Come Clean Monday, Spinon Dynamic Programming Scheduling (computing) for Easter Monday as Quantum biology with Chargon Word and Actor Model within Roosevelt Corollary and Latin America with Roosevelt's quarantine speech
Happy Easter Monday, and here is to a healthy Bright Week 2020.
Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday and is a holiday in some countries. Easter Monday in the Western Christian liturgical calendar is the second day of Eastertide and analogously in the Byzantine Rite is the second day of Bright Week.
ladder (also known as Doublets, word-links, change-the-word puzzles, paragrams, laddergrams, or
Word golf) is a word game invented by Lewis Carroll.
Clean Monday (Greek: Καθαρά Δευτέρα), also known as Pure Monday, Ash Monday, Monday of Lent or Green Monday, is the first day of Great Lent throughout Eastern Christianity[1] and is a moveable feast, falling on the 7th Monday before Pascha (Easter).[2]
Bright Week 2020 will begin on
April 19
Saturday, April 25
San Jacinto Day is the celebration of the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. It was the final battle of the Texas Revolution where Texas won its independence from Mexico. It is an official "partial staffing holiday" in the State of Texas (state offices are not closed on this date). Note, San Jacinto Day occurs durring Bright Week.
US Representative Al Green, Beto O'Rourke, the Texas Disparity study, and the 13th Amendment growing Latino labor union Chavez considerations
By David V. B. Hirsch
Genes determine how severely people get coronavirus, study finds
New research could explain why black, Asian and minority ethnic patients face disproportionately high risk of death from virus
Combined DNA Index System
The Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) is an application programming interface (API) for network interface controllers (NICs).
FBI Frequently Asked Questions on CODIS and NDIS
Many ethical issues surround the use of DNA in forensic technology.
Forensics, DNA Fingerprinting, and CODIS
By: Karen Norrgard, Ph.D
In the Spirit of Lewis Carroll, a Social Media game theory of Word Golf to cure Muscular Dystropy, Cancer, Covid...
Scheduling (computing)
In computing, scheduling is the method by which work is assigned to resources that complete the work. The work may be virtual computation elements such as threads, processes or data flows, which are in turn scheduled onto hardware resources such as processors, network links or expansion cardsFractionalization
In physics, fractionalization is the phenomenon whereby the quasiparticles of a system cannot be constructed as combinations of its elementary constituents. One of the earliest and most prominent examples is the fractional quantum Hall effect, where the constituent particles are electrons but the quasiparticles carry fractions of the electron charge. Fractionalization can be understood as deconfinement of quasiparticles that together are viewed as comprising the elementary constituents. In the case of spin–charge separation, for example, the electron can be viewed as a bound state of a 'spinon' and a 'chargon', which under certain conditions can become free to move separately. chargon (plural chargons) (physics) The holon, a quasiparticle produced as a result of electron spin-charge separation.Preon
In particle physics, preons are point particles, conceived of as sub-components of quarks, and leptons. The word was coined by Jogesh Pati and Abdus Salam, in 1974. Interest in preon models peaked in the 1980s but has slowed, as the Standard Model of particle physics continues to describe the physics, mostly successfully, and no direct experimental evidence for lepton and quark compositeness has been found.In the hadronic sector, some effects are considered anomalies within the Standard Model. For example, the proton spin puzzle, the EMC effect, the distributions of electric charges inside the nucleons, as found by Hofstadter in 1956, and the ad hoc CKM matrix elements.
When the term "preon" was coined, it was primarily to explain the two families of spin-½ fermions: leptons and quarks. More recent preon models also account for spin-1 bosons, and are still called "preons". Each of the preon models postulates a set of fewer fundamental particles than those of the Standard Model, together with the rules governing how those fundamental particles combine and interact. Based on these rules, the preon models try to explain the Standard Model, often predicting small discrepancies with this model and generating new particles and certain phenomena, which do not belong to the Standard Model.
8 Mudras for Emotional Healing
have a (good/solid/sound/etc.) grasp of/on (something) To have a firm, clear understanding or determination of something. I hope everyone has a solid grasp of the material, as you'll be tested on it next week.
A chiral molecule is a type of molecule that has a non-superposable mirror image. The feature that is most often the cause of chirality in molecules is the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom. The term "chiral" in general is used to describe the object that is non-superposable on its mirror image.
Are anyon aware of these implications? Is it knotty to ask a friend if she is giving you a preon for your birthday? In physics, an anyon is a type of quasiparticle that occurs only in two-dimensional systems, with properties much less restricted than fermions and bosons.
In physics, a plasmon is a quantum of plasma oscillation. Just as light consists of photons, the plasma oscillation consists of plasmons.
Surface plasmons are coherent delocalized electron oscillations that exist at the interface between any two materials where the real part of the dielectric function changes sign across the interface.
Quantum Entanglement within DNA: Where do we stand?
Is DNA a quantum?
This is where they learned something interesting: if DNA was indeed a quantum mechanical system, its entanglement happens at room temperature. ... Thus, based on the energy within each nucleic acid, DNA could be a set of quantum entanglements that occur at room temperature
What does quantum biology mean?
Quantum biology is the study of applications of quantum mechanics and theoretical chemistry to biological objects and problems. ... The field of study does not imply any new physical principles are needed, since the quantum mechanical study of reaction rates and energy transfer is well established.
Does biology use quantum coherence?
Conclusion: Quantum coherence plays a strong role in photosynthetic energy transport, and may also play a role in the avian compass and sense of smell. ... Biological processes are based on chemistry, and chemistry is based on quantum mechanics.
Inside the Knotty World of ‘Anyon’ Particles
Egg dropping puzzle
The following is a description of the instance of this famous puzzle involving N=2 eggs and a building with H=36 floors:[13]- Suppose that we wish to know which stories in a 36-story building are safe to drop eggs from, and which will cause the eggs to break on landing (using U.S. English terminology, in which the first floor is at ground level). We make a few assumptions:
- An egg that survives a fall can be used again.
- A broken egg must be discarded.
- The effect of a fall is the same for all eggs.
- If an egg breaks when dropped, then it would break if dropped from a higher window.
- If an egg survives a fall, then it would survive a shorter fall.
- It is not ruled out that the first-floor windows break eggs, nor is it ruled out that eggs can survive the 36th-floor windows.
- If only one egg is available and we wish to be sure of obtaining the right result, the experiment can be carried out in only one way. Drop the egg from the first-floor window; if it survives, drop it from the second-floor window. Continue upward until it breaks. In the worst case, this method may require 36 droppings. Suppose 2 eggs are available. What is the lowest number of egg-droppings that is guaranteed to work in all cases?
- n = number of test eggs available, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., N − 1.
- k = number of (consecutive) floors yet to be tested, k = 0, 1, 2, ..., H − 1.
Now, let
- W(n,k) = minimum number of trials required to identify the value of the critical floor under the worst-case scenario given that the process is in state s = (n,k).
- W(n,k) = 1 + min{max(W(n − 1, x − 1), W(n,k − x)): x = 1, 2, ..., k }
An interactive online facility is available for experimentation with this model as well as with other versions of this puzzle (e.g., when the objective is to minimize the expected value of the number of trials.)[14]
- Easter egg, an intentional inside joke, hidden message or image, or secret feature of a work
Faster DP solution using a different parametrization
A key
is a single or combination of multiple fields in a table. It is used to
fetch or retrieve records/data-rows from data table according to the
condition/requirement. Keys are also used to create a relationship among different database tables or views.
Collective Narcissism and In-Group Satisfaction Are Associated With Different Emotional Profiles and Psychological Wellbeing
Word Golf...
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
Why do they call it a mulligan?
Theory: 'Mulligan' Is Named After a Golfer
Mulligan probably originated when the golf do-over was christened
mulligan after the name of a golfer who kept replaying shots. ... According to the story, he
called it a "correction shot," but his golfing buddies thought a better
name was needed and dubbed it a "mulligan."
noun: caddie; plural noun: caddies; noun:
a person who carries a golfer's clubs and provides other assistance during a match.
verb: caddie; 3rd person present: caddies; past tense:
caddied; past participle: caddied; gerund or present participle:
caddying; verb: caddy
work as a caddie
The hobo nickel is a sculptural art form involving the creative modification of small-denomination coins, essentially resulting in miniature bas reliefs. The US nickel coin was favored because of its size, thickness and relative softness. However, the term hobo nickel is generic, as carvings have been made from many different denominations.
Due to its low cost and portability, this medium was particularly popular among hobos, hence the name.
1980 ‧ Comedy/Sport ‧ 1h 38m Research shows human cells assembling into fractal-like clusters
Human organs |
25 * Julia: if x>0 then zn+1 = (zn +1)/c else zn+1 = (zn -1)/conj.c |
Fractals support growing organs
Today scientists can regenerate tissue such as skin,
but they are still figuring out how to grow replacement organs. The challenge
is in coaxing cells from organs to grow into new organs rather than
unstructured clusters of cells.
The lung in
more detail still shows a fractal form.
The color is
created by setting on the orbits-parameter.
Each branch
has its own color following the color-spectrum.
The number of
branch-bifurcations has been increased by changing the number of
Julia: if x>0 then zn+1 = (zn +1)/c else zn+1
= (zn -1)/conj.c
(it. = 10; with orbits)
Lungs and its branches [2]
Take a deep breath and explain...
Word ladder (also known as Doublets, word-links, change-the-word puzzles, paragrams, laddergrams, or Word golf) is a word game invented by Lewis Carroll.
In computing, a word is the natural unit of data used by a particular processor design. A word is a fixed-sized piece of data handled as a unit by the instruction set or the hardware of the processor
Texas first responders need equipment to tackle COVID-19: Two-thirds
of emergency service district first responders reported they have been
unable to procure a sufficient amount of the necessary personal
protective equipment since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, according
to a study by the Texas State Association of Fire and Emergency
Districts (SAFE-D).
