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Polywell plasma, magnetic mirror, energy reflecting matter

In the previous SBIR ESCO article, towards the end,

Energy policy:

In 2008, Robert Hirsch stated that declines in world oil supply caused proportionate declines in world GDP. His suggested framework for mitigation planning included:

"(1) a Best Case where maximum world oil production is followed by a multi-year plateau before the onset of a monotonic decline rate of 2-5% per year; (2) A Middling Case, where world oil production reaches a maximum, after which it drops into a long-term, 2-5% monotonic annual decline; and finally (3) a Worst Case, where the sharp peak of the Middling Case is degraded by oil exporter withholding, leading to world oil shortages growing potentially more rapidly than 2-5% per year, creating the most dire world economic impacts."

As a Small Business of Innovation Research Energy Service Company, we may consider what Robert Hirsch proposes concerning oil supply and next generation energy manufacturing as a Polywell nuclear fusion reactor:

On April the 13th, Next Big Future published an article on information of the Wiffle Ball reactor dated to 2013 through the Freedom of Information Act.

On May 2, 2016, Jaeyoung Park delivered a lecture at Khon Kaen University in Thailand, with a discussion of the idea that the world has so underestimated the timetable and impact that practical and economic fusion power will have, that its actual arrival will be highly disruptive. Specifically, Professor Park stated that he expected to present "final scientific proof of principle for the polywell technology around 2019-2020", and expects "a first generation commercial fusion reactor being developed by 2030 and then mass production and commercialisation of the technology in the 2030s. This is approximately 30 years faster than expected under the first world government-driven International Thermonuclear Energy Reactor (ITER) project. It would also be tens of billions of dollars cheaper."

Magnetic mirror holds promise for fusion

In a Polywell design, a high-density plasma excludes magnetic field, traps itself.

By Chris Lee - 6/22/2015

In nuclear chemistry, nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons).
Aneutronic fusion is any form of fusion power in which neutrons carry no more than 1% of the total released energy. The most-studied fusion reactions release up to 80% of their energy in neutrons. Successful aneutronic fusion would greatly reduce problems associated with neutron radiation such as ionizing damage, neutron activation and requirements for biological shielding, remote handling and safety.  

The neutron magnetic moment is the intrinsic magnetic dipole moment of the neutron, symbol μn.  Serenity Sells suggests a Neutron Magnetic torodial dipole moment for a toroidal ion trap.

In magnetism the Stoner–Wohlfarth astroid curve is a curve that separates regions with two minima of the free energy density from those with only one energy minimum. It is a geometric representation of the Stoner–Wohlfarth model. This curve is of particular importance as discontinuous changes of the magnetization can take place when crossing it.

In geometry, a simplex (plural: simplexes or simplices) is a generalization of the notion of a triangle or tetrahedron to arbitrary dimensions. In mathematics, a simplicial set is an object made up of "simplices" in a specific way. Simplicial sets are higher-dimensional generalizations of directed graphs, partially ordered sets and categories. 

The particle-in-cell (PIC) method refers to a technique used to solve a certain class of partial differential equations. In this method, individual particles (or fluid elements) in a Lagrangian frame are tracked in continuous phase space, whereas moments of the distribution such as densities and currents are computed simultaneously on Eulerian (stationary) mesh points. 

A cardioid (from the Greek κραδία "heart") is a plane curve traced by a point on the perimeter of a circle that is rolling around a fixed circle of the same radius. It can also be defined as an epicycloid having a single cusp. It is also a type of sinusoidal spiral, and an inverse curve of the parabola with the focus as the center of inversion. 

List of fusion experiments

Cold fusion is a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature. This is compared with the "hot" fusion which takes place naturally within stars, under immense pressure and at temperatures of millions of degrees, and distinguished from muon-catalyzed fusion. There is currently no accepted theoretical model that would allow cold fusion to occur.

The Math That Takes Newton Into the Quantum World

How a math professor learned to stop worrying and love algebraic geometry.

Stanisław Marcin Ulam (13 April 1909 – 13 May 1984) was a Polish scientist in the fields of mathematics and nuclear physics. He participated in the Manhattan Project, originated the Teller–Ulam design of thermonuclear weapons, discovered the concept of cellular automaton, invented the Monte Carlo method of computation, and suggested nuclear pulse propulsion. In pure and applied mathematics, he proved some theorems and proposed several conjectures. 
When the positive integers are arrayed along the Ulam spiral, prime numbers, represented by dots, tend to collect along diagonal lines.

Van der Waerden test of maximum clique problem with Waring's conjecture upon Van der Walls force

By David Hirsch 

In number theory, Waring's prime number conjecture is a conjecture related to Vinogradov's theorem, named after the English mathematician Edward Waring. It states that every odd number exceeding 3 is either a prime number or the sum of three prime numbers. Vinogradov's theorem: Every sufficiently large odd number is a sum of three primes (Vinogradov 1937).  Goldbach's original conjecture states "at least it seems that every number that is greater than 2 is the sum of three primes".

