectric materials in architecture. 
The structure itself generates energy onsight with phonon-photon axis, magnon-phonon coupling innovations in system engineering and architecture.

By Bartlomiej Blaszczyszyn

Funding Opportunity Announcement:
Distributed Resilient Systems

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: DE-FOA-0002902

Total Estimated Funding: $45 million

Deadline for Pre Applications (required):   February 9, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. ET 
Deadline for Applications:            March 30, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET      

ASCR is interested in receiving proposals focusing on basic research in computer science that explores innovative approaches to creating distributed resilient systems for science. Such systems might be national or global in scale, linking geographically-distributed computing systems and scientific instruments, and might involve a large number of edge devices or sensors, but regardless, must manage computation and data in scalable and fault-tolerant manner. Important research challenges involve techniques for advanced middleware and operating and runtime systems, with this FOA targeting two research areas: 1) scalable system modeling, and 2) adaptive management and partitioning of resources. Advances in these areas will contribute to scaling-up our increasingly complex and interconnected scientific enterprise.

Please see the funding opportunity for agency contacts and more details, including eligibility and application information.

View Funding Opportunity

U.S. Department of Energy

Getting started with writing queries on MongoDB knowing just SQL

.End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock

Funding Opportunity Announcement:
Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research Implementation Grants

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: DE-FOA-0002913

Total Estimated Funding: $35 million

Deadline for Pre Applications (required):  January 25, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. ET
Deadline for Applications: April 4, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET

The DOE Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) announces its interest in receiving new and renewal applications from applicants within eligible jurisdictions for Implementation Grants. DOE follows the National Science Foundation’s eligibility criteria for EPSCoR. Grants awarded under this program are intended to improve research capability through the support of a group of scientists and engineers, including undergraduate students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, working on a common scientific theme in one or more EPSCoR jurisdictions. These awards are not appropriate mechanisms to provide support for individual faculty science and technology research projects. While the academic, non-profit and industrial research communities are welcome to lead or to participate in applications, a strong component of student education in research is required for all applicants.

Please see the funding opportunity for agency contacts and more details, including eligibility and application information.

View Funding Opportunity


Generating realistic building electrical load profiles through the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

Back during the 1849 California Gold Rush, few prospectors struck it rich. Most of the people who made money back then were those who “sold shovels” (and jeans, tents, pickaxes and other supplies and services) to the prospectors who lived hard lives panning for gold.
The key difference between the two is that while hedge funds have the ability to make money when investments grow or decline in value (because they can short investments in order to hedge their long calls), venture capital funds need the companies they invest in to be profitable in order to make money themselves.



December 14, 2022

DOE Launches EAS-E Prize to Accelerate Equitable, Affordable, and Simple Solutions for Home Electrification

EAS-E Prize

Energy dot gov Office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy



December 14, 2022

Department of Energy Issues Notice of Intent to Fund Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnerships

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announced its intent to issue a funding opportunity announcement that will establish a regional network of Technical Assistance Partnerships (TAPs) to help industrial facilities and other large energy users increase the adoption of onsite energy technologies. Clean onsite energy technologies provide a practical alternative to generating electricity and heat from fossil fuels and produce flexible, reliable, and affordable energy that reduces emissions across the industrial sector.

By generating and storing electricity and heat directly at their own facilities, manufacturers can save money and gain greater control over the availability of clean energy and how it gets integrated into their processes. Many onsite energy technologies also save energy by increasing efficiency and capturing usable energy that would otherwise be wasted. In addition to the energy and cost savings, onsite energy technologies can allow industrial facilities to significantly decrease their carbon footprint by incorporating renewable energy and storage.

This upcoming funding opportunity will establish the Onsite Energy TAPs, a regional network of technical assistance providers, to help facilities across the nation integrate the latest onsite energy technologies, including battery storage, combined heat and power (CHP), district energy, geothermal, industrial heat pumps, renewable fuels, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, thermal storage, and wind power. This specialized technical assistance can range from initial site screenings that identify onsite energy opportunities to more advanced analysis to support project installations.

The Onsite Energy TAPs will also engage with policymakers, utilities, and other key stakeholders to accelerate pathways for integration of onsite energy technologies. Additional activities will include developing publicly available tools and resources, sharing best practices, and building partnerships that drive decarbonization in the U.S. industrial sector.

