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Glue code Gluon library True environment variables for GLOW Genomics

Glue code

Environment variable

True environment variables

A gentle introduction to Multi-Layer perceptron using Numpy in Python.

Node of Ranvier

Deep learning revolution


"God is in the details", expressing the idea that whatever one does should be done thoroughly; that is, details are important.
Dev And Ops Teams Agree: Visible, Secure, And Effective Toolchains Are Difficult To Come By

MXNet - Python API

Installing Miniconda

Genomics Data Lake

Technical API how-to without the headache

Building a Genomics Data Lake in Azure

A friendly (and not-at-all scary) introduction to APIs in Python

DNA origami protection and molecular interfacing through engineered sequence-defined peptoids

Father-Son Team Solves Geometry Problem With Infinite Folds

The result could help researchers answer a larger question about flattening objects from the fourth dimension to the third dimension.

Automated sequence design of 2D wireframe DNA origami with honeycomb edges

People and their puzzles!

The Beauty and Utility of DNA Origami

Hirsch index origami Computational chemistry, molecular biology/ molecular geometry

Rapid prototyping of arbitrary 2D and 3D wireframe DNA origami

The potential of DNA origami to build multifunctional materials

De novo reconstruction of DNA origami structures through atomistic molecular dynamics simulation

A Novel Approach to the Spherical Codes Problem
Simanta Gautam and Dmitry Vaintrob
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Spherical code

In geometry and coding theory, a spherical code with parameters (n,N,t) is a set of N points on the unit hypersphere in n dimensions for which the dot product of unit vectors from the origin to any two points is less than or equal to t. The kissing number problem may be stated as the problem of finding the maximal N for a given n for which a spherical code with parameters (n,N,1/2) exists. The Tammes problem may be stated as the problem of finding a spherical code with minimal t for given n and N.  

Tools for Authors: What is the h index?

This libguide provides guidance for authors in support of their scholarship efforts.

The Quantum Workings of the Rotating 64-Grid Genetic Code

Quantum Math Basics

Deleting a Protein May Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes

Power your genomic data analysis on Azure with Azure CycleCloud

Genetic instability from a single S phase after whole-genome duplication

Musical intelligence refers to the skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns.

AI-Designed Protein Can Awaken Silenced Genes, One by One

Verbal intelligence 

Toxic behavior as traits include unsupportive, manipulative, judgemental, controlling, self centered behavior and trigger feelings of worthlessness, depression and anxiety.

How to forgive someone who isn’t sorry

Some people will never admit wrongdoing. It’s still possible for you to move forward.


Eye of a needle

Asian neighbor from the Marshall Islands, Andrew Korab, here in  Austin, Texas,  Between 1946 and 1958, the United States conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. The U.S. conducted 23 of these tests at Bikini Atoll, and 44 near Enewetak Atoll, but fallout spread throughout the Marshall Islands.

Easier for a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle

In the NLT bible Jesus says in Matthew 19:24 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" Note that He says "a" needle, not "the" needle. 
Why do chefs yell?
John 1:14
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
In the flesh? 

Word (computer architecture)

' That is, at the beginning of all things there was Logos, the creator of everything. The original Greek text has Logos, for which ‘the Word’ is our English translation. And Logos was not only with God, but Logos was God. As the succeeding two verses of the Gospel of John make clear, Logos and God are the same being: 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Is Enewetak Atoll still radioactive?

Enewetak had the lowest radiation levels, at 7.6 mrem/y, which makes sense, since the island has had extensive cleanup efforts. Rongelap has higher levels at 19.8 mrem/y, and Bikini Atoll has the most radiation of the islands studied, with a mean of 184 mrem/y

Programming language

We will miss you

Saint Hubert's Key

patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers

Mathematical logic

Nuclear family 


My Toxicogenomics tutor is toxic!

Emotional intelligence

  1. the activity or occupation of drawing cartoons for newspapers or magazines.
What is cartooning used for?

caricature and cartoon, in graphic art, comically distorted drawing or likeness, done with the purpose of satirizing or ridiculing its subject. Cartoons are used today primarily for conveying political commentary and editorial opinion in newspapers and for social comedy and visual wit in magazines.

Social intelligence

Brain Scans Reveal Why "Night Owls" Have It Rough in a 9-to-5 Society

Are Humans the Only Animals That Lie?

Nonhuman animals can certainly deceive one another — and sometimes deceive humans. But are humans the only species that tell flat-out lies? 

In the New Testament the word pharmekeia occurs three times (Gal 5:19-21; Rev 9:21; 18:23). Each time, it is translated as ‘sorcery’ or ‘magic’ and it is something that is spoken of in negative terms.

Job scheduler

4You cover up your ignorance with lies;
    you are like doctors who can't heal anyone.
Say nothing, and someone may think you are wise!

Listen while I state my case.

What Drugs Can Trigger Mental Illness?

Substances That Can Trigger Mental Illness

Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax and Valium Psychostimulants, such as Ritalin, cocaine, Adderall, and other amphetamines, alcohol hallucinogens opioids, including prescription drugs
Pharmakia or Therapeia was a town of ancient Thrace, inhabited during Roman and Byzantine times. Its site is located near Tarabya in European Turkey.

A new plan to help them will likely be too little, too late.

Pied Piper of Hamelin

Koppenberg Mountain,[6] or Transylvania
Koppenberg (literally "Heads Mountain")
 In computing, a parent process is a process that has created one or more child processes.

Zombie process

Job control (Unix) 

cron job

Orphan process

Jane Frances de Chantal

Jane Frances de Chantal is invoked as the patron of forgotten people, widows, and parents who are separated from their children.

The Impatience of Job

The story is perfect for our harrowing times. But we’ve been reading it all wrong.

Iatrogenesis is the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence.
Who was Thomas Buchler, the late creator of beloved Torah program TropeTrainer? And can anything be done to revive his life’s work?

Spiritual intelligence


Austin Ketamine Specialists

A great chef is not just creative but highly intelligent too

Jacob Tricks Isaac

Jacob and Esau in the Bible

Possessiveness is fundamentally a fear of loss. Possessive people worry that their partners will leave them. This creates feelings of fear, anger, and sadness. Trust is a vital aspect of a healthy relationship.

David, Bathsheba, and Uriah

What does it mean to treat someone like a possession?
What is a possessive relationship? We take the meaning to be when a partner cares more about you making them happy than offering no-strings-attached love and affection. Possession means controlling or owning something. You can't really own a person, of course, but someone can try

Uriah the Hittite

David’s Rape of Bathsheba and Murder of Uriah (2 Samuel 11-12)

Library (computing)

In computer science, a library is a collection of non-volatile resources used by computer programs, often for software development. These may include configuration data, documentation, help data, message templates, pre-written code and subroutines, classes, values or type specifications.

Papez circuit

Prefrontal cortex

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Frontal Structural Neural Correlates of Working Memory Performance in Older Adults

BigQuery : Petabyte Scale Data warehouse In GCP

11 Natural Ways to Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Negative emotion modulates prefrontal cortex activity during a working memory task: a NIRS study

Working memory runs on negative sodium ions. Mom and Dad get grounded by youngest son and lengthy email lectures.

The Neuroscience of Breaking Out of Negative Thinking (and How to Do It in Under 30 Seconds)

You brain is wired to focus on the negative. Here's how to build a new, more positive, mindset anytime, anywhere.

2019-05-02 Ketamine

PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story is a book by Dr. Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin, published in 1991. The subject of the work is psychoactive phenethylamine chemical derivatives, notably those that act as psychedelics and/or empathogen-entactogens.

Ann and Sasha Shulgin - Pihkal and Tihkal: A Chemical Love Story

Feasible region

In mathematical optimization, a feasible region, feasible set, search space, or solution space is the set of all possible points (sets of values of the choice variables) of an optimization problem that satisfy the problem's constraints, potentially including inequalities, equalities, and integer constraints.

Feasibility study

Going the Van der Waals contact distance!
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Systematic Inequality

How America's Structural Racism Helped Create the Black-White Wealth Gap


10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

Character assassination

Backbiting or tale-bearing 

Backbiting causes the abandonment of its possessor. Backbiting takes away from a person's fast.

Ad hominem

'argument to the person'

Straw man 

The main asterism in Delphinus is Job's Coffin, nearly a 45°-apex lozenge diamond of the four brightest stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Delphini. Delphinus is in a rich Milky Way star field.

An Overview of Ketamine Infusions

bad faith. 1) n. intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations, misleading another, entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty in dealing with others.Bad faith is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another. It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service. It is not to be confused with heresy.


AI, UC Irvine (UCI) startup Docbot  

1 Corinthians 11:24
and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 

Bertrand Russell on Psycho-analysis and Behaviorism 

“For our purposes, the essential discovery of psycho-analysis is this: that an impulse which is prevented, by behaviourist methods, from finding overt expression in action, does not necessarily die, but is driven underground, and finds some new outlet which has not been inhibited by training. Often the new outlet will be more harmful than the one that has been prevented, and in any case the deflection involves emotional disturbance and unprofitable expenditure of energy. It is therefore necessary to pay more attention to emotion, as opposed to overt behaviour, than is done by those who advocate conditioning as alone sufficient in the training of character.”

― Bertrand Russell, Education and the Social Order, Ch. 4: Emotion and Discipline

Evil is the absence or lack ("privation") of good. It is typically attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo, who wrote: ... Just in the same way, what are called vices in the soul are nothing but privations of natural good.

Ritalin at 75: what does the future hold?

In 1937, psychiatrist Charles Bradley administered Benzedrine sulfate, an amphetamine, to “problem” children at the Emma Pendleton Bradley Home in Providence, Rhode Island, in an attempt to alleviate headaches; however, Bradley noticed an unexpected effect upon the behavior of the children: improved school performance, social interactions, and emotional responses.

Generation Adderall

Bradley’s Benzedrine Studies on Children with Behavioral Disorders

The first benzodiazepine, chlordiazepoxide (Librium), was discovered accidentally by Leo Sternbach in 1955 and was made available in 1960 by Hoffmann–La Roche, which soon followed with diazepam (Valium) in 1963.[1]

Diazepam (Valium)

Benzodiazepines (BZD, BDZ, BZs), sometimes called "benzos", are a class of psychoactive drugs whose core chemical structure is the fusion of a benzene ring and a diazepine ring

Is Xanax and benzo the same?

Benzodiazepines (sometimes called "benzos") work to calm or sedate a person, by raising the level of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. Common benzodiazepines include diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), and clonazepam (Klonopin), among others

The history of benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines and Opioids

Blacking Out From Benzodiazepines

Do No Harm issues are ethical concerns for healthcare in Texans.
Pharma sales reps bank a lot of money. I witnessed Dr. Ryan being coerced to push more pills for monetary incentive in his waiting room before his death in 1999.

Theory of multiple intelligences

“Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear, and vivid form, of one out of what seems several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.”  - William James

Edge computing

After his mother's death in 1971 he started taking antidepressants and amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 ...

Erdős number

The Erdős number (Hungarian: [ˈɛrdøːʃ]) describes the "collaborative distance" between mathematician Paul Erdős and another person, as measured by authorship of mathematical papers. The same principle has been applied in other fields where a particular individual has collaborated with a large and broad number of peers.

What is edge computing?

The future of software will be managed

What did Wilson do to reform tariffs?

Tariff Reform. Wilson's tariff reform was largely achieved through the passage of the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913. This act lowered tariffs for the first time since the American Civil War, despite the protectionist lobby. ... The 1913 Act established the lowest rates since the Walker Tariff of 1857.

What is a junker in the Russian revolution?

Junker mutiny. Junkers of Vladimir Academy in 1916. The cadets opposed the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. The Junker mutiny (Russian: Юнкерский мятеж) was a counterrevolutionary mutiny of military school cadets in Petrograd against the Bolsheviks in October 1917.

"The German Coalition of xenophobic landowning oligarchy protectionist and capitalism was a prescription for fascism, just as the Smoot-Hawley tariffs emasculated the president's ability to conduct international commercial relations.
A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World 
by William J. Bernstein

Liberty lunch coallitions for Bishop to take King ranch CPO

By David V. B. Hirsch

A Bulwark Against Bolshevism

Trade war

A Customs war, also known as a toll war or tariff war, is a type of economic conflict between two or more states. In order to pressure one of the states, the other raises taxes or tariffs for some of the products of that state. As a reprisal, the latter state may also increase the tariffs.

One example of a modern tariff war occurred in the 1920s and 1930s between the Weimar Republic and Poland, in the German–Polish customs war. The Weimar Republic, led by Gustav Stresemann wanted to force Poland, by creating an economic crisis by increasing the tolls for coal and steel products developed there, to give up its territory. As a reprisal, the Poles increased toll rates for many German products. This led to fast development of the port of Gdynia, which was the only way Poland could export its goods to Western Europe without having to transport them through Germany.

In September 1922 the Fordney–McCumber Tariff (named after Joseph Fordney, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Porter McCumber, chair of the Senate Finance Committee) was signed by U.S. President Warren G. Harding. In the end, the tariff law raised the average American ad valorem tariff rate to 38 percent.

Trading partners complained immediately. Those injured by World War I said that, without access by their exports to the American market, they would not be able to make payments to America on war loans. But others saw that this tariff increase would have broader deleterious effects. Democratic Representative Cordell Hull said, "Our foreign markets depend both on the efficiency of our production and the tariffs of countries in which we would sell. Our own [high] tariffs are an important factor in each. They injure the former and invite the latter."

Five years after the passage of the tariff, American trading partners had raised their own tariffs by a significant degree. France raised its tariffs on automobiles from 45% to 100%, Spain raised tariffs on American goods by 40%, and Germany and Italy raised tariffs on wheat. This customs war is often cited as one of the main causes of the Great Depression.

The World Trade Organization was created to avoid customs wars, which are considered to be harmful to the world's economy.