SBIR development direction with
Quantum biology is the study of applications of quantum mechanics and theoretical chemistry to biological objects and problems. Many biological processes involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations, and are quantum mechanical in nature. Such processes involve chemical reactions, light absorption, formation of excited electronic states, transfer of excitation energy, and the transfer of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions) in chemical processes, such as photosynthesis, olfaction and cellular respiration.[1] Quantum biology may use computations to model biological interactions in light of quantum mechanical effects.[2] Quantum biology is concerned with the influence of non-trivial quantum phenomena,[3] which can be explained by reducing the biological process to fundamental physics, although these effects are difficult to study and can be speculative.[4]
The field of study does not imply any new physical principles are
needed, since the quantum mechanical study of reaction rates and energy
transfer is well established. To date, there are no observations of
quantum biology that imply quantum effects are observable in macroscopic
organisms (aside from thought experiments such as Schrödinger's cat), or that are crucial for the existence of life.
The custom of the Easter egg hunt, however, comes from Germany. Some suggest that its origins date back to
the late 16th century, when the Protestant reformer Martin Luther
organised egg hunts for his congregation. The men would hide the eggs for the women and children to find.
(Snails in the Love Letters... would you look at that escargot)
(Snails in the Love Letters... would you look at that escargot)
Allele frequency, or gene frequency, is the relative
frequency of an allele (variant of a gene) at a particular locus in a
population, expressed as a fraction or percentage. Specifically, it is
the fraction of all chromosomes in the population that carry that
allele. Microevolution is the change in allele frequencies that occurs
over time within a population.
Kolmogorov scale
Length scale of turbulent motion below which the effects of molecular viscosity are nonnegligible.
In three-dimensional turbulence, the Kolmogorov scale is (ν2/ε)1/4, in which ν is the kinematic viscosity and ε is the energy dissipation rate per unit mass.
It is now recognized that Kolmogorov's result is not empirically correct but
nevertheless it
is a magnificent piece of applied mathematical analysis. This materialpresents an abreviated form of Kolmogorov's work.
The Navier-Stokes equations which describe the dynamics of the flow of viscous fluids can be into a spectral form in which the variables are the wave numbers for vortices of various sizes.
The Navier-Stokes equations which describe the dynamics of the flow of viscous fluids can be into a spectral form in which the variables are the wave numbers for vortices of various sizes.
In physics, the Navier–Stokes equations (/nævˈjeɪ stoʊks/), named after Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes, describe the motion of viscous fluid substances.
Correspondence principle
In physics, the correspondence principle states that the behavior of systems described by the theory of quantum mechanics (or by the old quantum theory) reproduces classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers. In other words, it says that for large orbits and for large energies, quantum calculations must agree with classical calculations.[1]A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electrical or electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically connect and mechanically fasten them to it.
Viral envelope
An oath is a solemn promise about your behavior or your actions. Often, when you take an oath, the promise invokes a divine being. For example, you might swear to God that something is true or swear on the Bible that something is true.
The Use of the Developing Egg in Virus Research
In computing and software, the phrase "Easter egg" is commonly used to describe a secret message, joke or screen buried in an application. Typically, Easter eggs
are used to display the credits for the development team, include a
humorous message for users, or to hide a fun (often useless) feature in
the application.
The actor model in computer science is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that treats actor as the universal primitive of concurrent computation. In response to a message
it receives, an actor can: make local decisions, create more actors,
send more messages, and determine how to respond to the next message
received. Actors may modify their own private state, but can only affect each other indirectly through messaging (obviating lock-based synchronization). The actor model originated in 1973.[1] It has been used both as a framework for a theoretical understanding of computation and as the theoretical basis for several practical implementations of concurrent systems. The relationship of the model to other work is discussed in actor model and process calculi.
Machine code is a computer program written in machine language instructions that can be executed directly by a computer's central processing unit (CPU). Each instruction causes the CPU to perform a very specific task, such as a load, a store, a jump, or an ALU operation on one or more units of data in CPU registers or memory.
Machine Instructions
White House Economists Warned in 2019 a Pandemic Could Devastate America:
A study published last fall went unheeded. One of its authors now says
economic shutdowns to fight the coronavirus could last up to eight
Vision - To preserve and improve the function and quality of life, and to extend the life span of all individuals with Duchenne
Bio-MEMS is an abbreviation for biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems. Bio-MEMS have considerable overlap, and is sometimes considered synonymous, with lab-on-a-chip (LOC) and micro total analysis systems (μTAS). Bio-MEMS is typically more focused on mechanical parts and microfabrication technologies made suitable for biological applications. On the other hand, lab-on-a-chip is concerned with miniaturization and integration of laboratory processes and experiments into single (often microfluidic)
chips. In this definition, lab-on-a-chip devices do not strictly have
biological applications, although most do or are amenable to be adapted
for biological purposes. Similarly, micro total analysis systems may not
have biological applications in mind, and are usually dedicated to chemical analysis.
A broad definition for bio-MEMS can be used to refer to the science and
technology of operating at the microscale for biological and biomedical
applications, which may or may not include any electronic or mechanical
functions.[2] The interdisciplinary nature of bio-MEMS combines material sciences, clinical sciences, medicine, surgery, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, optical engineering, chemical engineering, and biomedical engineering.[2] Some of its major applications include genomics, proteomics, molecular diagnostics, point-of-care diagnostics, tissue engineering, single cell analysis and implantable microdevices.
An organ-on-a-chip (OOC) is a multi-channel 3-D microfluidic cell culture chip that simulates the activities, mechanics and physiological response of entire organs and organ systems, a type of artificial organ.[1] It constitutes the subject matter of significant biomedical engineering research, more precisely in bio-MEMS. The convergence of labs-on-chips (LOCs) and cell biology has permitted the study of human physiology in an organ-specific context, introducing a novel model of in vitro multicellular human organisms. One day, they will perhaps abolish the need for animals in drug development and toxin testing.
An organoid is a miniaturized and simplified version of an organ produced in vitro in three dimensions that shows realistic micro-anatomy. They are derived from one or a few cells from a tissue, embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells, which can self-organize in three-dimensional culture owing to their self-renewal and differentiation capacities. The technique for growing organoids has rapidly improved since the early 2010s, and it was named by The Scientist as one of the biggest scientific advancements of 2013.[1] Currently, organoids are used by scientists to study disease and treatments in a laboratory. Eventually they should be used in rejection-free transplantation.
Trends in IT Innovation to Build a Next Generation Bioinformatics Solution to Manage and Analyse Biological Big Data Produced by NGS Technologies
Alexandre G. de Brevern and Alain Malpertuy
In software engineering, a spinlock is a lock
which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop
("spin") while repeatedly checking if the lock is available. Since the
thread remains active but is not performing a useful task, the use of
such a lock is a kind of busy waiting.
3D Printed Circuit Boards are the Next Big Thing in Additive Manufacturing
3D printed circuits are here.Longer-term affairs usually last from six months to approximately two years. For both men and women, longer-term affairs can arise from an unhappy marriage where one or both partners feel underappreciated or undervalued by their significant other
An oath of office is an oath or affirmation a person takes before assuming the duties of an office, usually a position in government or within a religious body, although such oaths are sometimes required of officers of other organizations.
Economists and behavioral scientists use a related term, sunk-cost fallacy, to describe the justification of increased investment of money or effort in a decision, based on the cumulative prior investment ("sunk cost") despite new evidence suggesting that the future cost of continuing the behavior outweighs the expected benefit.
In sociology, irrational escalation of commitment or commitment bias describe similar behaviors. The phenomenon and the sentiment underlying them are reflected in such proverbial images as "Throwing good money after bad," or "In for a penny, in for a pound," or "It's never the wrong time to make the right decision," or "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
Escalation of commitment
Escalation of commitment is a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continues the behavior instead of altering course. The actor maintains behaviors that are irrational, but align with previous decisions and actions.[1]Economists and behavioral scientists use a related term, sunk-cost fallacy, to describe the justification of increased investment of money or effort in a decision, based on the cumulative prior investment ("sunk cost") despite new evidence suggesting that the future cost of continuing the behavior outweighs the expected benefit.
In sociology, irrational escalation of commitment or commitment bias describe similar behaviors. The phenomenon and the sentiment underlying them are reflected in such proverbial images as "Throwing good money after bad," or "In for a penny, in for a pound," or "It's never the wrong time to make the right decision," or "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
bad egg
An individual who turns out to be rotten, as in You can't trust him-he's simply a bad egg. Although egg had been used for various kinds of person (young, good, bad) since Shakespeare's day, this transfer of a seemingly wholesome food that, when opened, turns out to be rotten took place only in the mid-1800s. An early definition appeared in The Atheneum of 1864: "A bad egg ... a fellow who had not proved to be as good as his promise." In contrast, the schoolyard saying Last one in is a rotten egg does not have any special significance other than as a way of urging others to join an activity, jump in the water, or the like. Whip that bad egg!
What is a whip in politics?
political contexts the word whip refers to a member of a legislature
(such as the U.S. Congress or the British Parliament) who is appointed
by a political party to make sure that other members are present when
votes are taken and that they do the things that they are expected to
The term "whip"
comes from a fox-hunting expression— "whipper-in"—referring to the
member of the hunting team responsible for keeping the dogs from
straying from the team during a chase. Established early in the 20th
century, the development of party whips coincided with the evolution of party leaders in the Senate.
The idiom and the horse you rode in on, usually preceded by a far more unfriendly phrase, tends to be directed at someone who's full of himself and unwelcome to boot.
The idiom and the horse you rode in on, usually preceded by a far more unfriendly phrase, tends to be directed at someone who's full of himself and unwelcome to boot.
What is the penalty for violating oath of office?
Any person who violates section 1824 of this title shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty of not more than $2,000 for each violation. No penalty shall be assessed unless such person is given notice and opportunity for a hearing before the Secretary with respect to such violation.
To see a man about a dog or horse is an English idiom, usually used as a way to apologize for one's imminent departure or absence—generally to euphemistically conceal one's true purpose, such as going to use the toilet or going to buy a drink.