View the notice of intent to learn more about this upcoming funding opportunity, including the two proposed topic areas:

  • Topic 1 - Regional Onsite TAPs: Funding up to 10 entities to serve as regional Onsite Energy TAPs, each serving a multi-state region.
  • Topic 2 - Onsite Energy Technical Analysis and Support Center: Funding one national entity to serve as the Onsite Energy Technical Analysis and Support Center.

EERE plans to issue the FOA via EERE Exchange in January 2023. The funding opportunity is expected to include approximately $23 million in federal funding. EERE envisions awarding multiple financial assistance awards in the form of cooperative agreements. The estimated period of performance for each award will be approximately one to three years.

To encourage the formation of a diverse range of project teams, EERE will provide a Teaming Partner List where interested parties can provide contact information and indicate areas of expertise and interest. Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available on the EERE Exchange website.

An anti-clique, also called an independent set, is a subgraph in which every two nodes are not connected by an edge. Show that every graph with n nodes contains either a clique or an anti-clique with at least log₂ n nodes.

Independent set (graph theory)

Clique (graph theory)

A clique in G is a subgraph in which every two nodes are connected by an edge


Chart visualization

How to scale Pandas DataFrame columns ?

Data Normalization with Pandas

Python for Finance: Stock Portfolio Analyses

Top Energy Stocks

PDCE, CTRA, and OXY are top for value, growth, and momentum, respectively


Energy Market &Operational Data

Enterprise interoperability framework

Interoperability frameworks

What is European Interoperability Framework (EIF)

Microsoft, More on data validation

What is Data Validation in SQL?

Data validation is the method for checking the accuracy and quality of data. It is often performed prior to adding, updating, or processing data.
The following are the common Data Validation Types:

Range Check. Format Check. Consistency Check

GNU Bash


Cassandra - Shell Commands

CQL shell commands

cqlsh: the CQL shell

Cassandra Query Language is the primary query language for communicating with the Apache Cassandra database. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard query language for dealing with Relational Databases.

The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) 

Logarithmic Functions

Basic Logging Tutorial

Logging is a means of tracking events that happen when some software runs.

logging — Logging facility for Python

What kind of data does pandas handle?

Add a “Pythonic” wrapper of any functions/classes without modifying them

Save time, improve code readability and reduce errors by automatically creating jump tables using Python decorators.


Decorator About


Build, train and evaluate models with TensorFlow Decision Forests

In Python, a function decorator is effectively a function wrapper

Putting a Wrapper Around a Function

Built-in functions are ones for which the compiler generates inline code at compile time. Every call to a built-in function eliminates a runtime call to the function having the same name in the dynamic library.

functools — Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects

Data Quibbler

Interactive, transparent, and efficient data analytics.

PEP 3115 – Metaclasses in Python 3000

argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands

Argument Processing

Use objects as functions in Python.

A tutorial on deploying a machine learning model behind a Django API.

Running short on images to train your model? Here’s how to increase your dataset size multi-fold with synthetic images using Image Composition techniques.

Running short on images to train your model? Here’s how to increase your dataset size multi-fold with synthetic images using Image Composition techniques.

How chaos theory mediates between quantum theory and thermodynamics

Quantitative trait locus

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) is a locus (section of DNA) that correlates with variation of a quantitative trait in the phenotype of a population of organisms.[1] QTLs are mapped by identifying which molecular markers (such as SNPs or AFLPs) correlate with an observed trait. This is often an early step in identifying the actual genes that cause the trait variation.

Small Business Opportunities

National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
NCATS Small Business Funding: Early-Stage Support to Commercialize Your
Translational Science Innovation

Researchers discover how a nano-chamber in the cell directs protein folding

DNA methylation profiles of CpG islands for cellular differentiation and development in mammals.

Protein targeting or protein sorting is the biological mechanism by which proteins are transported to their appropriate destinations in the cell or outside it.

Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering:
Methods to Form Skeletal Myotubes and Their Applications

Gene silencing is the regulation of gene expression in a cell to prevent the expression of a certain gene. Gene silencing can occur during either transcription or translation and is often used in research.

The piezoresistive effect is a change in the electrical resistivity of a semiconductor or metal when mechanical strain is applied. In contrast to the piezoelectric effect, the piezoresistive effect causes a change only in electrical resistance, not in electric potential.

A Priestley space is an ordered topological space (X,τ,≤), i.e. a set X equipped with a partial order and a topology τ, satisfying the following two conditions...

Promoter (genetics)

In genetics, a promoter is a region of DNA that initiates transcription of a particular gene.