Three quarks for Muster Mark!

There is a surprising connection between full reptend primes and Fermat primes Repetend, a repeated sound, word, or phrase; the digit or digits repeated indefinitely in a repeating decimal. Cyclic numbers can be found in other numeric bases. Cyclic numbers are generated by the full reptend primes.

Intuitive Guide to Angles, Degrees and Radians

Ternary logic, a logic system with the values true, false, and some other value. In mathematics, a ternary operation is an n-ary operation with n = 3. In computer programming, ?: is a ternary operator that is part of the syntax for basic conditional expressions in several programming languages. In computer science, a ternary operator is an operator that takes three arguments. The arguments and result can be of different types. The conditional (ternary) operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands. In mathematics, a median algebra is a set with a ternary operation satisfying a set of axioms which generalise the notion of median or majority function, as a Boolean function.

Katia Sycara and Tinglong Dai

Don't drive on the Median algebra with your van der Waerden number as a Lambda abstraction, Epsilon calculus! Autonomous agency theory (AAT) can be used to model the relationship between an agency and its environment(s), and these may include other interactive agencies. For combinatorics sake in a magnetic mirror manifold! In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to persuade public opinion in favor or against some organization or public figure. Cupid Z-pinch with your Epsilon-Delta Proof.

The most common operators are linear maps, which act on vector spaces. In mathematics and mathematical logic, Boolean algebra is the branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false, usually denoted 1 and 0 respectively. A Heyting algebra is a bounded lattice (with join and meet operations written ∨ and ∧ and with least element 0 and greatest element 1) equipped with a binary operation ab of implication such that cab is equivalent to cab.  An Ockham algebra is a bounded distributive lattice with a dual endomorphism. Examples of Ockham algebras include Boolean algebras, De Morgan algebras, Stone algebras or Stone lattice, and Kleene algebras

Again, In mathematics, a Stone algebra, or Stone lattice, is a pseudo-complemented distributive lattices such that a* ∨a** = 1. Boolean algebras are Stone algebras, and Stone algebras are Ockham algebras. And the Stoner–Wohlfarth astroid curve is a curve that separates regions with two minima of the free energy density from those with only one energy minimum. It is a geometric representation of the Stoner–Wohlfarth model. This curve is of particular importance as discontinuous changes of the magnetization can take place when crossing it.

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

The lattice parameters of some alloys of lithium

, and

Hilbert's epsilon calculus is an extension of a formal language by the epsilon operator, where the epsilon operator substitutes for quantifiers in that language as a method leading to a proof of consistency for the extended formal language.  Ricci calculus constitutes the rules of index notation and manipulation for tensors and tensor fields. It is also the modern name for what used to be called the absolute differential calculus (the foundation of tensor calculus), developed by Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro in 1887–1896, and subsequently popularized in a paper written with his pupil Tullio Levi-Civita in 1900. In general relativity, Regge calculus is a formalism for producing simplicial approximations of spacetimes that are solutions to the Einstein field equation. An abstract simplicial complex is a purely combinatorial description of the geometric notion of a simplicial complex, consisting of a family of non-empty finite sets closed under the operation of taking non-empty subsets. In the context of matroids and greedoids, abstract simplicial complexes are also called independence systems. In differential geometry, given a spin structure on an n-dimensional orientable Riemannian manifold (M, g), a section of the spinor bundle S is called a spinor field

Reggae music expressing Regge calculus from the Live Music Capital of the World.

In mathematics, a normed vector space is a vector space over the real or complex numbers, on which a norm is defined. A norm is the formalization and the generalization to real vector spaces of the intuitive notion of distance in the real world. In order theory, a field of mathematics, an incidence algebra is an associative algebra, defined for every locally finite partially ordered set and commutative ring with unity.  
Commodities  | Market Outlook

The Physical Oil Market Is Saying We Are About To See The Largest Crude Storage Draw Since 2011

May 17, 2019

In mathematics, a volume form on a differentiable manifold is a top-dimensional form (i.e., a differential form of top degree).

Finsler manifold

Everyone lives by selling something. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Magnetic space group, Graphene reinforced CSA concrete, minimum cost flow problem (MCFP) 

By David Hirsch

Crude Oil Price to Bypass OPEC Meeting for Trade Wars, Fed Minutes

Kerr effect with the Jeffree cell, says:

The salesman knows nothing of what he is selling save that he is charging a great deal too much for it. - Oscar Wilde


Spin "up" and "down" allows two electrons for each set of spatial quantum numbers.

Electron Spin

Quarks (which make up the protons and neutrons inside atoms) come in six flavors: up, down, top, bottom, strange and charm. Reflection is the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated. Particles called leptons, a category that includes electrons, also come in six flavors, each with a different mass.