News of China’s security pact with Solomon Islands generates suspicion, offence and backtrack

Jane Frances de Chantal

Jane Frances de Chantal is invoked as the patron of forgotten people, widows, and parents who are separated from their children.

Opportunity, and not necessity, is the mother of invention

Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development

5 wild organic materials that could transform the fashion industry

From enzymes and cow manure to roots and collagen.

Andrew Korab, please let Casten Nemra, Minister of Foreign Affairs form the Marshall Islands be aware of knowledge work with Trade, US Hawaii to Seattle Washington for international developments.

Hanford cleanup

Our Nuclear Waste Program focuses on keeping Washington's residents and the environment safe from toxic and radioactive contamination at the Hanford site.

How much energy can people create at one time without losing control?

Reunifying Korea and making using Abraham Lincoln tactics with Russia researching Carnegie Steel and Rockefeller Oil Influence as well:
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

List of people by Erdős number


The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications, initially used for an individual scientist or scholar. 

High Hirsch numbers

The h-index or Hirsch number of a scholar is at least n if the scholar has n publications that have been cited in at least n many other papers. With respect to the Mathematical Reviews database, examples include 11 for our Prof. Hugh M. Hilden, 14 for Princeton’s Andrew Wiles, and a very high 36 for Paul Erdös. H-index scores between 3 and 5 seem common for new assistant professors, scores between 8 and 12 fairly standard for promotion to the position of tenured associate professor, and scores between 15 and 20 about right for becoming a full professor. What is a Good h-Index? Hirsch reckons that after 20 years of research, an h-index of 20 is good, 40 is outstanding, and 60 is truly exceptional.
Scientisth-index (using Publish or Perish)Hub index (per 10^2)
Einstein, Albert920
Shannon, CE440
Erdős, Paul760.406490
Shenker, Scott10529.173

Scholar Indices and Impact 

Inverted index

Search engine indexing

Impact Factors! Hirsch, Erdős and Pauling

Moral hierarchy

Piggybacking (data transmission), a bi-directional data transmission technique in network layer, sending data along with ACK called Piggybacking
PiggyBac transposon system, a type of transposable DNA element
Aug 14, 1971 – Aug 20, 1971
A prisoner's dilemma is a situation where individual decision-makers always have an incentive to choose in a way that creates a less than optimal outcome for the individuals as a group. The prisoner's dilemmas occur in many aspects of the economy.


Icons are an essential part of many user interfaces, visually expressing objects, actions and ideas. When done correctly, they communicate the core idea and intent of a product or action, and they bring a lot of nice benefits to user interfaces, such as saving screen real estate and enhancing aesthetic appearance.

Masking (personality)

Masking is a process by which an individual changes or "masks" their natural personality to conform to social pressures, abuse or harassment. Masking can be strongly influenced by environmental factors such as authoritarian parents, rejection, and emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. An individual may not even know they are masking because it is a behavior that can take many forms.

Masking should not be confused with masking behavior, which is to mentally block feelings of suffering as a survival mechanism.

Japan to invest $42B in India to strengthen economic ties

A 42$ Billion dollar look in that face

Shoki - Demon Queller of Japan (of Chinese Origin)

Katsushika Hokusai Japanese. Shōki (Chinese: Zhong Kui) was a scholar of early seventh-century China who committed suicide after being cheated out of the first rank in civil service examinations, yet who was buried with honors after the emperor heard the tragic tale.

Ramzan Kadyrov

Since it became its first imperial possession in the 18th century, Russia has denied Ukraine’s national existence, while seeing it as an exotic threat.

Dogs in warfare

During a pro-war rally in Moscow on Friday night, Russian President Vladimir Putin invoked the words of Jesus Christ in order to justify his invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking to the crowd in a turtleneck and down winter coat, Putin said he ordered the invasion "to get people out of their misery, out of this genocide, that is the main reason, the motive and purpose of the military operation that we began in Donbas and Ukraine," according to The Washington Post. Russia has repeatedly accused the Ukrainian government of committing genocide in separatist-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine.

"And this is where the words from the Scriptures come to my mind: 'There is no greater love than if someone gives his soul for his friends,'" Putin continued, paraphrasing John 15:13.

The Dog Who Stopped the War

(French: La guerre des tuques, lit. "The Tuque War")

Dog Tax War

skinny dogs and fat cats, Wag the Dog 

Seven stages (Yogi) and Navaragamalika with Nitya Shukla Paksha, Dashami, and Dosha of Wuxing (Chinese philosophy)


So we may act toward social justice with radiation remediation innovations for our Marshall Islands as an example for Japan and Russia as actions speak louder than words:

Nonhuman animals can certainly deceive one another — and sometimes deceive humans. But are humans the only species that tell flat-out lies? 

How corporations are buying up houses — robbing families of the American Dream

“I knew many old couples who had happy and loving arranged marriages. I thought, If it worked for them, why couldn’t it work for friendships?


Ghosting (behavior)

The Ghost of Cesar Chavez

Book by David Dominguez

Radio Music Theatre

Performing arts theater in Houston, Texas
Address: 2623 Colquitt St, Houston, TX 77098

Zillow shut down its iBuying program, but other corporate interests won’t be deterred

Pharmakon (philosophy)


After his mother's death in 1971 he started taking antidepressants and amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him ...


Monty Python programmers flying circus

Coat of arms of Mexico

The emblem shows an eagle devouring a serpent, which actually is in conflict with Mesoamerican belief. The eagle is a symbol of the sun and a representation of the victorious god Huitzilopochtli, in which form, according to legend, bowed to the arriving Aztecs.
Blazon: Atop a nopal pedestal, a Mexican gold...
Armiger: United Mexican States
Adopted: 16 September 1968

Snake handling in religion


Garuda (Sanskrit: गरुड Garuḍa; Pāli: गरुळ Garuḷa), also Galon or Nan Belu in Burmese and Karura in Japanese, is a legendary bird or bird-like creature in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain faith.[1][3][4] He is variously the vehicle mount (vahana) of the Hindu god Vishnu, a dharma-protector and Astasena in Buddhism, and the Yaksha of the Jain Tirthankara Shantinatha.[3][4][5] The Brahminy kite is considered as the contemporary representation of Garuda.

Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

Sacred Animals of India

Magico-religious and social belief of tribals of district Udaipur, Rajasthan

Buddhism : Naga, Nagas, Nagi


Seven Archangels

Seven angels or archangels correspond to days of the week: Michael (Sunday), Gabriel (Monday), Uriel (Tuesday), Raphael (Wednesday), Selaphiel (Thursday), Raguel or Jegudiel (Friday), and Barachiel (Saturday).

My sister Carmen game me a book Book by Max Ernst

A Week of Kindness or the Seven Deadly Elements

Seton and Lorenz were unabashedly anthropomorphic. In other words, they attributed human reactions to animals.


By Boria Sax
page 151

My dad gave me a few Ernest Thompson Seton books, and I am enjoying the literary anthropomorphic writing style.
Perl is open-source, object-oriented programming used for building and implementing applications in unix systems, similar to python.
... Though Perl is not easy to learn, it makes text processing simple & short. Whereas Python is easy to learn, and it requires functions for text processing.

Three pearls of number theory

Book by Aleksandr Khinchin


Iconoclasm is the social belief in the importance of the destruction of icons and other images or monuments, most frequently for religious or political reasons


Aniconism is the absence of material representations of both the natural and supernatural worlds in various cultures, particularly in the monotheistic Abrahamic religions.

Aniconism in the Baháʼí Faith

What is the meaning of Matthew 19 24?
19:24]. The rope, after all, is just a larger version of string or thread, which one would expect to use with a needle. A third possibility is that Jesus really meant to say “camel” and that his speech was deliberate hyperbole—exaggeration for the purpose of emphasis—common in that part of the world.
What is the verse Jeremiah 29 11?

“'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” — Jeremiah 29:11

(Jeremiah 7:4) And Jeremiah got into the performance art shtick.

Jeremiah . . . Dada Performance Art?

Four and twenty Naughty Boys,
Baked in a Pye

"Politics is a bag of rats" - Matthew McConaughey
A color term (or color name) is a word or phrase that refers to a specific color.

Five color theorem

Siempre manana
There is always tomorrow
Naw-Rúz (Persian: نوروز, romanized: Nowruz) is the first day of the Baháʼí calendar year and one of eleven holy days for adherents of the Baháʼí Faith.

The Story of Baha'u'llah Promised One of All Religions
Part 2: The Sun in Its Splendor, Most Great Separation pg. 183
...His blood boiled at what Mirza Yahya wanted him to do. Ustad struggled with himself. More than anything he wanted to walk back inside and kill Miza Yaha on the spot. He would chop off his head (Shiva beheading Brahma Icon Judith beheading Holofernes)

The doctor, a Christian, was depply distrubed that so wise and good a man as Baha'u'llah should die. He prayed for God to take him instead. A few days later the doctor became sick, and Baha'u'llah as He was, sent Miza Aqa Jan to visit him. God has answered his prayers, the doctor told Miza Aq Jan. In a few days the doctor died.  (page 181)

Is pride a deadly sin?
Pride (superbia) is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins on almost every list. It is the most angelical or demonic out of them. It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins, known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility.

Comparison contrast:
2 Maccabees 9

The Last Campaign of Antiochus Epiphanes

What is the deadly sin pride?
According to a new book, we evolved to feel pride because it serves an important social function. Pride is often considered a negative force in human existence—the opposite of humility and a source of social friction. It's even been called the “deadliest sin.

Judith beheading Holofernes

Brahma is a four-headed Puranic deity, part of the Hindu trinity, the creator of all living creatures, who is not worshipped, and is constantly beheaded by Shiva for his excessive uncontrollable passion.

The act of Brahma representing his ego over the 4 vedas, forced Shiv to chop off his 5th head.

Brahma Created Shatarupa

The legend has it that the creator of the universe, who is depicted as having four heads, actually had five heads originally. One can find this mentioned in the Brahma Purana. According to this story, Brahma lost one of his five heads while creating the universe.

Brahma is the Hindu God of creation and one of the ‘Trimurti’, the others being Vishnu and Shiva. According to the Brahma Purana, he is the father of Manu, and from Manu all human beings are descended. Lord Brahma is said to have three wives – Saraswati, Savitri and Gayatri. All his three wives are Vedic Goddesses and are revered as ‘Vedamata’ meaning mother of the ‘Vedas’. Brahma is often identified as ‘Prajapati’, a Vedic deity.

Shiva Cuts Brahma's 5th Head

Also, Shiva felt that Shatarupa was Brahma's daughter, being created by him. Therefore, Shiva determined, it was wrong for Brahma to become obsessed with her.

The Fight Between Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva

There are different explanations for why Brahma only has four heads now, as opposed to his original five. According to the Puranas, Brahma and Vishnu were once arguing over who was superior of the two. They discovered from the Vedas that Shiva was the Supreme Being. Brahma however, spoke disparagingly about Shiva. In anger, Shiva cut off the head, which had spoken, and therefore Brahma was left with four heads

Shiva is usually shown carrying a human skull in his hand to confront the world with its mortality. Sometimes he uses the skull as a drinking bowl. He wears a garland of skulls. The skull is said to be the fifth head of Brahma, cut off by Shiva.


The story of how Ganesha got his Elephant head and Barbar the Elephant as an alternative story, especially if you reading a bed time story becuase good God, what kinds of stories are you telling these kids these days.

Allah as a lunar deity

Khonsu (Ancient Egyptian: ḫnsw; also transliterated Chonsu, Khensu, Khons, Chons or Khonshu) is the ancient Egyptian god of the Moon. His name means "traveller", and this may relate to the perceived nightly travel of the Moon across the sky. Along with Thoth he marked the passage of time.

Deities in Ancient Egypt - Thoth

Thoth was the god of the moon, sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences, magic, messenger and recorder of the deities, master of knowledge, and patron of scribes. His Egyptian name was Djehuty, which means “He who is like the Ibis.” He was depicted as an ibis bird or a baboon.
In the Osiris myth, the most important Egyptian myth, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother, Osiris. Osiris's wife, Isis, reassembled his corpse and resurrected her dead husband with the help of the goddess Nephthys. The resurrection lasted long enough to conceive his son and heir, Horus. Horus sought revenge upon Set and many of the ancient Egyptian myths describe their conflicts.[5]
In ancient Egyptian astronomy, Set was commonly associated with the planet Mercury. 



Saturn (mythology)

Saturn Devouring His Son


Did Krishna fight with Shiva?

Seeing that Bana summoned his mother like presiding deity, who came as Kotara (or Kotari), a nude women with dishevelled hair and fought with Krishna. Meanwhile Bana fled away, Shiva regained consciousness. Shiva summoned his goblin assistant - Trisira(three headed) Jvara(fever). Krishna successfully defeated him.
Big Lizard Tyrannicidorus Rex goes extinct... 

What is the head of a corporation called?
The chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive at any given company, and their main responsibilities include managing the operations and resources of a company, making major corporate decisions, being the main liaison between the board of directors and corporate operations, and being the public face ...

CEO vs. President: Knowing the Difference

What Is a Headhunter?

A headhunter, often called an executive recruiter, is an individual or company hired by an employer to recruit talent for an open role. Headhunters are paid on contingency; they only make money when they are successful in placing a candidate in a job.

Corporate Director Vs. Executive Director

21 March 2022* Naw Rúz, the Bahá’í New Year.


Maslenitsa (Belarusian: Масленіца, Russian: Мaсленица, Rusyn: Fašengy, Ukrainian: Масниця; also known as Butter Lady, Butter Week, Crepe week, or Cheesefare Week) is an Eastern Slavic religious and folk holiday, which has retained a number of elements of Slavic mythology in its ritual, celebrated during the last week before Great Lent, that is, the eighth week before Eastern Orthodox Pascha.

The date of Maslenitsa changes every year depending on the date of the celebration of Easter. It corresponds to the Western Christian Carnival, except that Orthodox Lent begins on a Monday instead of a Wednesday, and the Orthodox date of Easter can differ greatly from the Western Christian date.