An open letter concerning US President Trump and plea for a petition of discovery from courts of law in our United States. Complaints of Judicial Misconduct
In economics, Gresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good". U.S. Budget Deficit Grew 8% in First Half of Fiscal 2020, Treasury Says
The U.S. debt to China is $1.07 trillion as of December 2019. That's 16% of the $6.7 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $23 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.
To see a man about a dog or horse is an English idiom, usually used as a way to apologize for one's imminent departure or absence—generally to euphemistically conceal one's true purpose, such as going to use the toilet or going to buy a drink.
Heart strings and purse strings: Carryover effects of emotions on economic decisions.
Pussy whipped is an insult for a man who is seen as being controlled by his stronger-willed female romantic partner. Pussy, a weak, cowardly, or effeminate man. How that grabs at a fat cat president for the kitty. Kitty a fund of money for communal use, made up of contributions from a group of people.31 CFR § 10.51 - Incompetence and disreputable conduct.
Treasury is about to flood the market with debt to fund U.S.’s $1 trillion deficit — and that is a concern
Published: Aug 17, 2019
An open letter concerning US President Trump and plea for a petition of discovery from courts of law in our United States. Complaints of Judicial Misconduct
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is the 3rd Trump administration member linked to Jeffrey Epstein or his circle
In economics, Gresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good". U.S. Budget Deficit Grew 8% in First Half of Fiscal 2020, Treasury Says
The U.S. debt to China is $1.07 trillion as of December 2019. That's 16% of the $6.7 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $23 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.
Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws
that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Independently
adjudicated. And consistent with international human rights principles.
"In God We trust", also written as "In God we trust", is the official motto of the United States of America and of the U.S. state of Florida. It was adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, supplanting E pluribus unum, in use since the initial 1776 design of the Great Seal of the United States.
"In God We trust", also written as "In God we trust", is the official motto of the United States of America and of the U.S. state of Florida. It was adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, supplanting E pluribus unum, in use since the initial 1776 design of the Great Seal of the United States.
16 Synonyms for servant
- assistant
- attendant
- helper
- slave
- dependent
- domestic
- drudge
- help
- hireling
- menial
- minion
- retainer
- serf
- server
- cleaning
Notice the number of
Antonyms of SERVANT foreman, kingpin, master, taskmaster, boss, mistress... 6, how about...
Gematria (/ɡəˈmeɪtriə/; Hebrew: גמטריא or Gimatria גימטריה, plural גמטראות or גמטריאות, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used. Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture. Similar systems have been used in other languages and cultures: earlier, the Greek isopsephy, and later, derived from or inspired by Hebrew gematria, Arabic abjad numerals, and English gematria. A well-known example of Hebrew gematria is the word chai ("alive"), which is composed of two letters that (using the assignments in the Mispar gadol table shown below) add up to 18. This has made 18 a "lucky number" among the Jewish people. Gifts of money in multiples of 18 are very popular.[2]
Now, let us not give my pappy a headache with all these computations to consider playing polyglot puzzle squares for Python programming in the year of our Rat 2020!
Notice at this website:
a Gematria calculator
Anyon that is up quark, for a Game theory play of Spinon the Klein Bottle to chargon the pion in the holon in one Big O notation Gematria of a kissing stem-loop Word Golf game?
(or go suck an egg in a pseudoknot tongue twister theory)
A word square is a special type of acrostic, or poem (or other form of writing) in which the first letter (or syllable, or word) of each line (or paragraph, or other recurring feature in the text) spells out a word, message or the alphabet. In our information age, for computer science, The term 'word' is used to describe the number of bits processed at a time by a program or operating system. So, in a 16-bit CPU, the word length is 16 bits. In a 32-bit CPU, the word length is 32 bits.
The majority of flu vaccines are made from viruses grown in eggs.
Influenza Virus Propagation in Embryonated Chicken Eggs
In Roman mythology, Moneta (LatinMonēta) was a title given to two separate goddesses: the goddess of memory (identified with the Greek goddess Mnemosyne) and an epithet of Juno, called Juno Moneta (Latin Iūno Monēta). The latter’s name is source of numerous words in English and the Romance languages, including the words “money” and “mint“.
All Your Memories Are Stored by One Weird, Ancient Molecule
We actually borrowed our ability to form memories from viruses.
From the beginning, Mercury had essentially the same aspects as Hermes, wearing winged shoes (talaria) and a winged hat (petasos)
Zeus Corso Forzoso
World News
Zeus Corso Forzoso
Forced course, By a forced course , also known as a non- convertiblepaper money system , we mean a monetary system in which the non- convertibility between the currency and the equivalent in precious metal ( gold and silver , usually) applies, where it is balanced on the value of the gold ( gold standard ).
World News EU urges countries to open borders to seasonal farm workers
March 30, 2020 / 9:00 AMSunday of St. Thomas
1 Timothy 3:2
2 Therefore an overseer[a] must be above reproach, the husband of one wife,[b] sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
What Are the Duties of an Overseer?
John London
Dr. Rick Bright says his demotion is an example of the White House putting “cronyism ahead of science.”
HHS chief Alex Azar chose a former labradoodle breeder with minimal public health experience to lead the department's coronavirus response
Mia Jankowicz1754 - Reporting Allegations Of Criminal Offenses, Misuse of NIH Grant And Contract Funds, or Improper Conduct By An NIH Employee
A supervisor, or also known as foreman, boss, overseer, facilitator, monitor, area coordinator, or sometimes gaffer,
is the job title of a low level management position that is primarily
based on authority over a worker or charge of a workplace.
In our information age a web server is de facto, an overseer. A collection of web server scanning tools into one web application scanning platform.
US government internet and spectrum overseer resigns, along with legislative director
David Redl and Mike Platt quit NTIA. Trump Administration craziness to blame
Internet overseers seek crackdown on coronavirus website scams
by Staff Writers
San Francisco (AFP) April 7, 2020
and more importantly for legitimate research development:
Research team expands quantum network with successful long-distance entanglement experiment
by Brookhaven National LaboratoryKatya Walter has shown that the Fu Xi Earlier Heaven Ho Tu arrangement of the 64 hexagrams can represent the DNA genetic Code
Since the DNA genetic code can be represented by
4 things taken 3 at a time,
or (2x2) x (2x2) x (2x2) = 64
In Russian, to say Year of the metal Rat:
Год крысы
God krysy
Indeed, God krysy
1960, 2020 | These Rats tend to be reliable and live a stable life. They may hold some power and are able to turn unlucky events into fortune. |
Copper Venus Friday and Iron Mars Tuesday
Natural Antimicrobials, their Sources and Food Safety
By Muhammad Sajid Arshad and Syeda Ayesha Batool
In Hinduism, the Vasus are attendant deities of Indra, and later Vishnu. The Ashta Vasus are described in the Ramayana as the children of Kasyapa and Aditi and in the Mahabharata as the sons of Manu or Brahma Prajapati. They are eight elemental gods (called "Aṣṭa-vasu", 'Eight Vasus') representing aspects of nature (The Five Elements - Pancha Bhoothas) and also representing cosmic natural phenomenon (The Sun, The Moon and The Stars). The name Vasu means 'Brilliance' or 'Wealth Givers'. They are eight among the [Thirty-three gods].
What is Labradorite?
A mulligan is a second chance to perform an action, usually after
the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. Its
best-known meaning is in golf,
whereby a player is informally allowed to replay a stroke, even though
this is against the formal rules of golf. The term has also been applied
to other sports and games, and to other fields generally. The origin of
the term is unclear. Mulligan outside games:
In politics, where the losing candidate in a party primary may be able to run again in the general election on another ballot line.
The statement "There are no atheists in foxholes" is an aphorism used to argue that in times of extreme stress or fear, such as during war ("in foxholes"), all people will believe in, or hope for, a higher power (and there are therefore no atheists).[1]
Squirrels tend to split the nuts neatly in half. Common dormice leave a smooth, round hole in the side of the nut, with tooth marks running around the inside of the hole. Wood mice leave tooth marks on the surface of the nut and across the edge of the hole. The hole may be either circular or ragged in shape.
The term "eye of a needle" is used as a metaphor for a very narrow
opening. It occurs several times throughout the Talmud. The New
Testament quotes Jesus as saying that "it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of
What size hole can a squirrel get through?
A flying squirrel can fit through a hole as small as a nickel coin. A gray squirrel can fit through a hole as small as a quarter. Holes can be sealed with wood, metal or 1/2 inch wire mesh.
Flying squirrel can fit through a hole as small as a nickel
What is the purpose of a hobo nickel?
The hobo nickel
is a sculptural art form involving the creative modification of
small-denomination coins, essentially resulting in miniature bas
reliefs. The US nickel coin was favored because of its size, thickness and relative softness.
A gray squirrel can fit through a hole as small as a quarter.
The black squirrel occurs as a melanistic subgroup of both the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) and the fox squirrel (S. niger)
Although black and gray squirrels look different, they belong to the same species, the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Black coats are just one of the many possible eastern gray's coat colors. Fox squirrels, although usually reddish-brown, can also have black coats.
Talk:I Ching/Archive 2
The Human Genetic Code and I Ching’s 64 Hexagrams
Deyi Wang
May 2019
Eight Gluons with the Quantum Biology for Quantum Computing innovations of Bagua Trigrams as kissing stem RNA programing with Borroman DNA modeling rings per innovative vionary:
Original by James Bottomley and John Baez, 1996.
Why are there eight gluons and not nine?
A gluon is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange
particle for the strong force between quarks. It is analogous to the
exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged
particles. In layman's terms, they "glue" quarks together, forming
hadrons such as protons and neutrons.
What are the 8 gluons?
anti-red, red anti-blue, red anti-green, blue anti-red, blue anti-blue,
blue anti-green, green anti-red, green anti-blue, green anti-green. Why
then are there only eight gluons? Rather than start with the SU(3) theory, consider first what our knowledge of nature is—upon which we will base the theory.
By Katya Walter, Ph.D.