Why Radians?

By Lin McMullin

Il faut se méfier des ingénieurs, ça commence par la machine `a coudre, ça finit par la bombe atomique.

One must mistrust engineers, for they begin with the sewing machine and end up with the atomic bomb.

- French film director and playwright Marcel Pagnol. 1895-1974

Quotes in this article mentioned by Christian Constanda in his book, "Dude, Can you Count?"

Number i versus number j for a piece of Pi in economics

By David Hirsch

Four Rules for Effective Negotiations

By Anthony K. Tjan

How a Strange Grid Reveals Hidden Connections Between Simple Numbers

By Kevin Hartnett

In physics and philosophy, a relational theory (or relationism) is a framework to understand reality or a physical system in such a way that the positions and other properties of objects are only meaningful relative to other objects. In mathematics, a finitary relation (Theory of Relations) has a finite number of "places". In mathematics, a ternary relation or triadic relation is a finitary relation in which the number of places in the relation is three.

Mathematics of logic

Beginning with his first paper on the "Logic of Relatives" (1870), Peirce extended the theory of relations that Augustus De Morgan had just recently awakened from its Cinderella slumbers. Much of the mathematics of relations now taken for granted was "borrowed" from Peirce, not always with all due credit; on that and on how the young Bertrand Russell, especially his Principles of Mathematics and Principia Mathematica, did not do Peirce justice, see Anellis (1995). In 1918 the logician C. I. Lewis wrote, "The contributions of C.S. Peirce to symbolic logic are more numerous and varied than those of any other writer—at least in the nineteenth century." Beginning in 1940, Alfred Tarski and his students rediscovered aspects of Peirce's larger vision of relational logic, developing the perspective of relation algebra

A Semantics of Python in Isabelle/HOL
James F. Ranson, Howard J. Hamilton and Philip W. L. Fong

In mathematics, a unit circle is a circle with a radius of one. Frequently, especially in trigonometry, the unit circle is the circle of radius one centered at the origin (0, 0) in the Cartesian coordinate system in the Euclidean plane. The unit circle is often denoted S1; the generalization to higher dimensions is the unit sphere.  

The Perfect Valentine? A Math Formula

Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a customizable algebraic equation.
By Siobhan Roberts

The Isabelle theorem prover is an interactive theorem prover, a Higher Order Logic theorem prover. Isabelle is a generic proof assistant. It allows mathematical formulas to be expressed in a formal language and provides tools for proving those formulas in a logical calculus. Isabelle was originally developed at the University of Cambridge and Technische Universität München, but now includes numerous contributions from institutions and individuals worldwide.

Joseph Abate, Gagan L. Choudhury, Ward Whitt

Z-Pinch in Z-transforms!

bitcoin-python is a set of Python libraries that allows easy access to the Bitcoin peer-to-peer cryptocurrency client API. This software is Open Source. # Pybitcointools, Python library for Bitcoin signatures and transactions

Build Crypto Bitcoin Trading Bot with Python Binance CCXT — How To Video Tutorials with Code

Building a Crypto Trading Bot with Python on Binance: A series of tutorials, blog posts, videos and discussion around Algo Trading with Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum

JPMorgan is launching its own cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency was supposed to replace banks in the long run


Accessing the Oracle Database with Python

Zoroaster's Oracle - The Great Chart of the Spirits

Oracle stock falls after Berkshire dissolves its stake

By Jordan Novet

Using Python With Oracle Database 

Serenity Sells Pypi project 

per Queuing Theory

Reviewed by

Tissue engineering

The Persistence and Transience of Memory

  • Blake A. Richards
  • Paul W. Frankland

A Multimedia-Workshop Learning Environment for Statics
We are developing a cooperative learning environment in the subject area of statics that combines hands-on experiments with interactive multimedia in the framework of experiential learning. The project is part of the National Science Foundation's Southeastern University and College Coalition for Engineering Education (SUCCEED), which is committed to a comprehensive revitalization of undergraduate engineering education for the 21st Century.

In computer science and operations research, a genetic algorithm (GA) is a metaheuristic inspired by the process of natural selection that belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA). 

PHAT Python API reference

Genetic algorithms

Due to the Hamming distance properties of Gray codes, they are sometimes used in genetic algorithms. They are very useful in this field, since mutations in the code allow for mostly incremental changes, but occasionally a single bit-change can cause a big leap and lead to new properties.

In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions at which the corresponding symbols are different. In other words, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one string into the other, or the minimum number of errors that could have transformed one string into the other. In a more general context, the Hamming distance is one of several string metrics for measuring the edit distance between two sequences. It is named after the American mathematician Richard Hamming (1915-1998).

Scaling laws of electron confinement and power losses in zero and low beta Polywell devices

David Vaughan Gummersall

Householder transformation

In linear algebra, a Householder transformation (also known as a Householder reflection or elementary reflector) is a linear transformation that describes a reflection about a plane or hyperplane containing the origin. The Householder transformation was introduced in 1958 by Alston Scott Householder.