The traditional attributes of the Maslenitsa celebration are the Maslenitsa effigy, sleigh rides, festivities. Russians bake bliny and flatbread, while Belarusians and Ukrainians cook pierogi and syrniki.

Don't have a Cow Man, Saint Bartolomé de las Casas

Kamadhenu, the miraculous "cow of plenty" and the "mother of cows" in certain versions of the Hindu mythology, is believed to represent the generic sacred cow, regarded as the source of all prosperity. In the 19th century, a form of Kamadhenu was depicted in poster-art that depicted all major gods and goddesses in it.
The drug dealers who brought opium to China got fabulously rich - most were British, while a handful, like Warren Delano (FDR's grandfather)

America’s First Multimillionaire Got Rich Smuggling Opium

John Jacob Astor fed a growing international addiction—and helped fuel a 19th-century opioid crisis.
Erin Blakemore

Kali is the great-great-grandson of Lord Brahma. He is the son of Krodha (Anger) and his sister-turned-wife Himsa (Violence). He is the grandson of Dambha (Vanity) and his sister Maya (Illusion). He is the great-grandson of Adharma (Impropriety) and his wife, Mithya (Falsehood). Adharma was originally created from Lord Brahma's back as a Maleen Pataka (a very dark and deadly sinful object). 

Krodha (Mental factor)

Not to be confused with Wrathful deities. Ouch,my smarts popi!

Theodore Roosevelt

The teddy bear is named after U.S. President Theodore “Teddy" Roosevelt. In 1902, President Roosevelt participated in a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi. While hunting, Roosevelt declared the behavior of the other hunters “unsportsmanlike" after he refused to kill a bear they had captured.

Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan and General Ulysses S. Grant both referred to habitually referred to Maximilian as “the Imperial buccaneer”.

Christianization of Kievan Rus'

Ides of March

The Rose of Sharon – 무궁화 – National Flower of Korea

Rose of Sharon is a common name that has been applied to several different species of flowering plants that are valued in different parts of the world. It is also a biblical expression, though the identity of the plant referred to is unclear and is disputed among biblical scholars. In neither case does it refer to actual roses, although one of the species it refers to in modern usage is a member of Rosaceae. The deciduous flowering shrub known as the rose of Sharon is a member of the mallow family which is distinct from the family Rosaceae. The name's colloquial application has been used as an example of the lack of precision of common names, which can potentially cause confusion.[1] "Rose of Sharon" has become a frequently used catch phrase in poetry and lyrics. And a Hibiscus syriacus is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is native to south-central and southeast China, but widely introduced elsewhere, including much of Asia.[2] It was given the epithet syriacus because it had been collected from gardens in Syria.[3][4][5] Common names include the Korean rose (in South Korea), rose of Sharon[6] (especially in North America), Syrian ketmia[7], shrub althea[8], rose mallow (in the United Kingdom). It is the national flower of South Korea and is mentioned in the South Korean national anthem.

Grade of Rose Croix

The chivalry of the Rosy cross represents a social convention of France that influenced social conventions of Scotland via Jesuit, Knights Templar, and Masons. The degree of Prince of Rose Croix is, of all the high grades the most widely diffused being found in numerous Rites. It was also given, in early times, in some Encampments of Knights Templars, and was the sixth of the degrees conferred by the Encampment of Baldwyn at Bristol, England.

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry commonly known as simply the Scottish Rite (or, in England, as the Rose Croix although this is only one of its degrees), is one of several Rites of Freemasonry.

Wars of the Roses

The Rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the valley symbolically represent Jesus of Nazareth. This Rose of Sharon is a type of Hibiscus that my mother is found of and grows in her yard. I recognize Scottish and French cultural conventions for Jesuits as well Masons with the rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the valley as well similar echelons of social orders from just a few hundred years earlier and with similar conventions of Christianity as five cardinal sins 五逆・五逆罪 (Jpn go-gyaku or go-gyakuzai ) the five most serious offenses in Buddhism. As well, I recognize my family history and honor the Bell clan and the Campbell as ancestors from Scotland and France via the Bell family.  

Tulip mania

Boolkyo Mu Sool (Buddhist Temple Martial Arts) has been practiced by Buddhist monks throughout Asia. In China, the famous Shaolin monks developed techniques and forms based on their observations of animals. In a sense, these were doctors and medics as well peace officers for social order of their day. I recognize similarities of civil engineers of Europe with their trade secrets with a counterpart in China and Korea as well military lobby within their social order.
Temple of Juno Moneta
Roman temple
The Temple of Juno Moneta was an ancient Roman temple that stood on the Arx or the citadel on the Capitoline Hill overlooking the Roman Forum.

Ancient Roman Bronze Coin She-Wolf Romulus and Remus
What does Juno Moneta mean?
In Roman mythology, Moneta (Latin Monēta) was a title given to two separate goddesses: the goddess of memory (identified with the Greek goddess Mnemosyne) and an epithet of Juno, called Juno Moneta (Latin Iūno Monēta). 

Forced course, By a forced course , also known as a non- convertible paper money system , we mean a monetary system in which the non- convertibility between the currency and the equivalent in precious metal ( gold and silver , usually) applies, where it is balanced on the value of the gold ( gold standard ).  



Bad faith

Mark 12:18-27

The Word of God

Some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus and asked him a question, saying, "Teacher, Moses wrote for us that 'if a man's brother dies, leaving a wife but no child, the man shall marry the widow and raise up children for his brother.' There were seven brothers; the first married and, when he died, left no children; and the second married her and died, leaving no children; and the third likewise; none of the seven left children. Last of all the woman herself died. In the resurrection whose wife will she be? For the seven had married her." Jesus said to them, "Is not this the reason you are wrong, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God? For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the story about the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is God not of the dead, but of the living; you are quite wrong."

Mark 12:18-27

Sextus Empiricus

Pyrrhonian skepticism involves having no beliefs about philosophical, scientific, or theoretical matters—and according to some interpreters, no beliefs at all, period.

The Sadducees (sedûqîm) were one of the three main Jewish political and religious movements in the years between c.150 BCE and 70 CE. (The other movements were the Essenes and the Pharisees.) They had a conservative outlook and accepted only the written Law of Moses.

The Pharisees /ˈfærəˌsz/ were at various times a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought in the Holy Land during the time of Second Temple Judaism. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Pharisaic beliefs became the foundational, liturgical and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism.

The Jewish–Roman wars were a series of large-scale revolts by the Jews of the Eastern Mediterranean against the Roman Empire between 66 and 136 CE. While the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE) and the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–136 CE) were nationalist rebellions, striving to restore an independent Judean state, the Kitos War was more of an ethno-religious conflict, mostly fought outside the Judea Province. Hence, some sources use the term Jewish-Roman Wars to refer only to the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE) and the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–135 CE), while others include the Kitos War (115–117 CE) as one of the Jewish–Roman wars.

The Jewish–Roman wars had a dramatic impact on the Jewish people, turning them from a major population in the Eastern Mediterranean into a scattered and persecuted minority. The Jewish-Roman Wars are often cited as a disaster to Jewish society.[7] The events also had a major impact on Judaism, after the central worship site of Second Temple Judaism, the Second Temple in Jerusalem, was destroyed by Titus' troops. Although having a sort of autonomy in the Galilee until the 4th century and later a limited success in establishing the short-lived Sasanian Jewish autonomy in Jerusalem in 614–617 CE, Jewish dominance in parts of the Southern Levant was regained only in the mid-20th century, with the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 CE.

If someone swallows a story or a statement, they believe it completely.

What are the 4 types of psychological abuse?

Researchers have delineated different types of psychological abuse. For example, Rodenburg and Fantuzzo (1993) assessed sexual, psychological, and verbal abuse, and Shepard and Campbell (1992) assessed social isolation, threats, use of male privilege, and economic control.

“Forgive us our debts”: The economics of the Lord’s Prayer

Luther rendered Luke 11:4 as “Forgive us our sins (Suenden) as we forgive all who are indebted (schulden) to us.” Schulden means to “owe” monetarily as well as non-monetarily, continuing the dual senses of forgiveness

Schwinger effect seen in graphene

Fine-structure constant

Life as we know it would not exist without this highly unusual number

Quantum annealing (QA)


Icon (computing)

Quantum dot


BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the Big Three (every industry is clumping) passive fund asset management firms. The third, State Street, is owned by BlackRock. Whose largest shareholder is Vanguard.

The Vanguard Group

Investment management company
What does “love conquers all” mean? It means love can conquer any hardships, difficulties, and challenges.
"All is fair in love and war", a proverb attributed to John Lyly's Euphues

The Art of War

The 13 chapters

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

Sun Tzu

Observable variable 

Data lake


Solomon (/ˈsɒləmən/; Hebrew: שְׁלֹמֹה, Šəlōmō),[a] also called Jedidiah (יְדִידְיָהּ, Yǝḏīḏǝyāh), was, according to the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament,[3] a fabulously wealthy and wise monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel who succeeded his father, David.

Voice acting

Voice acting is the art of performing voice-overs or providing voices to represent a character or to provide information to an audience or user. Examples include animated, off-stage, off-screen or non-visible characters in various works, including feature films, dubbed foreign language films, animated short films, television programs, commercials, radio or audio dramas, comedy, video games, puppet shows, amusement rides, audiobooks and documentaries. Voice acting is also done for small handheld audio games.

Performers are called voice actors or actresses, voice artists or voice talent. Their roles may also involve singing, although a second voice actor is sometimes cast as the character's singing voice. Voice acting is recognised in Britain as a specialized dramatic profession, chiefly owing to the BBC's long tradition of radio drama.[1]

Voice artists are usually also used to record the individual sample fragments played back by a computer in an automated announcement.

What is "Voice Dialogue"?

Voice Dialogue is the specific method we developed to explore the world of the Selves – also known as sub-personalities. This method requires two people: a facilitator and the subject being facilitated. The job of the facilitator is to help the subject become aware of, and to experience, the various Selves that run our lives and to learn how to use them in a conscious way through the development of an Aware Ego Process. What is this voice actor voice dialog singing about in the music capital of the world?

What is Voice Dialogue?

Voice Dialogue is a method intended for training in self-awareness and transformation of consciousness, but equally valid as an important therapeutic tool. Furthermore, the dialogue method is extremely useful for relationships.

Jacobian matrix and determinant

Thank you uncle Greg, Grandmother Hirsch and Grandfather Hirsch.

White paper

Howdy cousins, how are y'all machine's learning?

Algebraic modeling language

What is an algebraic modeling language?

JuMP is an algebraic modeling language for mathematical optimization written in the Julia language.

How autocrats rig elections to stay in power – and get away with it

Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz

How Autocracies Fall

Autocratic Breakdown and
Regime Transitions: New Data

Yaroslav the Wise

Vladimir the Great

Putin’s Thousand-Year War

The reasons for his anti-Western enmity stretch back over Russia’s entire history—and they will be with us for a long time.

Nicholas II of Russia

The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 is a United States federal law that was passed in the wake of the Nixon Watergate scandal and the Saturday Night Massacre. It created mandatory, public disclosure of financial and employment history of public officials and their immediate family.

Graft, as understood in American English, is a form of political corruption, being the unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. Similarly, political graft occurs when funds intended for public projects are intentionally misdirected in order to maximize the benefits to private interests
Opium War: involvement of Warren Delano, a 24-year-old Yankee, and grandfather of Franklin D Roosevelt, in opium trade

Theater (warfare), a military term for an area where an armed conflict takes place

Michael Chapman (cinematographer)

The Lost Boys

The drug dealers who brought opium to China got fabulously rich - most were British, while a handful, like Warren Delano (FDR's grandfather)

America’s First Multimillionaire Got Rich Smuggling Opium

John Jacob Astor fed a growing international addiction—and helped fuel a 19th-century opioid crisis.
Erin Blakemore

Kali is the great-great-grandson of Lord Brahma. He is the son of Krodha (Anger) and his sister-turned-wife Himsa (Violence). He is the grandson of Dambha (Vanity) and his sister Maya (Illusion). He is the great-grandson of Adharma (Impropriety) and his wife, Mithya (Falsehood). Adharma was originally created from Lord Brahma's back as a Maleen Pataka (a very dark and deadly sinful object). 

Krodha (Mental factor)

Not to be confused with Wrathful deities. Ouch,my smarts popi!

Theodore Roosevelt

The teddy bear is named after U.S. President Theodore “Teddy" Roosevelt. In 1902, President Roosevelt participated in a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi. While hunting, Roosevelt declared the behavior of the other hunters “unsportsmanlike" after he refused to kill a bear they had captured.
Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan and General Ulysses S. Grant both referred to habitually referred to Maximilian as “the Imperial buccaneer”.

Christianization of Kievan Rus'

Like all novel experiments, the group punishment of Russia is a leap into the unknown.

Putin and Xi Are Dreaming of a Polar Silk Road

The Northern Sea Route might not be the next Suez Canal, but it’s at the heart of Moscow and Beijing’s play for the high north. 



Boys Don't Cry

The 1987 horror film starring Kiefer Sutherland and The Two Coreys has been surrounded by tragedy and misfortune

stuffed shirt
a conservative, pompous person.

neverland ranch in a sentence

German and English Patriarch position:

English is a Germanic language

It is estimated that more than a third of English non-technical lexicons are of Germanic origin, as are many English words. Furthermore, the modern languages have both loaned words from Latin, Greek and French.

The political use and abuse of the "pedophile"



The cognitive/affective construct designated by the term pedophile is delineated on the basis of how he is presented in the popular media. His salient characteristics are listed and then examined in the light of scientific and historical data. The pedophile is discovered to be a social construct that floats in the thin air of fantasy. Since the truth-value of the construct pedophile approaches zero, we are confronted with the question of why he continues to be such a central and emotionally fraught aspect of American culture. The answer to this question is found in his political usefulness. Specifically, the religious right uses him to further its agenda of sexual repression, and the political right uses him to dismantle the machinery of a free society.