Human Promoters Are Intrinsically Directional 

As intelligent wearables are on the rise, AI is being used to empower them into becoming true “artificial coaches” or assistants.

CpG islands, Maui, Myocyte models

Learn more about CpG Island

nucleosome positioning and
histone modification states
can be used to classify promoters
associated with different types of transcription initiation patterns

CpG sites

Identification of DNA-Methylated CpG Islands Associated With Gene Silencing in the Adult Body Tissues of the Ogye Chicken Using RNA-Seq and Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing

  • 1Genome Editing Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon, South Korea
  • 2Department of Bioinformatics, KRIBB School of Bioscience, University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea
Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering:
Methods to Form Skeletal Myotubes and Their Applications
Shepherding cases with ethical considerations of short term and long term consequences:

Gene silencing is the regulation of gene expression in a cell to prevent the expression of a certain gene. Gene silencing can occur during either transcription or translation and is often used in research. 

Electrotransfer of Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA) in Normal and Dystrophic Muscle Tissue

Camilla Brolin, Takehiko Shiraishi, Pernille Højman, Thomas O. Krag, Peter E. Nielsen, Julie Gehl. Center for Experimental Drug and Gene Electrotransfer (C*EDGE), Department of Oncology, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Herlev, Denmark; Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; The Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism and the Centre for Physical Activity Research, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Neuromuscular Research Unit, Department of Neurology Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

PNA is an artificial nucleic acid mimic, which has shown great promise as an antisense RNA interference agent, in particular regarding mRNA splicing modulation. However, the full potential of antisense PNA is still limited by poor cellular uptake and low in vivo bioavailability. The genetic disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) has attracted particular attention for antisense drug discovery because it has been demonstrated that partial dystrophin restoration can be achieved by antisense agents causing skipping of the mutated exon.

Peptide nucleic acid

Electroporation has shown potential as a PNA delivery method in cell culture. Electroporation is already used in the clinic for treatment of cutaneous metastasis (electrochemotherapy) and the clinical field is rapidly extending to new molecules and to a range of tissues with newly developed electrodes for treatment of internal tumors. Therefore, the aim of the present project was to study the effect of electroporation upon intramuscular PNA administration. In the first study, we used a PNA targeting exon 23 in the dystrophin gene in both normal mice and in mdx mice (the animal model of DMD).

After optimizing voltage conditions, injection volume, PNA dose as well as examining different PNA modifications, we found statistically significant increase in PNA activity by 2-4 fold (determined by RT PCR) upon electrotransfer in NMRI mice. The effect lasted up to 4 weeks at the RNA level. In mdx mice lacking dystrophin protein, exon skipping was detected by immunostaining of newly synthesized dystrophin protein and by western blotting. Whole muscle transverse sections showed recovery of dystrophin at the sarcolemma in PNA treated regions in all 3 positions tested in mdx mice, but electroporation did not significantly increase the number of dystrophin positive fibers.

Clinical use of antisense therapy for treatment of DMD patients requires systemic administration of the drug because all muscles including heart muscle are affected by the disease, and must be treated. Thus further studies on systemically administered modified PNAs are needed to elucidate if electrotransfer could eventually provide therapeutic enhancement in selected muscles.

Myogenesis is the formation of muscular tissue... If placed in cell culture, most myoblasts will proliferate if enough fibroblast growth factor (FGF) or another growth factor is present in the medium surrounding the cells. When the growth factor runs out, the myoblasts cease division and undergo terminal differentiation into myotubes.

Gene drive

human germline engineering is the process by which the genome of an individual is edited in such a way that the change is heritable. This is achieved through genetic alterations within the germ cells, or the reproductive cells, such as the egg and sperm. Human germline engineering is a type of genetic modification that directly manipulates the genome using molecular engineering techniques.[1]
Micro-Managing Myocyte Mitosis, CpG islands and python programing mathematical Myocyte models

He Jiankui, a Chinese researcher, announced the birth of the world’s first gene-edited babies, whose DNA had been edited to reduce the risk of HIV infection. While the claim has not yet been verified, Chinese authorities have launched an investigation and ordered this researcher’s work to stop. In the discussion that follows, Stanford Law Professor Hank Greely, an expert in the ethical, legal, and social implications of new biomedical technologies, discusses the legal and ethical questions surrounding the new world of gene-editing.
Transportin 3 gene bubble babies Wu Long Jiao Zhu Writhe Applications in DNA topology,
Now come along on a fantastic voyage, Pikachu ...
astronauts experience up to a 20 percent loss of muscle mass on spaceflights lasting five to 11 day