TX HB 2 TX SB 2 Householder (Buddhism) transformation, 2019 Samsara Session in Tejas with Holotropic Breathwork™

By David Hirsch

In mathematics, the complexification of a vector space V over the field of real numbers (a "real vector space") yields a vector space VC over the complex number field, obtained by formally extending the scaling of vectors by real numbers to include their scaling ("multiplication") by complex numbers.

Basic Array Attributes

In graph theory, the hypercube graph Qn is the graph formed from the vertices and edges of an n-dimensional hypercube.

Serenity Sells LENR cold call v. warm call Austin Energy, Texas PUC, U.S. Department of Energy

Some of your Hyperon might as well Lepton some tangent spin energy! 

Is that not Good enough of a scheme for you?

In numerical analysis and computational fluid dynamics, Godunov's scheme is a conservative numerical scheme, suggested by S. K. Godunov in 1959, for solving partial differential equations. One can think of this method as a conservative finite-volume method which solves exact, or approximate Riemann problems at each inter-cell boundary.

Simpson's rule Consumer Problem with Hicksian demand

By David Hirsch


Keras: The Python Deep Learning library

Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python.


chasm K clique number v. schism clan complex network

By David Hirsch


Popeye is a Python module for estimating population receptive fields from fMRI data.

Smale's Problems, modulus and argument with Bridges' Transition Model

By David Hirsch

The caduceus (☤) is the traditional symbol of Hermes (Hermes Conrad, Jamaican Rastafarian and grade 36 Bureaucrat) and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. For Python parallel processing Isabelle interactive prover in Keras Oracle to SUCCEED!  The caduceus is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States. Most operators in quantum mechanics are of a special kind called Hermitian. In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, each bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space has a corresponding adjoint operator. Adjoints of operators generalize conjugate transposes of square matrices to infinite-dimensional situations. In particle physics, a helicity operator is the projection of the spin onto the direction of momentum. An important property of Hermitian operators is that their eigenvalues are real. A Chirality operator for a Dirac fermion ψ is defined through the operator γ5, which has eigenvalues ±1.

Spin, helicity and chirality

Parallel processing Now, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. And, Hard science and soft science are colloquial terms used to compare scientific fields on the basis of perceived methodological rigor, exactitude, and objectivity. Roughly speaking, the natural sciences are considered "hard", whereas the social sciences are usually described as "soft".

Ephaptic coupling is a form of communication within the nervous system and is distinct from direct communication systems like electrical synapses and chemical synapses. It may refer to the coupling of adjacent (touching) nerve fibers caused by the exchange of ions between the cells, or it may refer to coupling of nerve fibers as a result of local electric fields.

Series and parallel circuits

We can use Kirchhoff's current law when analysing parallel circuits Gustav Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law is the second of his fundamental laws we can use for circuit analysis. His voltage law states that for a closed loop series path the algebraic sum of all the voltages around any closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero. Kirchhoffs Circuit Laws allow us to solve complex circuit problems by defining a set of basic network laws and theorems for the voltages and currents around a circuit.

Watt are you talking about... ephaptic coupling parallel circuit, parallel processing?

A Watt is a unit of electrical power, which expresses how much energy (measured in Joules) gets used or transmitted per second.  One volt is defined as one joule per coulomb. A joule is the work done by one ampere of current passing through one Ohm of resistance for one second. A “qualified disability expense” is any expense related to the designated beneficiary's blindness or disability that assists him/her in increasing and/or maintaining their health, independence and/or quality of life for Texas Able work sake! A Joule is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N⋅m). It is also the energy dissipated as heat when an electric current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. Om also written as Aum, is the most sacred syllable, symbol or mantra in Hinduism. Amps are how many electrons flow past a certain point per second. It is equal to one coulomb of charge per second, or 6.24 x 10^18 electrons per second. Volts is a measure of how much force that each electron is under, which we call "potential". Power (watts) is volts times amps.

The farad (symbol: F) is the SI derived unit of electrical capacitance, the ability of a body to store an electrical charge. The SI unit of capacitance is the farad (symbol: F), named after the English physicist Michael Faraday. Where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the voltage measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms. The relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance in any DC electrical circuit was firstly discovered by the German physicist Georg Ohm

Initiating a Student Project Proposal

In computing, a pipeline, also known as a data pipeline, is a set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one. In computer science, Instruction pipelining is a technique for implementing instruction-level parallelism within a single processor.

Faraday's law of induction (shortly called Faraday's law throughout this document) is a basic law of electromagnetism predicting how a magnetic field will interact with an electric circuit to produce an electromotive force (EMF)—a phenomenon called electromagnetic induction.
OpenMolcas is a quantum chemistry package. OpenMolcas is a large part of the Molcas codebase that has been released under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Quantum chemistry computer programs are used in computational chemistry to implement the methods of quantum chemistry. Most include the Hartree–Fock (HF) and some post-Hartree–Fock methods. They may also include density functional theory (DFT), molecular mechanics or semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods. The programs include both open source and commercial software.  