Corey Feldman on Elijah Wood Hollywood Pedophilia Controversy: “I Would Love to Name Names”

In an in-depth interview with THR, the 'Goonies' and 'Lost Boys' star opens up about his late best friend Corey Haim's rape by a man at age 11, the preteen parties where predators stalked and groomed their marks, and the "dark side" of his close pal Michael Jackson: "The man is gone. Let him rest in peace."

Corey Haim

Franklin child prostitution ring allegations

Mortgage-backed security

Clinton–Lewinsky scandal

Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations

Hollywood blacklist

The Hollywood Ten

Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal

Pedophile Politicians Were Shielded From Justice by the Establishment, Says British Child-Abuse Inquiry

Bernard Francis Law

Catholic Church sexual abuse cases

An Open Secret

Corey Feldman has admitted he fears for his life and has to have around the clock protection after speaking out about an alleged Hollywood paedophile ring

Lord of the Rings star draws parallels between attacks carried out by British TV personality and paedophile rings in Los Angeles


A golem (/ˈɡləm/ GOH-ləm; Hebrew: גולם‎) is an animated anthropomorphic being in Jewish folklore which is entirely created from inanimate matter (usually clay or mud). In the Psalms and medieval writings, the word golem was used as a term for an amorphous, unformed material.[1]

The most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-century rabbi of Prague. Many tales differ on how the golem was brought to life and controlled. According to Moment Magazine, "the golem is a highly mutable metaphor with seemingly limitless symbolism. It can be a victim or villain, Jew or non-Jew, man or woman—or sometimes both. Over the centuries, it has been used to connote war, community, isolation, hope, and despair."[2]

Gollum is a fictional monstrous character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He was introduced in the 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, and became important in its sequel, The Lord of the Rings. Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit[T 1][T 2] of the River-folk who lived near the Gladden Fields. In The Lord of the Rings it is stated that he was originally known as Sméagol, he was corrupted by the One Ring and later named Gollum after his habit of making "a horrible swallowing noise in his throat". 
1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
The word "cobalt" is derived from "Kobold," the name of a mischievous goblin in German mythology who, by the way, was closely related to another sprite called "Nickel." Kobold was not really evil, but he loved to tease humans.
In German folklore, a drude is a kind of malevolent nocturnal spirit associated with nightmares, prevalent especially in Southern Germany.
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch
Drude particles are model oscillators used to simulate the effects of electronic polarizability in the context of a classical molecular mechanics force field. They are inspired by the Drude model of mobile electrons and are used in the computational study of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules.


Computer programming language
goblin etymology
Middle English: from Old French gobelin, possibly related to German Kobold (see kobold) or to Greek kobalos ‘mischievous goblin’. In medieval Latin Gobelinus occurs as the name of a mischievous spirit, said to haunt Évreux in northern France in the 12th century.

goblin (n.)

early 14c., "a devil, incubus, mischievous and ugly fairy," from Norman French gobelin (12c., as Medieval Latin Gobelinus, the name of a spirit haunting the region of Evreux, in chronicle of Ordericus Vitalis), of uncertain origin; said to be unrelated to German kobold (see cobalt), or from Medieval Latin cabalus, from Greek kobalos "impudent rogue, knave," kobaloi "wicked spirits invoked by rogues," of unknown origin. Another suggestion is that it is a diminutive of the proper name Gobel.

A kobold (occasionally cobold) is a sprite stemming from Germanic mythology and surviving into modern times in German folklore.

Although usually invisible, a kobold can materialize in the form of an animal, a fire, a human being, and a candle. The most common depictions of kobolds show them as humanlike figures the size of small children. Kobolds who live in human homes wear the clothing of peasants; those who live in mines are hunched and ugly; kobolds who live on ships smoke pipes and wear sailor clothing.

Legends tell of three major types of kobolds. Most commonly, the creatures are house spirits of ambivalent nature; while they sometimes perform domestic chores, they play malicious tricks if insulted or neglected. Famous kobolds of this type include King Goldemar, Heinzelmann, and Hödekin. In some regions, kobolds are known by local names, such as the Galgenmännlein of southern Germany and the Heinzelmännchen of Cologne. Another type of kobold haunts underground places, such as mines. A third kind of kobold, the Klabautermann, lives aboard ships and helps sailors.

Hindu iconography


Transactional analysis

Glam rock

How long is this spiritual journey trip going to take anyhow?



Artificial Intelligence and Spiritual Life


The Age of Spiritual Machines

The Pied Piper of Hameln

and related legends from other towns


Purusha (puruṣa or Sanskrit: पुरुष) is a complex concept[1] whose meaning evolved in Vedic and Upanishadic times. Depending on source and historical timeline, it means the cosmic being or self, consciousness, and universal principle.


Prakriti or Prakruti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति IAST: prakṛti) is "the original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance".[1] It is a key concept in Hinduism, formulated by its Sāṅkhya school, where it does not refer to matter or nature, but "includes all the cognitive, moral, psychological, emotional, sensorial and physical aspects of reality," stressing "prakṛti's cognitive, mental, psychological and sensorial activities."[2] Prakriti has three different innate qualities (guṇas), whose equilibrium is the basis of all observed empirical reality.[3][4] Prakriti, in this school, contrasts with Puruṣa, which is pure awareness and metaphysical consciousness.[3] The term is also found in the texts of other Indian religions such as Jainism,[5] and Buddhism.[6]

In Indian languages derived from Sanskrit roots, Prakriti refers to the feminine aspect of all life forms, and more specifically a woman is seen as a symbol of Prakriti.[7]

Anima - Mania, a five lettered anagram. Pretend play is a form of symbolic play where children use objects, actions or ideas to represent other objects, actions, or ideas using their imaginations to assign roles to inanimate objects or people.

Make believe


like a slap in the face kind of dance

Spiritual intelligence

Problem-solving capacities of spiritual intelligence for artificial intelligence 

literally "machine, contraption"

Yantras are used for the worship of deities in temples or at home; as an aid in meditation; used for the benefits given by their supposed occult powers based on Hindu astrology and tantric texts. They are also used for adornment of temple floors, due mainly to their aesthetic and symmetric qualities.

CI/CD Pipeline for OpenWhisk Functions Using Whisk Deploy

Python Streams vs Unix Pipes

Enter the Pyed Piper

The pyed piper, or pyp, is a python-centric command line text manipulation tool. It allows you to format, replace, augment and otherwise mangle text using standard python syntax with a few golden-oldie tricks from unix commands of the past. You can pipe data into pyp just like any other unix command line tool.

After it's in, you can use the standard repertoire of python string and list methods to modify the text.


Finally, a command
line shell for the 90s

fish is a smart and user-friendly command line
shell for Linux, macOS, and the rest of the family.  


A Shankha (conch shell) has religious ritual importance in Hinduism. It is the shell of any suitable sea snail which had a hole made for the performer's embouchure. In Hindu history, the shankha is a sacred emblem of The Hindu preserver god Vishnu.


Matsya (Sanskrit: मत्स्य, lit. fish) is the fish avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. Often described as the first of Vishnu's ten primary avatars, Matsya is described to have rescued the first man Manu from a great deluge.

Noah's Ark

Gilgamesh flood myth

Apache Hudi Spark Guide


Bagalamukhi smashes the devotee's misconceptions and delusions (or the devotee's enemies) with her cudgel.

If you get hit on the head, the tissue in your occipital lobe gets shaken up. Brain cells then send out random electrical impulses, which your brain interprets as flashes of light that may seem like stars.

Please note, hematoma can come from a strong blow to the head. Even without bleeding, a concussion (where the brain strikes the inside of the skull) can cause later harmful brain lesions.
In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is often shown wearing a crescent moon on his head symbolising that the lord is the master of time and is himself timeless. It is used as the astrological symbol for the Moon, and hence as the alchemical symbol for silver. It was also the emblem of Diana/Artemis, and hence represented virginity.


moon crescent
“The symbol of the sacral chakra is a moon crescent, which represents the relationship between the tides of water and the phases of the moon.” In Sanskrit, Svadihsthana means “where your being is established.”
This principle is known as the Hebbian learning rule (1): i.e., if interconnected neurons become active very close in time during a particular event, their connection strengthens and “a memory” of this event is formed (1). In other words, “neurons wire together, if they fire together” (2)

What is the female equivalent to toxic masculinity?
There is no female equivalent of the ways in which Toxic masculinity enables abuse. The concept of "toxic masculinity" exists to highlight the organized, political nature of domestic violence and other forms of violence against women.

Some suggest behaving helpless when one is not is form of Toxic feminiity, however learned helplessness is beyond a gender issue. Acting ill when one is not is a form of deception as well claiming someone is ill when they are not is keeping up an apperance or masking in a social context psychologically. 

Learned Helplessness: Linked To Mental Illness

It is linked to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other health problems. Research shows that it increases stress, anxiety, and depression in both humans and animals.

What is a toxic relationship?
A toxic relationship is one that makes you feel unsupported, misunderstood, demeaned, or attacked. On a basic level, any relationship that makes you feel worse rather than better can become toxic over time.

Enabling - Enabling is a pattern of behavior, often adopted by abuse victims, which seeks to avoid confrontation and conflict by absorbing the abuse without challenging it or setting boundaries. The perpetrator of the abuse is thus "enabled" to continue their pattern of behavior

The term “enabler” generally describes someone whose behavior allows a loved one to continue self-destructive patterns of behavior. This term can be stigmatizing since there's often negative judgment attached to it. However, many people who enable others don't do so intentionally.

5 Signs of Emotional Abuse
  • They are Hyper-Critical or Judgmental Towards You. ...
  • They Ignore Boundaries or Invade Your Privacy. ...
  • They are Possessive and/or Controlling. ...
  • They are Manipulative. ...
  • They Often Dismiss You and Your Feelings.
Are you being Gaslighted?
Signs you've experienced gaslighting. Experiencing gaslighting can leave you second-guessing yourself constantly, not to mention overwhelmed, confused, and uncertain about your ability to make decisions on your own. Other key signs you're experiencing gaslighting include: an urge to apologize all the time.

Narcissists are more apt to use gaslighting as habitual liars. This in context of pride being a deadly sin.

Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll Never Guess.

BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, combined own The New York Times and other legacy media, along with Big Pharma.


They write: 'Hebb famously said that “Cells that fire together, wire together” and, more formally, “any two cells or systems of cells that are repeatedly active at the same time will tend to become 'associated,' so that activity in one facilitates activity in the other”.

Hebbian theory

Corticostriatal circuitry
Ribbon Crystals
I'm a going to a invent me one of them
topological quantum computers

What is the sacral chakra? The sacral chakra is believed to be located below the navel, where the perineum is. It's said to be associated with the sex organs and the kidneys, though this isn't supported by scientific research. It's also associated with the water element and portrayed as a vibrant orange color.
Svadhisthana, also called the sacral chakra, is the second primary chakra according to Hindu Tantrism. This chakra is said to be blocked by fear, especially the fear of death. Opening this chakra can boost creativity, manifested desire and confidence.
Elements: water

Sahasrara or the crown chakra is considered the seventh primary chakra in some yoga traditions.

Brain Cells for Socializing

Does an obscure nerve cell help explain what gorillas, elephants, whales—and people—have in common?

In Bonobos Yawn Contagion Is Higher among Kin and Friends

Mirror neurons, embodied emotions, and empathy.

One of these days Alice, right to the moon

"behavioral interventions can produce more specific brain changes than biological intervention as a medication"- Neuroscientist Richard Davidson

Political Colors of noise charge within Just War Theory upon Texas Independence Day

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

A quick overview of GitLab CI

Infrastructure Department Performance Indicators

Infrastructure performance management: The final piece of the puzzle

18 KPIs To Measure Performance (& How To Choose & Track Them)

Learn to connect data streams from one utility to another using STDIO.

grep — Search a file for a specified pattern


Scientists Watch a Memory Form in a Living Brain

While watching a fearful memory take shape in the brain of a living fish, neuroscientists see an unexpected level of rewiring occur in the synaptic connections.

Dialectical behavior therapy(DBT)

Cognitive-cultural economy

Cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)

Critical thinking

What is working memory?

Working memory, or operative memory, can be defined as the set of processes that allow us to store and manipulate temporary information and carry-out complex cognitive tasks like language comprehension, reading, learning, or reasoning. Working memory is a type of short-term memory.

Short-term memory

Short-term memory (or "primary" or "active memory") should be distinguished from working memory, which refers to structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. Random-access memory, is the analogy of active memory in computers.

Researchers uncover how the human brain separates, stores, and retrieves memories

Researchers have identified two types of cells in our brains that are involved in organizing discrete memories based on when they occurred. This finding improves our understanding of how the human brain forms memories and could have implications in memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

What is The BRAIN Initiative®?

The Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative is aimed at revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain. By accelerating the development and application of innovative technologies, researchers will be able to produce a revolutionary new dynamic picture of the brain that, for the first time, shows how individual cells and complex neural circuits interact in both time and space

Boundary cell

Dirichlet boundary condition

Cellular neural network

Extended Mathematical Programming

EMP for stochastic programming

Value at risk

What Is a White Paper?

Genome data analysis in Python

Execution of cells in the IPython kernel

Kernel (computer science)

Kernel (operating system)

Path (computing)

PATH (variable)

Exploratory data analysis of genomic datasets using ADAM and Mango with Apache Spark on Amazon EMR 

Genomic data visualization in Jupyter

How does gene therapy work?