Double Bubble Universe Cosmology
Economic bubble
Japanese asset price bubble
Current U.S. Recession Odds (2019)
Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon
Double Consciousness
Double Consciousness is a term coined by W. E. B. Du Bois to describe an
individual whose identity is divided into several facets. As a
theoretical tool, “double consciousness” reveals the psycho-social
divisions in American society and allows for a full understanding of
those divisions. Du Bois’ focus on the specificity of black experience
allows for challenging injustice in national and world systems.
The term was first used in an Atlantic Monthly article titled “Strivings of the Negro People” in 1897.
The term was first used in an Atlantic Monthly article titled “Strivings of the Negro People” in 1897.
The Fabric Of America:
How Our Borders and Boundaries Shaped the Country and Forged Our
National Identity. An evocative and highly original narrative that
redefines America's character and identity.
The Cotton Belt is a region of the Southern United States where
cotton was the predominant cash crop from the late 18th century into the
20th century
USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared
State officials and growers say Trump’s Agriculture Department has been woefully slow to respond to farm crisis caused by coronavirus.
Executive infidelities to lead, honor, protect, guide and serve have real costs.
A French-supported government led by Emperor Maximilian ruled Mexico from 1864 until 1867, when Maximilian was killed and the Mexican republic was restored.
Zechariah 5:3 AMP
he said to me, “This is the curse that is going out over the face of
the whole land; for everyone who steals will be cut off according to the
writing on one side, and everyone who swears [oaths falsely] shall be
cut off according to the writing on the other side.
A French-supported government led by Emperor Maximilian ruled Mexico from 1864 until 1867, when Maximilian was killed and the Mexican republic was restored.
Maximilian I of Mexico
Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan and General Ulysses S. Grant both referred to habitually referred to Maximilian as “the Imperial buccaneer”.
Buccaneers were a kind of privateers or free sailors peculiar to the Caribbean Sea during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Brigandage is the life and practice of highway robbery and
plunder. It is practiced by a brigand, a person who usually lives in a
gang and lives by pillage and robbery.
The word brigand entered English as brigant via French from Italian as
early 1400.
Brigadier is a military rank, the seniority of which depends on
the country. In some countries, it is a senior rank above colonel,
equivalent to a brigadier general, typically commanding a brigade of
several thousand soldiers. In other countries, it is a non-commissioned
colloquially "the press" or the "press gang", is the taking of men into a
military or naval force by compulsion, with or without notice. Navies
of several nations used forced recruitment by various means.
Detection of influenza A viruses in eggs laid by infected turkeys.
a rotten egg
Someone who is thoroughly, intrinsically inclined to behave badly and cause trouble.
Black people account for 72% of COVID-19 deaths in Chicago while making up less than a third of city's population, mayor says
Individual and group human consciousness has an effect on...
“The Egg” in the Twenty-First Century: A Family’s Holistic Healing and Cleansing Practice
Humpty Dumpty is a character in an English nursery rhyme, probably originally a riddle and one of the best known in the English-speaking world. He is typically portrayed as an anthropomorphic egg, though he is not explicitly described as such.
Oregon Implementation of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
A Sound Garden is one of six outdoor public art works on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration campus that lies adjacent to the Warren G. Magnuson Park on the northwestern shore of Lake Washington in Seattle, Washington.A nest egg is a substantial sum of money or other assets that have been saved or invested for a specific purpose. Such assets are generally earmarked for longer-term objectives, the most common being retirement, buying a home, and education.
In mathematics, Hausdorff dimension (a.k.a. fractal dimension) is a measure of roughness and/or chaos that was first introduced in 1918 by mathematician Felix Hausdorff.
Grof's Basic Perinatal Matrices, summarized in his own words
The biological basis of this matrix is the experience of the original symbiotic unity of the fetus with the [mother].... Archetypal images from the collective unconscious that can be selectively reached in this state involve the heavens or paradises of different cultures of the world. The experience of the first matrix also involves elements of cosmic unity or mystical union.
This experiential pattern is related to the very onset of biological delivery....the original equilibrium of the intrauterine existence is disturbed....Very characteristic for this stage is the experience of a three-dimensional spiral, funnel, or whirlpool, sucking the subject relentlessly towards its center....The corresponding mythological theme seems to be the beginning of the hero's journey....Agonizing feelings of metaphysical loneliness, helplessness, inferiority, existential despair, and guilt are standard constituents of this matrix.
Many important aspects of this complex experiential matrix can be understood from its association with the second clinical stage of biological delivery....This involves an enormous struggle for survival, crushing mechanical pressure, and often a high degree of anoxia and suffocation....[Themes of BPM III include the] titanic fight, sadomasochistic experiences, intense sexual arousal, demonic episodes, scatalogical involvement, and encounter with fire. All these occur in the context of a determined death-rebirth struggle....Related archetypal themes are images of the Last Judgement, the extraordinary feats of superheroes, and mythological battles of cosmic proportions involving demons and angels or gods and Titans....[BPM III experiences] combine sex with death, danger, biological material, aggression, self-destructive impulses, physical pain, and spirituality.
This perinatal matrix is meaningfully related to the third clinical stage of delivery, the actual birth of the child. In this final stage, the agonizing process of the birth struggle comes to an end....The symbolic counterpart of this final stage of delivery is the death-rebirth experience....The transition from BPM III to BPM IV involves a sense of annihilation on all imaginable levels--physical destruction, emotional debacle, intellectual defeat, ultimate moral failure, and absolute damnation of transcendental proportions.This experience of "ego death" seems to entail an instant merciless destruction all previous reference points in the life of the individual....[after which]The subject experiences a deep sense of spiritual liberation, redemption, and salvation.
In engineering, applied mathematics, and physics, the Buckingham π theorem is a key theorem in dimensional analysis.
The Shared Work program provides Texas employers with an alternative to layoffs.
In mathematics, the Alexander polynomial is a knot invariant which assigns a polynomial with integer coefficients to each knot type. James Waddell Alexander II discovered this, the first knot polynomial, in 1923. In 1969, John Conway showed a version of this polynomial, now called the Alexander–Conway polynomial, could be computed using a skein relation, although its significance was not realized until the discovery of the Jones polynomial in 1984.
Prime Knot
Schubert (1949) showed that every knot can be uniquely decomposed (up to the order in which the decomposition is performed) as a knot sum of prime knots.Composite Knot
A composite knot is a knot that is not a prime knot. Schubert (1949) showed that every knot can be uniquely decomposed (up to the order in which the decomposition is performed) as a knot sum of a class of knots known as prime knots, which cannot themselves be further decomposed (Hoste et al. 1998).Knots that make up a knot sum of a composite knot are known as factor knots.
Combining prime knots gives no new knots for knots of three to five crossing, but two additional composite knots (the granny knot and square knot) with six crossings. The granny knot is the knot sum of two trefoils with the same chirality (








Class conflict (also class warfare and class struggle)
is the political tension and economic antagonism that exists in society
consequent to socio-economic competition among the social classes.
Combinatorial game theory (CGT) is a branch of mathematics and theoretical computer science that typically studies sequential games with perfect information. Study has been largely confined to two-player games that have a position in which the players take turns changing in defined ways or moves to achieve a defined winning condition. CGT has not traditionally studied games of chance or those that use imperfect or incomplete information, favoring games that offer perfect information in which the state of the game and the set of available moves is always known by both players.[1] However, as mathematical techniques advance, the types of game that can be mathematically analyzed expands, thus the boundaries of the field are ever changing.[2] Scholars will generally define what they mean by a "game" at the beginning of a paper, and these definitions often vary as they are specific to the game being analyzed and are not meant to represent the entire scope of the field.
The game is a simple race based on sheer luck, and is popular with young children.[2] The historic version had its roots in morality lessons, on which a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes). A commercial version with different morality lessons, Chutes and Ladders, has been published by Milton Bradley since the 1940s.
Puzzle Box. The puzzle box is the laboratory device that E. L. Thorndike invented in order to study instrumental or operant conditioning in cats. Hungry cats were individually placed into a box that could be opened by the animal via a device such as a latch.
2020 Year of the RAT
Hurr-ay Hurry Hurr-ay EEEeeKk!
A Fat Cat is a man of large means and slight political experience who, having reached middle age, and success in business,
and finding no further thrill, sense or satisfaction in the mere piling
up of more millions, develops a yearning for some sort of public honor,
and is willing to pay for it.
Pavamana Mantra
pavamāna abhyāroha- असतो मा सद्गमय ।
- तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
- मृत्योर् मामृतं गमय ।
- asato mā sadgamaya,
- tamaso mā jyotirgamaya,
- mṛtyor mā'mṛtaṃ gamaya,
This translates to:
- From falsehood lead me to truth,
- From darkness lead me to the light,
- From death lead me to immortality.
Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
Lotka–Volterra equations
Combinatorial game theory (CGT) is a branch of mathematics and theoretical computer science that typically studies sequential games with perfect information. Study has been largely confined to two-player games that have a position in which the players take turns changing in defined ways or moves to achieve a defined winning condition. CGT has not traditionally studied games of chance or those that use imperfect or incomplete information, favoring games that offer perfect information in which the state of the game and the set of available moves is always known by both players.[1] However, as mathematical techniques advance, the types of game that can be mathematically analyzed expands, thus the boundaries of the field are ever changing.[2] Scholars will generally define what they mean by a "game" at the beginning of a paper, and these definitions often vary as they are specific to the game being analyzed and are not meant to represent the entire scope of the field.
Predator-Prey Models
noun: black mark; plural noun: black marks
- used to indicate that someone is remembered and regarded with disfavor."a black mark went down against him for turning down the job"
Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and Ladders, known originally as Moksha Patam, is an ancient Indian board game regarded today as a worldwide classic.[1] It is played between two or more players on a gameboard having numbered, gridded squares. A number of "ladders" and "snakes" are pictured on the board, each connecting two specific board squares. The object of the game is to navigate one's game piece, according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) to the finish (top square), helped or hindered by ladders and snakes, respectively.The game is a simple race based on sheer luck, and is popular with young children.[2] The historic version had its roots in morality lessons, on which a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes). A commercial version with different morality lessons, Chutes and Ladders, has been published by Milton Bradley since the 1940s.