How Pipelining Works
PIpelining, a standard feature in RISC processors, is much like an assembly line.

Lenz's law states that the current induced in a circuit due to a change or a motion in a magnetic field is so directed as to oppose the change in flux and to exert a mechanical force opposing the motion. Lenz's law is a common way to understand how electromagnetic circuits obey Newton's third law and the conservation of energy.

The ratio of the transformers primary and secondary windings with respect to each other produces either a step-up voltage transformer or a step-down voltage transformer with the ratio between the number of primary turns to the number of secondary turns being called the turns ratio” or “transformer ratio.
Maxwell's equations are a set of partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits. 

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity holds that God is one God, but three coeternal consubstantial persons or hypostases—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—as "one God in three Divine Persons". The three Persons are distinct, yet are one "substance, essence or nature". God Angel names

Duty of a Watchman

In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. Quantum electrodynamics, commonly referred to as QED, is a quantum field theory of the electromagnetic force.

Kuberakolam is a certain magic square of order 3 constructed using rice flour and drawn on the floors of several houses in South India. The Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra is a form of mystical diagram (yantra) used in the Shri Vidya school of Hindu tantra. The words mantram, tantram and yantram are rooted linguistically and phonologically in ancient Indian traditions. Tantra denotes the esoteric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism that co-developed most likely about the middle of the 1st millennium AD. The term tantra, in the Indian traditions, also means any systematic broadly applicable "text, theory, system, method, instrument, technique or practice". 

Tejas and Yogic Practice

Namah Shivaya Gurave Sacchidananda-Murtaye
Nisprapancaya Santaya Niralambaya Tejase

We respect Lord Shiva who is the supreme guide and who is the embodiment of truth, tranquility and bliss. He is independent, full of peace and is full of spiritual light known as tejas.

Tejas means filled with fire and light. In the verse above, we see the word tejase used to describe Lord Shiva. In other words, Shiva is one who is full of light, heat and power. Tejas derives from the Sanskrit roots TIJ/TEJ. TIJ means to sharpen, to heat, to shine, to endure, to bear and to suffer patiently with courage. TEJ means to guard, heat, defend or protect.

A magic square, or kamea, is a representation of spiritual forces in a mathematical format. The zero ideal or trivial ideal of a ring is the two-sided ideal that consists entirely of the zero element. In mathematics, a left primitive ideal in ring theory is the annihilator of a (nonzero) simple left module. A right primitive ideal is defined similarly. Left and right primitive ideals are always two-sided ideals. In ring theory, a branch of abstract algebra, an ideal is a special subset of a ring.  Primitive ideals are prime. For Hilbert Theory sake!

The Geometry of Dynamical Triangulations

By Jan Ambjorn, Mauro Carfora, Annalisa Marzuoli

Tejas is the Spanish spelling of a Caddo word taysha, which means "friend" or "ally". In the 17th century the Spanish knew the westernmost Caddo peoples as "the great kingdom of Tejas" and the name lived on to become the name of the 28th state of the United States—Texas. The Chickasaws and Choctaws lived inside Texas. The Karankawa Indians lived along the Texas coast of the Gulf of Mexico. May God Bless the great state of Texas. 

Wašícu is the Lakota and Dakota word for people of European descent. It expresses the indigenous population's perception of the non-natives' relationship with the land and the indigenous population. Typically it refers to white people but does not specifically mention skin color or race,

Witiko (also spelled Uitiko or Windigo.) An evil man-eating spirit. Witikos play the roles of monsters and bogeymen in some Montagnais and Naskapi legends; in others, Innu people who commit sins (especially selfishness, gluttony, or cannibalism) are turned into a Witiko as punishment. It is pronounced wee-tee-koh.
Simplicial Complexes

In the mathematical discipline of simplicial homology theory, a simplicial map is a map between simplicial complexes with the property that the images of the vertices of a simplex always span a simplex. Simplicial maps induce continuous maps between the underlying polyhedra of the simplicial complexes: one simply extends linearly using barycentric coordinates. For simplicial sacred Geometry junkyard (rag and bone shop) sake! Molcas is Catalan for molds and Keras is Greek for Horn. Serenity Sells suggests Keras or Horn, may be applied then for a Horn clause as in mathematical logic and logic programming, a Horn clause is a logical formula of a particular rule-like form which gives it useful properties for use in logic programming, formal specification, and model theory. In statistical classification, including machine learning, two main approaches are called the generative approach and the discriminative approach.