The Ideal Gene Delivery Vector:Chromallocytes, Cell Repair Nanorobots for Chromosome Replacement Therapy

Directory (computing)

Chromosome Transplantation: A Possible
Approach to Treat Human X-linked Disorders

Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists 

Quantum chromodynamics

Simulation of quantum chromodynamics on the lattice with exactly chiral lattice fermions

Large anomalous Hall effect in the chiral-lattice
antiferromagnet CoNb 3 S6



Ferritin is a universal intracellular protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion. The protein is produced by almost all living organisms, including archaea, bacteria, algae, higher plants, and animals

Quantum Computing

Quantum effects in biology: golden rule in enzymes, olfaction, photosynthesis and magnetodetection

Artificial chromosomes study sheds light on gene therapies


How to map the brain

Pyramidal cell

Plasticity of the connectome

Microscale rewiring

Microscale rewiring is the formation or removal of synaptic connections between two neurons and can be studied with longitudinal two-photon imaging. Dendritic spines on pyramidal neurons can be shown forming within days following sensory experience and learning.[42][43][44] Changes can even be seen within five hours on apical tufts of layer five pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex after a seed reaching task in primates.

String graph

String group

strings (Unix)

Ahh, I am so strung out keeping Austin weird
Strings attached?

Let us observe the model unravel...

Data Structures

Multitape Turing machine

A tape diagram is a rectangular visual model resembling a piece of tape, that is used to assist with the calculation of ratios and addition, subtraction, and commonly multiplication. It is also known as a divided bar model, fraction strip, length model or strip diagram.

Magma (computer algebra system)

Finite element method

The structure of finite element methods

Galerkin method

In mathematics, in the area of numerical analysis, Galerkin methods, named after the Russian mathematician Boris Galerkin, convert a continuous operator problem, such as a differential equation, commonly in a weak formulation, to a discrete problem by applying linear constraints determined by finite sets of basis functions. The behavior of an object is defined by its methods.

Object (computer science)

Quark–gluon plasma

Blood plasma

Reducing blood viscosity with magnetic fields

One magnetic field pulse of 1.3 T lasting ~1 min can reduce the blood viscosity by 20%-30%. After the exposure, in the absence of magnetic field, the blood viscosity slowly moves up, but takes a couple of hours to return to the original value. The process is repeatable

Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
Lecture 6: Communication Complexity
Lecturer: Boaz Barak
Scribes: Aditya Bhaskara and Siddhartha Sen
The net force is the vector sum of all the forces that act upon an object
Define net ,

Newton’s Second Law of Motion- Concept of a System

, and .



In the theory of stochastic processes, a subdiscipline of probability theoryfiltrations are used to model the information that is available at a given point and therefore play an important role in the formalization of random processes.

In statistics, the Mann–Whitney U test (also called the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon (MWW), Wilcoxon rank-sum test, or Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test) is a nonparametric test of the null hypothesis that it is equally likely that a randomly selected value from one population will be less than or greater than a randomly selected value from a second population.

This test can be used to investigate whether two independent samples were selected from populations having the same distribution. A similar nonparametric test used on dependent samples is the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Van der Waerden test of maximum clique problem with Waring's conjecture upon Van der Waals force

 By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Linear Momentum and Force

A well-known theorem of Markov chains states that the probability of the system being in state j after k time periods, given that the system begins in state i, is the (i, j) entry of . ... The vector containing these long-term probabilities, denoted , is called the steady-state vector of the Markov chain.

Please do not confuse my father with philosophy or math, that is my job.

Force field (physics)


Electric potential energy

Pi bond

The average translational kinetic energy of molecules (relative molar mass 32) at a particular temperature is 0.048 eV. The translational kinetic energy of molecules (relative molar mass 28) in at the same temperature is



Average translational K.E. of a molecule . It depends on temperature and not on molecular mass. Hence average translational K.E. for N will also be 0.048 eV.

Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed

The devil is in the details

In German print, the equivalent expression of "God is in the details", "Gott steckt im Detail", appears in 1934. The equivalent expression of "The devil is in the details", "Der Teufel steckt im Detail", appears in 1951, and overtakes "Gott" in 1965

More specifically
Cantor ternary function, the Lebesgue function,[1] Lebesgue's singular function, the Cantor–Vitali function, the Devil's staircase,[2] the Cantor staircase function,[3] and the Cantor–Lebesgue function.[4]

In Russian, " Stellarator Ribbon knot Bow shock" translates as

Stellarator Ленточный узел Bow Shock

BSD Daemon

Daemon (computing)

Maxwell's Demon | Thermodynamics | Second Law

Maxwell’s Demon: A Uniquely Quantum Effect in Erasing Information Discovered

“Useful” work is most commonly electrical work (moving electric charge through a potential difference).

Entropy (computing)

·  List of Unix daemons

·  Entropy (information theory)

·  Service wrapper

·  Social entropy

·  Software bot

I am pitching the NGA with IBM and Texas Instruments for pipeline integration with different abled as the blind and the deaf for inclusiveness as well security in architecture by design considerations.

Foundation Models

Isaac Asimov?
I said Isaac Asimov, like with his book 

Foundation series

I think dad liked these books working at CSC and briefly at NASA.

IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite: Geospatial Analytics

C3 AI Anti-Money Laundering

Charles S. Hirsch Center for Forensic Sciences

The Charles S. Hirsch Center for Forensic Sciences opened in February 2007 at 421 East 26th Street (east of First Avenue) in Manhattan. The building is named after Dr. Charles S. Hirsch, who served as Chief Medical Examiner of New York City from 1989 to 2013, and championed the development and application of DNA in forensic science.

This new center at Stanford convenes scholars from across the university to study the technical principles and societal impact of foundation models.


Hirsch Enterprises, Inc is a Real Estate Management and Brokerage company operating in the heart of New York City.

Pipe and Supply in California

Catherine P. Hirsch, M.D.

Dr. Catherine Hirsch is a 3rd generation physician and a native of Mississippi. She has been practicing Gastroenterology on the Gulf Coast since 1988.

Dr. Hirsch completed her undergraduate studies at University of MS in Oxford. She continued her studies at University of MS Medical Center in Jackson where she received her medical degree in 1983. Dr. Hirsch completed her internship, residency and GI fellowship at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City.

Didi Hirsch operates two Crisis Residential Treatment Programs for low-income adults in acute psychiatric crisis who need short-term, voluntary residential care. Didi Hirsch also runs a unique residential program where women can live with their young children for up to 6 months while undergoing treatment for mental health, domestic violence and substance use issues.

Jump Street

Jump Street in Los Angeles provides crisis stabilization and support for individuals who have persistent or acute mental illness, which can also include co-occurring disorders.

Theses are some other Hirsch's I know of and we are not related... I don't think that we are related but who knows about distant recitatives. 

Pasinger Str. 1B, 82166 Gräfelfing, Germany


Emil G Hirsch Metropolitan High School

7740 S Ingleside Ave Chicago, IL 60619

Museum of Fine Arts

Houston Texas

Hirsch Library

Morris W. Hirsch

Primary Research Area: 
Research Interests: 
Dynamical systems, Neural networks

Daniel Hirsch

Jeffrey M. Hirsch

Geneva Yeargan Rand Distinguished Professor of Law

Dr. Robert L. Hirsch is a Senior Energy Advisor at MISI and a consultant in energy, technology, and management.

A FarnsworthHirsch fusor is the most common type of fusor. The typical Farnsworth-Hirsch fusor has two concentric electrical grids inside a vacuum chamber.

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

In science and mathematics, an open problem or an open question is a known problem which can be accurately stated, and which is assumed to have an objective and verifiable solution, but which has not yet been solved (i.e., no solution for it is known).

In the history of science, some of these supposed open problems were "solved" by means of showing that they were not well-defined. In mathematics, many open problems are concerned with the question of whether a certain definition is or is not consistent.

Two notable examples in mathematics that have been solved and closed by researchers in the late twentieth century are Fermat's Last Theorem[1] and the four-color theorem.[2][3] An important open mathematics problem solved in the early 21st century is the Poincaré conjecture.

Open problems exist in all scientific fields. For example, one of the most important open problems in biochemistry is the protein structure prediction problem[4][5] – how to predict a protein's structure from its sequence.

See also

Symbolic integration

Multiple memory systems

Trustworthy AI is human-centered

Interpersonal relationship

An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to enduring. This association may be based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment.

Tychonoff plank

Would you kindly get this plank out of my third eye.

A new sci-fi interface for the metaverse


Viraj N. Gandbhir; Bruno Cunha.

Purdue Technology Center
3000 Kent Ave.
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone: 866-693-3687 FAX: 765-775-2501
Math and science textbooks in braille, tactile graphics, other products and services.

What is a parent theory? Set theory for six-year-olds, NUMBER AS ARCHETYPE in a Complex spacetime

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch
By David Vincent Bell Hirsch 

Fracton (subdimensional particle)

Gravitational field


In particle physics, a gauge boson is a force carrier, a bosonic particle that carries any of the fundamental interactions of nature, commonly called forces.

Gabriel's Horn: or Torricelli's trumpet, Spin Ice Perlin noise from the Live Music Capital of the World. 

Bright Week

Bright Week 2022 will begin on
April 24
and ends on
April 30

Lord Krishna says to Arjuna, "plunge into the heat of battle and keep your heart at the lotus feet of the lord" PSNS autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the body's unconscious actions

"Plank" is the term often given to the components of the political platform – the opinions and viewpoints about individual topics, as held by a party, person, or organization.

The Neuronal GeneArcEncodes a RepurposedRetrotransposon Gag Protein that Mediates Intercellular RNA Transfer

CODIS is the acronym for the Combined DNA Index System and is the generic term used to describe the FBI's program of support for criminal justice DNA databases as well as the software used to run these databases.

Attributes and behaviors

Every class contains attributes and behaviors. Attributes are the characteristics of the class that help to distinguish it from other classes. Behaviors are the tasks that an object performs

Dataproc Persistent History Server

Delegation is one of the core concepts of management leadership. The process involves managers deciding which work they should do themselves and which work should be delegated to others for completion.

Delegation (computing)

Pointer (computer programming)


What is a behavior class?
The behavior of class or its instances is defined using methods.

Method (computer programming)

The behavior of an object is defined by its methods, which are the functions and subroutines defined within the object class. Without class methods, a class would simply be a structure. Methods determine what type of functionality a class has, how it modifies its data, and its overall behavior.

Call an object method

__call__ in Python

MLOps: Model management, deployment, lineage, and monitoring with Azure Machine Learning

Gluon: building blocks for your Deep Learning universe

Methods and Behavior


Observer pattern

How to convert a NumPy ndarray to a PyTorch Tensor and vice versa?

Attention (machine learning)

A language translation example


Identify Disease-Associated Genetic Variants Via 3D Genomics Structure and Regulatory Landscapes Using Deep Learning Frameworks

Single node clusters

Vector space model


CRISPR (/ˈkrɪspər/) (which is an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)

Computer cluster

Quantum clustering

The Python Programing Meetup group may utilize SLACK

NIH Intramural Data Science Slack group.


Classes, Seminars & Walk-In Consults

Beowulf cluster

The NIH HPC group plans, manages and supports high-performance computing systems specifically for the intramural NIH community. These systems include Biowulf, a 105,000+ processor Linux cluster; Helix, an interactive system for file transfer and management, Sciware, a set of applications for desktops, and Helixweb, which provides a number of web-based scientific tools. We provide access to a wide range of computational applications for genomics, molecular and structural biology, mathematical and graphical analysis, image analysis, and other scientific fields. 


An adparticle is an atom, molecule, or cluster of atoms or molecules that lies on a crystal surface. The term is used in surface chemistry. The word is a contraction of "adsorbed particle". An adparticle that is a single atom may be referred to as an "adatom".

Conference of the Birds invisible dance of CRISPR-Cas9 Closing in on a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Databricks’ Open Source Genomics Toolkit Outperforms Leading Tools


Harris affine region detector

Vision chip

Implement a content-based image retrieval using Tensorflow and Numpy.

Hessian affine region detector

The Hessian affine region detector is a feature detector used in the fields of computer vision and image analysis. Like other feature detectors, the Hessian affine detector is typically used as a preprocessing step to algorithms that rely on identifiable, characteristic interest points.

The Hessian affine detector is part of the subclass of feature detectors known as affine-invariant detectors: Harris affine region detector, Hessian affine regions, maximally stable extremal regions, Kadir–Brady saliency detector, edge-based regions (EBR) and intensity-extrema-based (IBR) regions.

The rank-nullity theorem is a fundamental theorem in linear algebra which relates the dimensions of a linear map's kernel and image with the dimension of its domain.
In linear algebra, the Cayley–Hamilton theorem (named after the mathematicians Arthur Cayley and William Rowan Hamilton) states that every square matrix over a commutative ring (such as the real or complex field) satisfies its own characteristic equation.

Block design

This article is about block designs with fixed block size (uniform). For block designs with variable block sizes, see Combinatorial design. For experimental designs in statistics, see randomized block design.

In combinatorial mathematics, a block design is an incidence structure consisting of a set together with a family of subsets known as blocks, chosen such that frequency of the elements satisfies certain conditions making the collection of blocks exhibit symmetry (balance). They have applications in many areas, including experimental design, finite geometry, physical chemistry, software testing, cryptography, and algebraic geometry.

Without further specifications the term block design usually refers to a balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), specifically (and also synonymously) a 2-design, which has been the most intensely studied type historically due to its application in the design of experiments.[1][2] Its generalization is known as a t-design.

Flip (mathematics)

Flip chip

Field-programmable gate array

Configurable Logic Block

Block design test

In electronic design, a semiconductor intellectual property core, IP core, or IP block is a reusable unit of logic, cell, or integrated circuit layout design that is the intellectual property of one party. IP cores can be licensed to another party or owned and used by a single party. The term comes from the licensing of the patent or source code copyright that exists in the design. Designers of application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) and systems of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) logic can use IP cores as building blocks.
In computer science, syntactic sugar is syntax within a programming language that is designed to make things easier to read or to express. It makes the language "sweeter" for human use: things can be expressed more clearly, more concisely, or in an alternative style that some may prefer.
A sugar-phosphate backbone (alternating grey-dark grey) joins together nucleotides in a DNA sequence. The sugar-phosphate backbone forms the structural framework of nucleic acids, including DNA and RNA. This backbone is composed of alternating sugar and phosphate groups, and defines directionality of the molecule.