Take some magnesium supplements and work out those muscles in a safe manner, said the reckless skateboarder who refused to wear a helmet. Data driven science for NCATS NIH innovations for cures of Carole Zoom's type of muscular dystrophy
Following up from NCATS research,

CACNA1C calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

DMD/CMD test considerations for a study as well what is up doc with German Angora Rabbits as emotional support money makers selling angora fiber and mediating PETA with Playboy bunny ranches to pay for

CACNA1C single gene test

Some people are never given scientific data driven evidence for the medical conjecture. Wow, what Daemons that drive them! This is a Texas State Board Medical Licensing issue for Bad Faith and Iatrogenesis screening for biomarker sensor node innovations with
. ISRIB normalizes the lower protein synthesis in the PFC and rescues the social deficit and elevated anxiety in cacna1c fbKO mice

Already contacted Dr. Foster and Dr. Amadio, as well as NIH, need to fill out the proper bureaucracy forms as a principal investigator with

CACNA1C Risk Variant and Mood Stabilizers Effects in the Prefrontal Cortical Thickness of Mexican Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Olay! As a Cinco De Mayo baby in pursuit of a cure to DMD for Carole Zoom, I would like to convey that my CACNA1C gene has not been fiddled with by any doctors for testing ever and bias in medical diagnostics is something the Texas medical board may consider for data driven science to address bad faith iatrogenesis in the medical field. I am also following up with a cure for muscular dystrophy and testing limits of humor.  Scapegoat in the family, Cabron, you gotta be kidding me (kid).

Genetic Testing to Improve Psychiatric Medication Choice

12 Signs of Controlling Parenting and Why It Is Harmful

In addition to its immediate effects, the long-term side effects of benzodiazepines like Xanax include heart disease
Medicare Part B covers mental health services you get as an outpatient, such as through a clinic or therapist's office. Medicare covers counseling services, including diagnostic assessments including, but not necessarily limited to: Psychiatric evaluation and diagnostic tests. Individual therapy.

Why do so many Mexican Americans defend Speedy Gonzales?

 Because sometimes medical diagnosis is rushed because of funding? (talk to a Hospital CFO)

Gene associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, and depression linked to brain cell death in mice

Birthday party problems as HOW DID YOU GET IN MY GENES? Now let's roll some Christmas Tamales
Hmmm, were the Mice from Mexico and or pets of the Mexicans that the German and British scientists were testing on? German Angora Rabbit utility for wool and selling as a breeder for Easter seasonal business as well muscular dystrophy test subject

And then for the Texas Medical Board and NIH, from mice to rabbit test subjects,
In Aztec mythology, the Centzon Tōtōchtin (Nahuatl pronunciation: [sent͡son toːˈtoːt͡ʃtin] "four-hundred rabbits"; also Centzontōtōchtin) are a group of divine rabbits who meet for frequent drunken parties. They include Tepoztecatl, Texcatzonatl, Colhuatzincatl, Macuiltochtli ("five-rabbit"), and Ometochtli ("two-rabbit"). Their parents are Patecatl and Mayahuel[1] and they may be brothers of Ixtlilton.
Plan of central Texas Parenthood of cute babby German Angroa Rabbits that make a profitable fiber to knit into sweaters and scarves occupational therapy.

ADHD Medication for Amphetamine Addiction Linked to Reduced Risk of Hospitalization and Death

What happened to my knitting needle and spinning wheel of occupational therapy Doc?

Lionhead rabbit

Transgenic Rabbit

Other transgenic rabbits which have been used for the study of atherosclerosis include those with modified genes for apoE3 (Fan et al., 1998);

Genetically Modified Rabbits for Cardiovascular Research

Alba (rabbit)

Galatians 4:5 Abba! Father! Romans 8:15

Transgenic Rabbit Models for Studying Human Cardiovascular Diseases

Rabbit Model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

A novel rabbit model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy generated by CRISPR/Cas9

Gene Editing, CRISPR and BioHacking- The Ultimate Frontier to Alter Humanity? 

What's up Doc?

Muscle loss can cause a range of health problems as we age – but it can be prevented

An ethical axis of muscle atrophy in space, sarcopenia with aging and muscular dystrophy from inherited genes exists.

Sarcopenia With Aging

We may collectively consciously consider ethical due process

How complex the pandemic plane to model securing an environment habitable on earth, underwater and in space for NASA contract considerations.  

Funding Opportunities



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