Python for Artificial Intelligence

In machine learning, a nearest centroid classifier or nearest prototype classifier is a classification model that assigns to observations the label of the class of training samples whose mean (centroid) is closest to the observation. While in geometry the word barycenter is a synonym for centroid, in astrophysics and astronomy, the barycenter is the center of mass of two or more bodies that orbit each other. In physics, the center of mass is the arithmetic mean of all points weighted by the local density or specific weight. In pattern recognition, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression.

A lesson in Heyting algebra for h8trs in the Neighbourhood (mathematics)

Agni is the blazing fire, while tejas, represents the transformation that happens when you go through the heat of practice and become the light of the fire. Yogis engage yogic practices, daily, as a way to burn their karmas and their misunderstanding and their misidentification with their body and mind alone. The traditional period for making the offering to the fire is at the dawn and the dusk. Additionally an aspirant will offer Sanskrit mantras and oblations of ghee into the flames. Yogic seekers practice austerities to purify themselves and make themselves ready to receive the light.

CHICKEN for Python programmers

Tantram denotes philosophy, or ritual actions. The 36 Officer Problem: How can a delegation of six regiments, each of which sends a colonel, a lieutenant-colonel, a major, a captain, a lieutenant, and a sub-lieutenant be arranged in a regular 6x6 array such that no row or column duplicates a rank or a regiment?

Calculus of relations : Algebras as models of logics

A tantrum, temper tantrum, meltdown or hissy fit is an emotional outburst, usually associated with children or those in emotional distress, that is typically characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, violence, defiance, angry ranting, a resistance to attempts at pacification, and, in some cases, hitting, and other physically violent behavior. Wow, that is a lot of emotional intelligence energy for emotional agility sake!

Lo Shu Square or the Nine Halls Diagram is the unique normal magic square of order three (every normal magic square of order three is obtained from the Lo Shu by rotation or reflection). An order 3 (or Lo Shu) square is recognised as having only one pattern. 

Bharata Muni enunciated the (eight) nine Rasas in the Nātyasāstra, an ancient Sanskrit text of dramatic theory and other performance arts, written between 200 BC and 200 AD:

Śṛṅgāraḥ (शृङ्गारः): Romance, Love, attractiveness. Presiding deity: Vishnu. Colour: light green
Hāsyam (हास्यं): Laughter, mirth, comedy. Presiding deity: Pramata. Colour: white
Raudram (रौद्रं): Fury. Presiding deity: Rudra.
Kāruṇyam (कारुण्यं): Compassion, mercy. Presiding deity: Yama. Colour: grey
Bībhatsam (बीभत्सं): Disgust, aversion. Presiding deity: Shiva. Colour: blue
Bhayānakam (भयानकं): Horror, terror. Presiding deity: Kala Ratri. Colour: black 
Veeram (वीरं): Heroism. Presiding deity: Indra. Colour: saffron
Adbhutam (अद्भुतं): Wonder, amazement. Presiding deity: Brahma. Colour: yellow
Śānta (शान्त) or the “sentiment (rasa) of tranquility”, Serenity...

"Navarasa" (the nine rasas). Nava means "Nine" and Rasa is often translated as "mood", "emotion", "expression" or "sentiment". The Navarasa, in the scriptures refer to the nine expressions that humans often show. These are love (shringaara), laughter (haasya), kind-heartedness or compassion (karuna), anger (roudra), courage (veera), fear (bhayaanaka), disgust (bheebhatsya), wonder or surprise (adbhutha) and peace or tranquility (shaantha).

For semantic Smectic surfactant sake of going through a columnar phase of the moon! And a Golgi method neuron doctrine with a

Neuropercolation is a family of stochastic models based on the mathematical theory of probabilistic cellular automata on lattices and random graphs and motivated by structural and dynamical properties of neural populations. The existence of phase transitions was demonstrated both in continuous and discrete state space models, e.g. in specific probabilistic cellular automata and percolation models. Neuropercolation extends the concept of phase transitions to large interactive populations of nerve cells.
By Dr. Robert Kozma (2007)

A Great Combination: Python and SAP Predictive Analytics

By Chris Gruber,

Dedekind cuts, are а method of construction of the real numbers from the rational numbers. The 72 names are derived from Exodus 14:19-21, which in the original Hebrew have 72 letters each.  Exodus 14: 19-21  

After much debate, the wavefunction is now accepted to be a probability distribution. The Schrodinger equation is used to find the allowed energy levels of quantum mechanical systems (such as atoms, or transistors). The associated wavefunction gives the probability of finding the particle at a certain position.

Handpan Jeongak battle of the Qawwali bands, Damaru to the five animals style dance

By David Hirsch

How to use SAP GUI Scripting inside Python Programming Language

Stefan Schnell

"In God We Trust" is the official motto of the United States of America, Nicaragua, and of the U.S. state of Florida.

The ethical implications of neuroscience

The Problem of Neurological Ethics and Neurological Politics.