What is the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA held together by?
The sugar phosphate backbone has sugar rings, each with 5 carbons and an oxygen, that are held together by phosphodiester bonds.

phosphate backbone

What is the structure of sugar-phosphate backbone?

The sugar phosphate backbone is an important stuctural component of DNA. It consists of 5-carbon deoxyribose sugars and phosphate groups. These sugars are linked together by a phosphodiester bond, between carbon 4 of their chain, and a CH2 group that is attached to a phosphate ion.

DNAFET Emboss wordcount Bioinformatics Howler, LuaJIT Project

Serenity Sells

Three-dimensional modeling of single stranded DNA hairpins for aptamer-based biosensors

Knowledge graph


[PyTorch] 2. Model(x) vs Forward(x), Load pre-trained Model, Finetuning, Length of the DataLoader, How to Send model to GPU

Welcome to Deep Graph Library Tutorials and Documentation

Deep Graph Library (DGL) is a Python package built for easy implementation of graph neural network model family, on top of existing DL frameworks (currently supporting PyTorch, MXNet and TensorFlow). It offers a versatile control of message passing, speed optimization via auto-batching and highly tuned sparse matrix kernels, and multi-GPU/CPU training to scale to graphs of hundreds of millions of nodes and edges
Can Crispr-Cas9 be used to treat cancer?
CRISPR-Cas9 can be employed to promptly engineer oncolytic viruses and immune cells for cancer therapeutic applications. More notably, it has the ability to precisely edit genes not only in model organisms but also in human being that permits its use in therapeutic analysis.

Create a Single Node cluster

Automated reasoning


The Texas Cancer Belt

Look at my Big shiny Buckle

Houston Health Department

Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens Union Pacific Railroad Site Contamination and Area Cancer Cluster

Department heads take charge of departments. They monitor, lead, train, and manage staff. They may also conduct research and set goals. Department heads ensure that overall day-to-day operations run smoothly.
SEPTEMBER 7, 2021, JANUARY 5, 2022, AND APRIL 5, 2022

National Institutes of Health (SBIR and STTR)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (SBIR)

Food and Drug Administration (SBIR)

Department of Health and Human Services

Part 1. Overview Information

PHS 2021-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH and CDC for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Required)

Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR)

The Division for Research Capacity Building (DRCB)

The Division for Research Capacity Building (DRCB) supports research, faculty development, research training, and research infrastructure improvements in states where levels of NIH research funding have historically been low through administering the Institutional Development Award (IDeA). It also supports research directed by and research capacity building in Native American and Alaska Native tribal organizations through the Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) program, faculty development at institutions that primarily serves students from underrepresented groups in biomedical research through the Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) program, and science education through the Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA) program. The division also oversees the STTR Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hubs for IDeA States.

Crowdsourced Health Research Studies: An Important Emerging Complement to Clinical Trials in the Public Health Research Ecosystem

Monitoring Editor: Bridgette Bewick
Reviewed by Paul Wicks, Thomas Pickard, and Ute Francke

National Center for Advancing Translational Science

IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence

Open Opportunities

NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21)

Welcome to scRNASeqDB!

Single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-seq) are an emerging method which facilitates to explore the comprehensive transcriptome in a single cell. To provide a useful and unique reference resource for biology and medicine, we developed the scRNASeqDB database, which contains 36 human single cell gene expression data sets collected from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), involving 8910 cells from 174 cell groups. We also provides detailed information for gene expression of cells in different status, as well as some features, including heatmap and boxplot of gene expression, gene correlation matrix, GO and pathway annotations. 

Chaos, Cancer, the Cellular Operating System and the Prediction of Survival in Head and Neck Cancer

NOAA Grants

Assessing the Aquatic Life Use 

A simple technique to mitigate microplastic pollution and its mobility (via ballast water) in the global ocean

Cancer cluster




Bioresins based on polyfurfuryl alcohol and produced from agricultural wastes have recently been used with interesting results in engineering structures (Gkaidatzis, 2014).

Picard horn

Diagnosis of lung cancer by canine olfactory detection in urine and breath samples.

" Brown's special highlights the link between courage and vulnerability, which she describes as "having the courage to show up when you can't control the outcome."

Dogs Are Teaching Machines to Sniff Out Cancer

In a proof-of-concept study, researchers used dogs’ diagnoses of prostate cancer to inform a machine learning algorithm with the goal of one day detecting cancers with canine-level accuracy.

Python code for octonion and sedenion multiplication

Molecular geometry

Leslie Miller-Robbie1,2, Anu Ramaswami1,3 and Priyanie Amerasinghe4

Cancer clusters in the USA: What do the last twenty years of state and federal investigations tell us?

Michael Goodman,1 Joshua S. Naiman,2,3 Dina Goodman,4 and Judy S. LaKind2,5,6

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine debris is litter that ends up in the ocean, seas, and other large bodies of water.

Decision trees: leaf-wise (best-first)

and level-wise tree traverse

What is a cancer cluster?

The electronic Contract Proposal Submission (eCPS) is a component of NIH's integrated, secure system for the electronic submission, capture, tracking and review of contract proposals.

Political Colors of noise charge within Just War Theory upon Texas Independence Day

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Learn how loss functions are used to understand your model’s performance and their implementation in regression and classification problems hands-on in Python.

Understanding the 3 most common loss functions for Machine Learning Regression

Lazy initialization

Loss and Loss Functions for Training Deep Learning Neural Networks

Deferred Initialization

How to: Perform Lazy Initialization of Objects


Why deferred initialization?

/ mxnet-eopc

Dive into Deep Learning

What is Overfitting & Underfitting in Machine Learning?

Curve fitting

Drude model

Mathematical treatment


Sing a Song of Sixpence,
A bag full of Rye,
Four and twenty Naughty Boys,
Baked in a Pye

How to Start a Fashion Brand

Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Successful Fashion Brand

UNICOR is a life-changing correctional program that has a profound impact on everyone in the community.

A brand ambassador program helps standardize the way your company works with individual ambassadors. It's usually based on a specific goal, such as increasing sales, driving conversions, or building brand awareness. To accomplish this goal, an ambassador will actively promote your brand to their social networks.

Vincentian Prison Ministry: Then and Now

Wow, what a 420 Naughty Boy look and what is this, the corporate director of this fashion upstart is in prison?

Residential Reentry Contracting

Information about becoming a Residential Reentry Center (RRC) provider for the BOP.

USPTO Trademarks

“Corporate director” refers to a member of a corporation's board of directors. The board of directors generally takes responsibility for the business affairs of the corporation. A corporate director does not make decisions for the corporation on his own.

Corporations Section Forms

Apparel and Accessories

Quality is the common thread for all UNICOR Apparel and Accessories. Most of the products displayed online are offered according to specific customer preferences. Additional sizes, fabrics, colors, and products are available offline. UNICOR's clothing and textiles capabilities are extensive with decades of experience with volume and custom manufacturing for demanding Federal customers. More recently we have partnered with private industry to repatriate manufacturing jobs - please contact us today for more information or requests for quotations.

What Is C-Suite?

C-suite, or C-level, is widely-used vernacular describing a cluster of a corporation's most important senior executives. C-suite gets its name from the titles of top senior executives, which tend to start with the letter C, for "chief," as in chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief information officer (CIO).

The alternative is to outsource to Asia and that is bad for the made in America fashion branding exercise. 

The New Path To the C-Suite

Jeffrey M. Hirsch

Geneva Yeargan Rand Distinguished Professor of Law

(919) 962-7675
5091 Van Hecke-Wettach Hall

Lincoln Tunnel

APD 18 - 2870309

Palms on Lamar criminal behavior
ADP 210980734 Assault (gangs and criminal behavior from former Palms residents) 
Intermittent explosive disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation

What happens when we get angry?

When we get angry, the heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone production increases, cortisol (the stress hormone) decreases, and the left hemisphere of the brain becomes more stimulated. This is indicated by a new investigation that analyzes the changes in the brain's cardiovascular, hormonal and asymmetric activation response when we get angry. 
April 10
Palm Sunday 2022

Austin Police advised me to retain an attorney for the wrongful death of my friend who hired me to be her care taker, Mary Reader from 3120 and the copious amount of criminal behavior bringing early deaths to Kevin Harrington, Mr. Porter, Johnny Wardell and others. A few of the neighobrs behave toxic as they are loud alcoholics and patholigically aggressive with impulsivity, and recurrent aggressive outbursts in their behavior. I was not able to retain an attorney for wrongful deaths of residents at the Palms on North Lamar. My brother who lives in Austin, Texas has not spoken to me in five years. His wife kicked me out of their home for Thanksgiving. They did not want me to invite Carole Zoom for a previous Thanksgiving before that back in 2012 or 2013. Dr. Ryan in the 1990s advised that I am not diabled and to not put me on SSI howver I had no choice but to see him and his profesional advise was ignored. Dr. Ryan would say anger is turned inward and Anger becomes pathological when it is inappropriate or absent.

MIT brings back a test that, despite its reputation, helps low-income students in an inequitable society.


GOPPAR is the abbreviation for gross operating profit per available room, a key performance indicator for the hotel industry

Palm calculus

Feller's paradox

TRevPAR, or total revenue per available room, is a performance metric in the hotel industry. TRevPAR is calculated by dividing the total net revenues of a property by the total available rooms

In computer science, the process calculi are a diverse family of related approaches for formally modelling concurrent systems
RevPAR, or revenue per available room, is a performance metric in the hotel industry that is calculated by dividing a hotel's total guestroom revenue by the room count and the number of days in the period being measured.



Undecidable problem

In computability theory and computational complexity theory, an undecidable problem is a decision problem for which it is proved to be impossible to construct an algorithm that always leads to a correct yes-or-no answer. The halting problem is an example: it can be proven that there is no algorithm that correctly determines whether arbitrary programs eventually halt when run.

Airline reservations system

The crazy math of airline ticket pricing

Carl de Marcken

List of undecidable problems

Halting problem

A key part of the proof is a mathematical definition of a computer and program, which is known as a Turing machine; the halting problem is undecidable over Turing machines

Procyclical and countercyclical


Procyclical and countercyclical variables are variables that fluctuate in a way that is positively or negatively correlated with business cycle fluctuations in gross domestic product. The scope of the concept may differ between the context of macroeconomic theory and that of economic policy–making.

Understanding procyclicality

Jean-Pierre Landau: Procyclicality – what it means and what could be done

Recursive Collective Actions Problems: the
Structure of Procyclicality in Financial and
Monetary Markets, Macroeconomies and Formally
Similar Contexts

Robert C. Hockett 

Bounded Situation Calculus Action Theories and Decidable Verification

Situation calculus

The situation calculus is a logical language that is specially designed for reasoning about action and change (McCarthy & Hayes 1969). A basic action theory is a logical theory in the situation calculus that describes what holds initially in the world as well as how the world evolves under the effects of actions.

Field (mathematics)

Fangcheng (mathematics)

Gaussian elimination

In geometry,

Regression Versus Classification Machine Learning: What’s the Difference?

Decision theory

In astronomy,

Softmax Regression

How a regression formula improves accuracy of deep learning models

Pasadena, Texas; known for its smelly air from chemical plants on the Houston Ship waterways. "The Smell of Money" according to one columnist

30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States



US Mortgage Backed Securities Statistics

Control theory

More than 50,000 people in southeast Texas will spend Thanksgiving away from their homes as evacuation orders remained in place after two powerful Wednesday blasts at a chemical plant in Port Neches, about 80 miles east of Houston.Nov 28, 2019

Two explosions forced tens of thousands of people to leave the area around a chemical plant. “As long as we know that we’re O.K., that’s all that really matters,” one resident said.

John Law – Monetary Reformer
John E. Sandrock

On April 17, 2013, an ammonium nitrate explosion occurred at the West Fertilizer Company storage and distribution facility in West, Texas, eighteen miles (29 km) north of Waco, while emergency services personnel were responding to a fire at the facility.[7] Fifteen people were killed, more than 160 were injured, and more than 150 buildings were damaged or destroyed. Investigators have confirmed that ammonium nitrate was the material that exploded.[8] On May 11, 2016, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives stated that the fire had been deliberately set.

The Texas City disaster was an industrial accident that occurred April 16, 1947, in the Port of Texas City, Texas, at Galveston Bay. It was the deadliest industrial accident in U.S. history, and one of history's largest non-nuclear explosions.

United States has thelargest number of prisoners as of July 2021

As of July 2021, the United States had the highest number of incarcerated individuals worldwide, with almost 2.1 million people in prison. The U.S. was followed by China, Brazil, India, and the Russian Federation

Storm surge barackade engineering later
I think of filters...

A JPMorgan employee and a customer secretly recorded their conversations with bank employees.

Recidivism and Reentry

What makes people more or less likely to succeed upon release?

Prison Labor Markets: The Supply Issue


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) - Texas ...

Apply for WIOA Services - Workforce Solutions East Texas

New U.S. Hemp Lobby Formed As Research Reveals Industry’s Potential

Texas prison system makes $70 million a year off forced labor

K Street is a major thoroughfare in the United States capital of Washington, D.C. known as a center for numerous lobbyists and advocacy groups
The Prison Industries Act was adopted by ALEC's Criminal Justice Task Force, now known as the Public Safety and Elections Task Force, at the Spring Task Force Summit on May 1, 2004, amended at the Annual Meeting on July 29, 2004, and approved by the full ALEC Board of Directors in August, 2004.

Public safety and elections task force. Hmmm



“But the mob still operates, and its members still represent a potentially serious criminal threat.” Unlike New York's infamous Five Families, the Chicago mob consists of only one family, often referred to as the “Outfit.” It is organized under a variety of crews that engage in various criminal activities. (notice URL link is from conceying information of mob)

Land of the freee, home of the brave:
Texas PIE

Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program

The Prison Industry Enhancement (PIE) Certification Program is a partnership between the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and a private company, which allows the company to employ offenders that have volunteered to be a part of the program. The offenders are paid by the private company and deductions are taken from their wages for the offenders' taxes, room and board, family support (incudes dependent/child support), restitution and a contribution is made to a crime victims' fund.