Mathematics of the game
Any version of Snakes and Ladders can be represented exactly as an absorbing Markov chain, since from any square the odds of moving to any other square are fixed and independent of any previous game history.[4] The Milton Bradley version of Chutes and Ladders
has 100 squares, with 19 chutes and ladders. A player will need an
average of 39.2 spins to move from the starting point, which is off the
board, to square 100. A two-player game is expected to end in 47.76
moves with a 50.9% chance of winning for the first player.[19]
These calculations are based on a variant where throwing a six does
not lead to an additional roll; and where the player must roll the exact
number to reach square 100 and if they overshoot it their counter does
not move.
A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its usual rank in trick-taking games. Typically, an entire suit is nominated as a trump suit; these cards then outrank all cards of plain (non-trump) suits. In other contexts, the terms trump card or to trump can refer to any sort of action, authority, or policy which automatically prevails over all others.
The Hebrew word נָחָשׁ (Nachash)
is used to identify the serpent that appears in Genesis 3:1, in the
Garden of Eden. In Genesis, the serpent is portrayed as a deceptive
creature or trickster, who promotes as good what God had forbidden and
shows particular cunning in its deception.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I/O Psychology)
More Americans are quitting their jobs than ever.
List of concentration and internment camps
Migrants at the Mexico–United States border
Main articles: Trump administration migrant detentions, Trump administration family separation policy, and Immigration detention in the United States
In May 2018, the administration under president Donald Trump
instituted a "zero tolerance" policy mandating the criminal prosecution
of all adults who were referred by immigration authorities for
violating immigration laws.[233][234][235] This policy directly led to the large-scale,[236][237] forcible separation of children and parents arriving at the United States-Mexico border,[238] including those seeking asylum from violence in their home countries.[239]
Parents were arrested and put into criminal detention, while their
children were taken away, classified as unaccompanied alien minors, to
be put into child immigrant detention centers.[240][235] Though in June 2018 Trump signed an executive order ostensibly ending the family separation component of his administration's migrant detentions, it continued under alternative justifications into 2019.[241] By the end of 2018 the number of children being held had swelled to a high of nearly 15,000,[242][243] which by August 2019 had been reduced to less than 9,000.[244] In 2019, many experts, including Andrea Pitzer, the author of One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps, have acknowledged the designation of the detention centers as "concentration camps" [245][246] particularly given that the centers, previously cited by Texas officials for more than 150 health violations[247] and reported deaths in custody,[248] reflect a record typical of the history of deliberate substandard healthcare and nutrition in concentration camps.[249] Though some organizations have tried to resist the "concentration camp" label for these facilities,[250][251] hundreds of Holocaust and genocide scholars rejected this resistance via an open letter addressed to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.[252]Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I/O Psychology)
In political science,
democratic backsliding, also known as democratic erosion or
de-democratization, is a gradual decline in the quality of democracy. This decline is caused by the state-led weakening of political institutions that sustain the democratic system.
Narcissistic rage is a psychological construct that describes a reaction to narcissistic injury, which is conceptualized as a perceived threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth. Narcissistic injury (or narcissistic scar) is a phrase used by Sigmund Freud in the 1920s; narcissistic wound and narcissistic blow are further, almost interchangeable terms.[1] The term narcissistic rage was coined by Heinz Kohut in 1972.
"Six flags over Texas" is the slogan used to describe the six nations that have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the U.S. state of Texas: Spain (1519–1685; 1690–1821), France (1685–1690), Mexico (1821–1836), the Republic of Texas (1836–1845), the United States of America (1845–1861; 1865–present), and the Confederate States of America (1861–1865).
"Six flags over Texas" is the slogan used to describe the six nations that have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the U.S. state of Texas: Spain (1519–1685; 1690–1821), France (1685–1690), Mexico (1821–1836), the Republic of Texas (1836–1845), the United States of America (1845–1861; 1865–present), and the Confederate States of America (1861–1865).
The Pieds-Noirs (French pronunciation: [pjenwaʁ], "Black-Feet", singular Pied-Noir) are the people of French and other European origin who were born in Algeria during the period of French rule from 1830 to 1962, and who "returned" to mainland France as soon as Algeria gained independence, or in the months following.
France (1684 to 1690 for Fort Saint Louis and 1800 to 1803 as French Louisiana)
Stonewalling is a refusal to communicate or cooperate. Such
behaviour occurs in situations such as marriage guidance counseling,
diplomatic negotiations, politics and legal cases.
Psychological abuse, often called emotional abuse, is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. It is often associated with situations of power imbalance in abusive relationships, and may include bullying, gaslighting, and abuse in the workplace. It also may be perpetrated by persons conducting torture, other violence, acute or prolonged human rights abuse, particularly without legal redress such as detention without trial, false accusations, false convictions and extreme defamation such as where perpetrated by state and media.
Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through indirect, deceptive, or underhanded tactics.[1]
By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another's
expense, such methods could be considered exploitative and devious.
Social influence is not necessarily negative. For example, people such as friends, family and doctors, can try to persuade to change clearly unhelpful habits and behaviors. Social influence is generally perceived to be harmless when it respects the right of the influenced to accept or reject it, and is not unduly coercive. Depending on the context and motivations, social influence may constitute underhanded manipulation.
Social influence is not necessarily negative. For example, people such as friends, family and doctors, can try to persuade to change clearly unhelpful habits and behaviors. Social influence is generally perceived to be harmless when it respects the right of the influenced to accept or reject it, and is not unduly coercive. Depending on the context and motivations, social influence may constitute underhanded manipulation.
The caduceus (☤) is the traditional symbol of Hermes
(Hermes Conrad, Jamaican
Rastafarian and grade 36 Bureaucrat) and features two snakes winding
around an often winged staff. For Python parallel processing Isabelle
interactive prover in Keras Oracle to SUCCEED! The caduceus is
often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of
Asclepius, especially in the United States. Most operators in quantum mechanics are of a special kind called Hermitian. In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, each bounded
linear operator on a complex Hilbert space has a corresponding adjoint
operator. Adjoints of operators generalize conjugate transposes of
square matrices to infinite-dimensional situations. In particle physics, a helicity operator is the projection of the spin onto the direction of momentum. An important property of Hermitian operators is that their eigenvalues are real. A Chirality operator for a Dirac fermion ψ is defined through the operator γ5, which has eigenvalues ±1.
Ephaptic coupling is a form of communication within the nervous system and is distinct from direct communication systems like electrical synapses and chemical synapses. It may refer to the coupling of adjacent (touching) nerve fibers caused by the exchange of ions between the cells, or it may refer to coupling of nerve fibers as a result of local electric fields.
Spin, helicity and chirality
Parallel processing Now, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. And, Hard science and soft science are colloquial terms used to compare scientific fields on the basis of perceived methodological rigor, exactitude, and objectivity. Roughly speaking, the natural sciences are considered "hard", whereas the social sciences are usually described as "soft".Ephaptic coupling is a form of communication within the nervous system and is distinct from direct communication systems like electrical synapses and chemical synapses. It may refer to the coupling of adjacent (touching) nerve fibers caused by the exchange of ions between the cells, or it may refer to coupling of nerve fibers as a result of local electric fields.
In mathematics, Schubert calculus is a branch of algebraic geometry introduced in the nineteenth century by Hermann Schubert, in order to solve various counting problems of projective geometry (part of enumerative geometry). It was a precursor of several more modern theories, for example characteristic classes, and in particular its algorithmic aspects are still of current interest. The phrase "Schubert calculus" is sometimes used to mean the enumerative geometry of linear subspaces, roughly equivalent to describing the cohomology ring of Grassmannians, and sometimes used to mean the more general enumerative geometry of nonlinear varieties. Even more generally, “Schubert calculus” is often understood to encompass the study of analogous questions in generalized cohomology theories.
The objects introduced by Schubert are the Schubert cells, which are locally closed sets in a Grassmannian defined by conditions of incidence of a linear subspace in projective space with a given flag. For details see Schubert variety.
The intersection theory of these cells, which can be seen as the product structure in the cohomology ring of the Grassmannian of associated cohomology classes, in principle allows the prediction of the cases where intersections of cells results in a finite set of points, which are potentially concrete answers to enumerative questions. A supporting theoretical result is that the Schubert cells (or rather, their classes) span the whole cohomology ring.
In detailed calculations the combinatorial aspects enter as soon as the cells have to be indexed. Lifted from the Grassmannian, which is a homogeneous space, to the general linear group that acts on it, similar questions are involved in the Bruhat decomposition and classification of parabolic subgroups (by block matrix).
Putting Schubert's system on a rigorous footing is Hilbert's fifteenth problem.
The Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (“Texas ABLE®”) Program was established to encourage and assist individuals with disabilities and their families.
The annual Austin City Limits Music Festival, held in Austin, Texas each year, is one of the reasons Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World. The Institute for Music and Consciousness offers trainings in the Continuum Model of GIM:
Denton, TX USA
The Atlantis model emphasizes GIM as a music-centered psychotherapy for individuals and groups.
In narratology and comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.
Institute for Music and Consciousness
Bonny Method Training in TexasDenton, TX USA
The Atlantis model emphasizes GIM as a music-centered psychotherapy for individuals and groups.
How slaveholders in the Caribbean maintained control
In narratology and comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.
EPA rules? Who is driving this country and what passengers in this state are incurring injuries
from reckless stewardship of our nation? How is the operator as captain
of our US nation not being held responsible for violating oaths of
Trump reportedly squandered 3 crucial weeks to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak after a CDC official's blunt warnings spooked the stock market
There are costs for not honoring wedding contracts, business contracts as well consequences for breaking oaths.
In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason
against the United States, conceals such knowledge and does not inform
the President, a federal judge, a State Governor, or a State judge.
18 USC 2382: Misprision of treason
Text contains those laws in effect on January 23, 2000
§2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.The Roosevelt Corollary and Latin America
What was Roosevelt's quarantine speech?