NeuroLogic by Timothy Leary

The Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness is a hypothesis by Timothy Leary, and later expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli, that "suggested eight periods [circuits] and twenty-four stages of neurological evolution"
PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story is a book by Dr. Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin, published in 1991. The subject of the work is psychoactive phenethylamine chemical derivatives, notably those that act as psychedelics and/or empathogen-entactogens.

In mathematical optimization, a feasible region, feasible set, search space, or solution space is the set of all possible points (sets of values of the choice variables) of an optimization problem that satisfy the problem's constraints, potentially including inequalities, equalities, and integer constraints. Going the Van der Waals contact distance!

Logic and Medvedev Degrees

Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension (or interfacial tension) between two liquids, between a gas and a liquid, or between a liquid and a solid.  

By Kenshi Miyabe  

How To Bolster Your Negotiations With Informal Fallacies


Stone-type dualities with Duality of sober spaces and spatial locales

The hypothesis of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition. Also known as the SapirWhorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions: the strong hypothesis and the weak hypothesis. Consider from 1996 : "Trends in Natural Language Generation An Artificial Intelligence Perspective".

Interpunct In mathematics and science

Calculus with Analytic Geometry

 George F. Simmons

Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) is an emerging method of producing controlled nuclear fusion. A magnetic mirror, known as a magnetic trap (магнитный захват) in Russia and briefly as a pyrotron in the US, is a type of magnetic confinement device used in fusion power to trap high temperature plasma using magnetic fields. The mirror was one of the earliest major approaches to fusion power, along with the stellarator and z-pinch machines. 

Gedanken algorithm v. Greedy Algorithm
Ungrounded; impractical; not well-thought-out; untried; untested.
‘Gedanken’ is a German word for ‘thought’. A thought experiment is one you carry out in your head. In physics, the term gedanken experiment is used to refer to an experiment that is impractical to carry out, but useful to consider because it can be reasoned about theoretically. (A classic gedanken experiment of relativity theory involves thinking about a man in an elevator accelerating through space.) Gedanken experiments are very useful in physics, but must be used with care. It's too easy to idealize away some important aspect of the real world in constructing the ‘apparatus’.

Among hackers, accordingly, the word has a pejorative connotation. It is typically used of a project, especially one in artificial intelligence research, that is written up in grand detail (typically as a Ph.D. thesis) without ever being implemented to any great extent. Such a project is usually perpetrated by people who aren't very good hackers or find programming distasteful or are just in a hurry. A gedanken thesis is usually marked by an obvious lack of intuition about what is programmable and what is not, and about what does and does not constitute a clear specification of an algorithm.
Compressed sensing (also known as compressive sensing, compressive sampling, or sparse sampling) is a signal processing technique for efficiently acquiring and reconstructing a signal, by finding solutions to underdetermined linear systems.

Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra Through Applications to Computer Science
Book by Philip N. Klein

The National Ignition Facility (NIF), is a large laser-based inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research device, located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California. NIF uses lasers to heat and compress a small amount of hydrogen fuel with the goal of inducing nuclear fusion reactions. 
What did the Flaming lips say to the Red Hot Chili Peppers?

A bad neighbor is as great a calamity as a good one is a great advantage.
- Hesiod
(flourished c. 700 bc), one of the earliest Greek poets, often called the “father of Greek didactic poetry.”

The Department of Energy Science and Engineering (DESE) at the India Institute of Technology focuses on research and education for the development of sustainable energy systems for the future.

Magnetic storage innovations in a Kernel (operating system) as with Magnetic-core memory may involve the (ε, δ)-definition of limit being expressed as an epigraph or supergrap with Ultrafilter considerations of a Magnetic Dipole Moment concerning the Clock rate of a processor having Ferroelectric RAM (FeRAM, F-RAM or FRAM) innovations as Magnetic Domain considerations as Magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) and Spin-transfer torque memory as applied with Spintronics. Will Itô calculus, and Schubert calculus express Degenerate energy levels of a multiferroic molecular magnetic qubit? Core memory uses toroids (rings) of a hard magnetic material (usually a semi-hard ferrite) as transformer cores, where each wire threaded through the core serves as a transformer winding. Phase-change memory is a consideration as well. May De Broglie–Bohm theory express Time dilation in a Fock state as a Fokker–Planck equation by utilizing the Hartree–Fock method? (needle, as a stack pointer in the data register, hey stack)

Task Stack and Heap

The process stack or task stack is typically an area of prereserved main storage (system memory) that is used for return addresses, procedure arguments, temporarily saved registers, and locally allocated variables. 