The PIE Certification Program was created by Congress in 1979 to encourage states and units of local government to establish employment opportunities for offenders in realistic working environments, pay them wages, and enable them to acquire marketable skills to increase their potential for successful rehabilitation and meaningful employment upon release.

Current PIE Certification Programs

Name Henderson Controls, Inc. OnShore Resources

Product  AC Parts & Heating Valves Computer Boards & Wire Harnesses 

Location Lockhart Unit Lockhart Unit

The 13th Amendment left a loophole for prisoners to be forced to work without pay. Texas remains one of five states that exploits the carveout for state profit.

Tomlinson: Prison slave labor isn't just a problem in China. It happens in Texas, too. 

Filtering Your Speech

How to Stop Talking Before You Say the Wrong Thing

and other kinds of filters
In mathematics, a filter is a special subset of a partially ordered set. Filters appear in order and lattice theory, but can also be found in topology, from where they originate. The dual notion of a filter is an order ideal.

Social Filters....
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a technique used by recommender systems.[1] Collaborative filtering has two senses, a narrow one and a more general one
In the mathematical field of set theory, an ultrafilter on a given partially ordered set (poset) P is a maximal filter on P, that is, a proper filter on P that cannot be enlarged. Filters and ultrafilters are special subsets of P. If P happens to be a Boolean algebra, each ultrafilter is also a prime filter, and vice versa.

Prime filters...

Prime ideals

An important special case of an ideal is constituted by those ideals whose set-theoretic complements are filters, i.e. ideals in the inverse order. Such ideals are called prime ideals. Also note that, since we require ideals and filters to be non-empty, every prime ideal is necessarily proper. For lattices, prime ideals can be characterized as follows:

A subset I of a lattice (P, ≤) is a prime ideal, if and only if

  1. I is a proper ideal of P, and
  2. for all elements x and y of P, x\wedgey in I implies that x is in I or y is in I.

It is easily checked that this is indeed equivalent to stating that P \ I is a filter (which is then also prime, in the dual sense).

For a complete lattice the further notion of a completely prime ideal is meaningful. It is defined to be a proper ideal I with the additional property that, whenever the meet (infimum) of some arbitrary set A is in I, some element of A is also in I. So this is just a specific prime ideal that extends the above conditions to infinite meets.

The existence of prime ideals is in general not obvious, and often a satisfactory amount of prime ideals cannot be derived within ZF (Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of choice). This issue is discussed in various prime ideal theorems, which are necessary for many applications that require prime ideals

Filtration (probability theory)

In the theory of stochastic processes, a subdiscipline of probability theory, filtrations are used to model the information that is available at a given point and therefore play an important role in the formalization of random processes.

In mathematical order theory, an ideal is a special subset of a partially ordered set (poset). Although this term historically was derived from the notion of a ring ideal of abstract algebra, it has subsequently been generalized to a different notion. Ideals are of great importance for many constructions in order and lattice theory.


In Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras, the maximal ideals (or, equivalently via the negation map, ultrafilters) are used to obtain the set of points of a topological space, whose clopen sets are isomorphic to the original Boolean algebra.

Cancer Cluster Investigations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) define a cancer cluster as a greater than expected number of cancer cases that occurs within a group of people in a geographic area over a defined period of time. Most cancer cluster investigations include an analysis of the occurrence of new cancer cases in a particular area over time and only answer the question, “Are there more cancer cases occurring in the area or population of concern than would be expected, based on the size and demographic characteristics of that population?”  It is important to note that the data and statistical analysis conducted at this step cannot determine if cancers observed in the community are associated with environmental, lifestyle, or other risk factors.

Houston Health Department

Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens Union Pacific Railroad Site Contamination and Area Cancer Cluster


A bioplastic can be defined as a polymer that is manufactured into a commercial product from a natural source or renewable resource.

There are tons of plastic polymers in the trash. Plastics are a rapidly growing segment of municipal solid waste (MSW)

Plastics: Material-Specific Data

Then there is the Pacific Ocean Plastic patch and the Trade Deals with innovations in fibers to consider

Beyond Just Peptide Antigens: The Complex World of Peptide-Based Cancer Vaccines

The quickest way to get started with the GraphQL API is to use PDC GraphQL Explorer.
Mass Challenge for Cancer Alley solution sets Serenity Sells

Less Developed Countries

Measures of Economic Development

Most 1914 $10 blue seal bills are worth around $70-85 in very good condition. In very fine condition the value is around $105-120. In extremely fine condition the value is around $200-235. Uncirculated bills with a grade of MS 63 can sell for around $400-550. The currency fiber used in this series was hemp.
Hemp plants and marijuana plants are both the same species. Legally, hemp is defined as a cannabis plant that contains 0.3 percent or less THC, while marijuana is a cannabis plant that contains more than 0.3 percent THC. CBD can be derived from both hemp and marijuana plants. 
What was the Free Produce Association?
1982 the government signed the Compact of Free Association with the United States. This agreement, approved by the voters in 1983, requires that the United States remain responsible for defense and external security and that it provide financial assistance for the republic.

Instead of using modern fishing lines, fishermen had to make their own from coconut husk (Bweo) by weaving the strands together to make the line called Ekkwal.

Free association (psychology)

Free association is the expression (as by speaking or writing) of the content of consciousness without censorship as an aid in gaining access to unconscious processes.[1] The technique is used in psychoanalysis (and also in psychodynamic theory) which was originally devised by Sigmund Freud out of the hypnotic method of his mentor and colleague, Josef Breuer.

Freud described it as such: "The importance of free association is that the patients spoke for themselves, rather than repeating the ideas of the analyst; they work through their own material, rather than parroting another's suggestions".[2]

Compacts of Free Association

The Compact of Free Association (COFA) is an international agreement establishing and governing the relationships of free association between the United States and the three Pacific Island sovereign states of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Republic of Palau. As a result, these countries are sometimes known as the Freely Associated States.

Ni (Cocos nucifera - Palmae)

This is said when serving coconut food:
"Ni mi to" - "Coconut will never stop producing"

When did the bikini become popular?
The beach films led a wave of films that made the bikini a pop-culture symbol. In the sexual revolution in 1960s America, bikinis became quickly popular.

The U.S Department of the Interior Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) is an advocate for small business dedicated to maximizing contracting opportunities for small, small disadvantaged, 8(a), women-owned, HUB-Zone and service disabled veteran owned small businesses. Small businesses play a significant role in advancing the Department's goals and supporting Interior's contributions to the Nation's economy. When conducting your research, you should focus on the Department's mission as outlined below:

  • Protect the Environment and Preserve Our Nation's Natural and Cultural Resources
  • Provide Recreation for America
  • Manage Natural Resources for a Healthy Environment and Strong Economy
  • Provide Science for a Changing World
  • Meet our Trust Responsibilities to American Indians, Alaska Natives and Our Commitment to Island Communities

Marketing Your Capabilities

US Hemp Bank Treasury Notes are savings for our Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, and EPA

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Capital accumulation

Trade Mark pulling revenue for R&D fiber innovations addressing ecosystems and environment as engineers

social actor 

In sociology and social psychology, anyone who engages in intentional action which is shaped by internalized expectations about how others will interpret its meaning (action theory); .

Bioplastic from Renewable Biomass: A Facile Solution for a Greener Environment

There are many directions in industry to address remediation fields for land, water and even filtration fiber technology for air.

Cancer Alley

The Abramoff-DeLay-Mariana Islands Connection

May 30, 2018

Trump Aides Go Where Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay Went Before

Sweatshops no longer rule the Northern Mariana Islands. Now, a sketchy casino industry dominates.

Executive summary

If hours and hours of childhood memories watching Bugs Bunny has taught me anything...

Little Bunny foo, foo aka Angora Rabbit

5 Shocking Reasons You Should Skip Angora Wool This Winter

What would Bugs Bunny do?

get someone's goat

To make someone annoyed or angry: “Gavin may seem unflappable, but I know a way to get his goat.” This expression comes from a tradition in horse racing. Thought to have a calming effect on high-strung thoroughbreds, a goat was placed in the horse's stall on the night before the race. Unscrupulous opponents would then steal the goat in an effort to upset the horse and cause it to lose the race.

These goats are from China, or Asia.

A prison farm with Angora goats, Cashmere goats, Silkie chickens and Angora rabbits may help shepherd lessons of ethics to assist in rehabilitating.

If the angora rabbit, silkie chicken angora goat and cashmere goats are registered as emotional service animals, a prisoner whom treats the animal better than say the Chinese whom have committed ethical violations, then a level of rehabilitation may be proposed as facilitated as such.

Company description

Social engineering may refer to:

See also

social actor 

In sociology and social psychology, anyone who engages in intentional action which is shaped by internalized expectations about how others will interpret its meaning (action theory); .

Brand ambassador

A brand ambassador (sometimes also called a corporate ambassador) is a person employed by an organization or company to represent its brand in a positive light, helping to increase brand awareness and sales. The brand ambassador is meant to embody the corporate identity in appearance, demeanor, values and ethics.[1] The key element of brand ambassadors is their ability to use promotional strategies that will strengthen the customer-product-service relationship, influence a large audience to buy and consume more.

Action theory (philosophy)

Goats may be kept for milk, meat, or fiber (or a combination thereof). Both Angora and Cashmere goats are raised for fiber, but differ in both fiber qualities and methods of fiber harvest. Angora goats produce mohair. Fiber from non-Angora goats is Cashmere. Note that rabbits, not Angora goats, produce Angora fiber.

Angora Goat Shearing


A nanopore is a pore of nanometer size. It may, for example, be created by a pore-forming protein or as a hole in synthetic materials such as silicon or graphene.

When a nanopore is present in an electrically insulating membrane, it can be used as a single-molecule detector. It can be a biological protein channel in a high electrical resistance lipid bilayer, a pore in a solid-state membrane or a hybrid of these – a protein channel set in a synthetic membrane. The detection principle is based on monitoring the ionic current passing through the nanopore as a voltage is applied across the membrane. When the nanopore is of molecular dimensions, passage of molecules (e.g., DNA) cause interruptions of the "open" current level, leading to a "translocation event" signal. The passage of RNA or single-stranded DNA molecules through the membrane-embedded alpha-hemolysin channel (1.5 nm diameter), for example, causes a ~90% blockage of the current (measured at 1 M KCl solution).[1]

It may be considered a Coulter counter for much smaller particles.

Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of human-made chemicals that are found in a wide range of products used by consumers and industry. There are nearly 5,000 different types of PFAS, some of which have been more widely used and studied than others. Many PFAS are resistant to grease, oil, water, and heat. For this reason, beginning in the 1940’s, PFAS have been used in a variety of applications including in stain- and water-resistant fabrics and carpeting, cleaning products, paints, and fire-fighting foams. Certain PFAS are also authorized by the FDA for limited use in cookware, food packaging, and food processing equipment.

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens, which include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, worms, viruses, and even infectious proteins called prions.

Some of the most commonly used PFAS chemicals, like PFOS and PFOA (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid) have long half-lives, earning them the moniker “the forever chemical.” In tests of 44 different taps in 31 states, the EWG found that 43 exceeded a limit they deem safe by their own standards.
Membranes for reverse osmosis
The membranes used for reverse osmosis have a dense layer in the polymer matrix—either the skin of an asymmetric membrane or an interfacially polymerized layer within a thin-film-composite membrane—where the separation occurs.

Cheese Made Using Prison Labor Cut from Whole Foods

A business plan may be proposed to Central Market in Austin Texas as part of a farm to market justified budget.

Central Market in Austin Texas may be contacted and a business plan that models with Haystack farms may be developed, however if we get the Catholic's and Prison ministries involved and propose service animals to raise the bar on ethics for treatment of rabbits, goats, chickens and humans, we may facilitate a healthy market branding exercise. Hey, what kind of farm is this anywho?

Organization and management

Serenity Sells TEXAS Textile TM Brand exercise,

SBIR Apparel side innovation


General number field sieve

2D group 6 transition metal dichalcogenides toward wearable electronics and optoelectronics

Special number field sieve

Transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers

Liquid-crystal polymers (LCPs) are a class of aromatic polymers. They are extremely unreactive and inert, and highly resistant to fire

Austin, City of 

100 number of bullet proof vests

$ 82,200.00


Aramid fibers are a class of heat-resistant and strong synthetic fibers. They are used in aerospace and military applications, for ballistic-rated body armor fabric and ballistic composites, in marine cordage, marine hull reinforcement, and as an asbestos substitute. The name is a portmanteau of "aromatic polyamide".

Market analysis

By David Vincent Bell Hirsch

Using math to describe the spinning transition between the assemblage of fibers in yarn

Specialty synthetic fibers include:

Sweat shop humanitarian issues as well deceptive 'made in America' from products not made in USA are a couple of points of interest for international trade agreements. We have a bottle neck in the semiconductor industry with plastics. There is a direct correlation between Plastic Industry and Cancer as an apparal point to address adding value in a supply chain and markeing branding exercise.

Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Post-pandemic insights for MedTech: Market outlook and strategy recommendations for 2022


Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (Section 5) - All Filers Are Required to Complete This Page

1. Registrant Name Organization/Lobbying Firm Self Employed Individual Services LLC

How to sell internationally with Amazon Global Selling

The company’s crackdown on a worker protest in New York backfired and led to a historic labor victory.

Corporate landlords are gobbling up U.S. suburbs. These homeowners are fighting back.

Using authority that lets them punish homeowners who fail to cut the grass, one predominantly Black neighborhood in North Carolina slows the pace of investor purchases

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.

Mario Puzo

Medical school is expensive for everyone. But for low-income students, the hidden costs can be prohibitive.