The Quarantine Speech was given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt on October 5, 1937 in Chicago (on the occasion of the dedication of the bridge between north and south outer Lake Shore Drive), calling for an international "quarantine" against the "epidemic of world lawlessness" by aggressive nations.
The Bülow tariff of 1902, which came into being amid intense political struggles, merely provided the legal foundation for German trade policy up until the First World War.
Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade
Author(s): Ronald Rogowski
as well
The custom of the Easter egg hunt, however, comes from Germany. Some suggest that its origins date back to
the late 16th century, when the Protestant reformer Martin Luther
organised egg hunts for his congregation. The men would hide the eggs for the women and children to find.
By Olivia Goldhill
A philosopher’s 350-year-old trick to get people to change their minds is now backed up by psychologists
By Olivia Goldhill
Crisis Management and Communications
I offer quantum biology word actor model theories in my SBIR article to be of service:
Kissing stem-loop
Structural Biology Points Way to Coronavirus Vaccine
Molecular Borromean rings are the molecular counterparts of Borromean rings, which are mechanically-interlocked molecular architectures. In 1997, biologists Chengde Mao and coworkers of New York University succeeded in constructing a set of rings from DNA.[10] In 2003, chemist Fraser Stoddart and coworkers at UCLA utilised coordination chemistry to construct a set of rings in one step from 18 components.[9]
Borromean ring structures have been shown to be an effective way to
represent the structure of certain atomically precise noble metal
clusters which are shielded by a surface layer of thiolate ligands
(-SR), such as Au25(SR)18 and Ag25(SR)18.[11] A library of Borromean networks has been synthesized by design by Giuseppe Resnati and coworkers via halogen bond driven self-assembly.[12]
A quantum-mechanical analog of Borromean rings is called a halo state or an Efimov state (the existence of such states was predicted by physicist Vitaly Efimov, in 1970). For the first time the research group of Rudolf Grimm and Hanns-Christoph Nägerl from the Institute for Experimental Physics (University of Innsbruck, Austria) experimentally confirmed such a state in an ultracold gas of caesium atoms in 2006, and published their findings in the scientific journal Nature.[13] A team of physicists led by Randall Hulet of Rice University in Houston achieved this with a set of three bound lithium atoms and published their findings in the online journal Science Express.[14] In 2010, a team led by K. Tanaka created an Efimov state within a nucleus.[15]
The Discordian “mandala”, containing five Borromean rings configurations
A quantum-mechanical analog of Borromean rings is called a halo state or an Efimov state (the existence of such states was predicted by physicist Vitaly Efimov, in 1970). For the first time the research group of Rudolf Grimm and Hanns-Christoph Nägerl from the Institute for Experimental Physics (University of Innsbruck, Austria) experimentally confirmed such a state in an ultracold gas of caesium atoms in 2006, and published their findings in the scientific journal Nature.[13] A team of physicists led by Randall Hulet of Rice University in Houston achieved this with a set of three bound lithium atoms and published their findings in the online journal Science Express.[14] In 2010, a team led by K. Tanaka created an Efimov state within a nucleus.[15]
The Discordian “mandala”, containing five Borromean rings configurations
The Efimov effect is an effect in the quantum mechanics of few-body systems predicted by the Russian theoretical physicist V. N. Efimov in 1970. Efimov’s effect is where three identical bosons
interact, with the prediction of an infinite series of excited
three-body energy levels when a two-body state is exactly at the
dissociation threshold. One corollary is that there exist bound states
(called Efimov states) of three bosons even if the two-particle
attraction is too weak to allow two bosons to form a pair. A
(three-particle) Efimov state, where the (two-body) sub-systems are
unbound, are often depicted symbolically by the Borromean rings.
This means that if one of the particles is removed, the remaining two
fall apart. In this case, the Efimov state is also called a Borromean
In mathematics, a Casimir element (also known as a Casimir invariant or Casimir operator) is a distinguished element of the center of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra. A prototypical example is the squared angular momentum operator, which is a Casimir element of the three-dimensional rotation group.
In mathematics, a Casimir element (also known as a Casimir invariant or Casimir operator) is a distinguished element of the center of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra. A prototypical example is the squared angular momentum operator, which is a Casimir element of the three-dimensional rotation group.
Gimbal lock
Inertial measurement unit
Tejas... halo state
A Native American tribe of the Hasinai confederation of North America (present day Texas)
Tejas means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit.
Tejas is a Sanskrit term that translates to “fire” or “illumination.” It can be classified as a type of energy, vitality or charisma.
Tejas... halo state
A Native American tribe of the Hasinai confederation of North America (present day Texas)
Tejas means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit.
Tejas is a Sanskrit term that translates to “fire” or “illumination.” It can be classified as a type of energy, vitality or charisma.
List of RNA structure prediction software
In computing, a pipeline, also known as a data pipeline, is a set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time-sliced fashion.
The RNA fold web server
will predict secondary structures of single stranded RNA or DNA
sequences. Current limits are 7,500 nt for partition function
calculations and 10,000 nt for minimum free energy only predicitions.
“Assembly of Borromean rings from DNA” Chengde Mao, Weiqiong Sun & Nadrian C. Seeman as an application of Knot Theory and
“Assembly of Borromean rings from DNA” Chengde Mao, Weiqiong Sun & Nadrian C. Seeman as an application of Knot Theory and
Go Fish (game theory) with an
"Fishers of men" is a phrase used in the gospels to describe the mandate given by Jesus to his first disciples. Two brother fishermen, Simon called Peter and Andrew, were casting a net into the Sea of Galilee
RNA virus
In mathematical statistics, the Fisher information (sometimes simply called information) is a way of measuring the amount of information that an observable random variable X carries about an unknown parameter θ of a distribution that models X. Formally, it is the variance of the score, or the expected value of the observed information. In Bayesian statistics, the asymptotic distribution of the posterior mode depends on the Fisher information and not on the prior (according to the Bernstein–von Mises theorem, which was anticipated by Laplace for exponential families).[2] The role of the Fisher information in the asymptotic theory of maximum-likelihood estimation was emphasized by the statistician Ronald Fisher (following some initial results by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth). The Fisher information is also used in the calculation of the Jeffreys prior, which is used in Bayesian statistics.
The Fisher-information matrix is used to calculate the covariance matrices associated with maximum-likelihood estimates. It can also be used in the formulation of test statistics, such as the Wald test.
Statistical systems of a scientific nature (physical, biological, etc.) whose likelihood functions obey shift invariance have been shown to obey maximum Fisher information. The level of the maximum depends upon the nature of the system constraints.
Viral envelope
ARC: Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein
The Ark of the Covenant (Hebrew: אָרוֹן הַבְּרִית, Modern: Arōn Ha'brēt, Tiberian: ʾĀrôn Habbərîṯ; Koinē Greek: Κιβωτός της διαθήκης), also known as the Ark of the Testimony, and in a few verses across various translations as the Ark of God, is a gold-covered wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. According to various texts within the Hebrew Bible, it also contained Aaron's rod and a pot of manna.[3] In the Christian New Testament, Hebrews 9:4 reads that "The ark of the covenant [was] covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron's rod which budded, and the tablets of the covenant."[4]
The biblical account relates that, approximately one year after the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, the Ark was created according to the pattern given to Moses by God when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai. Thereafter, the gold-plated acacia chest was carried by its staves while en route by the Levites approximately 2,000 cubits (approximately 800 meters or 2,600 feet) in advance of the people when on the march or before the Israelite army, the host of fighting men. When carried, the Ark was always hidden under a large veil made of skins and blue cloth, always carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the priests and the Levites who carried it. God was said to have spoken with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover. When at rest the tabernacle was set up and the holy Ark was placed in it under the veil of the covering, the staves of it crossing the middle side bars to hold it up off the ground.
T=1 icosahedral capsid protein
The Beatitudes are eight blessings recounted by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. Each is a proverb-like proclamation, without narrative. Four of the blessings also appear in the Sermon on the Plain in the Gospel of Luke, followed by four woes which mirror the blessings.
A pseudoknot is a nucleic acid secondary structure containing at least two stem-loop structures in which half of one stem is intercalated between the two halves of another stem. The pseudoknot was first recognized in the turnip yellow mosaic virus in 1982.[2] Pseudoknots fold into knot-shaped three-dimensional conformations but are not true topological knots.
Principles of Virus Structural Organization
T=7 icosahedral capsid protein
It is possible to identify a limited class of pseudoknots using dynamic programming, but these methods are not exhaustive and scale worse as a function of sequence length than non-pseudoknotted algorithms.[3][4] The general problem of predicting lowest free energy structures with pseudoknots has been shown to be NP-complete.
Knots and Quantum Theory
strings, threads, knots and braid theory…
Multiple origins of viral capsid proteins from cellular ancestors
Arc Gene Acts Like a Virus to Pass mRNA from Neuron to Neuron
MEG3 (maternally expressed 3) is a maternally expressed, imprinted long non-coding RNA gene.[2] At least 12 different isoforms of MEG3 are generated by alternative splicing.[3] Expression of MEG3 is lost in cancer cells.[3][4] It acts as a growth suppressor in tumour cells, and activates p53.[4][5] A pituitary transcript variant has been associated with inhibited cell proliferation. Studies in mouse and sheep suggest that an upstream intergenic differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) regulates imprinting of the region. The expression profile in mouse of the co-regulated Meg3 and Dlk1 genes suggests a causative role in the pathologies found in uniparental disomy animals, characterized by defects in skeletal muscle maturation, bone formation, placenta size and organization and prenatal lethality. The sheep homolog is associated with the callipyge mutation which in heterozygous individuals affects a muscle-specific long-range control element located in the DLK1-GTL2 intergenic region and results in the callipyge muscular hypertrophy. The non-Mendelian inheritance pattern, known as polar overdominance, likely results from the combination of the cis-effect on the expression levels of genes in the DLK1-GTL2 imprinted domain, and trans interaction between the products of reciprocally imprinted genes.[6]
"Fishers of men" is a phrase used in the gospels to describe the mandate given by Jesus to his first disciples. Two brother fishermen, Simon called Peter and Andrew, were casting a net into the Sea of Galilee
RNA virus
In mathematical statistics, the Fisher information (sometimes simply called information) is a way of measuring the amount of information that an observable random variable X carries about an unknown parameter θ of a distribution that models X. Formally, it is the variance of the score, or the expected value of the observed information. In Bayesian statistics, the asymptotic distribution of the posterior mode depends on the Fisher information and not on the prior (according to the Bernstein–von Mises theorem, which was anticipated by Laplace for exponential families).[2] The role of the Fisher information in the asymptotic theory of maximum-likelihood estimation was emphasized by the statistician Ronald Fisher (following some initial results by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth). The Fisher information is also used in the calculation of the Jeffreys prior, which is used in Bayesian statistics.
