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Showing posts from July, 2020

Domain wall Magnetic Flux quantum Transylvanian T-symmetry Flux Pinning Gauge theory Matrix mechanics

Domain wall (magnetism) Magnetic flux quantum T-symmetry or time reversal symmetry is the theoretical symmetry of physical laws under the transformation of time reversal, Transylvania Flux pinning Gauge theory Matrix mechanics Reflection phase change Deep in the heart of Texas Cardiac action potential Cardiac muscle cell   Heart rate Potassium   Calcium  Sodium The universe might have a fundamental clock that ticks very, very fast Time could be the result of particles interacting with a ticking cosmic timepiece “Cosmic String” Gravitational Waves Could Solve Antimatter Mystery Physicists suspect spacetime ripples could explain why the universe is made of matter Quantum clock Dr. Who? 1 Quantum Computing Lecture 1   Anuj Dawar Shhh, the baby is sleeping Rydberg Formula He-man vs GI Joe in the People's Court by David V. B. Hirsch Quantum Magnetism   Penrose tiling and Senator Pen...