IT is a PUSH, POP... a Stack machine

The main difference from other computers is that most of its instructions operate on a pushdown stack of numbers rather than numbers held in processor registers.  With a foreground as thread mode and handler mode as background the thread privilege level with Selenium-webdriver that is Switched-on skyrmions for ARM Cortex stacked with Arduino innovations for hardware and software as:

JavaScript | string.slice()

A call graph (also known as a call multigraph) is a control flow graph, which represents calling relationships between subroutines in a computer program. Each node represents a procedure and each edge (f, g) indicates that procedure f calls procedure g. Thus, a cycle in the graph indicates recursive procedure calls. SSI Synchronous Serial Interface: JS Node, Vector = Node, Torsion Tensor, Twistor Theory Span of a set of Vectors in Knot Theory:

Indexing, Slicing and Subsetting DataFrames in Python


Algorithm Efficiency

Pushdown on a control register stack pointer to address algorithmic efficiency as a property of an algorithm which relates to the number of computational resources used by the algorithm. Considerations of a Control register, stack pointer and call graph:

srcSlice: very efficient and scalable forward static slicing

A stack register is a computer central processor register whose purpose is to keep track of a call stack. A semaphore is a variable or abstract data type used to control access to a common resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system such as a multitasking operating system.

Procedure Parameters and Arguments (Visual Basic)

In computing, a procedural parameter is a parameter of a procedure that is itself a procedure. 



(Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS).

The philosophy of information (PI) is a branch of philosophy that studies topics relevant to computer science, information science and information technology. 

Collective unconscious (German: kollektives Unbewusstes) refers to structures of the unconscious mind which are shared among beings of the same species. The psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung proposed that everyone's personality contains elements of four major archetypes. These archetypes provide models for our behavior and influence the way we think and act. Jung labeled these archetypes the Self, the Persona, the Shadow and the Anima/Animus. Jung's idea of archetypes was based, in part, on Immanuel Kant's categories. Further:

Kant’s Transcendental Arguments and Kierkegaard's double mindedness are considerations for Gödel's ontological proof.

Category:Razors (philosophy) 

Category:Mathematics of computing

A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain.

Saving the RTOS Task Context

When it was first released in 1987, GCC 1.0 was named the GNU C Compiler since it only handled the C programming language.

Differences Between Parameters and Arguments (Visual Basic)

Basics of UART Communication

A universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART /ˈjuːɑːrt/) is a computer hardware device for asynchronous serial communication in which the data format and transmission speeds are configurable.

Atom, Archetype, and the Invention of Synchronicity: How Iconic Psychiatrist Carl Jung and Nobel-Winning Physicist Wolfgang Pauli Bridged Mind and Matter

Two of humanity’s greatest minds explore the parallels between spacetime and the psyche, the atomic nucleus and the self. 

SSI Synchronous Serial Interface

Haunted by His Brother, He Revolutionized Physics

To John Archibald Wheeler, the race to explain time was personal.

By Amanda Gefter
In atomic physics, the Rutherford–Bohr model or Bohr model, presented by Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford in 1913, is a system consisting of a small, dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons—similar to the structure of the Solar System, but with attraction provided by electrostatic forces in place of gravity.
A race condition or race hazard is the condition of an electronics, software, or other system where the system's substantive behavior is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events. It becomes a bug when one or more of the possible behaviors is undesirable.

Big O notation

A chronon is a proposed quantum of time, that is, a discrete and indivisible "unit" of time as part of a hypothesis that proposes that time is not continuous.
Time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two clocks, either due to them having a velocity relative to each other, or by there being a gravitational potential difference between their locations.


Szemerédi's theorem  

Filtration (probability theory)

Introduction to quantum mechanics 

Hüsker Dü  is Norwegian, for "Do You Remember?"

Noun. husker (plural huskers) One who husks (as one who removes the husks, leaves, from ears of corn). (US, slang) A fan or supporter of the Nebraska Cornhuskers, the sports teams of the University of Nebraska.

Delphinus is a constellation in the northern sky, close to the celestial equator. Its name is Latin for dolphin. The main asterism in Delphinus is Job's Coffin, nearly a 45°-apex lozenge diamond of the four brightest stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Delphini. It is bordered (clockwise from north) by Vulpecula the fox, Sagitta the arrow, Aquila the eagle, Aquarius the water-carrier, Equuleus the foal and Pegasus the flying horse.

St Hubert playing Q bert for absence of (love) a do good high/low score! St. Augustine's answer has been the most intellectually credible: privatio boni If the metaphor can be extended, and good and evil share the same asymmetry as light and darkness, evil can have no source, cannot be projected, and, of itself, can offer no resistance to any source of good, no matter how weak or distant. ... This evil is nothingness; so death is the absence of life.

I confess that altruistic and cynical selfish talk seem to me about equally unreal. With all humility, I think, Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. Infinitely more important than the vain attempt to love one's neighbor as one's self. If you want to hit a bird on the wing, you must have all your will in focus, you must not be thinking about yourself, and equally, you must not be thinking about your neighbor: you must be living in your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 

Sandia National Laboratories 
Secure and Sustainable Energy Future 

“Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.”

Thomas Aquinas


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