The Fisher-information matrix is used to calculate the covariance matrices associated with maximum-likelihood estimates. It can also be used in the formulation of test statistics, such as the Wald test.
Statistical systems of a scientific nature (physical, biological, etc.) whose likelihood functions obey shift invariance have been shown to obey maximum Fisher information. The level of the maximum depends upon the nature of the system constraints.
Viral envelope
ARC: Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein
The Ark of the Covenant (Hebrew: אָרוֹן הַבְּרִית, Modern: Arōn Ha'brēt, Tiberian: ʾĀrôn Habbərîṯ; Koinē Greek: Κιβωτός της διαθήκης), also known as the Ark of the Testimony, and in a few verses across various translations as the Ark of God, is a gold-covered wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. According to various texts within the Hebrew Bible, it also contained Aaron's rod and a pot of manna.[3] In the Christian New Testament, Hebrews 9:4 reads that "The ark of the covenant [was] covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron's rod which budded, and the tablets of the covenant."[4]
The biblical account relates that, approximately one year after the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, the Ark was created according to the pattern given to Moses by God when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai. Thereafter, the gold-plated acacia chest was carried by its staves while en route by the Levites approximately 2,000 cubits (approximately 800 meters or 2,600 feet) in advance of the people when on the march or before the Israelite army, the host of fighting men. When carried, the Ark was always hidden under a large veil made of skins and blue cloth, always carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the priests and the Levites who carried it. God was said to have spoken with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover. When at rest the tabernacle was set up and the holy Ark was placed in it under the veil of the covering, the staves of it crossing the middle side bars to hold it up off the ground.
T=1 icosahedral capsid protein
The Beatitudes are eight blessings recounted by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. Each is a proverb-like proclamation, without narrative. Four of the blessings also appear in the Sermon on the Plain in the Gospel of Luke, followed by four woes which mirror the blessings.
A pseudoknot is a nucleic acid secondary structure containing at least two stem-loop structures in which half of one stem is intercalated between the two halves of another stem. The pseudoknot was first recognized in the turnip yellow mosaic virus in 1982.[2] Pseudoknots fold into knot-shaped three-dimensional conformations but are not true topological knots.
Principles of Virus Structural Organization
T=7 icosahedral capsid protein
Prediction and identification
The structural configuration of pseudoknots does not lend itself well to bio-computational detection due to its context-sensitivity or “overlapping” nature. The base pairing in pseudoknots is not well nested; that is, base pairs occur that “overlap” one another in sequence position. This makes the presence of pseudoknots in RNA sequences more difficult to predict by the standard method of dynamic programming, which use a recursive scoring system to identify paired stems and consequently, most cannot detect non-nested base pairs. The newer method of stochastic context-free grammars suffers from the same problem. Thus, popular secondary structure prediction methods like Mfold and Pfold will not predict pseudoknot structures present in a query sequence; they will only identify the more stable of the two pseudoknot stems.It is possible to identify a limited class of pseudoknots using dynamic programming, but these methods are not exhaustive and scale worse as a function of sequence length than non-pseudoknotted algorithms.[3][4] The general problem of predicting lowest free energy structures with pseudoknots has been shown to be NP-complete.
Knots and Quantum Theory
strings, threads, knots and braid theory…
Quantum knot invariant Surgery, Charecteristic classes of Crystalline cohomology with a Traveling Salesman Problem Omnigenic model
By David Hirsch (Mirlok website down, advised that the website will be back up soon on April 20, 2020)Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics
Philosopher David Albert thinks there might be a “clear and straightforward” way of thinking about quantum phenomenaMultiple origins of viral capsid proteins from cellular ancestors
Adaptation or biased gene conversion? Extending the null hypothesis of molecular evolution
Author links open overlay panel NicolasGaltier1LaurentDuret2Arc Gene Acts Like a Virus to Pass mRNA from Neuron to Neuron
The actor model in computer science is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that treats actor as the universal primitive of concurrent computation. In response to a message
it receives, an actor can: make local decisions, create more actors,
send more messages, and determine how to respond to the next message
received. Actors may modify their own private state, but can only affect each other indirectly through messaging (obviating lock-based synchronization).
The actor model originated in 1973.[1] It has been used both as a framework for a theoretical understanding of computation and as the theoretical basis for several practical implementations of concurrent systems. The relationship of the model to other work is discussed in actor model and process calculi.
The actor model originated in 1973.[1] It has been used both as a framework for a theoretical understanding of computation and as the theoretical basis for several practical implementations of concurrent systems. The relationship of the model to other work is discussed in actor model and process calculi.
Unemployment checks are being held up by a coding language almost nobody knows
States have been starved of modernization funding for years
MEG3 (maternally expressed 3) is a maternally expressed, imprinted long non-coding RNA gene.[2] At least 12 different isoforms of MEG3 are generated by alternative splicing.[3] Expression of MEG3 is lost in cancer cells.[3][4] It acts as a growth suppressor in tumour cells, and activates p53.[4][5] A pituitary transcript variant has been associated with inhibited cell proliferation. Studies in mouse and sheep suggest that an upstream intergenic differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) regulates imprinting of the region. The expression profile in mouse of the co-regulated Meg3 and Dlk1 genes suggests a causative role in the pathologies found in uniparental disomy animals, characterized by defects in skeletal muscle maturation, bone formation, placenta size and organization and prenatal lethality. The sheep homolog is associated with the callipyge mutation which in heterozygous individuals affects a muscle-specific long-range control element located in the DLK1-GTL2 intergenic region and results in the callipyge muscular hypertrophy. The non-Mendelian inheritance pattern, known as polar overdominance, likely results from the combination of the cis-effect on the expression levels of genes in the DLK1-GTL2 imprinted domain, and trans interaction between the products of reciprocally imprinted genes.[6]
The Neuronal Gene Arc Encodes a Repurposed Retrotransposon Gag Protein that Mediates Intercellular RNA Transfer
The question is no longer whether quantum theory is correct, but what it means
Origin of icosahedral symmetry in viruses
Solving Fröhlich and Holstein Hamiltonians citing Fr ̈ohlich polaron and bipolaron: recent developments researchers consider, The Holstein Polaron Problem Revisited
The main mathematical tool is a three-term recurrence relation between
the wave function amplitudes that was obtained using the properties of a
family of orthogonal functions, namely the Poisson-Charlier polynomials.
The behavior of superconductors suggests that electron pairs are
coupling over a range of hundreds of nanometers, three orders of
magnitude larger than the lattice spacing. Called Cooper pairs, these coupled electrons can take the character of a boson and condense into the ground state.
What is the chaos theory in psychology?
Quantum dots (QDs) are tiny semiconductor particles a few nanometres in size, having optical and electronic properties that differ from larger particles due to quantum mechanics. They are a central topic in nanotechnology.
When the quantum dots are illuminated by UV light, an electron in the
quantum dot can be excited to a state of higher energy. In the case of a
semiconducting quantum dot, this process corresponds to the transition of an electron from the valence band to the conductance band. The excited electron can drop back into the valence band releasing its energy by the emission of light. This light emission (photoluminescence) is illustrated in the figure on the right. The color of that light depends on the energy difference between the conductance band and the valence band.
In the language of materials science, nanoscale semiconductor materials tightly confine either electrons or electron holes. Quantum dots are sometimes referred to as artificial atoms, emphasizing their singularity, having bound, discrete electronic states, like naturally occurring atoms or molecules.[1][2] It was shown that the electronic wave functions in quantum dots resembles the ones in real atoms.[3] By coupling two or more such quantum dots an artificial molecule can be made, exhibiting hybridization even in room temperature.[4]
Quantum dots have properties intermediate between bulk semiconductors and discrete atoms or molecules. Their optoelectronic properties change as a function of both size and shape.[5][6] Larger QDs of 5–6 nm diameter emit longer wavelengths, with colors such as orange or red. Smaller QDs (2–3 nm) emit shorter wavelengths, yielding colors like blue and green. However, the specific colors vary depending on the exact composition of the QD.[7]
Potential applications of quantum dots include single-electron transistors, solar cells, LEDs, lasers,[8] single-photon sources,[9][10][11] second-harmonic generation, quantum computing,[12] and medical imaging.[13] Their small size allows for some QDs to be suspended in solution, which may lead to use in inkjet printing and spin-coating.[14] They have been used in Langmuir-Blodgett thin-films.[15][16][17] These processing techniques result in less expensive and less time-consuming methods of semiconductor fabrication.
Quantum random number generation
Nonlinear Pricing: Theory and Applications
There are also several variations:
According to Tacitus, the rack was used in a vain attempt to extract the names of the conspirators to assassinate Emperor Nero in the Pisonian conspiracy from the freedwoman Epicharis in 65 A.D.
"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Good Show! Cheerios Indeed Capt Tom Moore.
The question is no longer whether quantum theory is correct, but what it means
Coming to Grips with the Implications of Quantum Mechanics
By Bernardo Kastrup, Henry P. Stapp, Menas C. Kafatos on May 29, 2018Partisan Polygot of Portugal, plots of a Klein-Venedig plutocracy
By David V. B. HirschOrigin of icosahedral symmetry in viruses
Physics can explain human innovation and enlightenment
By Ephrat Livni
Following up with the London Dispersion Forces In mathematics, particularly in combinatorics, a Stirling number of the second kind (or Stirling partition number) is the number of ways to partition a set of n objects into k non-empty subsets. Stirling numbers of the second kind are one of two kinds of Stirling numbers, the other kind being called Stirling numbers of the first kind (or Stirling cycle numbers). Mutually inverse (finite or infinite) triangular matrices can be formed from the Stirling numbers of each kind according to the parameters n, k.