U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to outbreak

The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters has learned. T When the novel coronavirus first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the Beijing offices of a key U.S. health agency that had operated in China for 30 years was already down to a skeleton staff. Documents obtained by Reuters show that he Trump administration cut personnel working for U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in China from 47 down to about 14.

Malfeasance in office, or official misconduct, is the commission of an unlawful act, done in an official capacity, that affects the performance of official duties. Malfeasance in office is often grounds for a just cause removal of an elected official by statute or recall election

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

Executive Order 6917 Establishing the Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

Google wants to be your new bank

It's planning to offer checking accounts in 2020.

Inside the Story of How H-E-B Planned for the Pandemic

The grocer started communicating with Chinese counterparts in January and was running tabletop simulations a few weeks later.

Thirty pieces of silver was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, according to an account in the Gospel of Matthew 26:15 in the New Testament.
Diogenes made a virtue of poverty. He begged for a living and often slept in a large ceramic jar, or pithos, in the marketplace

Ares was imprisoned in a bronze jar for thirteen months  Ares was a Olympian god of war, violence and destruction.
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI or trade name UNICOR) is a government corporation, established by Congress in 1934, that is under the management of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and United States Department of Justice (DOJ). FPI is governed by a Presidentially-appointed Board of Directors.
Correctional Industries offers the best all-around selection when it comes to apparel. From comfy basics and sporty styles to uniforms and work wear, you will discover classic favorites to fit every need and budget. All of our items are made from quality materials to ensure maximum comfort and durability, and we strive to do everything we can to bring you great values and stretch your dollars.

All of these garments are labor prison sourced.

Child labour uncovered in Apple's supply chain

Internal audit reveals 106 children employed at 11 factories making Apple products in past year

George Henry Thomas

George Henry Thomas (July 31, 1816 – March 28, 1870) was a United States Army officer and a Union general during the American Civil War, one of the principal commanders in the Western Theater.

Thomas served in the Mexican–American War and later chose to remain with the U.S. Army for the Civil War as a Southern Unionist, despite his heritage as a Virginian (whose home state would join the Confederate States of America). He won one of the first Union victories in the war, at Mill Springs in Kentucky, and served in important subordinate commands at Perryville and Stones River. His stout defense at the Battle of Chickamauga in 1863 saved the Union Army from being completely routed, earning him his most famous nickname, "the Rock of Chickamauga." He followed soon after with a dramatic breakthrough on Missionary Ridge in the Battle of Chattanooga. In the Franklin–Nashville Campaign of 1864, he achieved one of the most decisive victories of the war, destroying the army of Confederate General John Bell Hood, his former student at West Point, at the Battle of Nashville.

Since World War II, the Department of Defense (DoD) has procured goods and services from Federal Prison Industries (FPI), also known as UNICOR, to support the Armed Forces and defense mission readiness. A component of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, UNICOR is a wholly government-owned and fiscally self-sustaining corporation established in 1934 by Executive Order 6917. It provides federal inmates with practical job experience in order to increase their prospects of becoming well-adjusted citizens when released from prison.

Ryan S. Marion

Sourcing ARM cortex SBIR from UT professor Valvano has many ethical considerations with the Texas PIE, NIH, CMS and ED.

The Presence of Justice

What Happens After Prisoners Learn to Code?

Slack, one of Silicon Valley’s more diverse companies, has hired three formerly incarcerated coders.

A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.

Mario Puzo

Your boss is going to start using AI to monitor you—and labor laws aren’t ready

Our labor laws are weak enough as they are—and technology is constantly helping companies find ways around the ones that do exist to more closely monitor and analyze their workers.


Jeffrey M. Hirsch

Louisiana (New France)

Louisiana (French: La Louisiane; La Louisiane française) or French Louisiana[1] was an administrative district of New France. Under French control 1682 to 1762 and 1801 (nominally) to 1803, the area was named in honor of King Louis XIV, by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle. It originally covered an expansive territory that included most of the drainage basin of the Mississippi River and stretched from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains.

Ashta Lakshmi (Sanskrit: अष्टलक्ष्मी, IAST: Aṣṭalakṣmī; lit. "Eight Lakshmis") or Ashtalakshmi are a group of eight manifestations of Devi Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth. She presides over eight sources of wealth:[1] "Wealth" in the context of Ashta-Lakshmi means prosperity, fertility,good fortune or good luck,good health, knowledge, strength, progeny, and power.

The Shatkona is a symbol used in Hindu yantra that represents the union of both the male and feminine form. More specifically it is supposed to represent Purusha (the supreme being), and Prakriti (mother nature, or causal matter). Often this is represented as Shiva / Shakti.[1]

The Shatkona is a hexagram and is associated with the son of Siva-Sakthi, Lord Murugan.

Stylistically, it is identical to the Jewish Star of David and the Japanese Kagome crest.

How Bluetooth can work for your business

Many employees already have Bluetooth-enabled devices around the office, so what should IT managers do to ensure they make the most of the technology?

TCB spline ("tension, continuity, and bias"), in mathematics, another term for a Kochanek–Bartels spline

Thread control block, a data structure in the operating system kernel

TCB-2, a hallucinogenic phenethylamine compound

TCB Taking Care of Business

Certified Renovation Firms

Hackers tap into home security cameras and livestream to hundreds | ABC News

A JPMorgan employee and a customer secretly recorded their conversations with bank employees.

Anaconda compiler tools

Coupling (computer programming)

Functional dependency

Data dependency

Layers of abstraction in Neural Networks

Neural Networks: Generalizing Abstractions

Layers of Abstraction in Computer System

Chirality (mathematics)

Cubic crystal system

Crystallographic point group

Magnetic space group

Crystal system

Reciprocal lattice

An electret (formed of electr- from "electricity" and -et from "magnet") is a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarisation. An electret generates internal and external electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet. Although Oliver Heaviside coined this term in 1885, materials with electret properties were already known to science and had been studied since the early 1700s. One particular example is the electrophorus, a device consisting of a slab with electret properties and a separate metal plate. The electrophorus was originally invented by Johan Carl Wilcke in Sweden and again by Alessandro Volta in Italy.

A New Kind of Soft Battery, Inspired by the Electric Eel

The animals inspired the design of the very first battery. Two centuries later, they're at it again.
Ed Yong

A ghungroo (Hindi: घुँघरू, Urdu: گھنگرو‎), also known as ghunghroo or ghunghru or ghungur or ghungura (Assamese & Bengali & Odia) or Chilanka or Silangai (in Malayalam & Tamil respectively), is one of many small metallic bells strung together to form ghungroos, a musical anklet tied to the feet of classical Indian

Quartz Force Sensors are recommended for dynamic force applications.

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

The pyroelectric effect, where a material generates an electric potential in response to a temperature change, was studied by Carolus Linnaeus and Franz Aepinus in the mid-18th century. Drawing on this knowledge, both René Just Haüy and Antoine César Becquerel posited a relationship between mechanical stress and electric charge; however, experiments by both proved inconclusive.

The first demonstration of the direct piezoelectric effect was in 1880 by the brothers Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie. They combined their knowledge of pyroelectricity with their understanding of the underlying crystal structures that gave rise to pyroelectricity to predict crystal behavior, and demonstrated the effect using crystals of tourmaline, quartz, topaz, cane sugar, and Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate). Quartz and Rochelle salt exhibited the most piezoelectricity.

The valknut as Borromean rings The valknut as trefoil knot or triquetra (unicursal) The valknut as trefoil knot or triquetra (unicursal) As Borromean rings on the Stora Hammars I stone

HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (counting sheep to go to sleep in our information age)



Toxic masculine lab rats... what kind of toxin? 

Godunov's scheme

at age 97, Goodenough will become the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. At a Dec. 10 ceremony in Sweden, he will be honored for pioneering breakthroughs that led to the widespread use of the lithium-ion battery—and helping spark the wireless revolution.
Godunov for the girls we go with....


Triboelectric effect

The triboelectric effect (also known as triboelectric charging) is a type of contact electrification on which certain materials become electrically charged after they are separated from a different material with which they were in contact.[1] Rubbing the two materials each with the other increases the contact between their surfaces, and hence the triboelectric effect. Rubbing glass with fur for example, or a plastic comb through the hair, can build up triboelectricity. Most everyday static electricity is triboelectric. The polarity and strength of the charges produced differ according to the materials, surface roughness, temperature, strain, and other properties.

The triboelectric effect is very unpredictable, and only broad generalizations can be made. Amber, for example, can acquire an electric charge by contact and separation (or friction) with a material like wool. This property was first recorded by Thales of Miletus. The word "electricity" is derived from William Gilbert's initial coinage, "electra", which originates in the Greek word for amber, ēlektron. The prefix tribo- (Greek for ‘rub’) refers to ‘friction’, as in tribology. Other examples of materials that can acquire a significant charge when rubbed together include glass rubbed with silk, and hard rubber rubbed with fur.


Pyroelectricity (from the two Greek words pyr meaning fire, and electricity) is a property of certain crystals which are naturally electrically polarized and as a result contain large electric fields.[1] Pyroelectricity can be described as the ability of certain materials to generate a temporary voltage when they are heated or cooled.[2][3] The change in temperature modifies the positions of the atoms slightly within the crystal structure, such that the polarization of the material changes. This polarization change gives rise to a voltage across the crystal. If the temperature stays constant at its new value, the pyroelectric voltage gradually disappears due to leakage current. (The leakage can be due to electrons moving through the crystal, ions moving through the air, or current leaking through a voltmeter attached across the crystal.)[3]

Magnetic domain

A magnetic domain is a region within a magnetic material in which the magnetization is in an uniform direction. This means that the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned with one another and they point in the same direction. When cooled below a temperature called the Curie temperature, the magnetization of a piece of ferromagnetic material spontaneously divides into many small regions called magnetic domains. The magnetization within each domain points in a uniform direction, but the magnetization of different domains may point in different directions. Magnetic domain structure is responsible for the magnetic behavior of ferromagnetic materials like iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, and ferrimagnetic materials like ferrite. This includes the formation of permanent magnets and the attraction of ferromagnetic materials to a magnetic field. The regions separating magnetic domains are called domain walls, where the magnetization rotates coherently from the direction in one domain to that in the next domain. The study of magnetic domains is called micromagnetics.

Magnetic domains form in materials which have magnetic ordering; that is, their dipoles spontaneously align due to the exchange interaction. These are the ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. Paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials, in which the dipoles align in response to an external field but do not spontaneously align, do not have magnetic domains.

Weiss guys!

DataSpell Has Been Officially Released: A Brand New IDE for Data Scientists Using Python and R

From Jupyter Notebooks To JetBrains DataSpell

The IDE for professional data scientists. If you like Pycharm, you’ll love DataSpell

Review of the key features for the DataSpell IDE


What is the meaning of I Put a Spell on You?

City of New Haven Down Payment/Closing Costs Assistance for First Time Homebuyers

USB hardware

Hysteresis lab on KL25Z

In chemistry, the term supramolecular chirality is used to describe supramolecular assemblies that are non-superposable on their mirror images.

Chirality (chemistry)

Chirality in supramolecular chemistry implies the non-symmetric arrangement of molecular components in a non-covalent assembly. Chirality may arise in a supramolecular system if one of its component is chiral or if achiral components arrange in a non symmetrical way to produce a supermolecule that is chiral.

Discrimination of supramolecular chirality using a protein nanopore 

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Five main reasons why big companies buy smaller ones

How to Become a CEO

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Inclusive considerations for Constitutional Freedom of Religion as a convention of our society in the United States has many tangents of consideration: Shahid and Shaheed (Arabic: شهيد ‎ šahīd , plural: شُهَدَاء šuhadāʾ  ; female: šahīda ) originates from the Quranic Arabic word meaning "witness" and is also used to denote a martyr.  The word shahid in Arabic means "witness". Its development closely parallels that of Greek martys (Greek: μάρτυς - "witness", in the New Testament also "martyr"), the origin of the term martyr. Shaheed Singh Martyrs of Sikh History History of Martyrdom in Sikhism During the 1700s And concerning Ram Dass , an American spiritual teacher, former academic and clinical psychologist, and the author of the seminal 1971 book Be Here Now: Cultivating the Witness In philosophy, normative statements make claims about how things should or ought to be, how to value them, which...

Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 13 Playing with Pyroelectricity Fermi Surface lattice dynamics doping nanopore semiconductors

  Serenity inside Sells ventures, lease options and charters from Texas By David Vincent Bell Hirsch Frank Zappa - Valley Girl Valleytronics (from valley and electronics) is an experimental area in semiconductors that exploits local minima ("valleys") in the electronic band structure . Certain semiconductors have multiple "valleys" in the electronic band structure of the first Brillouin zone , and are known as multivalley semiconductors. [1] [2] Valleytronics is the technology of control over the valley degree of freedom, a local maximum/minimum on the valence / conduction band , of such multivalley semiconductors. The term was coined in analogy to spintronics . While in spintronics the internal degree of freedom of spin is harnessed to store, manipulate and read out bits of information, the proposal for valleytronics is to perform similar tasks using the multiple extrema of the band structure, so that the information of 0s and 1s would be stored as diff...

Thomas Sunday Texas disparity reply follow up with the Latin America Roosevelt Corollary and Roosevelt's quarantine speech, including Frida Kahlo and Saint Hubert Iconography for considerations

Self-portrait on the borderline between Mexico and the United States (1932) Coronavirus: Sick Americans face Kafkaesque nightmare in search of testing Innovation, Anyon ?   Год крысы   God krysy    With Heartful Mind upon moral and etiquette ... cut your cloth (idiom) If you cut your cloth according to your situation, you limit what you do to take account of the resources you have. Ford would be forced to cut its cloth according to the demands of the market. Bless Me, Ultima   What is the meaning of the idiom Cut your coat according to your cloth? cut your coat according to your cloth . UK. said to emphasize that someone should do as well as possible with the limited money they have. Copper Anti-microbial Clothing & Fabrics What is the origin and meaning of the idiom cut from the same cloth? The term cut from the same cloth refers to individuals that are similar in specif...