London Disperson Forces... I got your Stirling number of the second kind... you...
Sexy prime Freudenthal–Tits magic square Lie Algebra
By David V. B. Hirsch
...Scalar Silica Skyrmion, Skein Sieve… Skein, a length of thread or yarn, loosely coiled and knotted as in knot theory number sieve as to schottky group
Schottky group
Solving Fröhlich and Holstein Hamiltonians citing Fr ̈ohlich polaron and bipolaron: recent developments researchers consider, The Holstein Polaron Problem Revisited
The main mathematical tool is a three-term recurrence relation between
the wave function amplitudes that was obtained using the properties of a
family of orthogonal functions, namely the Poisson-Charlier polynomials.
The falling factorial and Stirling Number
may be applied to express quasiparticles or collective excitations
that include phonons (particles derived from the vibrations of atoms in a
solid), plasmons (particles derived from plasma oscillations), and many
These particles are typically called "quasiparticles"
if they are related to fermions, and called "collective excitations" if
they are related to bosons, although the precise distinction is not
universally agreed upon. Thus, electrons and holes are typically called
"quasiparticles", while phonons and plasmons are typically called
"collective excitations".
The quasiparticle concept is most important in condensed matter
physics since it is one of the few known ways of simplifying the quantum
mechanical many-body problem.
List of quasiparticles
Collective consciousness (sometimes collective conscience or conscious) is a fundamental sociological concept that refers to the set of shared beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and knowledge that are common to a social group or society.
A clique (AusE, CanE, UK: /ˈkliːk/ or US: /ˈklɪk/), in the social sciences, is a group of individuals who interact with one another and share similar interests. Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development regardless of gender, ethnicity or popularity. Although cliques are most commonly studied during adolescence and middle childhood development, they exist in all age groups. They are often bound together by shared social characteristics such as ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Examples of common or stereotypical adolescent cliques include athletes, nerds, and "outsiders"
Collective narcissism (or group narcissism) extends the concept of individual narcissism onto the social level of self. It is a tendency to exaggerate the positive image and importance of a group the individual belongs to – i.e. the ingroup.
French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his The Division of Labour in Society in 1893, we may consider
Kierkegaard on Confession III: Double-Mindedness
Clique (graph theory)
Clique problem
In computer science, the clique problem is the computational problem of finding cliques (subsets of vertices, all adjacent to each other, also called complete subgraphs) in a graph. It has several different formulations depending on which cliques, and what information about the cliques, should be found. Common formulations of the clique problem include finding a maximum clique (a clique with the largest possible number of vertices), finding a maximum weight clique in a weighted graph, listing all maximal cliques (cliques that cannot be enlarged), and solving the decision problem of testing whether a graph contains a clique larger than a given size.
Gödel's ontological proof is a formal argument by the mathematician Kurt Gödel for the existence of God.
The behavior of superconductors suggests that electron pairs are
coupling over a range of hundreds of nanometers, three orders of
magnitude larger than the lattice spacing. Called Cooper pairs, these coupled electrons can take the character of a boson and condense into the ground state.
Low-Temperature Superconductors
Lev Davidovich Landau (22 January 1908 - April 1968) accomplishments
include the independent co-discovery of the density matrix method in
quantum mechanics (alongside John von Neumann), the quantum mechanical
theory of diamagnetism, the theory of superfluidity, the theory of
second-order phase transitions, the Ginzburg–Landau theory of
superconductivity, the theory of Fermi liquid, the explanation of Landau
damping in plasma physics, the Landau pole in quantum electrodynamics,
the two-component theory of neutrinos, and Landau's equations for S
matrix singularities.
Superconductor classification
In physics, the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert
equation, named for Lev Landau and Evgeny Lifshitz and T. L. Gilbert,
is a name used for a differential equation describing the precessional
motion of magnetization M in a solid. It is a modification by Gilbert of the original equation of Landau and Lifshitz.
Lyapunov optimization for dynamical systems:
Foster's theorem
What is the chaos theory in psychology?
Chaos theory is the belief, propounded by Henri Poincare,
that seemingly simple events could produce complex and confounding
behaviors. It is a theory that was seen to have great potential for
discovery among many fields including psychology.
Quantum dots (QDs) are tiny semiconductor particles a few nanometres in size, having optical and electronic properties that differ from larger particles due to quantum mechanics. They are a central topic in nanotechnology.
When the quantum dots are illuminated by UV light, an electron in the
quantum dot can be excited to a state of higher energy. In the case of a
semiconducting quantum dot, this process corresponds to the transition of an electron from the valence band to the conductance band. The excited electron can drop back into the valence band releasing its energy by the emission of light. This light emission (photoluminescence) is illustrated in the figure on the right. The color of that light depends on the energy difference between the conductance band and the valence band.In the language of materials science, nanoscale semiconductor materials tightly confine either electrons or electron holes. Quantum dots are sometimes referred to as artificial atoms, emphasizing their singularity, having bound, discrete electronic states, like naturally occurring atoms or molecules.[1][2] It was shown that the electronic wave functions in quantum dots resembles the ones in real atoms.[3] By coupling two or more such quantum dots an artificial molecule can be made, exhibiting hybridization even in room temperature.[4]
Quantum dots have properties intermediate between bulk semiconductors and discrete atoms or molecules. Their optoelectronic properties change as a function of both size and shape.[5][6] Larger QDs of 5–6 nm diameter emit longer wavelengths, with colors such as orange or red. Smaller QDs (2–3 nm) emit shorter wavelengths, yielding colors like blue and green. However, the specific colors vary depending on the exact composition of the QD.[7]
Potential applications of quantum dots include single-electron transistors, solar cells, LEDs, lasers,[8] single-photon sources,[9][10][11] second-harmonic generation, quantum computing,[12] and medical imaging.[13] Their small size allows for some QDs to be suspended in solution, which may lead to use in inkjet printing and spin-coating.[14] They have been used in Langmuir-Blodgett thin-films.[15][16][17] These processing techniques result in less expensive and less time-consuming methods of semiconductor fabrication.
Glossary of representation theory
Glossary of Lie groups and Lie algebras
The Linux kernel is a monolithic kernel, supporting true preemptive multitasking (both in user mode and, since the 2.6 series, in kernel
mode), virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared
copy-on-write executables (via KSM), memory management, the Internet
protocol suite, and threading.
What are quantum dots?
Maria Schuld* and Nathan Killoran
Growing Our Economy 35th District of Texas, honorable United States Congressman Lloyd Doggett
Quantum random number generation
Krugman, in 'The Self Organizing Economy' cites Herman Simon, who suggests the size of U.S. cities approximates a power law...
more technically power spectra... example Schroeder gives in 'Fractals,
Chaos, Power Laws' is one of an electron in an excited state trapped in
a semiconductor...
Circuit-Based Quantum Random Access Memory for Classical Data
Nonlinear Pricing: Theory and Applications
By Christopher T. May
Quantum dots in biology and medicine
Robert E.Bailey Andrew M.Smith ShumingNie
Racks and quandles
In mathematics, racks and quandles are sets with binary operations satisfying axioms analogous to the Reidemeister moves used to manipulate knot diagrams.Hardware random number generator
The power spectral density (PSD) of the signal describes the power present in the signal as a function of frequency, per unit frequency. Power spectral density is commonly expressed in watts per hertz (W/Hz).
Quantum Dot
Quantum dots are nanometer-size luminescent semiconductor crystals and have unique chemical and physical properties due to their size and their highly compact structure.Circle Circle Dot Dot
The song derives from an American children's playground song, "circle circle, dot dot", that supposedly serves to immunize a child from the affliction of cooties. The words are as follows:- Circle, circle.
- Dot, dot.
- Now you got your cootie shot.
There are also several variations:
- Circle circle,
- knife knife.
- Now you got your shot for life.
- Circle, circle.
- Square, square.
- Now you have it everywhere. (Or "Now it will stay there.")
- Circle, circle.
- Line, line.
- Now you have it all the time. (Or "Now I'm protected all the time.")
Austin, Texas is called “The Live Music Capital of the World” because it has more music venues per person than anywhere else in the United States.
Baa Baa Black Sheep (TV series)
Welcome Back Kotter and Barney miller
Magic circles were invented by the Song dynasty (960–1279) Chinese mathematician Yang Hui (c. 1238–1298).
Laughing Yogi,
Happy Budai
Quantum Algorithms for Linear Algebra and MachineLearning.
By Anupam Prakash
Quantum Random Access Memory
Aaron Green and Emily Kaplitz
Fall 2019
Biocompatible Quantum Dots for Biological Applications
Quandle Knot Invariants are Quantum Knot Invariants.
Three new knot invariants are defined using cocycles of the generalized quandle homology theory that was proposed by Andruskiewitsch and Graña.
Quandle Knot Invariants are Quantum Knot Invariants.
Three new knot invariants are defined using cocycles of the generalized quandle homology theory that was proposed by Andruskiewitsch and Graña.
Should we teach children about quantum computing?
'Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. ' The quote is most likely due to writer and philosopher George Santayana, and in its original form it read, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
By George, those who do not learn Quantum Biology are doomed to...
Racks and quandles
In mathematics, racks and quandles are sets with binary operations satisfying axioms analogous to the Reidemeister moves used to manipulate knot diagrams.According to Tacitus, the rack was used in a vain attempt to extract the names of the conspirators to assassinate Emperor Nero in the Pisonian conspiracy from the freedwoman Epicharis in 65 A.D.
"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Coronavirus: Capt Tom Moore finishes NHS fundraiser as it tops £13m
A 99-year-old war veteran has walked 100 laps of his garden to raise more than £13m for the NHS.Good Show! Cheerios Indeed Capt Tom Moore.
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